How will they rule ??!

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God is letting us be destroyed and face it...if you were God wouldn't you be mad at the sickness infesting America right now?
Yep. I think we are a sick country and our government is evil and corrupt. Our country has been rotting for decades and the volume got turned up culturally during and post Obama era. The craziest shit imaginable has taken place the last 15 years.

I think the creation of the intel agencies was a huge turning point in this country and then the people of the 60s who would later work in politics and academia, took this country down to absolute shit and debauchery.
And they wonder why recruiting goals aren't being reached.
Who wants to go be a pawn for politicians and psychopaths and if you do make it out, have a government that doesn't give a shit about you but does everything it can for the third world who invades this country.

All of the woke shit, being led by a dude who dresses as a woman, have a CIC that has dementia, and get to fight wars our citizens don't want because it lines the pockets of the worst human beings in the world.
Just an example but McConnell is 82. When his present term expires he will be 84. If he runs for reelection and wins, hopefully he will step aside and someone else can carry the mantel. This goes for both sides, being a member of the House or Senate was never expected to be for life. Term limits please.
Cowering from Trump now will make him look weak. The time he is needed is now.
If one could be assured Trump would be a team player and support the nominee, no matter who it is one could feel better. But nothing in Trump's past shows he is a team player.

His rise to the top in the GOP was by tearing down his opponent. We saw it in every debate. If he lost in the primary you know he would go third party and his focus would be on the Republican who beat him and the Democrat second. He would split the party and claim that was a win.

Trump is the reality. We know him and we know what he will do. He even got upset with DeSantis winning by 20 points and had to let us know DeSantis was ordinary and Trump had more Florida votes than DeSantis. Like any body cares. Except Trump only supporters, they care. So I say let him have 2024 and if he loses let him have 2028. Let him run until he dies if he can not win in 2024. It is the only way to save the GOP. You can not win without his supporters and no way you get his supporters as long as he is in the picture.

Their posts on this forum shows that. Multiply that by millions.
If one could be assured Trump would be a team player and support the nominee, no matter who it is one could feel better. But nothing in Trump's past shows he is a team player.

His rise to the top in the GOP was by tearing down his opponent. We saw it in every debate. If he lost in the primary you know he would go third party and his focus would be on the Republican who beat him and the Democrat second. He would split the party and claim that was a win.

Trump is the reality. We know him and we know what he will do. He even got upset with DeSantis winning by 20 points and had to let us know DeSantis was ordinary and Trump had more Florida votes than DeSantis. Like any body cares. Except Trump only supporters, they care. So I say let him have 2024 and if he loses let him have 2028. Let him run until he dies if he can not win in 2024. It is the only way to save the GOP. You can not win without his supporters and no way you get his supporters as long as he is in the picture.

Their posts on this forum shows that. Multiply that by millions.
The problem is a large portion of his supporters are not historical Republicans. They are blue collar workers, and they don't trust the old Republican party that some of you are clamoring for, it's gone. The establishment, Mcconells, Thunes, and Romneys of the world are clinging to it, but its not coming back.

The Democrats know this, it's why they went full retard on divisive 'end of democracy" , "white supremacy", "fascist" language, and why the first thing Pelosi pushed when retaking the House was changing elections which happened due to Covid.
The problem is a large portion of his supporters are not historical Republicans. They are blue collar workers, and they don't trust the old Republican party that some of you are clamoring for, it's gone. The establishment, Mcconells, Thunes, and Romneys of the world are clinging to it, but its not coming back.

The Democrats know this, it's why they went full retard on divisive 'end of democracy" , "white supremacy", "fascist" language, and why the first thing Pelosi pushed when retaking the House was changing elections which happened due to Covid.
I am not a part of the Old Historical Republican Party. Far from it, I was born in the Deep South in 1943. The GOP was seen as only a notch above the Japanese Empire down here.

None and I mean none of my family were Republicans. I voted for Trump and will again in 2024 but I seriously doubt he will win. He has burned too many bridges and you can see it is being taken out against candidates he endorses. One by one they lose. But he still is the leader of the GOP and I say ride it out.

I am also a realist and I know if Trump is not the nominee he will split the party and be happy to do it. He even throws a candidate he hand picked to run for office, if they lose, under the bus. It is what it is. He is still much better than any Democrat and in today's world who expects anything good out of the Feds anyway.

more like if there wasn't so much public pressure to release her then she might still be there but she didnt get released just because she happens to be black. seems like you have a bit of a problem with black people, care to elaborate?
I have no problem with black people. I have a lot friends that are black. The point is she black female and the only reason Biden administration stepped in.
But you don’t seem to care that Paul Whelan, who is a white marine, and the Biden administration has not done a damn thing to help him. Who do you think is more valuable to this country? Don’t mind answering because I know you are going to say Griner.
This administration only sees one color and one color only
The way she looks at him and then looks at the camera...I think they practiced this video a few times. I bet she gave him a script.

