How will they rule ??!

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Danish girl robbed on train and then ejaculated on by Muslims.

Look at these peaceful and well-adapted to modern society- Muslims.

People are delusional if they think Muslims can actually co-exist with people of modern day. God help us if they ever become the majority.
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You do realize that pesky trial thing is to ensure the person actually did join a terrorist organization in the Middle East before they're killed, correct?

The mofo was in Pakistan/Afghanistan waging Jihad. It's not like we could have sent him a summons. It's totally different than 99.99% of situations where I agree that a trial is required.
Danish girl robbed on train and then ejaculated on by Muslims.

Look at these peaceful and well-adapted to modern society- Muslims.

People are delusional if they think Muslims can actually co-exist with people of modern day. God help us if they ever become the majority.

A lot pervs out the world regardless of religion.

GENEVA -- The Vatican revealed Tuesday that over the past decade, it has defrocked 848 priests who raped or molested children and sanctioned another 2,572 with lesser penalties, providing the first ever breakdown of how it handled the more than 3,400 cases of abuse reported to the Holy See since 2004.


Jewish guy


Conservation Christian "Role model"
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I read something the other day that said, after a white guy killed black people in Charleston, it was because of racism. After the black guys kills the white people in Richmond, it was because of guns.

Roanoke? That guy was reported to be mentally unstable and having hostile relations with former colleagues.

In each instance access to guns by those who should not have them was obviously a primary contributing factor, but the guns by themselves don't commit crimes so I'm at a loss as to why anyone would say they would, certainly not what I heard reported on all 3 cable news channels.
A lot pervs out the world regardless of religion.

GENEVA -- The Vatican revealed Tuesday that over the past decade, it has defrocked 848 priests who raped or molested children and sanctioned another 2,572 with lesser penalties, providing the first ever breakdown of how it handled the more than 3,400 cases of abuse reported to the Holy See since 2004.


Jewish guy


Conservation Christian "Role model"

You're missing a huge factor here. Catholicism/Christian doctrine is unlike Islam in when it comes to violence/sex/women. That's the every day thought there...women are essentially slaves. Hell, they stoned a woman to death after she was raped.

It's also not surprising how many wolves hide within the church because it's easy to disguise yourself especially if you're a gay sick pedophile. What could be better than to get a position where no one questions you not having a wife? It's not a secret that many con men hide within the church and the fact that this is the biggest religion in the world, those numbers aren't that huge or indicative of the culture.

You bring up something I always found interesting. When a gay priest molests little boys, it's always tacked on the "Christians are evil" scoreboard but everyone ignores them being honosexual and somehow the gay community escapes criticism.
It's also not surprising how many wolves hide within the church because it's easy to disguise yourself especially if you're a gay sick pedophile. What could be better than to get a position where no one questions you not having a wife? It's not a secret that many con men hide within the church and the fact that this is the biggest religion in the world, those numbers aren't that huge or indicative of the culture.

I believe we have a former PG who falls in that category.
You're missing a huge factor here. Catholicism/Christian doctrine is unlike Islam in when it comes to violence/sex/women. That's the every day thought there...women are essentially slaves. Hell, they stoned a woman to death after she was raped.

It's also not surprising how many wolves hide within the church because it's easy to disguise yourself especially if you're a gay sick pedophile. What could be better than to get a position where no one questions you not having a wife? It's not a secret that many con men hide within the church and the fact that this is the biggest religion in the world, those numbers aren't that huge or indicative of the culture.

You bring up something I always found interesting. When a gay priest molests little boys, it's always tacked on the "Christians are evil" scoreboard but everyone ignores them being honosexual and somehow the gay community escapes criticism.
But you wouldn't agree with this right? Although you are basically saying the same thing but with the pedophiles instead of terrorists.

