VH,Dreamers should be legalized in conjunction with a full border wall. D's has zero responsibility for being here.
The other stuff is wrong. Tell us how you're going to remove them from office, bright guy? Easy to talk tough, isn't it?
Normally, I waffle back and forth with your opinions. Some I agree with, some I don't.
I could not disagree with your take on Dreamers more. Agree that the Dreamers did not commit any offense. But, how is it acceptable to allow individuals to profit from criminal activity? We don't let the family of drug cartel bosses or organized crime bosses to keep all their ill-gotten gains, do we? Sure, the wife and kids weren't involved in criminal activity but they don't to keep all the money, assets and lifestyle the crimes of the husband generated. Dreamers are no different.
Their parents committed a federal crime by crossing our border illegally. Their children should not benefit from their illegal activity. If we make this OK, how can we confiscate the assets of children of other convicted criminals? Bernie Madoff's wife and kids didn't get to keep all the money Bernie stole -what's the difference? If I walk into a bank and rob it for $10,000 and give it to my kids - do they get to keep that 10 grand? I'll never understand the logic behind 'Dreamers did nothing wrong so they should be allowed to stay' - never.