How will they rule ??!

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Give me a break. Don't play stupid. You know very well what I'm talking about.
Yeah, I know what you are talking're saying the very same things that have been said about every immigrant wave that has hit our shores. The only difference being that you have a historical perspective in how each of those groups turned out generations later.

Just what makes these or any people, "garbage people"?
There are 4 million people that have evacuated their homes in Syria, most of them have landed elsewhere in the Mideast. Jordan has taken in about 1 million which has put an enormous strain on their economy.

I'm not opposed to absorbing some refugees as long as we know who they are. The problem here is it would be really easy for ISIS or Al Quida types to camouflage themselves in with this group and gain entry.

I think if it were not for the world wide terrorist situation there would not be too much of a debate about taking 65,000 refugees but our security concerns casts a troubling light on that idea IMO.
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Interesting piece in National Review on the perceived struggles of the Walker campaign. Couple of interesting quotes. “The issues that you would know as a governor he knows extremely well,” says one policy maven who has worked with the campaign, “but the related federal issues, it’s like talking to your uncle. And that’s just preparation; clearly he can do it.”

He's in the vortex now - too many conflicting loud voices telling him what to do and what to say. Hard to remedy that, and to recover from it.

This global comment was more interesting to me:

"...Steve Deace, an influential Iowa talk-radio host who has endorsed Ted Cruz, credits Walker “with the best gubernatorial record of anyone in the history of the party.” But he argues that the governor has set an impossible task for himself. “You cannot straddle the gap between the grassroots and establishment,” he says, arguing that it is simply too wide now. “There’s never going to be another George W. Bush who unites the establishment with evangelicals.” Deace likens the party dynamic to the TV show Survivor, where there are invariably two tribes and one player who thinks he doesn’t have to pick a side — until he’s inevitably the first voted off the island because neither faction trusts him...."

The implications of that are obvious - and obviously bad for the Republican Party.....

Read more at:
Not as good as BO claiming his election would make oceans recede, but pretty's Trumpism:

"We will have so much winning if I get elected, that you may get bored with winning"
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Yeah, I know what you are talking're saying the very same things that have been said about every immigrant wave that has hit our shores. The only difference being that you have a historical perspective in how each of those groups turned out generations later.

Just what makes these or any people, "garbage people"?

Oh, I don't know bringing in tons of primitive backwards people who don't understand western civilization and aren't made to assimilate is a recipe for disaster. When have Muslims ever adapted to someone else?

What this is, is an invasion. Look at how many people have already been raped and murdered. Why don't you check out why Italy is so furious right now or why don't you take a look at the 7-year old German girl already raped by a Muslim migrant?

Check out what German schools are telling the girls to dress like to not offend Muslims.

It's a terrible idea to bring in so many millions of people unchecked when no one has any idea who they are. It will change the entire social and cultural landscape. Politicians don't give a shit though because it's basically importing a group of people dependent upon the government and they don't have to live around them.

It's right on par with lilly white libs who live away from all of the stuff they supposedly support. "Please, migrants come here. I'll give you some pudding and fish sticks. Oh, you want to live by me? Uhhhhhh."
Oh, I don't know bringing in tons of primitive backwards people who don't understand western civilization and aren't made to assimilate is a recipe for disaster. When have Muslims ever adapted to someone else?

What this is, is an invasion. Look at how many people have already been raped and murdered. Why don't you check out why Italy is so furious right now or why don't you take a look at the 7-year old German girl already raped by a Muslim migrant?

Check out what German schools are telling the girls to dress like to not offend Muslims.

It's a terrible idea to bring in so many millions of people unchecked when no one has any idea who they are. It will change the entire social and cultural landscape. Politicians don't give a shit though because it's basically importing a group of people dependent upon the government and they don't have to live around them.

It's right on par with lilly white libs who live away from all of the stuff they supposedly support. "Please, migrants come here. I'll give you some pudding and fish sticks. Oh, you want to live by me? Uhhhhhh."
Again, you are saying the exact same shit that gets said about every immigrant group. The initial wave tries to keep their old customs because it's the only f'kn thing they know. How you think we ended up with Chinatown, little Italy, little Havana, LIttle India, Japantown, Koreatown, Little Manila, Little Saigon in so many cities??? Their kids then intermingle, inter-marry with others outside their group and they melt into the pot.