It's also not surprising how many wolves hide within the church because it's easy to disguise yourself especially if you're an islamic extremist. What could be better than to get a position where no one questions you not having a wife? It's not a secret that many terrorists hide within the church and the fact that this is the biggest religion in the world, those numbers aren't that huge or indicative of the culture.
You keep ignoring the doctrine though. If you believe the Quran is the word of God then you're endorsing what it says. There's over a 109 verses calling for violence of non-believers. There's also a ton of verses for sexual deviancy, rape, etc. Their culture has a very poor view of women and extremist are in all honesty, just following their scripture fully (which is evil as hell).
You keep ignoring the doctrine though. If you believe the Quran is the word of God then you're endorsing what it says. There's over a 109 verses calling for violence of non-believers. There's also a ton of verses for sexual deviancy, rape, etc. Their culture has a very poor view of women and extremist are in all honesty, just following their scripture fully (which is evil as hell).

And the Bible has plenty of verses for punishment by stoning if a woman is not a virgin on her wedding night, commits adultery or is a witch.
If you work on the Sabbath you are put to death, or don't obey your elders, being gay or a non-believer.

I have no problems with a person being religious if that makes them a better person for their family and community.
When one uses their faith to deprive others of their human rights and freedom then that is an issue.

IMO an government by evangelic rule could be nearly as bad as any Islamic law state.
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And the Bible has plenty of verses for punishment by stoning if a woman is not a virgin on her wedding night, commits adultery or is a witch.
If you work on the Sabbath you are put to death, or don't obey your elders, being gay or a non-believer.

I have no problems with a person being religious if that makes them a better person for their family and community.
When one uses their faith to deprive others of their human rights and freedom then that is an issue.

IMO an government by evangelic rule could be nearly as bad as any Islamic law state.

Oh, horse shit. I, by no means, think the Bible should be law for this country but don't give me this crap that it would be just as bad as Islamic law. What would you find so upsetting? What morality of Christianity do you find so dangerous and offensive?

Also, quoting Old Testament doesn't really stand, bud.
Kenya legislators introduced a bill to stone gays.

American Evangelical missionary Scott Lively has influenced anti-gay laws in Uganda.

If the Old Testament doesn't really stand I suppose you ignore the Ten Commandments?

The Quran and the Bible both speak of love and compassion in one verse then hate and bigotry in another.
Both have been debated and interpreted in many ways. Look how many sects there are for Christians alone that vary on the "true" meaning.
And the Bible has plenty of verses for punishment by stoning if a woman is not a virgin on her wedding night, commits adultery or is a witch.
If you work on the Sabbath you are put to death, or don't obey your elders, being gay or a non-believer.

I have no problems with a person being religious if that makes them a better person for their family and community.
When one uses their faith to deprive others of their human rights and freedom then that is an issue.

IMO an government by evangelic rule could be nearly as bad as any Islamic law state.

Yeah, I remember on my wedding night I found that my wife wasnt a virgin so I called the local executioner and had her beheaded in the Church parking lot. It happens alot here in the US just as it does in the Middle East. smh....
Have you ever seen anybody stonned to death, beheaded or any of that other stuff in the US because of Christianity? Its an every day occurance in the middle east.
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Yeah, I remember on my wedding night I found that my wife wasnt a virgin so I called the local executioner and had her beheaded in the Church parking lot. It happens alot here in the US just as it does in the Middle East. smh....
Have you ever seen anybody stonned to death, beheaded or any of that other stuff in the US because of Christianity? Its an every day occurance in the middle east.

Don't cloud his mind with facts, his head might explode.
And the Bible has plenty of verses for punishment by stoning if a woman is not a virgin on her wedding night, commits adultery or is a witch.
If you work on the Sabbath you are put to death, or don't obey your elders, being gay or a non-believer.

I have no problems with a person being religious if that makes them a better person for their family and community.
When one uses their faith to deprive others of their human rights and freedom then that is an issue.

IMO an government by evangelic rule could be nearly as bad as any Islamic law state.
Jesus said, "let he who is without sin cast the first stone. New testament is when Jesus came to correct the ways of man and suffer and die for us.

Also, the fact that you think evangelic rule would be nearly as bad as Islamic law shows that you really do not know what you are talking about.
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But you wouldn't agree with this right? Although you are basically saying the same thing but with the pedophiles instead of terrorists.

