How will they rule ??!

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It shocks and saddens me that we don't hand out visas like candy to unskilled laborers who do what any housewife can do in her spare time.

The man was a PAINTER.

It honestly doesn't matter whether he paints pictures or paints houses. What value does he bring to the United States? From high school student to unemployed junkie, anyone ALREADY IN THIS COUNTRY LEGALLY can do that job. Why on earth would we bring another person in to take a job from someone so that we can piss away more money on the unemployed?

and he was 15 years into the process.

He's like that homeless buddy from college. "Hey man, can I crash on your couch for awhile?" 10 months later........
I respect a person who is willing to work--and work hard....especially when so many others are content to sit on their asses and let someone else take care of them.

If only.... we could exchange one hard worker like this painter and send a lifelong welfare bum to whatever country the painter came from. Sounds like a good deal to me.
The sources I've googled seem to say illegal immigrants provide more revenue for the government than they use in government services,

What it takes mentally to separate yourself from common sense to believe this is significant.

Google what it costs to educate just one illegal and google what an ER visit costs.

The argument people are making is that it expands the GDP which is technically true. They add money into the economy but they depress wages and increase debt. It is, among many things in our economy, a shadow long-term debt for short-term cash infusion.
So what you are saying is if I am reading this correctly. You have inside information on an illegal alien? Where does this "painter" live? I'd like to make a phone call to the FBI.
Willy, learn to read. I said he was working legally but was only allowed a few months per year...and it was a 5 year process just to get that far.

Regardless, it's been 8-10 years since I last knew where he was. Good luck.
Under current law it is nearly impossible for a Mexican or Central American laborer to come here and get a green card to legally work. The only exception to that rule are those who are seasonal agricultural workers.

I knew a Mexican painter who was trying to do it legally. It took him 5 years to get a guest worker visa that allowed him to work in the US for only a few months before he had to return home. The entire time he was trying to get the proper permits to immigrate here legally. As of my last contact with him he was 15 years into that process still waiting on that visa.

Most do come here "legally". They pass through one of the many border crossings just as you or I can do into Mexico. It is no crime for Mexicans to come visit the US. What they aren't supposed to do without proper documents, is work.

Thats absolutely not true. To come to the US legally, you need a visa of some sort; work or otherwise. For example - the stamps you get in passports are a temporary visa.

The painter shouldnt have been allowed. His skill set provides no value to the US. You can see the rules here. If you have an educated professional degree/certification or specialized skill; then you get preference. If you dont, you dont. Try sneaking across the border and get caught in some other country. No HOPE act, no politicians pandering to you for votes. You just get thrown out ASAP.

Not fair? This is as fair as it can get. Its about sovereignty. Are you supposed to be here? If yes, then welcome. If no, then come with me for fingerprinting and deportation. Its that easy. It doesnt matter where youre from, or why youre here. You have to go.

I respect a person who is willing to work--and work hard....especially when so many others are content to sit on their asses and let someone else take care of them.

If only.... we could exchange one hard worker like this painter and send a lifelong welfare bum to whatever country the painter came from. Sounds like a good deal to me.

Absolutely. Guarantee if we sent 1 worthless check drawer the Mexican government had to keep up for every illegal in this country; Mexico would probably build the wall beginning tomorrow lol.
It shocks and saddens me that we don't hand out visas like candy to unskilled laborers who do what any housewife can do in her spare time.

The man was a PAINTER.

It honestly doesn't matter whether he paints pictures or paints houses. What value does he bring to the United States? From high school student to unemployed junkie, anyone ALREADY IN THIS COUNTRY LEGALLY can do that job. Why on earth would we bring another person in to take a job from someone so that we can piss away more money on the unemployed?
Tell you what. You go hire someone off the street to paint your house and I'll hire this guy to paint mine.
Yeah, any jack leg can slap paint with a brush but can they and will they properly prepare the surface? Scape and sand the old paint, repair any rotting wood? Be on time, dependable and finish the job in the allotted time and leave a sparkling clean job site?
He painted my parents home about 20 years ago and it is just now needing a new coat. The painter they had hired prior to him needed his work redone 5 years later.
Like I said, the Dems agree with Bernie and want complete amnesty for anyone that can get across the border...just too chickenshit to outright admit it.
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Like I said, the Dems agree with Bernie and want complete amnesty for anyone that can get across the border...just too chickenshit to outright admit it.

Yep. They want to grant amnesty so they control politics for the foreseeable future, even if it means financially destroying the US.
Do the majority of illegals actually want to become US citizens and learn to speak English? Or is it just about no longer being illegal? I am guessing it is the latter.
Also, I'm not convinced on the vague national security argument. We've been priority number one for terrorists organizations for almost two decades, and the lack of border security has not mattered in that regard much since 9/11. Self-radicalization of current US citizens is much more of a concern.

