How will they rule ??!

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Tump's latest bombastic insult:

According to writer Paul Solotaroff, he was sitting with Trump watching a newscast when a video clip zoomed in on Fiorina.

“Look at that face! Would anyone vote for that?” Trump said to Solotaroff. “Can you imagine that, the face of our next president.”

Trump added, “I mean, she’s a woman, and I’m not s’posedta say bad things, but really, folks, come on. Are we serious?”

Can't wait to see SNL and all of Hollywood handle a Republican president. I'm sure they will use kid gloves like they have with Obama.

Honest question. If Nixon had watergate occur in today's world, would that have been enough to make him resign? I don't believe so considering the crap Obama has got away with.
She may call herself a democrat but that doesn't mean that she supports or adheres to any democratic principles. Name 1 Democrat that has supported her?

I could call myself a conservative Republican...what would that mean?

Add the fact that party affiliation at the local and county level is about as meaningful as tits on a bull. Most city and county elected offices in Kentucky are non-partisan elections. Rowan county is actually one of the "bluer" counties in the state therefore candidates for city and county offices will register themselves with the more dominate party. That doesn't mean that they are on board with that party at the national level.

If you call yourself a republican? Nothing. If you registered as a republican and ran for office? Means alot actually.

I agree that its different for local elections. But theres no good explanation as to why the MSM refuse to report that shes a dem; even if they want to use that disclaimer. The MSM is just treating the dems with kids gloves as usual. If she were a republican, it would be blasted everywhere.

Lol. The Dem and Repub party is nothing more a POS ponzi scheme. It feeds on brainwashing its drones in the same way Amway, Primerica, Herbal Life, Montivie etc etc does.

It needs votes to keep this scam going. Just like Amway needs sales to keep going. Keeping their drones in line. Try to reason with a person working for a pyramid scheme company. I wish you luck.

Exactly. Its why theyre so terrified of Trump and Sanders - they wont play by party rules.

I kinda agree with Bobby Jindal regarding Trump. An egomaniac is not what we need right now.

Like I was just discussing, looks the GOP establishment let Jindal set the attack. I dont even disagree with alot of what Jindal says, but I disagree with why hes saying it.

Can't wait to see SNL and all of Hollywood handle a Republican president. I'm sure they will use kid gloves like they have with Obama.

Honest question. If Nixon had watergate occur in today's world, would that have been enough to make him resign? I don't believe so considering the crap Obama has got away with.

Depends. If were a GOP president? The MSM would probably be relentless and theyd be forced to resign.

Dem? No way. Obama's had scandals worse than watergate and hes barely been criticized by the MSM. Benghazi, Bergdahl, and droning a US citizen are all way worse. Not to mention the multitude of EO's that illegally circumvented the legislative process.

Hillary has Benghazi, an unsecured email server she used to send classified emails; then wiped the server. Access granted in returns to large donations to her and Bills organization.

Yet both continually lauded by the MSM. So no, theres no way theyd resign in fear of being impeached.
Everyone should know by now what you get with Trump. Egotistical, arrogant, sexist, and whatever you can come up with. That said, he has built a very successful empire doing things the way he does. You can love or hate him, but he gets results. Carson is very smart and good man, but I am not so sure he has the fire and passion to be the commander in chief. I like Ted Cruz because the establishment absolutely despises him which means he is doing his job. However, he will get nothing done because of how much he is hated by Congressional leadership. Most of the others are exactly what Trump says they are. All bought and paid for with Lobbyist money and will do what those folks tell them to do.

As for Carly, there is no doubt she is very smart, extremely polished, and has an impressive resume. I think she crushes it in the next debate and will start to creep even closer to the frontrunners. By next summer, I would not be shocked if she is not close to or at the top of polls. She always says the right things, carefully articulates her message, comes across as genuine, the list goes on. Between her and Hilary its no contest on which woman is more competent to be the POTUS.
Honestly what the hell would libs do if the "racist and sexist" GOP produced a Carson/Fiorina ticket?

That would be hilarious. How could that victim card be pushed by the liberal media?
Honestly what the hell would libs do if the "racist and sexist" GOP produced a Carson/Fiorina ticket?

That would be hilarious. How could that victim card be pushed by the liberal media?
The DNC would probably throw a parade if that's the ticket
Everyone should know by now what you get with Trump. Egotistical, arrogant, sexist, and whatever you can come up with. That said, he has built a very successful empire doing things the way he does. You can love or hate him, but he gets results. Carson is very smart and good man, but I am not so sure he has the fire and passion to be the commander in chief. I like Ted Cruz because the establishment absolutely despises him which means he is doing his job. However, he will get nothing done because of how much he is hated by Congressional leadership. Most of the others are exactly what Trump says they are. All bought and paid for with Lobbyist money and will do what those folks tell them to do.