It's also not surprising how many wolves hide within the church because it's easy to disguise yourself especially if you're an islamic extremist. What could be better than to get a position where no one questions you not having a wife? It's not a secret that many terrorists hide within the church and the fact that this is the biggest religion in the world, those numbers aren't that huge or indicative of the culture.
Perhaps not the ones actually committing the act but, once it is committed the support seen for it is very large and affirming. This is where you lose your argument and stance. Death to America is not just a chant by those committing the act but also by those condoning the act which happens to be a very large part of the Islamic population.
Roanoke? That guy was reported to be mentally unstable and having hostile relations with former colleagues.

In each instance access to guns by those who should not have them was obviously a primary contributing factor, but the guns by themselves don't commit crimes so I'm at a loss as to why anyone would say they would, certainly not what I heard reported on all 3 cable news channels.
Man, you have got to be kidding me. You cannot see the forest for the trees. Does it matter about the mental stability? I mean, you could say that of all racist because they hate everyone but their color. Typical liberal response, blame something other than the real issue. RACISM!
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Jesus said, "let he who is without sin cast the first stone. New testament is when Jesus came to correct the ways of man Old Testament God and suffer and die for us.

Also, the fact that you think evangelic rule would be nearly as bad as Islamic law shows that you really do not know what you are talking about.

Fixed that for you.
Obama's administration continues its War on Whites by forcing us to call Mt McKinley "Denali" from now on. Erasing white heritage one national treasure at a time.

Pretty soon it'll be "Booker T Washington, DC", I bet.
I think it's awesome that conservatives are supporting a 3 times divorced, previously Democratic, casino-loving, pro-choice, bigot who probably hasn't stepped inside a church in years. Well maybe this year since he's gotta look conservative! Jesus would be so proud. His proposed policies on immigration are not even in the realm of reality, his take on China yesterday is a joke, as if the 2nd largest economy in the world slowing down would have no effect on us or that we could do something about it. That's how markets work Don. He has become the great White Hope.

Any proof that trumps a bigot? Or just typical left wing made up nonsense?
Obama's administration continues its War on Whites by forcing us to call Mt McKinley "Denali" from now on. Erasing white heritage one national treasure at a time.

Pretty soon it'll be "Booker T Washington, DC", I bet.
That's funny - and yes, just wait for the outrage from the politards.
Nobody is saying everything you accomplished is solely because you're white. Privilege means it helps to be white. Whites generally are afforded more opportunities to succeed and don't have to worry about how their actions will reflect on their race or if they're being treated unfairly because of race, and up until the past 20 or so years, a lot of it was systematic. There's a reason for affirmative action, equal opportunity/housing acts, etc.

Examples of privilege are everywhere and span from race to class to gender.

Many are so minute it's hard to notice. ("He's so well spoken,"; "He's such a good student for a black kid."; white people can usually shop without being watched or followed; U.S. history is taught from a white perspective; Whites are generally never in situations where they're the only member of their race in a large group such as a classroom setting; White people aren't first identified by their race in every conversation; White males haven't constantly been portrayed as big, dumb, scary, criminals on TV and in movies, but rather as successful, rich, and powerful.)

I base my opinion on things I've seen in my personal life, and through my education and work history.

We can agree to disagree. And don't think I was trying to belittle your accomplishments in life. You did those things on your own accord.

This is so laughably false. You say you aren't brainwashed but then spout every dumbass left wing talking point from the media and from other dumbasses like Al Sharpton.
Man, you have got to be kidding me. You cannot see the forest for the trees. Does it matter about the mental stability? I mean, you could say that of all racist because they hate everyone but their color. Typical liberal response, blame something other than the real issue. RACISM!

The Virginia shooter didn't just go out and find some random white folk to shoot, he knew the victims personally, had had conflicts and anger episodes in the past with them, and exhibited violence and anger when fired by the TV station the victims worked for. None of the news reports I watched on this mentioned anything about the shooter being a "racists" but you in your infinite wisdom, turned on your TeeVee and noticed that the shooter was black and the victims white and immediately determined it had to be about race. I don't know if they shooter had racists tendencies or not and I don't really care, the pertinent facts clearly paint the picture that this was a vengeance crime against the station and it's employees.

