How will they rule ??!

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And people listen to Rush Limbaugh, Hannity and other right wing shrills and form opinions too.
So do you also include all of the Fox personalities as part of the MSM?

If you're getting your news from SNL or any comedy show then you obviously have very few working brain cells and I doubt you "get" 98% of the humor. Hell, SNL has made fun of every POTUS and every candidate running for POTUS over their 40 years and many of them have appeared on the show to laugh at themselves.

Im not. But many are. I agree theyre fools, but that doesnt change the fact. Maybe its better to place SNL in pop culture rather than MSM? Theyre definitely main stream.

Yes they are part of the MSM. But a very small drop in a much larger ocean thats heavily liberal.
Im not. But many are. I agree theyre fools, but that doesnt change the fact. Maybe its better to place SNL in pop culture rather than MSM? Theyre definitely main stream.

Yes they are part of the MSM. But a very small drop in a much larger ocean thats heavily liberal.
You'll have to prove that anyone is politically influenced by SNL. Seeing that they mock and make fun of whoever is in power...I'm trying to decipher...does it help them or hurt them?

So Fox is a small drop in a much larger ocean? Rupert Murdoch will be sad to hear that. And I guess you think that Discovery, History Channel, National Geographic channel, Velocity, Spike, etc are all "heavily liberal"?
I think you told on yourself. You're one of those who thinks SNL is hard news...What's your opinion of the Game Show Network?
The American people have lost complete control of this country and most are either too stupid or do not care. Both parties are a disaster yet many of you continue to defend your side. I truly feel we are at a point where only a revolution will do anything to fix this mess.
You'll have to prove that anyone is politically influenced by SNL. Seeing that they mock and make fun of whoever is in power...I'm trying to decipher...does it help them or hurt them?

So Fox is a small drop in a much larger ocean? Rupert Murdoch will be sad to hear that. And I guess you think that Discovery, History Channel, National Geographic channel, Velocity, Spike, etc are all "heavily liberal"?
I think you told on yourself. You're one of those who thinks SNL is hard news...What's your opinion of the Game Show Network?

I dont have to prove anything. Proofs in the pudding. If you want to continue to deny a MSM bias in favor of dems thats fine. It makes you look unreasonable because you wont concede an obvious fact.
Political satire (SNL, Daily Show, Letterman, etc) has a huge effect on marginally attached voters which is most. Takes effort and willful ignorance to try to argue otherwise. The WH spent much time courting support for Stewart for very good reasons. Colbert will now be their goto....word is he basically begs Biden to run tonight. And many SNL alums have criticized the show during BOs tenure for going so easy on him.
The American people have lost complete control of this country and most are either too stupid or do not care. Both parties are a disaster yet many of you continue to defend your side. I truly feel we are at a point where only a revolution will do anything to fix this mess.

People's politics are ingrained into their identities.

Yeah, this place is screwed. It's like one big Jerry Springer shit storm.

I hate Earth and I hate the people that live on it. Sure wish I could to another planet.
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I went to the Nixon library tonight to listen to Dick Cheney speak for an assignment. It was surprisingly really cool and insightful. He brought up a lot of stuff that armchair quarterbacks didn't think about by their involvement in Iraq.

He discussed

The decision for the Iraq war
migrant crisis
Obama administration (He lit them up but should have done it more but showed some class)
Iran deal
His time working for four of the last five Rep. presidents
The importance of America having a strong military and the leader of the world, etc.
And a lot more.

There were only 8 protestors outside, which was good. Pretty pathetic that someone still pickets nearly a decade later.

I bet going to a Republican speaking event to fuzz is like garlic to a vampire.
Rather fitting one Dick to be orating in another Dick's library.

Both who escalated us into pointless wars.
Noticed he's been out with his daughter trying to softened his image, rewrite history and help political aspirations
Political satire (SNL, Daily Show, Letterman, etc) has a huge effect on marginally attached voters which is most. Takes effort and willful ignorance to try to argue otherwise. The WH spent much time courting support for Stewart for very good reasons. Colbert will now be their goto....word is he basically begs Biden to run tonight. And many SNL alums have criticized the show during BOs tenure for going so easy on him.
Ok Mr. Smartypants... since the targets of political satire are politicians and few if any have been spared the wrath of the satirist, does it help them or hurt them?
Regardless of what is said about BO, he is one person and he isn't running for office. Are you implying that Bill and Hillary haven't been targets? That Joe Biden hasn't been a target? That Jimmy Carter, Al Gore, Al Sharpton, Jessie Jackson, etc weren't all targets???
Hell, most politicians jump at the opportunity to appear on such shows knowing that they will be lampooned.
Nate Silver, whose opinion I sincerely trust, says The Donald and Bernie Sanders will NOT receive their party nomination.