What footage would you like to see? What footage negates the footage we have all seen? There are cameras in the Capitol every day.

The footage containing the professional provocateurs antifas and feds.

Funny story…the day following 1/6, was at work (slow day) watching coverage of it from independent journalists there on site. Was a video of about 10-15 antifa lookalikes changing into MAGA gear under a tree before the riots broke out.

I’d link it, but YouTube has long since scrubbed that video, Indie journalists have been deleted off social media for “disinformation” and accounts were banned etc. it’s like “poof” it never even happened. I’m sure theres more to be seen.
Somebody retweeted this from a few months ago...

Normally, I waffle back and forth with your opinions. Some I agree with, some I don't.

I could not disagree with your take on Dreamers more. Agree that the Dreamers did not commit any offense. But, how is it acceptable to allow individuals to profit from criminal activity? We don't let the family of drug cartel bosses or organized crime bosses to keep all their ill-gotten gains, do we? Sure, the wife and kids weren't involved in criminal activity but they don't to keep all the money, assets and lifestyle the crimes of the husband generated. Dreamers are no different.

Their parents committed a federal crime by crossing our border illegally. Their children should not benefit from their illegal activity. If we make this OK, how can we confiscate the assets of children of other convicted criminals? Bernie Madoff's wife and kids didn't get to keep all the money Bernie stole -what's the difference? If I walk into a bank and rob it for $10,000 and give it to my kids - do they get to keep that 10 grand? I'll never understand the logic behind 'Dreamers did nothing wrong so they should be allowed to stay' - never.
So punish the innocent for the crimes of their parents? When have we ever done that?

Do we make children of US criminals pay back all the ill got gain their parents spent on them? No. But the kids benefited from it, right? Of course they don't keep the assets. Do the kids have to pay back the college tuition criminals spent on them? What about the expense of lavish vacations? No.

Had they been sent back in the first few years they were here, I'm good. Still am for all the illegals coming in now. The border situation PMeO. But these people are in their 20's, many older, and only know the US. They may not even speak the language of their birth much less how to fit in. They are generally well integrated into the US economy. Sending them back now is inhumane & un-American to me - unless they are convicted criminals.
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Just an example but McConnell is 82. When his present term expires he will be 84. If he runs for reelection and wins, hopefully he will step aside and someone else can carry the mantel. This goes for both sides, being a member of the House or Senate was never expected to be for life. Term limits please.
- He's not running again. He may not even serve out his term - why he got the KY Senator replacement law changed so it isn't the governor's choice.
- I'll bet whatever than Rand Paul isn't the next Pub Senate Leader.
If one could be assured Trump would be a team player and support the nominee, no matter who it is one could feel better. But nothing in Trump's past shows he is a team player.

His rise to the top in the GOP was by tearing down his opponent. We saw it in every debate. If he lost in the primary you know he would go third party and his focus would be on the Republican who beat him and the Democrat second. He would split the party and claim that was a win.

Trump is the reality. We know him and we know what he will do. He even got upset with DeSantis winning by 20 points and had to let us know DeSantis was ordinary and Trump had more Florida votes than DeSantis. Like any body cares. Except Trump only supporters, they care. So I say let him have 2024 and if he loses let him have 2028. Let him run until he dies if he can not win in 2024. It is the only way to save the GOP. You can not win without his supporters and no way you get his supporters as long as he is in the picture.

Their posts on this forum shows that. Multiply that by millions.
This is Trump Fear, SC. I'd rather Trump tear Pub Party apart & further see what he truly is than hide in a corner. Those that choose not to run because of Trump Fear are not worthy of support.
The problem is a large portion of his supporters are not historical Republicans. They are blue collar workers, and they don't trust the old Republican party that some of you are clamoring for, it's gone. The establishment, Mcconells, Thunes, and Romneys of the world are clinging to it, but its not coming back.

