How will they rule ??!

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Serious question... what voter in America is going to be swayed by a protest march anymore? I mean every week it's a new march and John Lewis sits in with them until he gets hungry and leaves. Rinse repeat.

I am a liberal to the core and yet I cannot stand the sight of a march because all I think of is voters that we need shutting down and refusing to listen. Exhausted by the endless griping. Do Republicans ever march? Seems to me like they handle their business in the House, Senate, White House, and Judiciary where it matters.

Sick of looking weak. Of being on the side of perpetual complainers. Pointless endless griping. Even when we have everything we still can't get shit done meanwhile the Republicans are successful even in the minority. It's like the whole Democratic Party is setup just to give the illusion of a voice when it always has been and always will be Republican ideas winning where it counts with us on the outside looking in. I am bitter and disillusioned and no longer believe in anything I am doing.
I don't honestly know what's happened to the democrat party. I would be disturbed by the potential of losing union support in what could possibly be a rebirth of American made products again. If we build here again unions will once again have leverage and you'll see an increase in union upstarts and memberships.

There was a time when both party's, for most part, shared in what was their core values in a traditional sense. They just disagreed on how to govern.

When I stand back and think about Trump. Hated by the uber wealthy, yet adored by the working class. Doesn't mind stating his social beliefs, but leaves it to others to govern themselves even in disagreement (see gay marriage). Champions infrastructure spending and isolation (see FDR). Throw in paid maternity leaves etc. News flash...he is a democrat as much as a republican in the way it was defined years ago.

What is being represented as the democrat party now isn't something anyone should recognize and it's probably shameful and silly to an older democrat.
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Serious question... what voter in America is going to be swayed by a protest march anymore?

None. It generates zero support except for votes the party already had. At the same time, it completely alienates most all moderate supporters; like those in all important Midwestern states.

If we learned anything from the trump win, it is that sjw tactics don't work. Many moderates nodded their head in agreement with sjws, but they used the voice that counted and pulled the lever for trump. Marches etc just amplify that result. Midterm elections could be a blood bath
Not sure I'd point out how a company, which the Saudi Sovereign wealth fund owns a relatively sizeable portion of, seized upon the opportunity of outrage over a ban of travelers and refugees from terrorist supporters and hot beds, which strangely excluded Saudi Arabia, to generate revenue for its investors.
Yeah because Trump's master plan behind stricter immigration is to help Saudi Arabia get rich off of Uber.

And they didn't strangely get left off. Instead of writing and introducing a new law, Trump signed an EO to enforce a law already on the books. That was the fastest and most effective way to get this in motion.

That law already on the books just so happened to exclude Saudi Arabia. They were only excluded out of convenience to start the process asap, not because of some master plan to help Uber.
The ban is necessary for a few logical reasons.

1- we are terrible at figuring out who is coming in our country. This is the root of the problem.
2- as we take back our business in America the hate will increase as our image gets back to the America on top of the world vs the last 24 years where the goal was America sharing with the world.
3- the only fix is to vet these people in their country and I doubt we set up an intelligence office in these countries.

One other reason: It's one thing for immigrants to want to come here because they love our culture and want to live the American lifestyle. The problem with refugees is this...they likely had no problem with their lifestyle..muslim, whatever...they simply want to move here for safety. The motivation to change to the American culture/lifestyle is not necessarily there.
1) the media should be honest and truthful at all times.

2) it isn't calming down any lunatics. It's actually doing the opposite, just as intended.

The msm has clearly come out of the closet in the last couple of weeks. At least in the past, they tried to present a semblance of honesty, truthfulness and lack of bias. That's not the case now. With the exception of FOX EVERY news show seems to present each Trump initiative in a negative light.
^ the left has somehow bastardized what "melting pot" was supposed to mean come hear and adopt the (wildly successful) American culture. That's not what Ds want, they want crap like protesters waving Mexican flags or signs with women wearing a blue and white hajib......well, that's shit is played out and Americans are done with it.

Got eeeeeeem. Bye.

It legit pisses me off to think about the extent our laws have been ignored over the past several years; not just the last 8, in hopes of political gain.

Who knows how many criminals here illegally walked out of jails, etc over the years. Number is almost certainly astronomical.

Everyone that played a part in ignoring this man's retainer should be prosecuted. Immediately.

He will this week. You can book it.

Yep. Colbert show appearance probably
That 'i told you so' moment is not too far out.

Now we've got Drumpf aides calling Goldman and Citigroup research for investors 'fake news' because it doesn't fit the Trump narrative. I love it. Drumpf and his lackeys will be lucky to make it to the end of the year at this rate.

I'm sure Drumpf is thinking of some war he can start to change the subject. Congrats America, you're a Banana Republic. But yes, keep thinking this is about 'losing an election'. Moderate Republicans are quickly learning that they've made a huge mistake. I know several and they are as shocked as liberals.