Your clueless binary response to the race of the shooter exposes your Archie Bunker style of bigotry. People like you perpetuate hostility between races becasue of your simple-mindedness and being upset becasue a black shooter may have gotten better news coverage then a white shooter who by the way WAS affiliated with a racist organization and sought out random black victims who he did not know. And yes mental illness that predisposes one towards violent acts was at the center of both of these senseless shooting as it was with most all of these high-profile mass shootings. Apparently you think shootings such as this can be performed by perfectly normal people - makes me wonder about you sir.
The Virginia shooter didn't just go out and find some random white folk to shoot, he knew the victims personally, had had conflicts and anger episodes in the past with them, and exhibited violence and anger when fired by the TV station the victims worked for. None of the news reports I watched on this mentioned anything about the shooter being a "racists" but you in your infinite wisdom, turned on your TeeVee and noticed that the shooter was black and the victims white and immediately determined it had to be about race. I don't know if they shooter had racists tendencies or not and I don't really care, the pertinent facts clearly paint the picture that this was a vengeance crime against the station and it's employees.

Your clueless binary response to the race of the shooter exposes your Archie Bunker style of bigotry. People like you perpetuate hostility between races becasue of your simple-mindedness and being upset becasue a black shooter may have gotten better news coverage then a white shooter who by the way WAS affiliated with a racist organization and sought out random black victims who he did not know. And yes mental illness that predisposes one towards violent acts was at the center of both of these senseless shooting as it was with most all of these high-profile mass shootings. Apparently you think shootings such as this can be performed by perfectly normal people - makes me wonder about you sir.

Were there more than 1 motivating factor in the Roanoke shooting? Probably. But if youre trying to simply ignore the racial factor; youre just being unreasonable. He wrote a manifesto. Its not like we're having to jump to conclusions. Retreat of Exit Glacier.pdf

As our dear leader continues his assault on Alaska and speaks to the dire consequences of Global Warming, I'd like him to explain why Exit Glacier was actually receding FASTER in the late 1900's and early 2000's than it is today. I only hope that someone with some common sense will ask him why it was receding way before man-made "global warming" became a threat.


Were there more than 1 motivating factor in the Roanoke shooting? Probably. But if youre trying to simply ignore the racial factor; youre just being unreasonable. He wrote a manifesto. Its not like we're having to jump to conclusions.

Sure, like I said I don't know if he was racists or not and yes there can be more than one motivating factor.
However do you believe that "the real motive was racism" as expressed by the other poster or do you think the primary motivate was his past experience with this TV station during his period of employment and his negative interpersonal relations with the victims? To me the answer seems obvious.
Deee you are too stupid and partisan to believe. You unwillingness to call things as they are and your blind allegience to the PC crowd, makes you the laughing stock poster you have become.

Most people can see that racism is not just a white problem but a human problem. From the churh shooting to the deputy sherrif shooting last week. Only your kind of cowardess to call it what it is is what is keeping America from actually being able to really confront the problem. What a moron!
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Deee you are too stupid and partisan to believe. You unwillingness to call things as they are and your blind allegience to the PC crowd, makes you the laughing stock poster you have become.

Most people can see that racism is not just a white problem but a human problem. From the churh shooting to the deputy sherrif shooting last week. Only your kind cowardess to call it what it is is what is keeping America from actually being able to really confront the problem. What a moron!

So according to you, the fact the the shooter had worked for the station, had numerous angry conflicts with the management and employees and was fired had absolutely nothing to do with his motive for shooting the journalists. Instead, you have determined that it was "racism" becasue the shooter was black and the victims white. He just wanted to kill some white folk, that's all.

You've now left no doubt about your ignorance and bigotry. You're disgusting.
Last edited: Retreat of Exit Glacier.pdf

As our dear leader continues his assault on Alaska and speaks to the dire consequences of Global Warming, I'd like him to explain why Exit Glacier was actually receding FASTER in the late 1900's and early 2000's than it is today. I only hope that someone with some common sense will ask him why it was receding way before man-made "global warming" became a threat.



There's 100,000 glaciers in Alaska and here's one that isn't following the pattern of shrinking - interesting.

