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20% tax is full of the dumb.

Just as we on the right has said corporations don't pay taxes, consumers do....this is no different.
The same idiots that think Trump taxing 20% on Mexican imports means Mexico is paying for the wall instead of US consumers.
But renegotiating NAFTA will indeed be Mexico paying for the wall. We lose $60B in trade to them annually. Negotiate that number down to $40B, and that's $20B that the U.S. gained, in profit from trade, that otherwise wouldn't have been there. Wall, paid for.
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But renegotiating NAFTA will indeed be Mexico paying for the wall. We lose $60B in trade to them annually. Negotiate that number down to $40B, and that's $20B that the U.S. gained, in profit from trade, that otherwise wouldn't have been there. Wall, paid for.
Is Trump operating under your proposal or the one he had his press secretary trot out today that said the 20% import tax would pay for the wall?

I'm confused. Are you speaking for Trump or is his press secretary? I'm not sure how you guys are running things yet. moe_schmoe on the message board or press secretary. That age old dilemma of who speaks for the president.
Is Trump operating under your proposal or the one he had his press secretary trot out today that said the 20% import tax would pay for the wall?

I'm confused. Are you speaking for Trump or is his press secretary? I'm not sure how you guys are running things yet.

That was was option thrown on the table. You haven't figured out Trump never telegraphs anything and keeps all options on the table? Trump, nor Spicer have ever said the 20% tax is the direction they definitely plan to go with.

On the other hand, one of Trump's main to do's is to renegotiate NAFTA, though. Has been from the very start. So which seems more likely to happen?

It is me who is confused here. You're the one speaking for Trump and/or Spicer, because you're the one speaking in absolutes, like the 20% tax is a done deal when it's not.

I'm merely offering up other options on the table that Trump has mentioned for far longer and for many more times than 20% tax. One has been beaten to death, the other has been mentioned once in passing. Again, which seems more likely?
Trump knows it'll raise the price on products, he's counting on it, and the Mexican President knows it too.

What happens when the price rises? Americans buy something else, NOT made in Mexico. How long will it take of losing sales for companies to start leaving Mexico for the US? Trump wants that too.

The US has ALL the leverage in this negotiation.
CAIR is saying that Trump's proposals are Islamophobic. So Trump specifically targeting Islamic terrorists is a threat to all Muslims in their eyes?

Basically, what CAIR is doing is failing to make a distinction between the two like Trump is. CAIR is the one conflating Islamic terrorists and moderate Muslims, not Trump.
Who cairs? Kill them all and let Allah sort them out. :uzi::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
What is obvious is that anyone who thinks a wall is going to solve the problem is someone who has never been to the border or a border crossing and seen the amount of traffic that is crossing both ways 24/7/365. The border is lined with US owned industry that is managed primarily by US nationals who live on the US side of the border and cross the border daily. I did it for 3 years of my life.
Cartels "import" drugs through border crossing points. If you can't stop tons and tons of drugs, how do you think you will stop people? You might slow the tickle but if you do so that will create more demand meaning higher wages for those who cross which will in turn increase the incentive to do so.

It would cost 1000x less and be 100x more effective to simply go after the people that hire undocumented workers here in the states.
The Berlin Wall didn't keep people from leaving East Berlin...and they would shoot people trying to do so. Second, the average "worker" who is crossing to find work has nothing to lose. It costs at a minimum, hundreds if not thousands of dollars to round up and deport someone. They sure as hell aren't paying for it...taxpayers do. Going to spend $30,000/yr to lock them up???
So you catch them and deport them...what have they lost?
The people who have something to lose are those who hire them. If there are no jobs for undocumented workers, they will go home. But as long as the demand is there, they will is no different that the drug market, sex market or any other market. As long as there is a demand, that demand will met with a supply.
Then why do celebs, the Pope, rich people and the presidents including the now x one build walls to keep people out. You are too easyly duped.
Any wall that gets built you suckers will be paying for. Hell, you rubes haven't even figured out you've all been taken in by Trump's bullshit, yet.

It's all marketing. Advertising. None of his crap is of substance. He's promising the moon while selling you idiots time shares in Boca Raton.

Here, I'll throw a the set of steak knives.