Drumpf is governing like he got 90% of the votes, not less than his opponent. Or that he won because she wasn't exciting enough to get her base out. Of course with a little help from his owners in Russia. Quit acting like some record number of people voted for him or that he won in a landslide. That's the problem here. He thinks he can ignore the Constitution.

And yes, keep blaming 'Soros' for this. I guess it's easier to ignore that way, just like you love to ignore facts and science.
That 'i told you so' moment is not too far out.

Now we've got Drumpf aides calling Goldman and Citigroup research for investors 'fake news' because it doesn't fit the Trump narrative. I love it. Drumpf and his lackeys will be lucky to make it to the end of the year at this rate.

I'm sure Drumpf is thinking of some war he can start to change the subject. Congrats America, you're a Banana Republic. But yes, keep thinking this is about 'losing an election'. Moderate Republicans are quickly learning that they've made a huge mistake. I know several and they are as shocked as liberals.

Drumpf is governing like he got 90% of the votes, not less than his opponent. Or that he won because she wasn't exciting enough to get her base out. Of course with a little help from his owners in Russia. Quit acting like some record number of people voted for him or that he won in a landslide. That's the problem here. He thinks he can ignore the Constitution.

And yes, keep blaming 'Soros' for this. I guess it's easier to ignore that way, just like you love to ignore facts and science.
You can look at House and Senate seats as well as governorships and you'll realize it's more than just Trump beating Hillary. People are sick of lunacy and hopefully the democrat party responds appropriately and the country having two viable options will be the outcome.

I think the countless attention given to men with tits (for instance) and their rights and constant race baiting has taken its toll.
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Call us snowflakes yet you guys are the ones scared of your own shadows. If you encounter someone darker than a snowflake you retreat to your bunkers.

Fact is Obama and DHS had a very strict vetting process that has worked. I'm guessing Drumpf never even took the time to actually review it. Handled it like the dope he is. I just can't wait for the first real disaster and see how that goes.

When you elect someone who is simply unprepared and unqualified to run a country this is what you get.

I believe it was Republicans who brought this attention with their countless and unnecessary bathroom bills, gay bashing, etc. You can't just let people live their lives.

And we all know the only reason Republicans have the House is gerrymandering.

I guess we'll find out in 2018, that is if this country is still around then. There are now actually more democratic, less oppressive places for businesses and citizens to live. As long as America continues to think it's the only game in town and can do whatever it wants, this trend will only grow.

All the bullshit about 'city on the hill' and our great moral authority is just that. I mean it was always bullshit but now it's laid bare for everyone to see.
Congrats America, you're a Banana Republic.
Congrats, cardkilla. You are part of the extremely vocal, extremely unhinged extreme minority, and your butthurt rants always assure us that the president is doing what he promised the electorate he would do.
Call us snowflakes yet you guys are the ones scared of your own shadows. If you encounter someone darker than a snowflake you retreat to your bunkers.

Fact is Obama and DHS had a very strict vetting process that has worked. I'm guessing Drumpf never even took the time to actually review it. Handled it like the dope he is. I just can't wait for the first real disaster and see how that goes.

When you elect someone who is simply unprepared and unqualified to run a country this is what you get.

I believe it was Republicans who brought this attention with their countless and unnecessary bathroom bills, gay bashing, etc. You can't just let people live their lives.

And we all know the only reason Republicans have the House is gerrymandering.

I guess we'll find out in 2018, that is if this country is still around then. There are now actually more democratic, less oppressive places for businesses and citizens to live. As long as America continues to think it's the only game in town and can do whatever it wants, this trend will only grow.

All the bullshit about 'city on the hill' and our great moral authority is just that. I mean it was always bullshit but now it's laid bare for everyone to see.

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That 'i told you so' moment is not too far out.

Now we've got Drumpf aides calling Goldman and Citigroup research for investors 'fake news' because it doesn't fit the Trump narrative. I love it. Drumpf and his lackeys will be lucky to make it to the end of the year at this rate.

I'm sure Drumpf is thinking of some war he can start to change the subject. Congrats America, you're a Banana Republic. But yes, keep thinking this is about 'losing an election'. Moderate Republicans are quickly learning that they've made a huge mistake. I know several and they are as shocked as liberals.

Drumpf is governing like he got 90% of the votes, not less than his opponent. Or that he won because she wasn't exciting enough to get her base out. Of course with a little help from his owners in Russia. Quit acting like some record number of people voted for him or that he won in a landslide. That's the problem here. He thinks he can ignore the Constitution.

And yes, keep blaming 'Soros' for this. I guess it's easier to ignore that way, just like you love to ignore facts and science.

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Cardkilla routing for a disaster while Trump is President. Pretty sick of you Cardkilla.
A natural or man made disaster is a given over the next 4 years, so I'm not 'hoping' for one but one will happen. And Drumpf will probably prove inept at dealing with it. He couldn't even coordinate his Muslim ban properly.

