How will they rule ??!

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Two days in and immigration reform is really staring to ramp up across the country, and now things like this are suddenly happening.

Federal Judge Warns Yale University: You’re Killing Freedom of Speech

A federal judge is chastising Yale University for caving to the demands of hypersensitive students, and he is warning that the elite school is developing a habit of trampling on First Amendment protections.

The federal judge also highlighted his concern with Yale’s commitment to “civility.”

“’Civility’ sounds innocuous enough, and, indeed, we can all agree that we should strive to be civil to each other,” said Cabranes. “But problems arise when we are told that ‘uncivil’ speech has turned the campus, or parts of the campus, into a ‘hostile environment’—and, more dangerously still, when we are told that university officials have a duty to make campus ‘safe’ again by suppressing alleged incivility.”
Decrying 'sanctuary cities,' Texas Gov. Greg Abbott threatens to cut millions to Travis County

Texas Gov. Greg Abbott has threatened to cut millions to Travis County over the local sheriff's pledge that it will no longer fully cooperate with federal immigration officials.

Sheriff Sally Hernandez, a Democrat elected in November, said Friday her department would stop honoring all federal requests to detain suspects who might be in the United States illegally, the Austin-American Statesman first reported.

"Stiffer penalties coming," Abbott warned.

Abbott has the power to cut off at least $1.8 million in grant funding to Travis County, according to the Statesman.
It appears Gov. Abbott has secured my wife's vote again.

The sanctuary city battle is going to be fun to watch. And everyone knows how it will end.
Yep. In the end they'll all cave and toss the illegals aside. It's all about the money.

Edit to add - And if they don't cave, a couple of cycles of not receiving that money, then they'll be voted out for someone who'll comply.
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Americans simply don't like to travel by rail. When there's other options we use it.
Bill, passenger rail works best in the Boston-DC corridor and in the spoke/hub concept around major metro areas where population densities are greatest. I consider myself a staunch proponent of light, passenger rail, but it is not economically feasible outside heavily populated areas. Honestly, based on costs, outside the northeast corridor, Amtrak should cease to exist, and I hate even pondering such possibility.
Lol. If high speed rail could be profitable in the US, it would already be a reality. That money is better spent on creating alternate or cleaner fuel for jets.
+1. Works in Europe and parts of Asia because of high population densities. USA, Canada and Australia? Negative, at least not until further in the future. Until the future becomes reality, or our population density increases, I suggest adding more automation and more sustainable options.

Again, I consider myself a passenger-rail advocate, but only if costs are reasonable.
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Wait - so you don't think high speed rail is also used to transport goods???
If they are, they are different trains than passengers. There are 2/5/25 adjacent rails in stations with only passenger platforms with no forklifts to unload & no passages for freight.
Wait - so you don't think high speed rail is also used to transport goods???
Trucks deliver direct door-to-door, no need to transfer to/from rail cars. Rail freight is limited to where rail lines go. I suppose we could install rails on every street for door to door.
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In 8 years, not a single bad word was uttered about Barry's kids from the right. Baron Trump is a walking 10-y/o target for the left. Makes me mad enough to fight. I have a 10-y/o. Can't imagine my anger if she were treated the way Baron is being treated. They're ****ing kids, man. :mad:

Congrats, you degenerate ****sticks. You deserve all that's coming your way.
Building a high speed rail system has benefits that would outweigh and pay back any initial investment.

I mean shit, if it were such a bad investment why does it work so well in Europe, China and Japan?
Passenger rail "works" where there's high population density. Do they work anywhere without government subsidies from those that don't use them? If not, then they just "work".
Was in NY on business over the weekend, discussed our getting home travel plans....I flew round trip to/from Nashville and NY for $270, Delta and booked only 8 days in advance. Another employee took the train between NY and DC...$650, although it was first class. And the train ride was longer than my flight.

Yea, that's going to work.
I liked the trains when I was in NY and Jersey for work and the UK game. Works great for that area.

Once meetings were over, hopped on a train to Philly. Again, perfect.

That's about all I can see being useful though. Couldn't imagine spending more time on a train than flying. Plus, those trains made me stink.
In 8 years, not a single bad word was uttered about Barry's kids from the right. Baron Trump is a walking 10-y/o target for the left. Makes me mad enough to fight. I have a 10-y/o. Can't imagine my anger if she were treated the way Baron is being treated. They're ****ing kids, man. :mad:

Congrats, you degenerate ****sticks. You deserve all that's coming your way.
Bwahaha, yeah just like Repugs didn't protest after Obama's election (Tea Party, nooses, go back to Kenya, etc), didn't constantly make racist jokes/threats against the Obamas, didn't make assassination jokes/threats, watermelon/monkey jokes/memes whatever.

You guys act like the way you treated Obama the past 8 years just didn't happen. Yeah, it did, and payback is a bitch. Trump has insulted all but about 1/4 of the country that voted for him. Good luck with that. Resistance will continue. Just like you all advocated for 8 years ago. Just doing what our fellow Americans have been doing.

I do find the hate towards Islam a bit ironic, since the right and Islam have so much in common: they hate gay people, they treat women like dogs or merely sex objects, they think everyone should conform to their beliefs, and think killing in God's name actually gets them to heaven.

Republicans have always acted like they're better than everyone else. Yet time after time, Republican administrations are the ones that have systematically destroyed America and stolen it's wealth. Trump will be no different, hopefully his end doesn't end up like Bush's and the last time Republicans had control. Ya did so great last time!
Did 500000 people show up to protest Obama, Killa?

