How will they rule ??!

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Ah! Love this post..... Because it gives me another reason to remind everyone Deeeeeee once wanted a grand jury to indict Ted Nugent for using a metaphor.

Great stuff!

I kinda miss Deeeeeee. Would love to have seen/continue to see his meltdowns over all this.

Dee posts on here all the time, just not under his Dee name.
Madonna said that she "thought about blowing up the White House". Common sense tells me that she was not serious and nothing should happen to her. However, if Joe Bob said this at a rally during the past eight years, wouldn't there be a gang of large federal agents with bad intentions kicking down his door within hours of making this statement?

She absolutely should be heavily questioned about it. You can't just say something like that.

Social media rumors so take this for what it is but to play devils ad on the so called protest march yesterday. I saw something on twitter that the march was planned way back in August across the world to celebrate Hildabeast winning and breaking glass ceilings. They (soros and hildawg donors) spent a bunch of money organizing it. Once she defecated in her pant suit at the polls they turned the movement into anti Trump.

Just a theory. Nothing more.

Wouldn't surprise me at all. Very believable. Makes tons of sense actually.

is that guy still in jail?

Was released but at last report was in a homeless shelter. Obama and Hillary completely ruined his life over something they absolutely knew was 100% false.

Probably the most egregious presidential act in at least 50 years. There are examples of bad decisions having bad outcomes. But this is the only example of knowingly destroying a citizen based on a prefabricated lie.

He should've been impeached because of it.
How totally crude and disgusting was Ashley in Washington DC yesterday. I will never support her ever again as she embarrassed herself. My neighbors, whom I respect but whom I have differing opinions with, took their children and were appalled by her language and use of words. To allow Ashely and Madonna to act accordingly in front of families and kids they should be ashamed. If those types of women are who the 'marchers' want as their spokespersons then that is disgusting. My neighbors are rethinking their positions and shame on Ashley..
How totally crude and disgusting was Ashley in Washington DC yesterday. I will never support her ever again as she embarrassed herself. My neighbors, whom I respect but whom I have differing opinions with, took their children and were appalled by her language and use of words. To allow Ashely and Madonna to act accordingly in front of families and kids they should be ashamed. If those types of women are who the 'marchers' want as their spokespersons then that is disgusting. My neighbors are rethinking their positions and shame on Ashley..
I've always liked AJ as a UK fan. But I'll just leave my opinion as I think she's effin lost her mind. And leave it at that.
How totally crude and disgusting was Ashley in Washington DC yesterday. I will never support her ever again as she embarrassed herself. My neighbors, whom I respect but whom I have differing opinions with, took their children and were appalled by her language and use of words. To allow Ashely and Madonna to act accordingly in front of families and kids they should be ashamed. If those types of women are who the 'marchers' want as their spokespersons then that is disgusting. My neighbors are rethinking their positions and shame on Ashley..
But you will continue to support Trump even though he has been crude, disgusting, and has embarrassed himself. Typical hypocritical conservative.
This is RR not Paddock.

Why do we continue to bring these shit in here. BASKETBALL TALK BASKETBALL
Madonna said that she "thought about blowing up the White House". Common sense tells me that she was not serious and nothing should happen to her. However, if Joe Bob said this at a rally during the past eight years, wouldn't there be a gang of large federal agents with bad intentions kicking down his door within hours of making this statement?

I could not disagree more. She was in front of a mob of losers who have been told that as aggrieved people they have the right to attack others. She was basically yelling fire in a crowded theater. I promise you had that been Clint Eastwood in 2009 he would have been prosecuted.
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Spicer's press conference was a complete embarrassment. It was a terrible first day of Trump's presidency. I think anyone with any measure of objectivity should be able to admit that. To make such a big issue out of the crowd size was just puerile and petty.

I completely understand the frustration with the MSM and the double standards they're prone to. In general, I agree with a lot of the criticism directed their way, but call a spade a spade- that was a complete farce and deserving of all the criticism it received.
The Libs played right into SPICER's hands and I love it... Trump is gonna win BIG quickly.
The first 2 days of Trump:
An EO that all but kills Obamacare
An EO that puts a freeze on ALL government regulations
Held a media presser where Spicer ripped the MSM to shreds
Trumps little speech about the lying media and CIA (and got applauded by the CIA)
Has talked about cutting several useless government agencies.
Has taken the USA out of the disaster called TPP.
It was announced today that Trump will put the US embassy in Jerusalem

All of this in 2 days. If that is failing, then I don't want to see success.
They may be the most dangerous people in America!

They are. They're the ones who enable Islam and radicalize minorities while further empowering a third world invasion and hatred of whites.

I'm curious what they think would happen to them if they were ever run by these same groups they're so concerned for?
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The CIA reaction to Trump was no surprise. Know someone who recently retired from the military who worked at the Pentagon that told me folks in the military and intelligence hated Obama and his cronies. In fact, Obama made a trip to the Pentagon one day and most folks did their best to avoid the guy.

