How will they rule ??!

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And this beauty fails on several levels:

88. Michael Oppenheimer, 1990, The Environmental Defense Fund: “By 1995, the greenhouse effect would be desolating the heartlands of North America and Eurasia with horrific drought, causing crop failures and food riots…”(By 1996) The Platte River of Nebraska would be dry, while a continent-wide black blizzard of prairie topsoil will stop traffic on interstates, strip paint from houses and shut down computers…The Mexican police will round up illegal American migrants surging into Mexico seeking work as field hands.”
I just think it's hilarious that they keep interrupting Bernie Sanders' campaign events...he's probably one their side more than anyone.
I love how brainwashed the masses are and in the black community when it comes to actual facts. The false narrative that the "evil whitey boogeyman" is targeting blacks for the color of their skin is BS! In actuality, according to the DOJ, 85% of interracial crime is black on white despite only being 13% of the population. You'll hear apologist claim "Oh, it's because they're poor", which is why, you know, Appalachia is up there in murders. :rolleyes:

It is interesting which races pull the race card more than any others. The truth is, any type of honest critique or commentary on anyone but white people is considered "racist" so you're expected to go on and participate in their delusion and enable this garbage to continue on and on and people wonder why nothing ever changes. Many in the community keep voting Democrat and blaming everyone for their own problems and then wonder why nothing improves and why the cities ranked the highest in crime all have large black populations. And the thing is, if a black man points this out and doesn't play this little game, he's called an "Uncle Tom."

Liberal controlled media and universities spew this victim mentality crap to the black community (and whites as well) to portray themselves as their "savior" and continue to manipulate them for their gain.

Also, next time you read an article where the victim is white and the perp is black, notice how their race is never mentioned. It will say things like "man" "woman" "teen" or "suspect" where as you know what happens when it's the other way around. Also, I haven't seen a family man just going to work get killed by police. However, I've certainly seen three guys in the midst of breaking the law and resisting arrest die.
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Just want to paint you another example of how easy it is to manipulate the public. Check out this story from last week in the L.A. Times where the black shooter killed two white former co-workers and mentioned how he hated whites in his manifesto. I'll put in bold how many times this author seems apologetic for the killer or almost justifying it but makes no mention of his hatred of whites.

"Flanagan, who was black, cited racism and bullying as a motive, though Franklin County Sheriff Bill Overton said it was “obvious” that Flanagan “was disturbed in some way.”

"In the manifesto, the writer speaks of being the target of racial discrimination, sexual harassment and bullying at work. He said the attacks on him came from white women as well as from black men; and he discloses that he is gay."

“Why did I do it? I put down a deposit for a gun on 6/19/15. The Church shooting in Charleston happened on 6/17/15,” he wrote, calling it his "tipping point."

"Flanagan filed a lawsuit in 2000 accusing WTWC producers of hurling racially charged insults at him. He claims he was referred to as a “monkey” by a high-ranking station employee and said discussions about homicide victims in the newsroom routinely took on an anti-African American tone. Court records show the case was dismissed in 2001."

Now in a Baltimore newspaper who had no issue jumping on the Freddy Gray stuff somehow thought it wasn't necessary to mention race when 41 black teens did this to a 61-year old white man.

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those poor poor police officers. They are just innocent bystanders. Getting worked up over 'fry like bacon'? Ice Cube has said worse. They're just mad because the things they've been doing all these years is finally seeing the light of day due to technology.
It was just a matter of time before the idiotic apologist chimed in.^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
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Most of these so-called quotes (which are incomplete) don't mention a date by which they think these events will take place - next year? 2050, the end of the century? Without that they're meaningless. Some of these predicted events, actually have and are occurring. Some are written by laymen like the back packer. But hey, if it's published on Watts Up With That it must be true :D
And again the excuse maker appears. Not proving otherwise, simply stating that the site they come from is not reputable. Yes, not in those words but, your inference is understood. When you can't refute the information, try to downplay its source. You never fail to confirm what most on here are the ultimate lemming. ALL HAIL OBAMA!
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I love the pitiful white people joining in. I guess nobody has work or school. it's sad that 140 years after the civil war we are still at this point.
those poor poor police officers. They are just innocent bystanders. Getting worked up over 'fry like bacon'? Ice Cube has said worse. They're just mad because the things they've been doing all these years is finally seeing the light of day due to technology.