As for Carly, there is no doubt she is very smart, extremely polished, and has an impressive resume. I think she crushes it in the next debate and will start to creep even closer to the frontrunners. By next summer, I would not be shocked if she is not close to or at the top of polls. She always says the right things, carefully articulates her message, comes across as genuine, the list goes on. Between her and Hilary its no contest on which woman is more competent to be the POTUS.

I dont agree with Trump criticizing someone's appearance. But at the same time, how often is he made fun of because of his appearance? All the time.
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I dont agree with Trump criticizing someone's appearance. But at the same time, how often is he made fun of because of his appearance? All the time.

Libs are the epitome of hypocrites. They can say whatever mean-spirited vile thing about a conservative but if someone says anything that can be construed as "offensive" to them, they jump into the "I'm a victim" mode that has been ingrained into them.
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They would lose to that ticket.
(1) no they wouldn't. (2) that won't be the ticket anyways.

The Trump dynamic has been interesting to watch. We talk about how good it's been for the Democratic contenders because of it being a distraction, but he's also been a lightning rod that's distracted the media from the other candidates.

Regardless, neither he nor Carson will be in either slot on the final ticket.
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I dont agree with Trump criticizing someone's appearance. But at the same time, how often is he made fun of because of his appearance? All the time.
Don't dish it out if you can't take it...comes to mind.
Trump has a long history of focusing and commenting on people's appearances and continues to do so.
Who's going to vote for that ticket?
The same 20-30% of the electorate that would vote for the republican candidate no mater who it is. And neither of them would produce an increased turnout that would benefit the GOP.

Besides, the nomination process isn't some grassroots, unadulterated democracy/popularity contest. It's 30% representative republic and 70% oligarchy.
Don't dish it out if you can't take it...comes to mind.
Trump has a long history of focusing and commenting on people's appearances and continues to do so.

I dont see him crying about it. Im just curious why the MSM thinks his appearance is fair game, yet he cant comment on someone elses without it being offensive?
It's pretty clear people aren't overly concerned with what's good for the GOP right now. People are sick of politics are usual.

I'm under no illusion that Carson is going anywhere, but the primary is my chance to vote my conscience, and as of today, I would vote Carson.
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Who's going to vote for that ticket?

Ben Carson. No way. That name will not do anything good for the GOP.

Setting yourself up for disappointment.

That's not my dream ticket. It would , however, get Republicans, some of the women vote, and may cut into the loyalty that the black community has for the Dem party.

I sure as hell wouldn't pick the ticket as a dream scenario.
Trump cried about Megyn Kelly and Hugh Hewitt asking him tough questions. Really can't see him getting over 40-42% in the general.
I dont see him crying about it. Im just curious why the MSM thinks his appearance is fair game, yet he cant comment on someone elses without it being offensive?
I've never seen nor heard anyone from the MSM commenting about Trump's appearance. I've seen comedians do so. Surely to God you aren't referring to SNL? If so, I take it you haven't watched SNL over the last 40 years where they've made fun of most every political candidate ever to see the national stage.
That's not my dream ticket. It would , however, get Republicans, some of the women vote, and may cut into the loyalty that the black community has for the Dem party.
Yeah, but they would lose the racist and chauvinist votes...probably a pretty even swap.
That's not my dream ticket. It would , however, get Republicans, some of the women vote, and may cut into the loyalty that the black community has for the Dem party.

I sure as hell wouldn't pick the ticket as a dream scenario.

We need votes to change the Dem control. Thus far I haven't seen the GOP bring forth a candidate that will battle Hillary and her media sunshine pumpers.

This appears to be another Mitt Romney kinda results. Like I've said before. This is an important time. 8 more years of Dem presidency will pretty much seal the conservative fate.
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I still can't imagine Hillary winning the Dem nomination. Her demise will increasingly come from within the Dem party, IMO.
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A total WTF moment! Greece intercepts shipment to Islamic terrorist in Libya.

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I don't want to get sidetracked with BS Trump stuff. This European migrant crisis is going to have serious worldwide consequences. People don't give a shit though. They're too stupid, too distracted and too much of a bleeding heart goof to see what's coming. Importing millions of mostly military age men with no documentation is going to end badly and dramatically change the landscape.