He has. I saw one article where they surprised Trump was still steadily gaining support. But they stuck to their guns saying he would not get the nomination.

An interesting point, they initially predicted Bush would get the nomination due to his astounding fund raising numbers; which seemed to be the leading indicator for their predictions. Since then, iirc a few of Jebs biggest fundraisers have pulled out.
Ok Mr. Smartypants... since the targets of political satire are politicians and few if any have been spared the wrath of the satirist, does it help them or hurt them?
Regardless of what is said about BO, he is one person and he isn't running for office. Are you implying that Bill and Hillary haven't been targets? That Joe Biden hasn't been a target? That Jimmy Carter, Al Gore, Al Sharpton, Jessie Jackson, etc weren't all targets???
Hell, most politicians jump at the opportunity to appear on such shows knowing that they will be lampooned.
God you are insufferably stupid with these rathole diversions and 5-7 rambling questions. Learn scale and scope. Learn total media reach. If Reps are skewered at a 10/1 ratio yes you can technically say "both sides" but that would be disingenuous (you). Holy Cross basketball is not equal to UK just because they have a title.

Last two days you have compared modern immigration to that of 100 years ago and that the media has no bias toward the left. How about today you argue Obama is humble?
God you are insufferably stupid with these rathole diversions and 5-7 rambling questions. Learn scale and scope. Learn total media reach. If Reps are skewered at a 10/1 ratio yes you can technically say "both sides" but that would be disingenuous (you). Holy Cross basketball is not equal to UK just because they have a title.

Last two days you have compared modern immigration to that of 100 years ago and that the media has no bias toward the left. How about today you argue Obama is humble?
Typical response.
You don't know history so you are unable to see parallels between yesterday and today. Here is a hint for you... we study the past to predict the future because we see that human behavior and reactions are pretty constant and predictable over time.
As for political satire...I guess you are too young to remember the endless satire directed at Bill Clinton.
Yeah, let's talk about media reach. If I want to listen to talk radio, what are the chances that talk will advertise itself as coming from one side of the spectrum vs the other. Hell, NPR is 1000x more "fair and balanced" than anything you'll hear on any other talk station. Oh, I guess you could go find that one liberal channel on Sirius/XM.
Well Bill Clinton was getting BJs from an intern IN the oval office after getting caught in multiple affairs and sexual harrassment situations, yeah shocking there would be satire from that. Stellar argument.
I posted the numbers you asked for, even independents don't trust the media. The top media reaches are predominantly liberal oriented. Only retards and dem cheerleaders would argue otherwise. Our media is HQ'd in a city, NY, where Obama's approval rating is over 80%, on par with how France views him and double that of OH, a swing state.
Shouldn't you be somewhere celebrating American imperialism having the tables turned? I wish I had saved some of your old rants from the old board.

PS I listen to Sirius every day, more liberal stations than conservative ones in there lineup and yes I consider NPR one of those.
Al Qaeda declares war on ISIS...Saudi Arabias King Salman visits the White House...Isreal reopens its Cairo embassy...Obama to meet with Netanyahu...Im not sure whats going on but Im not so sure its as cut and dry as we are seeing and for a POTUS as arrogant and bent on leaving his name on American history, I find it odd that he would support such a effing stupid decision as the Iran deal unless there was some underlying reason. I dont think the Obama administration is as stupid as they are sneaky. We (the US) are no strangers to playing puppetmaster in the middle east either, maybe this is the only way to get Iran to show their hand? Maybe this is the only way we get other countries to join together and do their part? Maybe a consolidation of countries in a "enemy of my enemy is my friend". Hell, I dunno but I remember when we pretty much put Osama bin Laden in power many years ago so who knows ...
I went to the Nixon library tonight to listen to Dick Cheney speak for an assignment. It was surprisingly really cool and insightful. He brought up a lot of stuff that armchair quarterbacks didn't think about by their involvement in Iraq.

He discussed

The decision for the Iraq war
migrant crisis
Obama administration (He lit them up but should have done it more but showed some class)
Iran deal
His time working for four of the last five Rep. presidents
The importance of America having a strong military and the leader of the world, etc.
And a lot more.

There were only 8 protestors outside, which was good. Pretty pathetic that someone still pickets nearly a decade later.

