How will they rule ??!

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Are you just stupid? I'm not sure if I'm arguing with a special needs person at this point - honest question. You think the refugees/immigrants from the Middle East are vetted via an FBI database?

Also about 1/4 of Syrian refugees are males 18-50. Good to know we're letting them in without doing any background checks, other than knowing they're not Christian
Hypocrisy at its finest.
President Trump says that it is not safe to accept certain kinds of refugees without “extreme vetting” that he has yet to detail. So he has now banned people from seven countries, including Syria, which I fled with my family in 2014. But we were thoroughly vetted before we came here, just like other refugees — exhaustively, endlessly vetted. We are not terrorists. And if we’d been stopped from coming here, we would be suffering horribly right now.

When our 7-day-old son died while receiving treatment for jaundice in a Damascus hospital, my husband and I decided to flee the country with our daughters. (I described the experience in an essay for The Post, parts of which are adapted here.) We ended up in a cramped apartment in Tripoli, Lebanon, where we soon spent our savings; we were living hand-to-mouth.

After a year, I received a call from the United Nations asking if my family would like to resettle somewhere else. Based on our documents, stories and circumstances — our large family, five girls, my husband’s potential as a healthy worker — we had been deemed eligible to apply for refugee status.

We could not return home to Syria. We could not continue living on the brink of starvation in Lebanon. A safe option was available: We began the application process to come to the United States.

The process started with a series of meetings with U.S. government representatives — at least five in-person interviews with each of us and countless phone conversations. The questions were very detailed: about my family, my friends, how I spent my time. The interviewers often knew the answers to the questions before they asked them. They asked about my life going back to the day I was born; they even knew the location of the hospital. My story is my story, so I knew that the details would match their information. But I was stunned by the level of scrutiny and the length of the process.

Each member of the family told their story, and those stories had to be consistent with interviews given by other people who knew us. If our answers didn’t match information U.S. officials already had, or if they couldn’t validate our information, we didn’t progress to the next step. I had only a glimmer of hope that this would work — and that we could have a safe life for my daughters. We lived on that hope.

Finally, more than a year after we began applying and more than two years after we fled Damascus, we were cleared in December 2014 to resettle in Baltimore. We had $30 for the journey. During an airport layover in Germany, I bought a drink and, without realizing it, spent a third of our savings on a $10 bottle of water. My husband joked that now we were really finished and should just turn back.

We, too, have been appalled by the Islamic State’s terrorist attacks around the world, and we condemn them wholeheartedly. My family and I lived through horrific acts like these. I believe the screening we underwent was so intense, so thorough and so long that it would be impossible for militants to come here.

Now my daughters, who previously spoke no English, are in school, and my husband has a good job as a driver for a clothing company. My biggest dream is for them to have a good education and good careers, and for us to be part of this society: to learn the language, to do something productive, to integrate. That’s exactly what Trump believes is impossible.

If we hadn’t been able to come here, we would have been stuck. My parents and siblings are still in Tripoli, and they say the situation is so bad that you can’t imagine it. There’s no work, the rent for houses is unaffordable and half the people are supported by the U.N. There is little medical assistance, and people who get sick don’t have money for medicine. The situation is very bad. It is like this in other refugee destinations, too — in Jordan, Turkey and Egypt.

Things in Damascus, my hometown, are even worse. My sister still lives there with her sick husband and five children; we talk by WhatsApp every once in a while. They go four or five days without eating, even though she was recently pregnant. Because there are few doctors (and the ones that remain cost too much money), my sister gave birth by herself at home seven days ago. She isn’t well-nourished enough to nurse the little girl, so they’ve begun cooking rice kernels and feeding them to the infant. They are going to lose the baby if they keep that up, but it’s really hard to see your kid starve to death in front of you, so what are they supposed to do?