Any wall that gets built you suckers will be paying for. Hell, you rubes haven't even figured out you've all been taken in by Trump's bullshit, yet.

It's all marketing. Advertising. None of his crap is of substance. He's promising the moon while selling you idiots time shares in Boca Raton.

Here, I'll throw a the set of steak knives.

Builders of that wall equal jobs. Real jobs
Any wall that gets built you suckers will be paying for. Hell, you rubes haven't even figured out you've all been taken in by Trump's bullshit, yet.

It's all marketing. Advertising. None of his crap is of substance. He's promising the moon while selling you idiots time shares in Boca Raton.

Here, I'll throw a the set of steak knives.

Do you realize that your ace has already been smacked silly?
Any wall that gets built you suckers will be paying for. Hell, you rubes haven't even figured out you've all been taken in by Trump's bullshit, yet.

It's all marketing. Advertising. None of his crap is of substance. He's promising the moon while selling you idiots time shares in Boca Raton.

Here, I'll throw a the set of steak knives.

If it slows down the influx of illegals taking money I don't care who builds it you dip. It will save money in the long run.

This...not to mention the tons (literally) of illegal drugs that will not get in, resulting in less arrests/jail and healthcare costs. Liberals have always had a problem with common sense, but even more so this election.
Man I don't know where to start. There is so much news out the lame stream media can't possibly control the narrative. Trump is a freakin tsunami.

Quick hits:
State department- You can't fire us we quit. No more gmail accounts for your dirty deals. GTFO but but but Trump is not going to Drain the swamp.
Nieto- No habla espanol when the peso takes a deep 6.
Tulsi Gabbad- Smacks Tapper with the truth from her own eyes in Syria.
Sessions- Keep delaying and watch him unload.
Top Border Official- You can't fire me I quit. Drainage
CDC- Sick nation waking up
Brent Spence Bridge- Number 2 on the infrastructure list. Not sure the list is in order but glad it's on there.
David Brock - DNC says GTFO
Chimera- freakin crazy. Something I took from the article. Major organ shortage. No wonder Dyncorp trying to protect their business. Supply and demand.
March for Life- Pence set to speak
and the list keeps going....
The problem with liberals is that they have been wrong for so long and duped for so long, they think that higher taxes, massive dept and government control of your thinking is the norm. Simply put, a wall will work, taxing Mexico more for goods will pay for it. If it causes a trade war, they lose. If they are one of the richest nations in the world as Z says, why are the people trying to leave? Do these moronic liberals ever think before they post?
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20% tax is full of the dumb.

Just as we on the right has said corporations don't pay taxes, consumers do....this is no different.

In this case I assume the target conclusion is to put pressure on the companies that produce in Mexico to come back to America to avoid that cost. It works because 1- it will be made public by increase cost what companies a consumer is supporting(or even better stops supporting) and 2- if sales go down due to tax then it's a double hammer and the companies get destroyed at both ends.


Again the solution hurts short term, real solutions always do.
Any wall that gets built you suckers will be paying for. Hell, you rubes haven't even figured out you've all been taken in by Trump's bullshit, yet.

It's all marketing. Advertising. None of his crap is of substance. He's promising the moon while selling you idiots time shares in Boca Raton.

Here, I'll throw a the set of steak knives.


You can't be paying attention AND think this way!
Tulsi Gabbad- Smacks Tapper with the truth from her own eyes in Syria.

It's refreshing to see someone have the nerve to go on TV and tell the truth about Syria. Those who can think for themselves have known for a while that Syria is Libya all over again.

There are no "rebels" or "freedom fighters" in Syria. The Obama administration has been supporting terrorists factions in an attempt to overthrow the Syrian government the entire time.

What else did people think Trump meant when he claimed Assad and Putin were killing Isis? Maybe now they know.
It's refreshing to see someone have the nerve to go on TV and tell the truth about Syria. Those who can think for themselves have known for a while that Syria is Libya all over again.

There are no "rebels" or "freedom fighters" in Syria. The Obama administration has been supporting terrorists factions in an attempt to overthrow the Syrian government the entire time.

What else did people think Trump meant when he claimed Assad and Putin were killing Isis? Maybe now they know.

Not to mention wikileaks. Did anybody care to read emails? Please find one person that denies the content in the emails.
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