The Democrats know this, it's why they went full retard on divisive 'end of democracy" , "white supremacy", "fascist" language, and why the first thing Pelosi pushed when retaking the House was changing elections which happened due to Covid.
DeSantis/Youngkin/Pompeo/Cruz are hardly the old GOP. But every time non old GOP alternatives to Trump are brought up, you & others bring up the names you list. It's bait & switch by you to avoid any reasonable non-Trump possibilities. Y'all are just so locked-in to a loser, past & future.
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Shutting down in person church service and businesses was the right thing to do at that time. If people had continued normal interactions before any immunity built up or vaccines had been taken.... The number of deaths in Ky would probably be double what it was.
It was a TEMPORARY pandemic mitigation measure done to buy time for immunity to build up, vaccines to be given and prevent hospitals from being overwhelmed.
I know of nobody that was actually arrested or jailed for defying that temporary restriction.... So it's really much ado about nothing. The only reason for taking license plate info was because they were supposed to quarantine after attending the service. At the end of the day... Nothing was ever done. This is a direct quote from Beshear about this issue....
Despite the order...the governor promised that the state is not going to "padlock doors or arrest pastors."
Beshear saved thousands of Kentuckian lives with his decision making. He is a good man.
Btw... Your favorite Republican governor DeSantis actually DID allow the arrest of a pastor in Florida for defying Covid related church shutdown orders.
This one incident did more to open up Florida than anything. When the left wing, commie loving Hillsborough Co., George Soros backed prosecutor arrested a Pastor all hell broke loose. It was the lead story on TV and the backlash was fast.

When Floridians saw this they immediately took the side of the church and minister. Even agnostics and non believers who saw an oppressive Special Prosecutor knew it was time to stop this and stop it now. If they will arrest churche pastors they will arrest anybody. That was The Battle Cry.

Florida opened up, not only churches, but bars, sporting events, beaches and before you know it life was back to normal. Our church had remained open too but we live in a small conservative county and arresting our pastor was out of the question.

So thank you Special Prosecutor from Hillsborough County. And oh by way, Ron DeSantis fired him and removed him from office shortly thereafter for failure to prosecute BLM and Antifa. Now they have a conservative SP down there.
I think the biggest point of contention here is how we define fascism. Most of us leaning center left see the modern Republican party as the most fascist in our lifetime.
They no longer believe in democracy. Because we realize we are a Constitutional Republic and that the founding fathers were intentionally against a "democracy" as such a "democracy" always leads to tyranny, as we are seeing. The only reason you even utilize the word is because you've been conditioned by the lefts constant barrage of using it. Do a little research and understand exactly why the founding fathers chose a Constitutional Republic over a "democracy"
They no longer accept election results. Did Hillary accept her results? Stacey Abrams? How many Dems called Trumps win in 2016 Illegitimate? So any candidate now is just to blindly accept results even if they have legitimate or strong reasons to believe there was fraudulent activity that needed to be looked into?
They no longer concede election losses. Again, see Hillary and Abrams and stop with the hypocrisy. Trump actually did concede. There was a whole statement and everything.
They are passing laws that remove previously held rights like abortion and trans medical care. Abortion is murder and Life and body altering surgery on youth under 18 is grotesque and child abuse. Anyone in favor of that is sick. When someone turns 18 and becomes an adult, then they are free to transform their bodies as they wish, but leave kids alone. Abortion was never a "right". And i'm all for compromise on the deal by the way, but the left thinks murdering a baby mid birth is fine and dandy. That's not cool.
They want to have direct access and control over the medical and psychology decisions you make concerning your own body and have criminalized those decisions. See vaccine mandates and vaccine passports your feckless leaders want to implement.
The head of the Republican Party wants to TERMINATE parts of the Constitution???!!!!...Still with the out of context nonsense?
What is more fascist than that?? Colluding with social media to silence and censor Americans free speech? (talk about getting rid of parts of the Constitution) Wanting to take away American's 2A rights (again with the Constitution). Branding political opponents, concerned parents, and average American citizens as "Domestic Terrorists". Holding Kangaroo court type proceedings against your political opponents. Controlling the Media through propoganda (actual law passed under Obama to allow it). Imprisoning political opponents without due cause over trespassing charges, having the FBI raid Abortion clinic protestors homes and take them into custody for praying outside of an abortion clinic, while doing zilch to stop or arrest those who literally vandalize and bomb pregnancy resource centers. There's plenty of things that are far more fascist and tyrannical.
I seriously clicked to see ignored content on you because I knew you would be one of the few to actually spout off some drivel.
Stop doing the math and thinking logically.

On the surface we just made a trade to show how much we value a black life! And simultaneously saved the WNBA! This should increase their ratings for a game or two. Hooray!!

One can only hope behind the scenes, in addition to getting an international war criminal back, Russia also required us to take Zelenski off the payroll.
Harding, who rose to prominence this year over his sponsorship of Florida's Parental Rights in Education Act, often referred to by critics as the "don't say gay" bill," also faces two charges of engaging in monetary transactions with funds derived from unlawful activity and two counts of making false statements to the SBA.