Trump says he wants to fight terrorism, but instead he’s fighting the victims of terrorism. I want to ask him: If America is based on diverse people from different cultures and countries, what right do you have to tell suffering Muslims that they are unwelcome. Even your wife is an immigrant! Is it because she’s not from a Muslim country?
Actually, you can't support what Obama did and then totally Blame it on Trump. The Drone president bombed 5 of these 7 countries on the ban lost non stop and put severe sanctions on the other 2. Obama's foreign policy is precedent for what Trump just did and he took it to excess. Obama just coated it in butterflies and feelings. Saudia Arabia, Qatar, UAE etc are left off mostly bc even with tyrannical governments they are allies to the US....look how much the Saudis donated to HRC. In effect Obama's foreign policy was to bomb the hell out of ppl and make chaotic areas unstable, so alot of the things that are coming out aren't even new it's just actually covered. The aclu opposed obama but it got no coverage or support as liberals just remained quiet or even supported it. Ppl need to stop treating their political party like it's a sports team to cheer for and just cheer for whatever they do. So my question is why didn't you step up with the progression to this? Why only now, do you speak up?
While the whole argument over labor participation rate has been back the last few days, I find it necessary to remind everyone that the resident idiot that is now predicting the downfall of America claimed that 16 year old high school students were included in the calculations. [roll][jumpingsmile][laughing]
Not sure where you're seeing a decrease less than .01%. It's decreasing by 100 bps (a decrease of 1 pct pt), or a total decrease of 1.5% using 2002 as the base. If we're using your understanding of the graph, the labor participation rate only decrease .03%. That's incorrect, it dropped by about 350 bps, with two thirds of that happening during the Great Recession and subsequent economic malaise.

It's not a convenient fact that the labor participation rate is impacted by our aging population and baby boomers calling it quits, it's simply a fact. Like I said, we had solid economic growth from 2002 to 2007, yet we still experienced a drop of the labor participation rate. There's obviously something else going on there. I'm also associating the majority of the decrease from 2008 to the economic environment of the time.

Ha! Cute! I LOVE how you speak in absolutes! I'll provide the rebuttal in regards to age below in bold; however, Forbes has quite a different perception than you. Keep in mind, overall, the real GDP growth rate for the Obama economy has been right at 2% – the worst economic recovery since World War II, according to the congressional research service. There has not been a single year under Obama in which the annual growth rate has been at 3%, which is unprecedented for an American president.

You're ignoring the following fact that the number of jobs created under the Obama economy has NOT kept up with the working age population. Obama has claimed that there have been nearly 15 million jobs in the private sector created, and if that number is taken at face value, it doesn't quite come close to the growth of the working age population of 15.8 million at around the same time frame. But the job gap is likely worse than that!

According to his administration and MSM, Obama's 15 million job increase is based on the number of jobs created since February 2010, when the economy was at "rock bottom." From that point, there has been an estimated 5.6 million increase in private-sector jobs while the working age population increased by over 20 million–creating a job gap of more than 14 million.

Oh, there has also been a HUGE decline in business startups and investments as well. There has been a decline of "entrepreneurial activity" from 14% in 2014 to 12% in 2015, when the four preceding years featured positive growth. In May 2015, The Wall Street Journal described capital investment as "historically weak," citing the burdensome corporate tax rates and regulations as the reason for the weak amount of investment. This is an important metric since investment is one of the key forces behind economic growth.
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What the hell is there something wrong with my avatar now?

First S&C gets obliterated, then my avatar is out of bounds.

This is ridiculous.
Yes, I'm sure children and mothers aren't in the FBI's database yet [roll]

Here, since you're the greatest humanitarian the world has ever seen, and care so much for these people that you're personally willing to put everyones family in jeopardy, practice what you preach. After all, it's just "women and children". YOU take some in.





Here ya go Mr. beta, let's see those ovaries in action. Your name wouldn't be White Goodman would it?

Making an Impact: Three Ways to Host Refugees ://

Ha! Cute! I'll provide the rebuttal in regards to age below in bold; however, Forbes gives quite a different perception than you. Keep in mind, overall, the real GDP growth rate for the Obama economy has been right at 2% – the worst economic recovery since World War II, according to the congressional research service. There has not been a single year under Obama in which the annual growth rate has been at 3%, which is unprecedented for an American president.

You're ignoring the following fact that the number of jobs created under the Obama economy has not kept up with the working age population. Obama has claimed that there have been nearly 15 million jobs in the private sector created, and if that number is taken at face value, it doesn't quite come close to the growth of the working age population of 15.8 million at around the same time frame. But the job gap is likely worse than that!

According to his administration and MSM, Obama's 15 million job increase is based on the number of jobs created since February 2010, when the economy was at "rock bottom." From that point, there has been an estimated 5.6 million increase in private-sector jobs while the working age population increased by over 20 million–creating a job gap of more than 14 million.

Oh, there has been a HUGE decline in business startups and investments as well. There has been a decline of "entrepreneurial activity" from 14% in 2014 to 12% in 2015, when the four preceding years featured positive growth. In May 2015, The Wall Street Journal described capital investment as "historically weak," citing the burdensome corporate tax rates and regulations as the reason for the weak amount of investment. This is an important metric since investment is one of the key forces behind economic growth.