Kind of like all the black people bitching. Very similar
And again the excuse maker appears. Not proving otherwise, simply stating that the site they come from is not reputable. Yes, not in those words but, your inference is understood. When you can't refute the information, try to downplay its source. You never fail to confirm what most on here are the ultimate lemming. ALL HAIL OBAMA!

People like you are what keeps Watts Up With That and other bull $hit sites in business. As long as it's in black and white and agrees with your far right science-denying agenda, you'll lap it up.
I love the pitiful white people joining in. I guess nobody has work or school. it's sad that 140 years after the civil war we are still at this point.

Did this make sense in your head? Also, no need to try and prove how "not racist" you are. We get it. You don't have to show off. Sorry it hurt your feelings with a dose of brutal honesty with stats backing it up.

Sorry if I don't pity someone who is constantly playing the victim and promotes a false narrative that they're being targeted when in reality, it's the other way around and the stats prove it. But hey, no one gives a shit about that..whitey is to blame for everything, right?
So would it be racist to start a "White lives matter" movement? Or does that just go without saying?

Always confused on these issues like a WET instead of BET.
So would it be racist to start a "White lives matter" movement? Or does that just go without saying?

Always confused on these issues like a WET instead of BET.

According to many black people and white liberals on Twitter last week, a white lives matter hashtag was indeed racist.
Guess all the liberals on here and the media are ok with the Black panthers standing in front of a jail with high powered rifles chanting "oink,oink, bang, bang". ANd yet Sarah Palin had a crosshair picture of Arizona on her web page, indicating that she was aiming at Arizona for political purpose and the media went ballistic.
Guess all the liberals on here and the media are ok with the Black panthers standing in front of a jail with high powered rifles chanting "oink,oink, bang, bang". ANd yet Sarah Palin had a crosshair picture of Arizona on her web page, indicating that she was aiming at Arizona for political purpose and the media went ballistic.
No, I'm not ok with it - hadn't heard about it until now. Would I be right if I guessed you stayed silent back when Palin posted her crosshair poster on her website?
Yawn...who gives a big rats ass. Marching in protest? LMAO...knock yourself out. Dumbest thing Ive ever seen. Its whole success depends on somebody watching. Nobody watches and they are just goofballs in the street talking to themselves. Chants? whoopee...maybe they can put together a Christmas album or a save the Children CD. stupid...stupid...stupid.They are only successful If you pay attention to them, so If you dont believe in the movement, dont tune in to their "demonstrations". The mere fact that they are having to chant such derogatory statements to get attention leads me to think they are growing desperate for coverage anyway.
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those poor poor police officers. They are just innocent bystanders. Getting worked up over 'fry like bacon'? Ice Cube has said worse. They're just mad because the things they've been doing all these years is finally seeing the light of day due to technology.

You have issues. You're one sick d-bag.
Honestly, nothing will ever change either. To change will actually require looking in the mirror and realizing you're at fault for your life; not some mythical evil white man sneaking in the middle of the nights in the ghetto creating havoc.

We will still be doing this same song and dance for another 50 years. Generations of blacks will be brought up and taught to hate white people. Those white people will be told they're at fault for everything wrong in this country and in the world and will constanty pander to every non-white group out there.

And Democrats will continue to create division and run a platform on social division and chaos because they're incapable of running on the success of their policies. So they will be like Santa Claus throwing out victimization rhetoric while buying votes until they control everyone and everything in this country.
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"DC vs. Heller back in 2008 was 5-4 with Scalia writing the majority opinion. They decided that the second amendment was virtually an unlimited right, and not a derivative right which is what Madison intended it to be. The opinion did not even mention Madison, all of this being ironic considering Scalia is a strict constructionist operating under original intent. I just rambled on for awhile, but point being I'm not too fond of the strict constructionist school of thought, but it would be nice to get some consistency from people who are such as Scalia."

