How will they rule ??!

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As if that one vote, on a bill he worked his a$$ off for & got the best bill the Dims have ever given Pubs, earns the rino label for one of the most conservative senators out there. What an asinine take. But you're just another consumed with blind anger.
If he worked his ass off for that abomination of a bill then the people of Oklahoma got screwed.
Yeah....kinda like how the Republicans trashed the border bill that would have greatly slowed down the massive leak but chose to listen to the orange idiot and play political games....just like he did with Covid.
Biden can't slow down the Asylum seekers without breaking existing law or scaring immigrants into not coming by taking their babies and putting kids in cages. That was Trump's great Asylum slow down.
How bout pass a damn law and take it out of the President's hands period.
Contact your Republican Rep if you want border law. Dems already tried to pass one. Republicans are the ones who are allowing open borders by refusing to pass laws against it.

They did, and while democrats sat on their ass for 2 years while controlling the entire govt, until title 42 ended, their only rebuttle was no we shouldn't fix asylum just make it where nothing exists...gotta virtue signal, you know

Talking about cages, you talking about the Obama built ones? Or are you talking about the concentration camps that have now been built in places like NYC, or the schools that have been taken from black communities now used to house?

Also when are you going to accept the overwhelming majority of these Asylum claims are bogus? And Biden 8 million executive orders have made it more difficult for legitimate claims to be seen. And under current law, the president is supposed to exclude illegal immigrants. Read that last line again.

Here’s the problem with the current bill that just got rejected:
“The deal seeks to toughen the “credible fear” standard that has been loosely applied to wave illegal immigrants en masse into the country. This would be a welcome change, but the bill creates a new process that bypasses the immigration courts and relies on notoriously open-handed asylum officers to make asylum determinations. It also dangles the prospect of expedited work permits, adding to the incentive for illegal immigrants to come here. The new asylum process is supposed to run much more quickly than the current system, but there’s every reason to believe it, too, will soon be overwhelmed.

The deal’s supposed end to “catch and release” doesn’t live up to its billing, since it gives the Homeland Security secretary the authority to send migrants to “Provisional Noncustodial Removal Proceedings” — in other words, to release them — if they express a fear of persecution or request asylum.”
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This is what happens when medical schools indoctrinate their students with pRoGrEsSiVe woke ideology. Most doctors are now apparently leftist lunatics.

So don't be surprised when you take your kid in for an ear ache and they want to cut off his d!ck.

It’s happening in all facets of higher education regardless of the degree.
As if that one vote, on a bill he worked his a$$ off for & got the best bill the Dims have ever given Pubs, earns the rino label for one of the most conservative senators out there. What an asinine take. But you're just another consumed with blind anger.

Ok…now take the next step. Why did your boy MM pick him? Cmon follow the bread crumbs you can do it.
What a load of crap, and libs eat it up by the shovel full

“…we don’t bear responsibility for a broken system, and we’re doing a tremendous amount within the system. But fundamentally, Congress is the only one who can fix it,” Mayorkas told NBC’s “Meet the Press.”
Ok…now take the next step. Why did your boy MM pick him? Cmon follow the bread crumbs you can do it.
To use your term: Duh.

Because he's a conservative that perhaps the extremists could accept results from. Of course appointing Romney had no chance.

Go look at any ranking on Senate ideology & he's in the 20 most conserve.
Here's one sick SOB for ya Trumpsters:

"Former President Donald Trump mocked fellow Republican presidential contender Nikki Haley during a speech Saturday by asking why her husband hasn't been on the campaign trail — even though he is deployed.

Michael Haley, who serves in the South Carolina Army National Guard, began his year-long deployment to Africa in June. He serves as a staff officer with the 218th Maneuver Enhancement Brigade."

Along the lines of mocking McCain for being captured by the North Vietnamese. He's just totally disrespectful of the military.

I think he’s mocking Haley for cheating on her husband, not for him being deployed overseas.

Aren’t the reports she cheated on her husband while he was deployed? Seems like you should be more mad about that, not Trump having no idea some annoying gnat’s husband is deployed.
To use your term: Duh.

Because he's a conservative that perhaps the extremists could accept results from. Of course appointing Romney had no chance.

Go look at any ranking on Senate ideology & he's in the 20 most conserve.

Maybe some ways, but he’s been a disaster in foreign policy including continually approving blank checks for the Ukraine sham (the Ukraine flag pin looks great on him btw), opposing Trumps tariffs on China, etc.

We won’t go into him thinking that 13 yos can consent to sex, unless you want to. Hardly a conservative position.
So if you have a massive water leak in your basement you need to cut the water off until you can do the repair. But you don’t have the proper tools so you’re just going to let it gush until you get the right tool? Even though the water shutoff valve is available? Smh
It depends. Do we need to sneak in thousands of fake ballots?
Yeah....kinda like how the Republicans trashed the border bill that would have greatly slowed down the massive leak but chose to listen to the orange idiot and play political games....just like he did with Covid.
Biden can't slow down the Asylum seekers without breaking existing law or scaring immigrants into not coming by taking their babies and putting kids in cages. That was Trump's great Asylum slow down.
How bout pass a damn law and take it out of the President's hands period.
Contact your Republican Rep if you want border law. Dems already tried to pass one. Republicans are the ones who are allowing open borders by refusing to pass laws against it.
Biden can turn the leak off and negotiate a better bill.