But I'm sure Muslims will totally assimilate to the culture and not out-breed the white population and will be super peaceful. The good news is, everyone gets to foot the bill for their own downfall due to this invasion.

You know it's coming here. Obama will make sure of it.
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I sure hope Hillary is their nominee.

When we're down to the finals, Hillary and X, all the clutter is gone.

And folks simply dont trust or believe her.

"Just 37% of all voters trust Clinton.Two federal inspectors general have asked the U.S. Justice Department to open an investigation into how she handled sensitive information on her private e-mail account as secretary of State. Most voters continue to have national security concerns about Clinton’s behavior but doubt that the federal government will do anything about it. "

From an August Rasmussen poll; the numbers are likely worse than that now.
Agreed on Hillary. I'm convinced Obama doesn't want her (which is the biggie), and Trey Gowdy hasn't had his crack at her yet. I just don't think she's gonna be the nominee.
Importing millions of mostly military age men
This is false. Good Lord, you obviously pull all of this crap out of your ass.

50.5% of the refugees are females, 20% are males 0-11 years old...

(49.5%) Age (50.5%) Female
9.1% 0 - 4 8.6%
10.7% 5 - 11 10.1%
6.5% 12 - 17 6.1%
21.8% 18 - 59 23.9%
1.3% 60 + 1.7%
This is false. Good Lord, you obviously pull all of this crap out of your ass.

50.5% of the refugees are females, 20% are males 0-11 years old...

(49.5%) Age (50.5%) Female
9.1% 0 - 4 8.6%
10.7% 5 - 11 10.1%
6.5% 12 - 17 6.1%
21.8% 18 - 59 23.9%
1.3% 60 + 1.7%

Please, cite your sources. Can't wait. Speaking of talking out of your ass and being the most biased liberal I have ever seen, that's the pot calling the kettle black.

You're the one who sees no issues with this and dismisses it. Please, also, cite the percentage of these folks that have documentation.
Of the 366,402 refugees who arrived by crossing the Mediterrean Sea so far in this year, 51 percent -- 186,865 -- have been Syrian, up 5 percent from last month. Far behind at 12 percent are Afghans, and ranking third are Eritreans at 8 percent. The remaining 29 percent included refugees from Nigeria, Iraq, Sudan and Somalia.

Of the European host countries, Greece takes on most of the arrivals, with 244,855 so far this year, followed by Italy, receiving 115,000. In total, 75 percent of the refugees are reported to be men, 12 percent women and 13 percent children.
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I've never seen nor heard anyone from the MSM commenting about Trump's appearance. I've seen comedians do so. Surely to God you aren't referring to SNL? If so, I take it you haven't watched SNL over the last 40 years where they've made fun of most every political candidate ever to see the national stage.

I guess it would depend on how you define MSM. I definitely include mediums like SNL, The daily show, etc. Sadly, a lot of people watch those shows and form opinions. Is it stupid to do so? Yes. But it still happens.
We need votes to change the Dem control. Thus far I haven't seen the GOP bring forth a candidate that will battle Hillary and her media sunshine pumpers.

I don't know anyone can defeat Hillarys sunshine pumpers in the MSM except the dems themselves. I think Obama and a few other people have really turned on her recently. That's the only thing that will take her down.
Please, cite your sources. Can't wait. Speaking of talking out of your ass and being the most biased liberal I have ever seen, that's the pot calling the kettle black.

You're the one who sees no issues with this and dismisses it. Please, also, cite the percentage of these folks that have documentation. <-- there you go.
Source - UNHCR, Government of Turkey
I don't know anyone can defeat Hillarys sunshine pumpers in the MSM except the dems themselves. I think Obama and a few other people have really turned on her recently. That's the only thing that will take her down.

Yeah, not sure if Obama's opinion is gonna be enough to stop the Hill-train.

Plus, she'll end up letting Bill call all the shots anyway.
I guess it would depend on how you define MSM. I definitely include mediums like SNL, The daily show, etc. Sadly, a lot of people watch those shows and form opinions. Is it stupid to do so? Yes. But it still happens.
And people listen to Rush Limbaugh, Hannity and other right wing shrills and form opinions too.
So do you also include all of the Fox personalities as part of the MSM?

If you're getting your news from SNL or any comedy show then you obviously have very few working brain cells and I doubt you "get" 98% of the humor. Hell, SNL has made fun of every POTUS and every candidate running for POTUS over their 40 years and many of them have appeared on the show to laugh at themselves.