How will they rule ??!

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    Votes: 41 82.0%
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You have zero common sense or reasoning skills. Zero.

Thanks for pointing out the native American stats, very relevant!
It appears that way since I thought I could take you seriously. I'm new here, didn't realize you were a troll.
I always love when some clown points out the alleged political slant of a source as if that makes a difference. Oh, you bolded the statement that it's a conservative source? Well, then, I guess I should agree.

A conservative source said we should turn over all private property ownership to the federal government. You guys can't disagree because I said a conservative source said it.
It appears that way since I thought I could take you seriously. I'm new here, didn't realize you were a troll.
A troll is not someone that knows math or common sense, dipshit. If anyone thinks illegal immigrants pay enough in taxes to pay for themselves, especially at this saturation level, they are an idiot that culls their access to information. I explained on the last page the difference between adding to the GDP and truly adding to the economy. Explain to us how they do not take resources from our poorer schools, explain how they don't suppress wages.

What we know about you so far is that you love you some big govt and high minded liberalism. The ivory tower needs immigrants to broaden their power.
I always love when some clown points out the alleged political slant of a source as if that makes a difference. Oh, you bolded the statement that it's a conservative source? Well, then, I guess I should agree.

A conservative source said we should turn over all private property ownership to the federal government. You guys can't disagree because I said a conservative source said it.
Intelligent people know there are plenty of stupid conservatives.

The big difference is that other conservatives will call them out (see criticism of Boehner and McConnell).

How often do you see libs call out other libs? Ever?
A troll is not someone that knows math or common sense, dipshit. If anyone thinks illegal immigrants pay enough in taxes to pay for themselves, especially at this saturation level, they are an idiot that culls their access to information. I explained on the last page the difference between adding to the GDP and truly adding to the economy. Explain to us how they do not take resources from our poorer schools, explain how they don't suppress wages.

What we know about you so far is that you love you some big govt and high minded liberalism. The ivory tower needs immigrants to broaden their power.
Yet you provide no sources to make your assertion, while I can very quickly provide one to contradict you.
Yet you provide no sources to make your assertion, while I can very quickly provide one to contradict you.
ah, the conservative research group is too biased but a latino blogger contributor to CNN, Maria Santana, is cool? gotcha. Typical information culling, working backwards to fill the gaps and ignoring basic reasoning. The myopia is a dazzling.

That article is like I stated, discussion is always skewed toward short-term contribution to infusion into the economy and little about long-term costs. And zero about wages, education, and whole saturation aspect.

So tell us why you think CA and IL are not booming from their latino invasion? I mean, shit, they add so much it's hard to figure why they are struggling with debt.
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I wonder how much of the "state and local" taxes the illegal aliens pay is actually gasoline tax while fueling their lawn mowers to steal jobs from Americans.

Or sales tax on the fattening food and real sugar coke they buy for their anchor babies so they can dump their medical expenses on to the American INCOME TAX taxpayer.
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I wonder how much of the "state and local" taxes the illegal aliens pay is actually gasoline tax while fueling their lawn mowers to steal jobs from Americans.

Or sales tax on the fattening food and real sugar coke they buy for their anchor babies so they can dump their medical expenses on to the American INCOME TAX taxpayer.

Wouldn't that have to be all of it? Any other state or local tax would be through legal employment, which should not be possible.

So tell us why you think CA and IL are not booming from their latino invasion? I mean, shit, they add so much it's hard to figure why they are struggling with debt.

Ha well played. They should be financial juggernauts from all the financial contributions of illegals; assuming that was actually true.
Wonder what outrageous promises were made to get those final votes.
They saw the threats to Schumer and Menendez indicted.

Funny watching 34 of 100 celebrated in the media twittersphere as a clear majority.
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They saw the threats to Schumer and Menendez indicted.

Funny watching 34 of 100 celebrated in the media twitterphere as a clear majority.

Yahoo front page calls it "a major victory". Also not to mention all the glamorizing of Hillary's non treasonous emails in an obvious attempt to act as if this is no big deal. Ive seen at least a dozen headlines about the gifilte fish.

No MSM bias though...
I am a gun owner with mixed feelings about it. I tell myself it is for personal defense, but I also keep it locked away so I'm not sure how useful it would be if someone were to suddenly break into my house. Being from eastern KY, many of my friends are former marines who are absolute gun nuts. They are all very responsible gun owners as well. They all have CC licenses and are constantly armed, but I find that many of them suffer from PTSD and are hypersensitive to their surroundings out of constant fear of danger due to their experiences. I would not be against an assault rifle ban, because I don't see the point in being able to own them. This despite the fact that all my said buddies have multiple assault rifles.