Lol sheesh
DC vs. Heller back in 2008 was 5-4 with Scalia writing the majority opinion. They decided that the second amendment was virtually an unlimited right, and not a derivative right which is what Madison intended it to be. .

But Scalia also wrote the reasonable restrictions could be put on the sale of firearms.
Illegal aliens pay around 10 billion in taxes a year. They also get about 110 billion in welfare and other free benefits on the tax payer dime.
Boy this Rowan Co. Clerk has big names across the board (music, sports, pols, etc) suddenly adamant about laws being followed.
BTW, she is being an idiot.
Can't believe there hasn't been more drop-ins today, usually the kind of topic that drives situational selective outrage.
Pretty sure federal court rulings, and federal laws, such as those covering perjury and immigration are just suggestions on how one should act.

Or that's at least what I've observed.
Funny how its OK to bend the marijuana laws but gay marriage?

This is what happens when your leadership is weak; lack of consistent thought.
and BTW, she is an elected Democrat

something noone will include in all the stories about her, ever

I just read the latest story and it mentioned she was a dem. Also said she is going to court along with her staff on Thurs. Maybe.

As a white, atheist, heterosexual, American, who is my first "war" going to be with? Blacks? Religinuts? Gays? Mexicans?
Should be "Black Lives Matter IF White People Kill Them". They've been killing each other at an alarming rate for years.

Should have been the "Emancipation Proclamation and Deportation Act of 1865". We brought them here against their will and the only way to have truly freed them, would have been to have taken them back.
I just read the latest story and it mentioned she was a dem. Also said she is going to court along with her staff on Thurs. Maybe.

As a white, atheist, heterosexual, American, who is my first "war" going to be with? Blacks? Religinuts? Gays? Mexicans?
The BLEK Crows...melded org of BLM and worldwide environmentalists
In honor of Obama's made up crisis in climate change, I give you some of the best comedy you'll see in a long time.

Check out these climate disaster predictions (many by famous people who should have kept their mouth shut lol):

"Settled Science" lol:
The hypocrisy of the entire movement (and the attendant media coverage) is staggering. BTW, white police officer is shot 15 times from behind while filling up his car here in Houston by a black man for no apparent reason other than he hated white policemen and almost no national coverage and certainly no demonstrations. No outrage from the DOJ. Rhetoric from our President. Doesn't fit the narrative they've been spewing for 6+ years. Evidently, the movement ought to be called "Only Black Lives that We Deem Fit Our Political Agenda Matter".
those poor poor police officers. They are just innocent bystanders. Getting worked up over 'fry like bacon'? Ice Cube has said worse. They're just mad because the things they've been doing all these years is finally seeing the light of day due to technology.
those poor poor police officers. They are just innocent bystanders. Getting worked up over 'fry like bacon'? Ice Cube has said worse. They're just mad because the things they've been doing all these years is finally seeing the light of day due to technology.

Sounds like your a COPPHOB!
In honor of Obama's made up crisis in climate change, I give you some of the best comedy you'll see in a long time.

Check out these climate disaster predictions (many by famous people who should have kept their mouth shut lol):

"Settled Science" lol:

Most of these so-called quotes (which are incomplete) don't mention a date by which they think these events will take place - next year? 2050, the end of the century? Without that they're meaningless. Some of these predicted events, actually have and are occurring. Some are written by laymen like the back packer. But hey, if it's published on Watts Up With That it must be true :D
those poor poor police officers. They are just innocent bystanders. Getting worked up over 'fry like bacon'? Ice Cube has said worse. They're just mad because the things they've been doing all these years is finally seeing the light of day due to technology.[/Q

You sound like you love to vote.
30. “We are now at the threshold of making reliable statements about the future.”
Daniela Jacob, Max Planck Institute for Meteorology, Hamburg, page 44, 10/2001

And that is where we will remain.
I saw a clip the other day of a segment ABC did in 2009 about all the chaos that would be taking place by 2015....$9 gas, significantly more hurricanes, etc....Chris Cuomo being the tard he is. Started to post it but realized it was still settled science.
Funny how its OK to bend the marijuana laws but gay marriage?

This is what happens when your leadership is weak; lack of consistent thought.

Watch out for that gay atheist marijuana. One snort. Dead as a door nail.
My favorite, from the world acknowledged climatologist Meryl Streep (lol), is from 1990:

76. 1990 Actress Meryl Streep “By the year 2000 – that’s less than ten years away–earth’s climate will be warmer than it’s been in over 100,000 years. If we don’t do something, there’ll be enormous calamities in a very short time.”