How will they rule ??!

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Give me a source on that or wherever you saw it, please.

Beer/Wine/Spirits I could see somewhat.

Tobacco makes zero sense. It's in a completely different class.
I see now that I wasn't clear: some of the cannibalization will result from Big Tobacco shifting their product mix and getting into the MJ biz (if and when that happens)... not just from tobacco users leaving tobacco and smoking MJ instead.
That's not cannibalization though, that's diversification. It's happening already with vaporizers for dried plant and oils/waxes. They'll obviously be in the growing / rolling game wherever possible as while the products are in different classes, the form factor is the same. Just a plant.

And that is an incredible stroke of good fortune for them if they use it correctly. They have a product that has been essentially socially banned...yet have the opportunity to exploit a very young and potentially gigantic market.

As far as people quitting cigarettes because they started smoking If a financial analyst is factoring that into an analysis on tobacco stocks I don't want their advice.
the states who get on the marijuana gravy train ASAP are the smart ones bc it probably won't be more than 10-15 years before a torrent of research comes out that will discourage use (especially if this stuff starts getting manufactured and packed with chemicals instead of being
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There's many years of research out there already but yes, increased availability will bring much, much more. Pretty confident it won't be any more damning than it has already been.

And if we could get these c**ts to end this federal prohibition and setup some strong regulations on herbicides / pesticides / production requirements as with other goods...chemically contaminated product is not something we will have to worry about.
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Exactly Argubs. Most weed smokers I know are into healthy lifestyles. Most of them and including me, would never buy weed from RJ Reynolds. Ever.
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Research just came out from Colorado. Actually increased their alcohol sales by 4% I think. Due to tourism.
True. I'm also hearing many pot tourists run into issues because numerous hotels instituted smoking bans, mainly for tobacco. Legal weed becomes a unfortunate casualty. I've also heard about efforts to accommodate weed smokers. I'll travel up there within the next couple years.
True. I'm also hearing many pot tourists run into issues because numerous hotels instituted smoking bans, mainly for tobacco. Legal weed becomes a unfortunate casualty. I've also heard about efforts to accommodate weed smokers. I'll travel up there within the next couple years.

Man, I will go next year. Screw this shit. I'm going to smoke weed out in Colorado public and not hide it. Bullshit.
Not the Onion...

Hillary ClintonVerified account‏@HillaryClinton 21h21 hours ago

Hillary Clinton retweeted The Associated Press

Marriage equality is the law of the land. Officials should be held to their duty to uphold the law—end of story.

Haha oh the irony. As usual, the Clintons love to enforce the laws on everyone; while theyre busy breaking them to line their pockets.

Prisons are big business as you point out, and the industry has lobbyists and plenty of money to fill up certain politicians campaign coffers.

This is but another issue that's been exacerbated by the Citizens United decision allowing unlimited special interest money to flow into political campaigns.

Citizens United is still one of the worst SCOTUS decisions ever. Its literally destroying our country.

Only 8% of prisons are for profit. Yet most people think we have 100% for profit prisons.

Important to note: Just because a business is designated non profit, doesnt mean its not making money. Most, if not all, hospitals and clinics are non profit. So are many regional cell carriers. Theyre definitely making money.

Talk to any equity analyst covering tobacco stocks.

Tobacco's decline is almost certainly still due to the fact they lace their product with poison, which kills people and causes cancer. Not some fear of diversification, cannibalization, etc.
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This correction notice in the NYTimes made me chuckle a bit:

Correction: September 3, 2015
Because of an editing error, an earlier version of this article misstated Kim Davis’s political affiliation. She is a Democrat, not a Republican
This correction notice in the NYTimes made me chuckle a bit:

Correction: September 3, 2015
Because of an editing error, an earlier version of this article misstated Kim Davis’s political affiliation. She is a Democrat, not a Republican

she's probably the last of what used to be called "blue-dog" Democrats. Those are Dems that follow more of a conservative, traditional political philosophy.
Don't get him started Willy.