Spot on and this is why liberals have lost over 1,000 seats combined since Obama came into office. The reality doesn't jive with the propaganda that the media and Democrats spit out to people during the process. Everyone sees it. The country has been pushing for the end for a while. I've always maintained, based on observation, that Obama was re-elected in large part because he was the first AA president. The country really wanted to give that. Imagine the Obama white house with a white face? You've basically got Jimmy Carter with less media awareness or objectivity. It's not hard to believe either, if objective. Less African Americans showed, and more broke for Trump than Romney. Something between 2,000 and 3,000 counties that were Obama voters broke for Trump, a man on the completely opposite end of the spectrum. But even exit polling was off in some areas, as well as polling data being completely useless the entire election. It pretty much proves the country did not like Obama policies, but liked the idea of having the first black president, and probably likes his personality as well. Democrats were using Saul Alinsky tactics and it was working. Whites were totally being guilted into supporting a failed administration. The mistake made was running Hillary, someone everyone could rally against. coupled with Obama policy on her table, it wasnt going to happen.

The "popular vote" media and liberal driven narrative is just more propaganda. the media's divisive tactics in this election created the country to literally split around the coast. Coupled with the issue of the left going alt left, it created a huge number of californians and new yorkers to come out of the woodwork and vote against Trump. He won a landslide state to state. Thank god we are a republic and not an anarchist and mob rule democratic society. It protects the people from a few big states dictating everything.

But there is a major mandate across the country against the Obama / alt left / globalist / Western European policy that has become the liberal platform since around 2006. The facts are the facts.
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Is there anyway for all the anarchist, socialist, gay protesters, 2017 liberals, and liberal policies and politicians to just go on to California and run their own country? I have absolutely no problem with it. Pro American people, gun owners, traditionalist, constitutionalist etc won't try and stop 'em. No California tax dollars will go to the rest of us. Fine with that. They can have all of the immigration they want, and when they fill up, I'll even lobby my congressman to give 'em Oregon. If that fills, they can have Washington. Why doesn't America just understand this isn't going to work for these people. Give them their own nation, and let's watch 'em sink to the bottom.

Conservatives and traditionalist / constitutionalist don't need the left, at all. But the lefts absolutely needs the right. That's why they'd never do it. Never the money where the mouth runs.
Is there anyway for all the anarchist, socialist, gay protesters, 2017 liberals, and liberal policies and politicians to just go on to California and run their own country? I have absolutely no problem with it. Pro American people, gun owners, traditionalist, constitutionalist etc won't try and stop 'em. No California tax dollars will go to the rest of us. Fine with that. They can have all of the immigration they want, and when they fill up, I'll even lobby my congressman to give 'em Oregon. If that fills, they can have Washington. Why doesn't America just understand this isn't going to work for these people. Give them their own nation, and let's watch 'em sink to the bottom.

Conservatives and traditionalist / constitutionalist don't need the left, at all. But the lefts absolutely needs the right. That's why they'd never do it. Never the money where the mouth runs.

Need to be able to steal from someone to give all of the handouts they promise to illegals and deadbeats.

As for the Canada stuff, I love that it's somehow an "American issue." BTW, Muslims will play that helpless snake role that the left allows and will bite like they always do.
That 'i told you so' moment is not too far out.

Now we've got Drumpf aides calling Goldman and Citigroup research for investors 'fake news' because it doesn't fit the Trump narrative. I love it. Drumpf and his lackeys will be lucky to make it to the end of the year at this rate.

I'm sure Drumpf is thinking of some war he can start to change the subject. Congrats America, you're a Banana Republic. But yes, keep thinking this is about 'losing an election'. Moderate Republicans are quickly learning that they've made a huge mistake. I know several and they are as shocked as liberals.

Drumpf is governing like he got 90% of the votes, not less than his opponent. Or that he won because she wasn't exciting enough to get her base out. Of course with a little help from his owners in Russia. Quit acting like some record number of people voted for him or that he won in a landslide. That's the problem here. He thinks he can ignore the Constitution.

And yes, keep blaming 'Soros' for this. I guess it's easier to ignore that way, just like you love to ignore facts and science.
You are dumb. And I mean really, really, really dumb if you believe any of that nonsense.
[laughing] The ME taxi drivers in NY also protested yesterday by striking and not taking passengers leaving JFK. Uber seized on the opportunity, turned off its surge pricing at JFK, and had their drivers come in and pick everyone up.

Now all of the easily offended are boycotting Uber, complaining that by giving people a ride home from the airport, the Uber company is xenophobic, Muslim hating racists.

