No. I don't live in the 14th century where ignorance, fear, and superstition rule my simple peasant life. We know things. We've progressed as a species. I could choose to live in a mud hut and throw rocks at fish to feed myself, then apply leeches to myself if I got sick. Those are all things I could do, but then I'd be an idiot that turned his back on knowledge.
We make a bargain with people that know more than we do in all our daily lives. We trust the pilot can fly the plane, we trust the doctor to do our surgery, we trust the engineers that the bridge I am driving over doesn't fall.
You can turn your back on all those people and do your own google research. Fly your own plane after a few quick YouTube videos. Pile the family in and give it a shot. Cut right into yourself after reading a couple medical books as surgery can't be that tough. Build your own stick bridge over the Grand Canyon and trot right over it with your backpack.
There are a lot of things you can "research" yourself so please, by all means, don't restrict yourself to mere vaccine science and medicine. Apply your google brilliance in everything you do. I look forward to how that turns out. Thanks!