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Your opinion. It really depends on where you live, parental control and discipline in the home.
What you say is true, and I believe in your case you and your family are made safer by your training and experience using guns. But stats do show that guns are used for self protection only in rare occasions. And I would bet, and this is my opinion, that on average, more gun owners are untrained and irresponsible than not.
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2 days after an african american male murdered 2 white people on live TV, while leaving behind a racists manifesto; the MSM is back to blaming Bush for Katrina.

No calls for banning flags. No moving historical landmarks or denouncing history. Just good ole, tried and true "BLAME BUSHHHH"

Again, how did we reach a point in society and the media where theres such a disparity in the way certain issues are treated?
I have posted a chart showing that restrictive gun laws dont reduce gun violence- in fact, I posted it twice.

Are liberals really that stupid?
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An interesting read that provides some legal experts' interpretations of the Clinton email situation.

DISCLAIMER: This IS an opinion piece, so you'll have to sift through the editorialization a bit.
Those interpretations are in the minority, from what I can gather. The conventional analysis of the situation is what was in the Mukasey piece in the Wall Street Journal last weekend. In short, if she wasn't a candidate for the office of the Presidency, if her last name wasn't Clinton, if she was a regular joe with top level security clearance, she'd undoubtedly be indicted and on trial. Her career would be over, she'd be facing heavy fines and very possibly jail time.

Which isn't to say that's how it will work out. She is clearly a very powerful person, with very powerful friends. Will the Obama Justice Dept. choose to pursue this? Maybe not. Wouldn't surprise me. Just one more example of Clinton scandal, and one more example of her defenders saying "see, she did nothing wrong, right wing conspiracy."
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2 days after an african american male murdered 2 white people on live TV, while leaving behind a racists manifesto; the MSM is back to blaming Bush for Katrina.

No calls for banning flags. No moving historical landmarks or denouncing history. Just good ole, tried and true "BLAME BUSHHHH"

Again, how did we reach a point in society and the media where theres such a disparity in the way certain issues are treated?

What flag should we be calling to ban?
What historical landmarks should we be removing?
What part of history should be denounced?

None of that applies to this scenario. If there is a flag that symbolizes black supremacy, landmarks that represent black supremacy and secession in the name of the enslavement of white people or a part of history where black people created and implemented laws for the sole purpose of demoralizing, segregating and denying civil rights to white people then I'm all ears.
I have posted a chart showing that restrictive gun laws dont reduce gun violence- in fact, I posted it twice.

Are liberals really that stupid?

Anyone that swallows data from a web post where the poster (you) admitted that they don't even know where it came from is a gullable fool.

Here is some information from a credible source - Business Insider:

The United States has the highest gun ownership rates in the world and the second highest rate of gun deaths among industrialized nations.

That's not a coincidence. Looking at developed nations, the U.S. is the end point of a staggering trend where the higher the rate of gun ownership, the more people die from gun wounds.

Under the heading 'things you won't hear much about':

Donna Brazile, a prominent Democratic political operative, praised President George W. Bush’s response to Hurricane Katrina on Thursday, just hours before President Obama’s speech in New Orleans marking the storm’s 10th anniversary.
Brazile, a Louisiana native, has applauded Bush’s Katrina response before. But she made her latest comments on board Air Force One while flying to the Big Easy with Obama, who has previously criticized’s his predecessor’s handling of the storm recovery.
“Under President Bush’s leadership, we got it right,” she told reporters.
Brazile said Bush’s initial response to the storm was “slow,” but chalked that up to chaos plaguing state and local governments along the Gulf Coast.
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The mayor and governor have always gotten a pass from liberals when it comes to NO and Katrina.
What flag should we be calling to ban?
What historical landmarks should we be removing?
What part of history should be denounced?

None of that applies to this scenario. If there is a flag that symbolizes black supremacy, landmarks that represent black supremacy and secession in the name of the enslavement of white people or a part of history where black people created and implemented laws for the sole purpose of demoralizing, segregating and denying civil rights to white people then I'm all ears.

Theres no mention of the racial aspect at all. Its hidden. Buried. Swept under the rug. Compared to the Charleston shooter, where MSM dug through his entire social media history and found a pic of him with a rebel flag, which then incited a push to ban everything for weeks that followed.

The mayor and governor have always gotten a pass from liberals when it comes to NO and Katrina.