People need to realize that the left uses labels , names and bullying like this to get what they want and to get us to submit. People need to stop being afraid of being called the left's buzzwords.
Need to be able to steal from someone to give all of the handouts they promise to illegals and deadbeats.

As for the Canada stuff, I love that it's somehow an "American issue." BTW, Muslims will play that helpless snake role that the left allows and will bite like they always do.

I truly believe in the coming years, probably soon, we will see a church attacked. Reading and researching some of the goals of ISIS and other militant groups, I've seen this goal appear several times. If an organized attack on a sizable church happens, killing many children in gruesome ways, this country will erupt. That silent majority will shut the progressive left down for another 30 years just like they did after the Vietnam war and anti-military protest.

It's all cool and hip, somewhat in style of us to pretend we're all the Beatles and love everything and everyone; sort of pretend life is a butterfly with cross culture mutations and genderless reproductive organs. F it, throw a protest or two. Maybe flirt with socialism or entertain what it would be like to be communist. All of that fun, interesting, care free liberal shit. But when the shit hits the fan, and hard, people want conservative and responsible thinkers in charge. If an incident of this magnitude happens at the hands of a refugee, the democrats just bought another half a century as the ass end of every joke again.
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You are dumb. And I mean really, really, really dumb if you believe any of that nonsense.

It's intimidatingly frightening how serious they are.

also @warrior-cat You remember the time when Boomer kids all went gay and hippie, maybe communist in college, only to come out of it when they experienced the real world and smartened up?When they realized the world cannot be and isn't the way they believed it was while young and liberal?

I truly do not believe this age of alt left liberals will come out of it. I just hit my 30's, and these younger liberals around college age are vastly different than even my immediate generation.

I think parents who are tolerant to their children choosing to be alt left aren't understanding where we are politically and ideologically in this country. Liberals today are like going full retard, I'm not sure there's a way back anymore.
Just visited the CNN website. They might as well don a skirt and pompoms as much cheerleading as they are doing for the left. And you know they are doing their very best to rally the opposition given Trump's very public criticisms of CNN.
News - Mass shooting at a mosque in Quebec. Several injured, dead.

Liberals - This is all Trump's fault. His islamophobic rhetoric is dangerous. We warned you this would happen. Words matter.

News - New reports just in that several witnesses on the scene are saying the shooters were shouting "alluah akbar!".

Liberals - Calm down everyone. It's best to wait for all the information to come out. Let's not jump to conclusions.
News - Mass shooting at a mosque in Quebec. Several injured, dead.

Liberals - This is all Trump's fault. His islamophobic rhetoric is dangerous. We warned you this would happen. Words matter.

News - New reports just in that several witnesses on the scene are saying the shooters were shouting "alluah akbar!".

Liberals - Calm down everyone. It's best to wait for all the information to come out. Let's not jump to conclusions.
Reports are it was 2 Syrian refugees.

Trumps refugee ban looks pretty good right now.
Call us snowflakes yet you guys are the ones scared of your own shadows. If you encounter someone darker than a snowflake you retreat to your bunkers.

Fact is Obama and DHS had a very strict vetting process that has worked. I'm guessing Drumpf never even took the time to actually review it. Handled it like the dope he is. I just can't wait for the first real disaster and see how that goes.

When you elect someone who is simply unprepared and unqualified to run a country this is what you get.

I believe it was Republicans who brought this attention with their countless and unnecessary bathroom bills, gay bashing, etc. You can't just let people live their lives.

And we all know the only reason Republicans have the House is gerrymandering.

I guess we'll find out in 2018, that is if this country is still around then. There are now actually more democratic, less oppressive places for businesses and citizens to live. As long as America continues to think it's the only game in town and can do whatever it wants, this trend will only grow.

All the bullshit about 'city on the hill' and our great moral authority is just that. I mean it was always bullshit but now it's laid bare for everyone to see.
Wrong on so many levels to comment but, Obama's own people said there was no way to vett these people properly under the current policies. Stop lying! My God your'e insufferable.
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I just can't wait for the first real disaster and see how that goes.

Man you really are a low life piece of shit. I think I speak for everyone here when I say hopefully you're at ground zero of the disaster you "can't wait" for.

What a cocksucker.