I bet going to a Republican speaking event to fuzz is like garlic to a vampire.
Seeing Dick Cheney speak would have been really cool. Sounds like a great experience.
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Yahoo article on the planned parenthood hearings. Of course, this unbiased news source slams the hearings, at one point even calling the witnesses "anti choice" rather than pro life.
Interesting that you would call the source "unbiased". I can only assume that is because you agree with what they are saying. If it were more sympathetic to PP then you would call it biased. Therein lies the problem with most people's POV on the media. If the messenger tells them what they want to hear then that messenger is "fair and balanced", if not then they must be biased.
Yahoo article on the planned parenthood hearings. Of course, this unbiased news source slams the hearings, at one point even calling the witnesses "anti choice" rather than pro life.

No different than the other side doctoring vids and passing still borns off as fetuses.

Just a shitty way for both sides to be handling this. Like a couple of 2 yr olds fighting
Interesting that you would call the source "unbiased". I can only assume that is because you agree with what they are saying. If it were more sympathetic to PP then you would call it biased. Therein lies the problem with most people's POV on the media. If the messenger tells them what they want to hear then that messenger is "fair and balanced", if not then they must be biased.

The problem is they should be reporting facts and letting the reader draw their own conclusions. Instead, you get some slanted facts along with a veiled, packaged conclusion. Yes Fox News is guilty of this too.

No different than the other side doctoring vids and passing still borns off as fetuses.

Just a shitty way for both sides to be handling this. Like a couple of 2 yr olds fighting

I don't agree with editing anything either. The difference is one is an activist group, so you know what to expect from them. The other is a member of the news media.
Yahoo article on the planned parenthood hearings. Of course, this unbiased news source slams the hearings, at one point even calling the witnesses "anti choice" rather than pro life.

That's what the left does. They constantly promote their garbage in a positive spin like instead of "pro murder of your baby" they label it "pro choice" like theu're freedom fighters. Instead of pro life or pro actual marriage they always attach a negative association to it wih the "anti label."

Also arguing with fuzz is a waste of time. Logic and common sense are lost on him. Libs are ideologues and are committed to the ideology so it's like arguing with a brick wall.
Planned Parenthood is the new red team boogeyman. Way to not court the females under 70 vote.

And hitching your carts to Kim Davis while not understanding how the Supreme Court works is probably not going to win Mack Blevins (sic) the governorship and definitely won't win any of the theocrats the White House.

Do social conservatives just want to hand the libs the White House like you did in 2012 with your "legitimate rape" shit? Because you're trying really f'n hard to alienate everyone who isn't an old, white, straight, Christian dude. I want to vote for common sense and a government that can create GOOD jobs and balance a budget, not crazy, outdated 1950s ideology.

I won't vote for a Republican who opposes equal rights for all Americans, and if you're gonna try to make me live my life by a fictional book written by GD ancient goat herders, you're insane.

Hillary is a scumbag, lying, hypocritical crook. Bernie is a crazy old bastard who probably hasn't taken his meds in a decade. And the Republican circus (Trump, Mikey Suckadee, Cruz, Santorum, the doctor that thinks jail makes teh gayz, et al) is making these two look normal. Think about that for a second.

Stick to what the GOP is good at: Fiscal conservatism and a strong national defense.

Abandon what the GOP is absolute shit at: Anything social.

And Heisman, what in the holy f is "actual" marriage?
You know the marriage that existed long before this past decade and before social activists longing to appease 3 percent of the population? You know the one that gives us a mommy and a daddy?

Homosexuals can do whatever they want but I see them differently than the cheerleaders on the left. I don't find them to be heroic nor do I think they should dominate our media coverage and television shows or ever be discussed in the classroom. The constant promotion of this group is pretty absurd especially when none of the negative realities of it are ever shown.
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You know the marriage that existed long before this past decade and before social activists longing to appease 3 percent of the population? You know the one that gives us a mommy and a daddy?
Do we really need to have the Birds and Bees talk?
And hitching your carts to Kim Davis while not understanding how the Supreme Court works is probably not going to win Mack Blevins (sic) the governorship and definitely won't win any of the theocrats the White House.

Sounds like the war on women garbage.

You want fiscal conservation? Yet youre attacking the notion that a company making more than 100 million annually doesn't need government funding?
I get what Mega is saying, but if what Bigblue said is saying is true and planned parenthood is making 100 million on top of federal grants, then yeah, we need to cut the federal funding to them.
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Tax payer dollars should not go toward funding abortions. Protecting unborn life isn't communism.
Tax payer dollars should not go toward funding abortions. Protecting unborn life isn't communism.

It's a personal choice, not a gov't choice. The fact we have to make a law preserving that freedom of choice is what democracy is all about
Anyone who bets voters will be more outraged by those doctored PP videos than they would be if PP was defunded will lose.
It's not about politics for me. I just wish the country I lived in didn't think it should be legal to kill unborn babies, or fund organizations like Planned Parenthood. I couldn't care less if it swayed one voter.
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