Did he even say anything about the recent tornadoes? Oh no, he was probably too busy patting himself on the back or watching Faux News. Because you know Obama was supposed to say something after every single tragedy the last 8 years. Unless of course it happened to a minority.

Obama and Drumpf aren't even in the same league, or playing the same sport. Obama showed what class and dignity from a President looks like. His policies didn't 'destroy' this country as you all predicted, he didn't take away your guns or your bibles. But I bet Drumpf has no problem doing that if he needs to.
President Trump says that it is not safe to accept certain kinds of refugees without “extreme vetting” that he has yet to detail. So he has now banned people from seven countries, including Syria, which I fled with my family in 2014. But we were thoroughly vetted before we came here, just like other refugees — exhaustively, endlessly vetted. We are not terrorists. And if we’d been stopped from coming here, we would be suffering horribly right now.

When our 7-day-old son died while receiving treatment for jaundice in a Damascus hospital, my husband and I decided to flee the country with our daughters. (I described the experience in an essay for The Post, parts of which are adapted here.) We ended up in a cramped apartment in Tripoli, Lebanon, where we soon spent our savings; we were living hand-to-mouth.

After a year, I received a call from the United Nations asking if my family would like to resettle somewhere else. Based on our documents, stories and circumstances — our large family, five girls, my husband’s potential as a healthy worker — we had been deemed eligible to apply for refugee status.

We could not return home to Syria. We could not continue living on the brink of starvation in Lebanon. A safe option was available: We began the application process to come to the United States.

The process started with a series of meetings with U.S. government representatives — at least five in-person interviews with each of us and countless phone conversations. The questions were very detailed: about my family, my friends, how I spent my time. The interviewers often knew the answers to the questions before they asked them. They asked about my life going back to the day I was born; they even knew the location of the hospital. My story is my story, so I knew that the details would match their information. But I was stunned by the level of scrutiny and the length of the process.

Each member of the family told their story, and those stories had to be consistent with interviews given by other people who knew us. If our answers didn’t match information U.S. officials already had, or if they couldn’t validate our information, we didn’t progress to the next step. I had only a glimmer of hope that this would work — and that we could have a safe life for my daughters. We lived on that hope.

Finally, more than a year after we began applying and more than two years after we fled Damascus, we were cleared in December 2014 to resettle in Baltimore. We had $30 for the journey. During an airport layover in Germany, I bought a drink and, without realizing it, spent a third of our savings on a $10 bottle of water. My husband joked that now we were really finished and should just turn back.

We, too, have been appalled by the Islamic State’s terrorist attacks around the world, and we condemn them wholeheartedly. My family and I lived through horrific acts like these. I believe the screening we underwent was so intense, so thorough and so long that it would be impossible for militants to come here.

Now my daughters, who previously spoke no English, are in school, and my husband has a good job as a driver for a clothing company. My biggest dream is for them to have a good education and good careers, and for us to be part of this society: to learn the language, to do something productive, to integrate. That’s exactly what Trump believes is impossible.

If we hadn’t been able to come here, we would have been stuck. My parents and siblings are still in Tripoli, and they say the situation is so bad that you can’t imagine it. There’s no work, the rent for houses is unaffordable and half the people are supported by the U.N. There is little medical assistance, and people who get sick don’t have money for medicine. The situation is very bad. It is like this in other refugee destinations, too — in Jordan, Turkey and Egypt.

Things in Damascus, my hometown, are even worse. My sister still lives there with her sick husband and five children; we talk by WhatsApp every once in a while. They go four or five days without eating, even though she was recently pregnant. Because there are few doctors (and the ones that remain cost too much money), my sister gave birth by herself at home seven days ago. She isn’t well-nourished enough to nurse the little girl, so they’ve begun cooking rice kernels and feeding them to the infant. They are going to lose the baby if they keep that up, but it’s really hard to see your kid starve to death in front of you, so what are they supposed to do?

Trump says he wants to fight terrorism, but instead he’s fighting the victims of terrorism. I want to ask him: If America is based on diverse people from different cultures and countries, what right do you have to tell suffering Muslims that they are unwelcome. Even your wife is an immigrant! Is it because she’s not from a Muslim country?
Yes, I'm sure children and mothers aren't in the FBI's database yet [roll]

Are you just stupid? I'm not sure if I'm arguing with a special needs person at this point - honest question. You think the refugees/immigrants from the Middle East are vetted via an FBI database?

Also about 1/4 of Syrian refugees are males 18-50. Good to know we're letting them in without doing any background checks, other than knowing they're not Christian
^ what's your point, killa?

This is a 90-120 day thing for what, all of these countries or at least 6 of 7. Trump admin is going to set their guidelines and questioning.

Anything happens after they set their requirements, they have to own it. Don't think it would be an acceptable excuse to say "well the Syrian refugee said she was thoroughly vetted, and the Obama admin said it was going OK!" After some attack that could've been prevented.

Obama admin had to do a reset of their own requirements in 2011. They just avoided an announcement and danced around questions when asked what was going on with the Iraqi refugee program.