Dubya sucked. But accountability for the incredible loss of human life should go as follows:

1) On the individuals who didn't evacuate, after they were warned days ahead of time.

2) Mayor Nagin

3) Governor

4) head of FEMA

5) W
Under the heading 'things you won't hear much about':

Donna Brazile, a prominent Democratic political operative, praised President George W. Bush’s response to Hurricane Katrina on Thursday, just hours before President Obama’s speech in New Orleans marking the storm’s 10th anniversary.
Brazile, a Louisiana native, has applauded Bush’s Katrina response before. But she made her latest comments on board Air Force One while flying to the Big Easy with Obama, who has previously criticized’s his predecessor’s handling of the storm recovery.
“Under President Bush’s leadership, we got it right,” she told reporters.
Brazile said Bush’s initial response to the storm was “slow,” but chalked that up to chaos plaguing state and local governments along the Gulf Coast.

Very disappointed we did not get an encore of "where's yo dolla" from BO on this visit
Once the US stops droning US citizens off the earth without trials and running sweeping domestic surveillance programs, maybe we can talk about how the US federal government really doesn't want to completely eliminate the second amendment.

I don't disagree with everything Rand Paul says, but eff the pseudo-citizens who join terrorist organizations and end up getting droned in BF-Afghanistan. You want a trial? Don't join a terrorist organization in the Middle East.
I have posted a chart showing that restrictive gun laws dont reduce gun violence- in fact, I posted it twice.

Are liberals really that stupid?
How does Europe's gun violence stack up vs the US?

Fact is ANY "restrictive" gun laws would take years, if not decades to have any affect as there are already so many guns in circulation. Trying to make comparisons using local gun restrictions like those in DC is totally ludicrous as someone only needs to travel 5 miles in any direction to get around those restrictions.
What you say is true, and I believe in your case you and your family are made safer by your training and experience using guns. But stats do show that guns are used for self protection only in rare occasions. And I would bet, and this is my opinion, that on average, more gun owners are untrained and irresponsible than not.
I would have to agree for the most part. A lot of the violence is within homes of people who are already in trouble or have a record. In these cases, they probably should have not had guns in the first place but, once again, if you outlaw guns only outlaws will have them. It is the classic double edged sword scenario.
Got this from another website; not sure of the original source.

It will be interesting to see the spin...

Jezzus! Did you even bother to try and understand this data? No spin is needed.
Norway had 1 incident (shooting rampage) in the 5 year window that resulted in 77 deaths. The US had 38. If you add up all of the other countries listed there, there was a total of 17...there were 38 in the US alone.
This chart looks at 2009-2013. How do you think it would look for 2011-2015? How many of the countries above would fall off the chart?
"Shooting rampage"? So we only count those times someone shot more than 2 or 3 people??? How about the total deaths due to firearms in these same countries?... (I gave you that chart above)
Those interpretations are in the minority, from what I can gather. The conventional analysis of the situation is what was in the Mukasey piece in the Wall Street Journal last weekend. In short, if she wasn't a candidate for the office of the Presidency, if her last name wasn't Clinton, if she was a regular joe with top level security clearance, she'd undoubtedly be indicted and on trial. Her career would be over, she'd be facing heavy fines and very possibly jail time.

Which isn't to say that's how it will work out. She is clearly a very powerful person, with very powerful friends. Will the Obama Justice Dept. choose to pursue this? Will not. Wouldn't surprise me. Just one more example of Clinton scandal, and one more example of her defenders saying "see, she did nothing wrong, right wing conspiracy."

Fixed it in bold.
Guess what you won't see in the mainstream news today.

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I am sorry folks but, you cannot use what others countries do as a good reference for what we should do. Totally different mentalities and attitudes altogether. One such case in point is the France train terrorist incident. Americans were the first and only people to respond and fight back. Some of you do not realize that we are different and you cannot use what other countries do and think it will work here. We lead the world because of our being who we are and having guns and the right to own them is a part of that. A very big part.
I am sorry folks but, you cannot use what others countries do as a good reference for what we should do. Totally different mentalities and attitudes altogether. One such case in point is the France train terrorist incident. Americans were the first and only people to respond and fight back. Some of you do not realize that we are different and you cannot use what other countries do and think it will work here. We lead the world because of our being who we are and having guns and the right to own them is a part of that. A very big part.