Yeah, there's going to be a few criminals in the lot. How many rapes and murders occurred before they arrived?
Those are the purposefully ignorant types of arguments libs are making to help them get through the immigration debate. Just a coping mechanism in the power play.
It is simply moronic to compare immigration today to that of 100 plus years ago before entitlements and narcotics.
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Yep those Nordic countries libs always wantbus to mimic are cracking down... also require an ID to vote.
Free money in Europe!!!!!

Gonna take a one way trip to FREE stuff!!!!

First thing I'm going to do when I get my EU ID card is take a selfie with my EU benefits forms. Of course on my new camera smart device called the Europhone. Exciting times ya'll.
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There are 4 million people that have evacuated their homes in Syria, most of them have landed elsewhere in the Mideast. Jordan has taken in about 1 million which has put an enormous strain on their economy.

I'm not opposed to absorbing some refugees as long as we know who they are. The problem here is it would be really easy for ISIS or Al Quida types to camouflage themselves in with this group and gain entry.

I think if it were not for the world wide terrorist situation there would not be too much of a debate about taking 65,000 refugees but our security concerns casts a troubling light on that idea IMO.

The exact same things can be said about the latino illegal immigrants. Can it not? Millions upon millions of people are here illegally. We have no idea who they are, where they are, or if theyre dangerous.

Iran's leader evidently just quoted as saying "... Israel won't exist in 25 years".


But this is the same Iran Obama allowed to pinky swear a major nuclear arms restriction. Of course after they already didnt follow their first one.

good chuckle from this one...

POLITICO ‏@politico 1h1 hour ago
State Department was unaware of transparency czar's donation to Hillary Clinton | Getty

Reads like an Onion headline.

Those are the purposefully ignorant types of arguments libs are making to help them get through the immigration debate. Just a coping mechanism in the power play.
It is simply moronic to compare immigration today to that of 100 plus years ago before entitlements and narcotics.

Yep. The left has recently been using that "we're all immigrants" line the last few weeks. Of course leaving out the fact that even if true, theres only a percentage of the "immigrants" that are illegal.

Plus Ive noticed several charts/graphs which lump all immigrants (rather than just illegals) together to project a much more favorable picture. Very deceitful. But what else do you expect from the left?

Free money in Europe!!!!!

Gonna take a one way trip to FREE stuff!!!!

First thing I'm going to do when I get my EU ID card is take a selfie with my EU benefits forms. Of course on my new camera smart device called the Europhone. Exciting times ya'll.

Sounds alot like the US. They can get more than enough handouts over here.
No MSM bias? Yahoo Headline: "Kim Davis Roils Republicans". This lays out where all major republican candidates stand on her case. Not one mention of the fact she is a democrat.

That's why I'm quitting my job and moving to Europe. Gonna do something for me this time.
Applying as a white Syrian needing a home in Amsterdam.

Id say you were made for Amsterdam lol.
Put that frumpy fat bitch Kim Davis in jail where all bigots belong!! And her redneck husband!!

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Step one is to downplay and alter intel, step two is to blame Bush.

Exclusive: 50 Spies Say ISIS Intelligence Was Cooked

It’s being called a ‘revolt’ by intelligence pros who are paid to give their honest assessment of the ISIS war—but are instead seeing their reports turned into happy talk.

More than 50 intelligence analysts working out of the U.S. military's Central Command have formally complained that their reports on ISIS and al Qaeda’s branch in Syria were being inappropriately altered by senior officials, The Daily Beast has learned.
No MSM bias? Yahoo Headline: "Kim Davis Roils Republicans". This lays out where all major republican candidates stand on her case. Not one mention of the fact she is a democrat.

Id say you were made for Amsterdam lol.
She may call herself a democrat but that doesn't mean that she supports or adheres to any democratic principles. Name 1 Democrat that has supported her?

I could call myself a conservative Republican...what would that mean?