We’re not going to let you keep lying.
Even if he says immigrants need to stay in Mexico....if they refuse, cross the border and claim ASYLUM....there is nothing Biden can do about it.
That is why ASYLUM LAW needs to be passed by Republicans in Congress.
They had a chance but chose not to for political reasons.
New laws are the only remedy for this issue. Executive orders are temporary bandaids.
Biden could reinstate the remain in Mexico policy with an EO but he never would because it would be bad for politics with his left wing. It would be challenged in court by interest groups. We would hear about all of the immigrants who were killed, raped, attacked, etc by cartels in Mexico after they were returned. It would be a political firestorm for him. So he’d much rather have Congress pass legislation requiring tough changes.
Maybe some ways, but he’s been a disaster in foreign policy including continually approving blank checks for the Ukraine sham (the Ukraine flag pin looks great on him btw), opposing Trumps tariffs on China, etc.

We won’t go into him thinking that 13 yos can consent to sex, unless you want to. Hardly a conservative position.
There's no blank checks to U. It's something else made up in your head. Let me know who the perfect conserves are. BTW, with all the reasons you can't support someone, you're living in a very small tent.
I think he’s mocking Haley for cheating on her husband, not for him being deployed overseas.

Aren’t the reports she cheated on her husband while he was deployed? Seems like you should be more mad about that, not Trump having no idea some annoying gnat’s husband is deployed.
I was sure Trumpsters/anti-NHers would find a take to let Trump's military disrespect off the hook. No idea of NH's fidelity, but the idea Trump would attack someone else on such is another of his absurdities. Good grief. He gets worse by the moment.
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I was sure Trumpsters/anti-NHers would find a take to let Trump's military disrespect off the hook. No idea of NH's fidelity, but the idea Trump would attack someone else on such is another of his absurdities. Good grief. He gets worse by the moment.

Obviously Trump criticizing someone for infidelity is hypocrisy at its finest.

But it’s stupid to characterize what he did as disrespectful of the military.
There's no blank checks to U. It's something else made up in your head. Let me know who the perfect conserves are. BTW, with all the reasons you can't support someone, you're living in a very small tent.

I’m critical of those in government or government in general just as the founders intended for us to be especially those that are doing the opposite of what they claim they represent.

Blind allegiance just because there’s a (R) there is a dangerous position to hold.

“I signed and was responsible for the Music Modernization Act for Taylor Swift and all other Musical Artists. Joe Biden didn’t do anything for Taylor, and never will. There’s no way she could endorse Crooked Joe Biden, the worst and most corrupt President in the History of our Country, and be disloyal to the man who made her so much money. Besides that, I like her boyfriend, Travis, even though he may be a Liberal, and probably can’t stand me!”
Biden could reinstate the remain in Mexico policy with an EO but he never would because it would be bad for politics with his left wing. It would be challenged in court by interest groups. We would hear about all of the immigrants who were killed, raped, attacked, etc by cartels in Mexico after they were returned. It would be a political firestorm for him. So he’d much rather have Congress pass legislation requiring tough changes.
He’d get push back from his lunatic wing of the party, but all that other stuff WOULD NEVER happen until another republican stepped his first foot inside the White House.

See: kids in cages.
how are you going to balance the budget with such a small cut and lowering income taxes? You can't spur middle class growth and have a VAT tax. consumption taxes are monumentally regressive against the middle class. Lower class usually get rebates and upper class don;t care becasue they are rich and unaffected. 5% cuts i guess is a start but not even close to enough to tackle the deficit. the budget last year was 6 trillion, the deficit was 1.4 trillion. 5% is 300 billion. your still a trillion short not even accouting for lost revenue from a tax cut. And the 5% VAT wouldn't even cover 25% of the interest payments, you would be gaining no ground. Tackling the debt would require monumental long term cuts or long term economic growth with incrimental cuts. All of that doesn't even factor in world events. The south would see budget cuts of epic proportions, they are huge federal welfare queens. It would be a massive undertaking that would cost millions of federal and contractor jobs. This is why it has never been seriously tackled and never will be. Nobody has ever sucessfully campaigned on, "vote for me so i can fire millions of people and destroy the southern states services." Which leaves the only real option as freezing spending and finding a way to massively boost revenue intake over 10-20 years. and over that time not letting new administrations and congressmen ****ing it up. You could nationalize all US energy and use that revenue to pay off debt. lots of creative things could be done but never will because the debt is only a problem if its forced to be collected and these days the US itself owns like 80% of its debt.
What a load of crap, and libs eat it up by the shovel full

“…we don’t bear responsibility for a broken system, and we’re doing a tremendous amount within the system. But fundamentally, Congress is the only one who can fix it,” Mayorkas told NBC’s “Meet the Press.”
What a crock of utter shit, gaslighting and propaganda. The system was not broken the day Biden took office. Biden broke it on purpose.