The problem with statements like this is that it is an interpretation of what you or whoever you got your thoughts from believe the intent was. If what you say about Scalia is true "strict constructionist", would that not be more in line with what he thought the intent was?
I didn't interpret anything, I just posted what actually happened with Madison responding to the states. The Quartet by Joseph Ellis is a great summation of the efforts to ratify the constitution by Madison, Washington, Jay and Hamilton. As for Scalia, the example I provided serves to illustrate why the concept of original intent is ridiculous, especially if strict constructionists use it at their own discretion.
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Honestly, nothing will ever change either. To change will actually require looking in the mirror and realizing you're at fault for your life; not some mythical evil white man sneaking in the middle of the nights in the ghetto creating havoc.

We will still be doing this same song and dance for another 50 years. Generations of blacks will be brought up and taught to hate white people. Those white people will be told they're at fault for everything wrong in this country and in the world and will constanty pander to every non-white group out there.

And Democrats will continue to create division and run a platform on social division and chaos because they're incapable of running on the success of their policies. So they will be like Santa Claus throwing out victimization rhetoric while buying votes until they control everyone and everything in this country.

why do you think Democrats do everything in their power to open the borders and advocate for more illegal immigration?
People like you are what keeps Watts Up With That and other bull $hit sites in business. As long as it's in black and white and agrees with your far right science-denying agenda, you'll lap it up.
Well Mr. T, it is people like you that keep our national debt on the rise thereby slowly killing the middle class. You continue to want to keep pouring tax payer dollars into failing green companies (paying off some of Obama's campaign supporters probably) and send money around the world for this purpose when we could use that money for more pressing issues at home. But, that is the typical mindset of those who love to spend money we don't have. Moron.
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I didn't interpret anything, I just posted what actually happened with Madison responding to the states. The Quartet by Joseph Ellis is a great summation of the efforts to ratify the constitution by Madison, Washington, Jay and Hamilton. As for Scalia, the example I provided serves to illustrate why the concept of original intent is ridiculous, especially if strict constructionists use it at their own discretion.
Evidently, the Supreme Court decided that it was the intent for the people to keep and bear arms.
Evidently, the Supreme Court decided that it was the intent for the people to keep and bear arms.
They did in a 5-4 decision. I don't even remember how we started talking about strict constructionism, but point being I think it is a ridiculous philosophy.
They did in a 5-4 decision. I don't even remember how we started talking about strict constructionism, but point being I think it is a ridiculous philosophy.
I guess it really does not matter. It is the law at this time. But, I do have one question for you. Are you for or against gun ownership? Not a question to pick at you because I have friends who are against, just a curiosity and if you are, why?
I guess it really does not matter. It is the law at this time. But, I do have one question for you. Are you for or against gun ownership? Not a question to pick at you because I have friends who are against, just a curiosity and if you are, why?
I am a gun owner with mixed feelings about it. I tell myself it is for personal defense, but I also keep it locked away so I'm not sure how useful it would be if someone were to suddenly break into my house. Being from eastern KY, many of my friends are former marines who are absolute gun nuts. They are all very responsible gun owners as well. They all have CC licenses and are constantly armed, but I find that many of them suffer from PTSD and are hypersensitive to their surroundings out of constant fear of danger due to their experiences. I would not be against an assault rifle ban, because I don't see the point in being able to own them. This despite the fact that all my said buddies have multiple assault rifles.

I suppose in a perfect world, I'd be completely against gun ownership. But it is too ingrained in our culture, and our principles have to constantly negotiate with reality. But I do think we have to keep the second amendment in context, since no matter its original intent, it was written in an era of muskets.
No, I'm not ok with it - hadn't heard about it until now. Would I be right if I guessed you stayed silent back when Palin posted her crosshair poster on her website?
Palin did not post that AFTER the tragedy. But congrats on coming your closest to identifying yourself as a liberal.
According to many black people and white liberals on Twitter last week, a white lives matter hashtag was indeed racist.

Not only that. But all lives matter is also considered racist. Think about that for a moment. A few weeks ago a democratic politician issued an apology for saying all lives matter. AN APOLOGY.

