How will they rule ??!

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50K feet? But I thought @Platinumdrgn said they were at 80k plus and impossible to reach effectively. He also believes China that it’s just a rouge weather balloon.

Yeah haha. Pretty sure they just shot it down off the coast of Charleston SC. 2 Fighters left Myrtle Beach and circled a few times around 35k feet while another 2 watched and then all returned.

Quick Twitter search and found this.

I don't think you even know what an emp is. Small scale capacitor emp emitters are real. But just a novelty toy. Medium sized microwave emitters are 100s ft long power banks that weigh multiple tons used for hardening tests. They are short range and directional. Large scale emp requires a chemical process and explosives, its called flux compression. Unfortunately the laws of physics make these not very useful. A cruise missile sized emp warhead would be effective for a hundred meters. A nuclear warhead detonated at 50 000 ft can emp for hundreds of miles. So that is why the US quickly sidelined major emp weapons development. We have CHAMP, a microwave emitter stuck inside a AGM that can do low altitude focused EMP. Its been tested a few times but never used. If it takes a nuke to get it done then your just launching a full 1st strike, not playing around with emp. And you don't trust any of this to a balloon.
You are a moron, clown. You have no idea what are you are talking about.

Go suck some more smallwell.
This should be fun. Lots of talk Antifa, now come. The body bags will be waiting for you. Kiss your mama good-bye before you leave the house.

The President and his Military advisers could have stopped speculation in its track by saying it was a weather balloon. Instead they act like they have no idea what it is or just don’t want us to know.
And about half the country would have taken that bait hook line and sinker. Got one on here who already believes that.
It's been a whole week so just going to limit my response to this one post as everything can be found in earlier posts at this point. It's just a pink cake with blue frosting. He initially agreed to make the cake. Which means making a pink cake with blue frosting isn't against his religion. Making a blue cake with pink frosting for a trans person was the problem. He doesn't get to decide which cakes a trans person is allowed to have or not have. As the judge said, ""Here, the refusal to provide the bakery item is inextricably intertwined with the refusal to recognize Ms. Scardina as a woman. The concept that a business can decide whether to make the requested item depending on what information the customer provides would establish the equivalent of a 'Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell' rule — LGBT individuals would be entitled to equal service only to the extent they do not request goods that reflect their identity as LGBT individuals."
And, this redundant post requires the easy explanation as to the court’s ridiculous intentional error. Phillips makes cakes for the Alphabet Community. So, identity as a LGBT individual WAS NOT the reason for his refusal. Dion refuses to acknowledge this fact, because it destroys his blue cake/pink cake sue cake/stink cake narrative. The reason for the refusal was because the baker was told the purpose of the cake was so the patron could celebrate his/her/their denial of their God given sex, an affront to the baker’s religious conviction. In short, the court created a false conclusion that fringe liberals will buy, but is not consistent with what Phillips himself has said. When a court makes such conclusions, you should be wary of judicial activism.

SUPPLEMENTAL: let me add that if a heterosexual identifying patron informed the baker that he wanted a cake to celebrate something that was against the baker’s religion, that patron would likewise be rebuffed. So, this is not about identity, but about religion and speech.
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Ahhh, now I see the light. @Dionysus444 and @Platinumdrgn are energy vampires. Couple others I’m skeptical about now too.

Love that show by the way.
It’s beyond me those clowns have every answer for everything and going on about studying weather balloon patterns from different atmospheric changes to how to power them.
I was going to post that when I was on the lead team at JPL building pathfinder, I was against their engineering design of the soft pack landing but nooooo they wouldn’t listen to me and look what happened, I told them the stick had too much play and it crashed. 🍺
As for God, His way is blameless.
The word of the Lord is tested [it is perfect, it is faultless];
He is a shield to all who take refuge in Him.

For who is God, but the Lord?
Or who is a rock, except our God,

The God who encircles me with strength

Psalms 18 AMP
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Can you imagine the MSM and left wing firestorm if it was Don Jr’s laptop instead of Hunter Biden’s?

After all the hand wringing over Trump, we now have an actual criminal in the WH and nobody seems to even give a damn about it.

With the last admin it was all done to make everything now look like simply a repub wet dream, like they are just the jilted ex. These are the tactics of that side of politics going back over a hundred years.

They accuse others of exactly what they are doing so that when they are finally being looked at, it seems like simply a diversion tactic or desperation when they are themselves accused. They do it when they cry "racism," "terrorist," "fascist," "dictator," and only those gullible enough still believe they don't know exactly what they're doing.

All investigations of accusations from the left should begin with investigating the accuser.
USCG Hercules flew to same site the fighters were at. Now USCG ship and tugs are headed to same spot. Idk what the news will say but looks to me this thing got dropped.
After it has already flown over all of our sensitive sites. And i Would imagine the Chinese were retrieving the data in real time. So too little, too late.

If anyone supports affirmative action at this point, after 60 years of it and people still complaining about where they are and why, they are simply a bigot. After 3-4 generations of people benefited from these policies, they should have equalized their relative, populations percentage with the same percentage of ownership and executives in the work force/industry. If they haven't to this point, it isn't money or opportunity that are the problem.

Maybe the problem lies in the lies their leadership is shoveling their way, and they are too invested in it to analyze it for what it is, just as they were after the American revolution, civil war, WW1 & 2, Vietnam, etc. There is a percentage of America that is 100% invested in the ideology that "everyone else" is bigoted and "out to get them or hold them down."

I've sat in churches as a guest and listened to people call those who look like me "a demon." Launched whole sermons about it until they realized I was in the audience. One even apologized from the podium and couldn't finish his sermon. (They were the one that had extended the invite to me after I helped them one day. They were embarrassed and realized then and admitted that they were the bigot.)
The worst leadership this country’s ever had.
Or, the most corrupt, authoritarian regime we've ever endured. Whichever.
After it has already flown over all of our sensitive sites. And i Would imagine the Chinese were retrieving the data in real time. So too little, too late.
Seems to me if we shoot it down AFTER it has flown over our country, then we would be doing them a favor.

Xi: we're done with the balloon Joe. You can shoot it down now.
Joe: tenfold
Xi: excuse me?
Joe: tenfold
Xi: 10-4?
Joe: tenfold
Xi: click
The Commonwealth will soon condemn property in Knott County “to build homes for flood survivors” if the owners do not agree to sell. Is this legal? When did we get to the point that government can take property from an owner and give it to another in the form of a “housing project?”

Is welfare out of control in this country? That’s a rhetorical question, of course, since we know that it is. But is this project a representation of how extreme it has become? Is Kentucky becoming like Louisiana where hundreds of thousands are voluntarily locked into generational welfare?

How is this happening in what is supposedly one of the reddest states in the Union? Is vote farming a cancer in both parties equally?

When is that Elon Musk spaceship supposed to be ready to head for Mars? Anybody know the price for tickets?