Those "jokes" were one offs, where these appear to be your entire f'd up party.

The Islam part of your rant is historically idiotic. I mean, truly retarded. And not the good retarded. The left trying to be BFF with Muslims is quite ironic for the very issues you said. Kills gays, stones women....etc.

Finally, not being a cuckold doesn't mean you hate women. Take off the chastity device and try being a testosterone filled, pussy loving, titty grabbing man. It's awesome.
Trucks move our goods mostly, high speed rail would not be cost effective imo. High speed rail would work in high density areas for passengers in the U.S. because planes are packed and more expensive. In some instances, you would still get to your destinations in similar time spans. Delays, security processes, baggage recovery times etc... gives air travel some time problems. I will give an example, I was traveling back from DC Thursday and flew into Dallas at 2:10pm with connecting flight to Lawton OK leaving at 4:45pm. My connecting flight got me in Lawton at 5:30pm. I can drive from DFW airport to Lawton in 2 1/2 hours. Have done it before, but convenience (not having to drive) was the reason for flying. I can drive a lot cheaper to Dallas from Lawton and back than it would take to fly one just one leg of the trip.
Bwahaha, yeah just like Repugs didn't protest after Obama's election (Tea Party, nooses, go back to Kenya, etc), didn't constantly make racist jokes/threats against the Obamas, didn't make assassination jokes/threats, watermelon/monkey jokes/memes whatever.

You guys act like the way you treated Obama the past 8 years just didn't happen. Yeah, it did, and payback is a bitch. Trump has insulted all but about 1/4 of the country that voted for him. Good luck with that. Resistance will continue. Just like you all advocated for 8 years ago. Just doing what our fellow Americans have been doing.

I do find the hate towards Islam a bit ironic, since the right and Islam have so much in common: they hate gay people, they treat women like dogs or merely sex objects, they think everyone should conform to their beliefs, and think killing in God's name actually gets them to heaven.

Republicans have always acted like they're better than everyone else. Yet time after time, Republican administrations are the ones that have systematically destroyed America and stolen it's wealth. Trump will be no different, hopefully his end doesn't end up like Bush's and the last time Republicans had control. Ya did so great last time!

Damn, son. I've had dogs with more common sense and, very likely, better reading comprehension skills.

Can you post a video of your daily struggle to tie your shoes?
Leave the kids alone. Sacred ground there. Don't cross it.

Not surprising you don't get it.

Yup. Nobody in mainstream media would dare say anything about Obamas. People in public positions lost jobs for hate towards the family. Yet DJT is a walking punching bag and now they are throwing blows at not just his adult children but a 10 year old.

Nobody is denying that hate towards Obama hasn't happened but the media would crush anybody that dared to say anything. Now they are throwing flames on the dumpster that their industry has become.

6 major corporations own all of media and their agenda is clear. More and more people are waking up. No doubt in my mind that some on here are CTR shills sent to attack the freedom of thought. The media has been telling you want to think instead of how to think but some on here still try to deny it.
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Resistance will continue.
That's what you call resistance? Nutter, washed up celebs and eccentrics wallowing around in the streets, getting laughed at by the rest of the country? That's merely a penny on the tracks for the Trump train.

You do realize there's still plenty more blue collar, white working class suburbanites for Trump to scoop up in Pennsylvania, Michigan & Wisconsin, don't you? Yesterday did nothing but push them further in Trump's direction. When he gets the economy going, they'll be hooked.
Bwahaha, yeah just like Repugs didn't protest after Obama's election (Tea Party, nooses, go back to Kenya, etc), didn't constantly make racist jokes/threats against the Obamas, didn't make assassination jokes/threats, watermelon/monkey jokes/memes whatever.


This is your response to someone mad about the liberal attacks on Trumps 10 yr old son?

You are a f'n loser!

I tell you what, I'm willing to die for my children at any moment! For your children I'd run into a burning building to help in hopes not to die but I'd risk it regardless of your vote or political stance or any other differing views we may have.

But for you to have that stance as a response to the President's 10 yr old child being attacked by liberals shows your character.

Again, you are a f'n loser!
That's what you call resistance? Nutter, washed up celebs and eccentrics wallowing around in the streets, getting laughed at by the rest of the country? That's merely a penny on the tracks for the Trump train.

You do realize there's still plenty more blue collar, white working class suburbanites for Trump to scoop up in Pennsylvania, Michigan & Wisconsin, don't you? Yesterday did nothing but push them further in Trump's direction. When he gets the economy going, they'll be hooked.
I hope it continues, they look so stupid out there and are embarrassing themselves so much that only morons and idiots will continue to support them, which is why killa still is.
His comments about crowd size is more an attack on the BS media, in particular CNN, than it is a defense of how many supporters he had their.

CNN is under attack and I bet their ratings go down drastically over the next few years.
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No, that's not what I'm advocating - why would u say that shit?

And are you saying that China didn't pay their workers to build it?
You think they payed them USA union wages? Or even minimum wage?
Little Barron, or whatever your name is today. Be sure to save these posts you're making to show your kids someday. I'm sure they will be so proud of your honor, integrity and bravery while serving the left army.

Don't worry. The only people who would consider procreation with him are chanting in the streets. He would need to begin transitioning but keep his parts. And we know he can't afford that.