Alaskan Glaciers

About 5% of Alaska is covered by ice, in over 100,000 individual glaciers, many of which are unnamed. 98% of these glaciers are shrinking, with those at lower elevations experiencing the most rapid melting. Alaskan glaciers show some of the fastest loss in the world per unit area. From the mid 1950s to the mid 1990s, 12.5 cubic miles of ice was lost each year. This rate nearly doubled from the mid-1990s to 2001, to 23 cubic miles per year. This is nearly double the total loss from the much larger Greenland ice sheet during that time.

Since the 1980s, glacial retreat across the world has sped up dramatically. Between the 1960s and 1990s, ice loss was already relatively fast - with an around of 8 inches of ice thickness lost for every square yard of glacier across the world. Between 2001-2004, this rate more than doubled.
Sure, like I said I don't know if he was racists or not and yes there can be more than one motivating factor.
However do you believe that "the real motive was racism" as expressed by the other poster or do you think the primary motivate was his past experience with this TV station during his period of employment and his negative interpersonal relations with the victims? To me the answer seems obvious.

Only he knows his true motivation. I happen to believe there were a few factors, attention seeking, etc; but that race was one of them.

My point several pages ago is that based on the FACTS (manifesto, social media, etc), the media had even more evidence this was a racially motivated crime than the one in Charleston.

Despite the mountain of evidence pointing towards race being a factor, in one case they completely ignored it. In the other, they hammered away for weeks, led charges to ban flags, take down monuments, etc.

Why the different treatment?
Deee, as I said before, you are too stupid to believe. Some already reminded you of his manifesto and the racial comments there in. You are such a coward. You are so affraid of some one falsely accusing you of being a bigot, you've succumbed to the fear tactics used by the far left. Pathetic little man.
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Only he knows his true motivation. I happen to believe there were a few factors, attention seeking, etc; but that race was one of them.

My point several pages ago is that based on the FACTS (manifesto, social media, etc), the media had even more evidence this was a racially motivated crime than the one in Charleston.

Despite the mountain of evidence pointing towards race being a factor, in one case they completely ignored it. In the other, they hammered away for weeks, led charges to ban flags, take down monuments, etc.

Why the different treatment?

His so called manifesto indicated that he thought his treatment was due to homophobia and/or racism on the part of the station. That's not being a racist that's suspecting others of being racist, something entirely different. A racist is someone that dislikes or hates an entire race. There is no evidence that he hated all whites, he just hated these particular whites. That doesn't fit the definition of racism.

At any rate, all of this information was put out by the media so the allegation that the media was "covering up" or treating the crime different becasue of the race of the shooter is false. The information is out there. I think what happened is pretty obvious and according the police reports didn't have much of anything to do with race, but each person including yourself can decide what you think.
Jesus Christ. D.

He invoked Roof by stating he wanted a race war so he was gonna give him one.

Are you trying to argue because he knew the victims then race couldn't be the motivating factor? I mean, I'm sure he worked with other black people he didn't get along with, but that's not who he targeted. Weird, huh? Even weirder when we know he wanted to give Roof his war.

The killer had plenty of issues. There was also more than 1 contributing factor in doing what he did (just as with all shootings of this nature). Based on the factual evidence, race was a major one of those factors.

Of course, this is coming from the same guy who wanted Ted nugent indicted by a grand jury. So, yeah.
His so called manifesto indicated that he thought his treatment was due to homophobia and/or racism on the part of the station. That's not being a racist that's suspecting others of being racist, something entirely different. A racist is someone that dislikes or hates an entire race. There is no evidence that he hated all whites, he just hated these particular whites. That doesn't fit the definition of racism.

At any rate, all of this information was put out by the media so the allegation that the media was "covering up" or treating the crime different becasue of the race of the shooter is false. The information is out there. I think what happened is pretty obvious and according the police reports didn't have much of anything to do with race, but each person including yourself can decide what you think.

Manifesto, Tweets, etc. Its all there. His desire to start a race war. To retaliate for Charleston. On and on.

Oh it was reported, but only for a split second; and not even by the MSM (that I saw). Not exactly the non stop, weeks on end news coverage the rebel flag received as a result of one facebook picture with a shooter. Just a day or two ago, a state legislature voted to remove Jefferson Davis statue from state grounds.

This is why no one here can take you seriously. Youre so partisan/dishonest, you refuse to concede even the most obvious point.