Honestly, nothing will ever change either. To change will actually require looking in the mirror and realizing you're at fault for your life; not some mythical evil white man sneaking in the middle of the nights in the ghetto creating havoc.

We will still be doing this same song and dance for another 50 years. Generations of blacks will be brought up and taught to hate white people. Those white people will be told they're at fault for everything wrong in this country and in the world and will constanty pander to every non-white group out there.

And Democrats will continue to create division and run a platform on social division and chaos because they're incapable of running on the success of their policies. So they will be like Santa Claus throwing out victimization rhetoric while buying votes until they control everyone and everything in this country.

Exactly. Right now the dems are seizing the opportunity by feeding into the victim culture for votes. "Youre on welfare? Ifs not your fault for dropping out of high school. Its the evil banks and GOP. So vote for us so we can get them!"

why do you think Democrats do everything in their power to open the borders and advocate for more illegal immigration?

Because they clearly do?

They did in a 5-4 decision. I don't even remember how we started talking about strict constructionism, but point being I think it is a ridiculous philosophy.

Its ridiculous to think people meant what they wrote? It says what it says. If what it says no longer applies, there are procedures in place to change what it says.

USA TODAY ‏@USATODAY 2h2 hours ago
About 51% of immigrant-led households receive at least one kind of welfare benefit, a report out today shows:

Shocker. Except not really. Go a bit deeper: What percentage of immigrants are MD's (subcontinentals)? Or in technology (Asians)? That probably cuts another 25% or so.

This quote was very telling:
  • The majority of immigrants using welfare come from Central America, Mexico and the Caribbean. The use of welfare is lower for immigrants from East Asia (32%), Europe (26%) and South Asia (17%).

This is important for 2 reasons. 1) It means theres an insanely high number of illegal immigrants on the draw. 2) Studies like this one intentionally focus on immigrants, rather than ILLEGAL immigrants. That way they can lump in all the MDs and tech to drag the numbers way down.
You have issues. You're one sick d-bag.

Absolutely. The day after the Texas sheriff was assainated (yes that it what it was), the Black Lives Matter held a rally where they said "pigs in a blanket, fry like bacon." The Black Panthers were also calling for cops to die. What in the hell is going on in this country? Sure there are bad cops (just like bad people), but they are the ones that keep us safe and for that hate speech out there is uncalled for. Also, the DNC (with Debbie W Schultz) supporting them it tells me all I need to know about the Democratic party. The DNC issued a resolution which the BLM rejected - how ironic is that. I loved what the police officer said in Milwaukee that the killings are a result of the rhetoric coming from the WH and the Justice Department - specifically Obama and Eric Holder. Where is Obama - why isn't he giving a press conference supporting the police - like he supported Treyvon Martin and those blacks who were killed. The reason is because he abhors the police and has created this environment.
why do you think Democrats do everything in their power to open the borders and advocate for more illegal immigration?

Essentially they're importing votes. They can bring in millions of people to drain our resources, create anchor babies, never assimilate, and can buy them with oppression speech and handouts.
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Maybe EastKyW can share some of his immigration data he heard from his buddy at the vegan poetry slam at Alfalfa's this past weekend.
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Maybe EastKyW can share some of his immigration data he heard from his buddy at the vegan poetry slam at Alfalfa's this past weekend.
No (awful joke too), I just had to actually read the article you posted:

Chavez, president of the Becoming American Institute, a conservative group that advocates for higher levels of legal immigration to reduce illegal immigration, said politicians should be careful about using the data. Rather than focus on the fact that immigrants are initially more dependent on welfare than the U.S.-born, she said they should focus on studies that show what happens to the children of those immigrants.

"These kids who get subsidized school lunches today will go on to graduate high school ... will go on to college and move up to the middle class of America," Chavez said. "Every time we have a nativist backlash in our history, we forget that we see immigrants change very rapidly in the second generation."

It gets even worse for you:

Camarota said one of the most shocking findings from the report was the high number of native-born Americans also on welfare. About 76% of immigrant households with children are on welfare, but so are 52% of native-born households with children.

Immigrants are more likely to be working than their native-born neighbors. The report found that 87% of immigrant households had at least one worker, compared to 76% for native households.

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