Add the fact that party affiliation at the local and county level is about as meaningful as tits on a bull. Most city and county elected offices in Kentucky are non-partisan elections. Rowan county is actually one of the "bluer" counties in the state therefore candidates for city and county offices will register themselves with the more dominate party. That doesn't mean that they are on board with that party at the national level.
deeeee is a big fan of this nutjob. So Brock thinks the NYT is right wing and has it out for HRC. This guy is one of the most powerful people in politics yet very few people even know who he is since he resides in the protected party.

In the book, titled "Killing the Messenger: The Right-Wing Plot to Derail Hillary Clinton and Hijack Your Government,” Brock accuses senior politics editor and former Washington bureau chief Carolyn Ryan of helping to turn the paper into a “megaphone for conservative propaganda” by unfairly targeting former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.

The founder of liberal watchdog groups Media Matters and Correct the Record casts Bill and Hillary Clinton, whom he tormented in the 1990s as a reporter with the American Spectator, as personal and political angels who offered him access to some of the Democratic Party’s biggest donors.

But he uses the book as a platform to attack the Times — whose editorial board endorsed Clinton over Barack Obama in 2008 — over its approach towards the Clintons from the Whitewater investigations of the 1990s to the current coverage of Hillary Clinton’s private email server.

“As it concerns Clinton coverage, the Times will have a special place in hell,” he writes, claiming that interviews with current Times employees prove his case.

Read more:
The exact same things can be said about the latino illegal immigrants. Can it not? Millions upon millions of people are here illegally. We have no idea who they are, where they are, or if theyre dangerous.

Yes, and it is
which is why Congress needs to get off their ass and pass a comprehensive immigration reform bill that removes that magnet and has strong boarder security measures. Funded and enforced.
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Yep the Obama admin has not significantly ramped up the use of the NSA toward allies and Americans, use of EPA, use of the IRS, has not jailed journos and whistleblowers, increased drone usage by 500% or so...etc, etc.....any more than Bush or the next guy. Just regular pols caught in a messy system. Victims really.
Yep the Obama admin has not significantly ramped up the use of the NSA toward allies and Americans, use of EPA, use of the IRS, has not jailed journos and whistleblowers, increased drone usage by 500% or so...etc, etc.....any more than Bush or the next guy. Just regular pols caught in a messy system. Victims really.
The Bush admin had their "significantly" ramped stuff too. Like I said, just to be fair. Of course, you will need to look up what fair means since it's not in your repertoire.
And the next. And the next. And so on, and so forth.

Lol. The Dem and Repub party is nothing more a POS ponzi scheme. It feeds on brainwashing its drones in the same way Amway, Primerica, Herbal Life, Montivie etc etc does.

It needs votes to keep this scam going. Just like Amway needs sales to keep going. Keeping their drones in line. Try to reason with a person working for a pyramid scheme company. I wish you luck.
The Bush admin had their "significantly" ramped stuff too. Like I said, just to be fair. Of course, you will need to look up what fair means since it's not in your repertoire.
And they were rightfully criticized correct? Did people say...."well Clinton had an Iraq warplan and they failed to keep them accountable so the Bush admin was just doing the same old political dance..."?

I would be happy to discuss with you Chuck but you gotta stop being a dipshit unable to make a cognitive point. You keep inferring I can't criticize Reps which is borderline retarded. If you are too addled to process info then move along.
And I will add AGAIN for Chuck and others who like to pull their punches on Obama.....virtually every "mistake" by the Bush admin was voted on and supported by Dem leaders, many of whom have served in very high roles in this admin. Ironically this week Colin Powell, who made the key speech for support for an Iraqi invasion, came out for the Iran deal.

Please show me where this admin has garnered input from the opposing party on pretty much anything they have done.
The latest national GOP poll is out this morning, this one from CNN, showing Trump has surged to his biggest lead yet.

Trump 32%
Carson 19%
Bush 9%
Cruz 7%
Huckabee 5%

For the first time, Trump comes out the winner when respondents were polled on their 2nd choice:

Trump 18%
Carson 16%
Bush 10%
Cruz 7%
Huckabee 5%

And on the Dem side the latest from Iowa:

Sanders 41%
Clinton 40%
No way in hell I could ever predicted this Trump thing or even Carson as the second leader. What happened to Rubio and Walker?

Serious question, how confused will the black community be if Carson gets the nod?
Trump has significantly changed his position on every major issue in the past two years. Obama without a filter. Embarrassing.
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