Take the rest of your pussy radical left echo chamber whining and shove it up your ass.
The bombing disruptions and disabling of the countries on the list is much worse than we thought. Trump is getting his intel. Obama politicized every government agency. The Iraqis that helped the US should be double vetted. The Syrians that want to come in are the "rebels" that we have been warned about. Wikileaks, Canadian reporters, Tulsi Gabbard, and several other reports not in the Lame Stream Media gave us proof of the security clearances that are needed. Yeah sure there are some women and children caught up in this but who is to say they are not the family of "rebels". The "rebels" are ISIS period.
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A natural or man made disaster is a given over the next 4 years, so I'm not 'hoping' for one but one will happen. And Drumpf will probably prove inept at dealing with it. He couldn't even coordinate his Muslim ban properly.

Did he even say anything about the recent tornadoes? Oh no, he was probably too busy patting himself on the back or watching Faux News. Because you know Obama was supposed to say something after every single tragedy the last 8 years. Unless of course it happened to a minority.

Obama and Drumpf aren't even in the same league, or playing the same sport. Obama showed what class and dignity from a President looks like. His policies didn't 'destroy' this country as you all predicted, he didn't take away your guns or your bibles. But I bet Drumpf has no problem doing that if he needs to.
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This is gold. Dick Cheney is against the "muslim ban". About the 19:45 minute mark.

"Cheney called Trump's plan a "mistaken notion" and said to solve refugee and immigration problems, the U.S. must examine why they need to leave their countries in the first place."

LOL- Yeah. Dick Cheney is saying that.

This pretty much seals the deal that establishment Repubs with establishment Dems are in bed together.
"Cheney called Trump's plan a "mistaken notion" and said to solve refugee and immigration problems, the U.S. must examine why they need to leave their countries in the first place."

LOL- Yeah. Dick Cheney is saying that.
I agree that's true except "mistaken notion". No one is willing to do what it takes to stop the refugee problem: take out ISIS & Assad in Syria & perhaps even more. Net, you're left with dealing with the problem as best you can.

Where Cheney is wrong imo is thinking Trump thinks his plan stops the refugee problem. Instead Trump sees his plan as dealing with the problem as best he can for the USA.
I agree that's true except "mistaken notion". No one is willing to do what it takes to stop the refugee problem: take out ISIS & Assad in Syria & perhaps even more. Net, you're left with dealing with the problem as best you can.

Where Cheney is wrong imo is thinking Trump thinks his plan stops the refugee problem. Instead Trump sees his plan as dealing with the problem as best he can for the USA.

I guess where I was getting. It takes a lot of balls for Dick Cheney to say that "America should examine why these people are leaving in the first place". Talk about hypocrisy.

Dick Cheney pro war forever. Now that Trump is in "let's see why".
That 'i told you so' moment is not too far out.

Now we've got Drumpf aides calling Goldman and Citigroup research for investors 'fake news' because it doesn't fit the Trump narrative. I love it. Drumpf and his lackeys will be lucky to make it to the end of the year at this rate.

I'm sure Drumpf is thinking of some war he can start to change the subject. Congrats America, you're a Banana Republic. But yes, keep thinking this is about 'losing an election'. Moderate Republicans are quickly learning that they've made a huge mistake. I know several and they are as shocked as liberals.

Drumpf is governing like he got 90% of the votes, not less than his opponent. Or that he won because she wasn't exciting enough to get her base out. Of course with a little help from his owners in Russia. Quit acting like some record number of people voted for him or that he won in a landslide. That's the problem here. He thinks he can ignore the Constitution.

And yes, keep blaming 'Soros' for this. I guess it's easier to ignore that way, just like you love to ignore facts and science.
You've got a thing for this Drumpf spelling. Net, given your attitudes, you must think it's a hit on Trump. Me, my German surname also was Anglicized. I'm proud of both forms. Why wouldn't our President be? Many, many other Americans' names changed when the came here. You against all immigrants? Net, the loser, again, is you.
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When you elect someone who is simply unprepared and unqualified to run a country this is what you get.

I believe it was Republicans who brought this attention with their countless and unnecessary bathroom bills, gay bashing, etc. You can't just let people live their lives.
Trump seems very prepared to me. He knows what he wants to do & is doing it. You don't like it so all you got is to say he's unprepared, unqualified.

As for letting people live their lives, who stopped people from deciding who they'll make wedding cakes for and take photographs for? Who told nuns they needed birth control & abortion funding in their health care plans. Who's fining people for not having health insurance? Who didn't let people keep their health insurance? You're hilarious.
We elected a community organizer who had basically no political experience other than running for office...

He spent his first few months apologizing to anyone who would listen, for how bad America has been to everyone in the past...then squandered his 1st term on his signature health plan.

So, yea, "electing someone who is unprepared & unqualified" can be a problem.