How dare you say America is different in a good way! We are at fault for everything and are oppressing all of these other countries and their people.

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I think comparisons of gun deaths between countries are always irrelevant. The goal of our society is not to minimize gun deaths. The goal of our society is to maximize individual liberty. A free society is inherently more risky than one where liberty is restricted, so I would expect that we have higher rates of gun deaths compared to most countries on earth. That statistic doesn't mean that we shouldn't have the freedom to own guns. I have no interest in trading liberty for safety. Can we do more to keep guns away from mentally unstable people? Perhaps, but we should never trade liberty for safety. I suspect most of us feel that way or people would be moving in mass to countries that place a lot more restrictions on liberty, but where gun deaths are lower.
Guess what you won't see in the mainstream news today.

Awful. Just, awful. never for any minute of his remaining days shall he have the first ounce of dignity about him. He's probably already the father of 2 or 3, subsidized with a place to stay and an allotment of monies to pay for him to eat, wear new "kicks" and to reproduce freely. awful. Just awful.
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I have posted a chart showing that restrictive gun laws dont reduce gun violence- in fact, I posted it twice.

Are liberals really that stupid?

The chart comes from the Independent Journal Review. However your source is owned by two former Republican staffers and is pretty much a right wing propaganda rag.

Taking a finite and small sample of data makes for bad statistics. These "top" countries have populations under 10 million and only a 5 year period, taking such a small sample can make the data erratic and highly influenced by a random happening.
The graph places Norway on top due to one mass shooting in 2011 when a man went armed to a summer camp on an island and hunted down and kill about 70 children and adults. One historic event does not mean Norway is far more violent than the US and can not prove your point.

Here's a break down of the data, if you can understand statistics.
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Gun deaths follow the drug trade, other arguments are window dressing.

Still nothing on here or from the talking heads about "common sense reform" that would have prevented that shooting.
I have no interest in trading liberty for safety.

Liberty and security have always historically been competing goals. 100% security would mean a police state, 100% liberty would be no police force, no requirements for a drivers license, no restrictions on who may buy a gun, no requirements of how you dispose of your trash etc.

It's ideological insanity to blindly and universally promote a concept without understanding or recognizing the practical needs of a community, a state or a country.

The goal should always be to have the best balance we can achieve between personal liberties and freedoms and the need to provide, law and order, for the overall safety and protection of citizens.

Gun deaths CAN be further minimized without sacrificing the liberties of law abiding citizens. Now if your concerns are the liberties of felons, terrorists, or the criminally insane, then there's a different answer.
I don't disagree with everything Rand Paul says, but eff the pseudo-citizens who join terrorist organizations and end up getting droned in BF-Afghanistan. You want a trial? Don't join a terrorist organization in the Middle East.

You do realize that pesky trial thing is to ensure the person actually did join a terrorist organization in the Middle East before they're killed, correct?
The chart comes from the Independent Journal Review. However your source is owned by two former Republican staffers and is pretty much a right wing propaganda rag.

Taking a finite and small sample of data makes for bad statistics. These "top" countries have populations under 10 million and only a 5 year period, taking such a small sample can make the data erratic and highly influenced by a random happening.
The graph places Norway on top due to one mass shooting in 2011 when a man went armed to a summer camp on an island and hunted down and kill about 70 children and adults. One historic event does not mean Norway is far more violent than the US and can not prove your point.

Here's a break down of the data, if you can understand statistics.
If you could understand statistics you'd see that the US falls in the middle; Norway IS an isolated event but does not undermine the rest of the data.

Classic lib tactics: can't argue the data; undermine the source. You guys are so predictable.
I remember in the Eighth grade (and I'm 51 now), a teacher told us in class that if a major hurricane were to hit New Orleans direct, it would be under water.

Many things went wrong - but New Orleans is about as bad of a position for this type of storm as you can get.
I read something the other day that said, after a white guy killed black people in Charleston, it was because of racism. After the black guys kills the white people in Richmond, it was because of guns.
I remember in the Eighth grade (and I'm 51 now), a teacher told us in class that if a major hurricane were to hit New Orleans direct, it would be under water.

Many things went wrong - but New Orleans is about as bad of a position for this type of storm as you can get.
The Army Corp of Engineers had plenty of time and money to prevent that level of breach.