I suppose in a perfect world, I'd be completely against gun ownership. But it is too ingrained in our culture, and our principles have to constantly negotiate with reality. But I do think we have to keep the second amendment in context, since no matter its original intent, it was written in an era of muskets.

There is a ban on assault weapons/rifles already.
Yahoo front page calls it "a major victory". Also not to mention all the glamorizing of Hillary's non treasonous emails in an obvious attempt to act as if this is no big deal. Ive seen at least a dozen headlines about the gifilte fish.

No MSM bias though...
gwen ifill ‏@gwenifill 2h2 hours ago
gwen ifill retweeted The Iran Deal

Take that, Bibi.
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uh how about avoiding another multi-trillion dollar war in the mid east?

Doesnt require all out war. Tactically destroy their nuclear capabilities. Story from a year or 2 ago about releasing a computer worm to destroy their capabilities is a perfect example. This both removes their nuclear capabilities, and shows them we expect them to keep their deals.

Otherwise, we're constantly negotiating against ourselves; just like we have here. They didnt stick with the old deal. So we go back to the drawing board and begin the usual Obama capitulations until theyre satisfied. All while they give up nothing.

That Obama. Hes a master negotiator. Gives what the other side wants, gets nothing in return.
I think Kim Davis should do her job and issue the marriage certificates too. But my god have you all seen some of the comments about her on social media? Some of the harshest, cruelest things Ive ever read, including making fun of her size, style, and overall appearance.

The irony.....coming from the party of inclusion; and more so considering all the anti-bullying campaigns the left promote.
I don't think you can underestimate the impact that liberal/socialist cable news networks have had in creating some of the chaos we're seeing play out.

For instance check out the tweet msnbc sent out about a cop being dragged by a car.

No, I'm not ok with it - hadn't heard about it until now. Would I be right if I guessed you stayed silent back when Palin posted her crosshair poster on her website?

It was a picture, not a real gun, everyone with half a brain knew what she meant. that said Palin is an idiot.
It was a picture, not a real gun, everyone with half a brain knew what she meant. that said Palin is an idiot.
Unfortunately, there's too many people out there who don't have half a brain. And yes, Palin is an idiot who could have been a "heartbeat from the Presidency". I hope the Black Lives Matter organization can rein in the revolutionary rhetoric. We don't want to find out what a united radicalized BLM movement is capable of.
Yahoo front page calls it "a major victory". Also not to mention all the glamorizing of Hillary's non treasonous emails in an obvious attempt to act as if this is no big deal. Ive seen at least a dozen headlines about the gifilte fish.

No MSM bias though...

Also still waiting for the first major media outlet to report Kim Davis is a Democrat. Thats been kept unusually quiet.
I think Kim Davis should do her job and issue the marriage certificates too. But my god have you all seen some of the comments about her on social media? Some of the harshest, cruelest things Ive ever read, including making fun of her size, style, and overall appearance.

The irony.....coming from the party of inclusion; and more so considering all the anti-bullying campaigns the left promote.
They should find her something else in the office to do and let someone else handle that portion. In the Gulf War I had 2 of my 10 man artillery section that were professed Muslims and one of them said he could not be a part of killing his brothers in Islam. So, I gave him task that ensured he did not have a direct hand in the operation of the firing and handling of the rounds of ammunition.
In the Gulf War I had 2 of my 10 man artillery section that were professed Muslims and one of them said he could not be a part of killing his brothers in Islam.

Then why did your command have them in that situation in the first place? Didn't they have the foresight to anticipate this? What if it had been 6 of the 10 instead just 2, could your section have performed their duty?
If there was a guarantee the emails were real, I'd throw $500 to a gofundme to get the hacker to release them. Would just need 1,000 more people to do the same.

Or maybe we can get one of those evil Koch brothers the left whines so much about to buy them before Soros does.
If there was a guarantee the emails were real, I'd throw $500 to a gofundme to get the hacker to release them. Would just need 1,000 more people to do the same.

Or maybe we can get one of those evil Koch brothers the left whines so much about to buy them before Soros does.

Irony is, you would all go to jail. And she'd still skate away with no consequences.
I hope the Black Lives Matter organization can rein in the revolutionary rhetoric. We don't want to find out what a united radicalized BLM movement is capable of.

No worries. There are bigger fish to fry. You know, the crazy tea party and far right wing loons. Those are the ones you really need to watch

/department of justice
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Trump signed the pledge; he's having a press conference now.

I've always viewed him as a blowhard but I have to admit his lack of a filter is certainly entertaining.
Trump signed the pledge; he's having a press conference now.

I've always viewed him as a blowhard but I have to admit his lack of a filter is certainly entertaining.

I'll guarantee you that "pledge" isn't worth the paper it's written on. If they piss him off he'll run as an independent. Reince Priebus and all these other characters are just little toys he's playing around with for his own amusement.
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