If I have to hear about his super amazing ISP / ridiculously priced gigabit connection again I'm going to fly out there and strangle him in a jealous rage.
My kWh rate this past month was $0.0557.
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In another thread, DEEE blamed the the team's poor second half performance on the Special Olympics participants.
In another thread, DEEE blamed the the team's poor second half performance on the Special Olympics participants.

You're a lying sack of $hit too. Here is what I posted in it's entirely:

What made this game closer then it should have been was at the end of the 3rd quarter when they let the special Olympics kids come out of the tunnel. A whole bunch of players ran over there and started partying with them.

Anyone that's ever played a competitive sport knows how important it is to keep your focus and keep your head in the game. Hell these players acted liked the game was over at half time. But the other teams was intensifying it's focus and finding ways to move the ball on us and the first thing you know standing around and watching got us into a lot of hot water. That's what happens in football games.

Does anyone think if we were playing South Carolina or Tennessee that the players would have abandon their sideline to go celebrate with some visitors? ha!

I'm all for support Special Olympics and I'm glad the kids were honored but Stoops needs to have a long hard talk with this team about keeping focused and keeping your head in the game - and FINISHING!

Anyone with reading comprehension above the 8th grade level would know that my criticism was over the player's reaction, not to the Special Olympics kids being honored. If all you want to do is come here and stir up trouble than get the hell off the board and don't come back.
What is funnier, deeee acting tough or actually posting confirmation of what he is denying?

BTW, both teams were celebrating the SO group.
she's probably the last if what used to be called "blue-dog" Democrats. Those are Dems that follow more of a conservative, traditional political philosophy.
Everyone saw this coming, once you out the dems Mighty Mouth Deee zooms in to save the day by trying to minimize it. "Here I come to save the day!". You are so predictable and pathetic.
Everyone saw this coming, once you out the dems Mighty Mouth Deee zooms in to save the day by trying to minimize it. "Here I come to save the day!". You are so predictable and pathetic.

Idiot I was only trying to cast some light on why she would be a registered Dem. Guess what she probably IS one of the last of the Blue Dogs. Who really cares if she's a Pub or a Dem anyway, does anyone other than you actually worry about stuff like that?
I thought it was funny (haha) she was a registered democrat. The other tidbit is that she only gave her life to Christ four years ago. Maybe she just forgot to change her affiliation on the books.
I thought it was funny (haha) she was a registered democrat. The other tidbit is that she only gave her life to Christ four years ago. Maybe she just forgot to change her affiliation on the books.
Anybody know if she was a bigot before she was saved, or if she became one after her conversion to the Lord?
I don't know for sure, but I doubt if she was. Even if she was against gay marriage, she probably didn't feel strong enough about it to go to jail over it.
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The problem with this is that there are many people who don't agree with it regardless of political affiliation and just haven't been put in a position to have to show it. There are bigots and racist in all political parties. Unfortunately, the propaganda machine called the left leaning media and its backers, have done their job very well.
Idiot I was only trying to cast some light on why she would be a registered Dem. Guess what she probably IS one of the last of the Blue Dogs. Who really cares if she's a Pub or a Dem anyway, does anyone other than you actually worry about stuff like that?
Yes, you do, otherwise you would not have swooped in immediately after with your Mighty Mouth roar to try and minimize the issue.
Here he come's to save the day!
Mighty Mouth is on his way!
Don't need to hear the trumpets play!
Mighty Mouth is here, to bray!
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Does it really matter which party she belongs to? Not really. But its just one more thing to add to the mountain of evidence about MSM bias, because theyd rather take a bullet than mention shes a dem.
Does it really matter which party she belongs to? Not really. But its just one more thing to add to the mountain of evidence about MSM bias, because theyd rather take a bullet than mention shes a dem.

No, and that's the problem. People's political party affiliation identities have become so ingrained with their existence that they can't be separated. It becomes their a part of their personality and it takes a lot of insight to change one's personality. That ain't happening in the U.S. Your identity is your political leaning. No longer see the person as person but the usual round of anti-political stereotypes.

Nothing is ever getting fixed because this country has too many people with their heads so far up their asses. The lack of insight in this country is astonishing.

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