CIA agents packed the room with a thousand more folks wanting to get in to see and hear Trump. He was warmly accepted because those folks have desperately needed a leader and they now have one.
How totally crude and disgusting was Ashley in Washington DC yesterday. I will never support her ever again as she embarrassed herself. My neighbors, whom I respect but whom I have differing opinions with, took their children and were appalled by her language and use of words. To allow Ashely and Madonna to act accordingly in front of families and kids they should be ashamed. If those types of women are who the 'marchers' want as their spokespersons then that is disgusting. My neighbors are rethinking their positions and shame on Ashley..

No idea why your neighbors thought the left had any grasp on morality or high character. These are people who take craps in the street, smear period blood, riot and loot, attack Trump supporters, destroy property, hope for Republicans to get assassinated, have children participate in LGBT prides, orchestrated a gay twerk dance off in front of Mike Pence's house.

These aren't good or normal people. They're nut jobs.
Bwahaha, yeah just like Repugs didn't protest after Obama's election (Tea Party, nooses, go back to Kenya, etc), didn't constantly make racist jokes/threats against the Obamas, didn't make assassination jokes/threats, watermelon/monkey jokes/memes whatever.

You guys act like the way you treated Obama the past 8 years just didn't happen. Yeah, it did, and payback is a bitch. Trump has insulted all but about 1/4 of the country that voted for him. Good luck with that. Resistance will continue. Just like you all advocated for 8 years ago. Just doing what our fellow Americans have been doing.

I do find the hate towards Islam a bit ironic, since the right and Islam have so much in common: they hate gay people, they treat women like dogs or merely sex objects, they think everyone should conform to their beliefs, and think killing in God's name actually gets them to heaven.

Republicans have always acted like they're better than everyone else. Yet time after time, Republican administrations are the ones that have systematically destroyed America and stolen it's wealth. Trump will be no different, hopefully his end doesn't end up like Bush's and the last time Republicans had control. Ya did so great last time!
Let's see...I remember Repubs violently protesting.....nah; Oh yeah I remember some of them breaking...nah; While there are ways to protest, violently doing it the way the left approaches protesting is just plain wrong. As for linking islam with Christianity, I respectfully submit that the author/founder of islam harboured, validated, encouraged those behaviors you site. The author of Christianity did not. On the contrary, Jesus Christ taught that we should love others. He taught that wrong was wrong and that sin was sin, but He NEVER advocated hatred or bigotry. Jesus did not hate the woman at the well that was living with a man outside of marriage. He did not show bigotry toward the gentiles. I challenge you to find one reference in the scriptures, not taken out of context, that suggests otherwise.
I find it amusing how non-believers have to find ways to discount the truth ie Christianity and are willing to misrepresent it in order to do so.
Trump did not have as many people at his inauguration as Obama did for his first inauguration (1.8 mil), clearly. Obama's second inauguration is estimated to have been attended by anywhere from 500K to 1 million. Trump's inauguration attendance is pegged currently at 900K.

But, more importantly, why are we putting procedure ahead of substance? Who really gives a [poop] how many were in attendance? What matters is that Trump follows through with the pro-populist, anti-special-interest agenda he has proposed. That's what is important to me.

I have a feeling more will celebrate his second term inauguration than did his first.
Secret Service is investigating her, but yes, a crazy uproar would've happened if anyone said that during the Obama administration.
Allowing a worshiped idol by so many mental midgets in that party to spew sarcastic and half-hearted terroristic threats unchecked poses a problem. Doing so and allowing it to go unaddressed gives it merit and free pass to the misinformed, misfit masses with a chip on their shoulder... who just so happen to be DYING to hear that kind of shit. That creates a fog of information and brand-new threats to contend with b/c of the lawless precedent set by Madonna. Out of a fog, a real threat can arise unnoticed. **** her.
This is a magnificent observation, and I would implore you to extend your observation further. Think about those portions of the world, that is, which are prone to behaving violently when things do not go their way compared to those portions of the world which are prone to remaining civilized. Is this what is happening in our society? Think about that? How do you quantify that?
I have said before, we are/were heading towards being a third world country and the left was leading the way.
Had forgotten about the video guy....what on earth were they holding him on? You'd think the ACLU would have gone bananas over that...

He was charged with violating the terms of his probation. and plead guilty.

It's was supervised release. You don't plead guilty to that. I'm not sure if he stipulated that he violated or not. No matter. Red herring. Because no one ever gets their supervised release totally revoked based solely on Internet access. There would be a few sanctions first.

Instead he was arrested and revoked under the premise he was the cause of that attack. All in hopes Americans would buy the ridiculous story that his goofy movie caused that attack.

Seruously. He was arrested. Escorted by loads of agents. Forced to wear a black shroud over his head. Then had his life ruined. All on something they all knew was a lie. And the president was all aware, if not the organizer, of the whole sham.

Should've been impeached immediately. Anyone else party to that atrocity should be prosecuted to the fullest extent.