How will they rule ??!

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    Votes: 41 82.0%
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    Votes: 9 18.0%

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That would really rile up the lefties. lol

a federal database of a persons who openly state "I'm carrying" . . . extending to those states who currently allow citizens to carry concealed and openly without any permit? The CCWP system has never been about what it's participants think it has been about. The participants were made to believe it was a great idea, a card to put in a pocket so a small pistol can be put there too. But to the govt. - the federal govt. - it created a federal roster, the first and only of it's kind, of names of private citizens who "possess and bear" arms. Not some "could be" database . . . not some "might be" database from troves of forms filled out while "shopping" for guns, forms that are required to be maintained by the retail seller, not required to be "turned in" unless the retail seller goes out of business, and even when that happens - and has been happening a lot as internet firearm sales have displaced many mom and pop operations - they go to a warehouse in West Virginia, where the forms are un-indexed, unfiled, unsorted, unorganized, un-usable to the purpose that so many persons fear when they "fill out" the form for conducting background checks . . . to this day there is a fear that there is a database created from the long form background check process of this person, this firearm, this serial number to the extent that if the feds wanted to know what firearms John Doe at 123 apple drive in wherever USA owns, they can punch his name in a computer and find out. There is no such dog.

There doesn't need to be. Because the feds and govt. know when the time comes to disarm the public they know they will need to begin with that portion of the middle class that arms itself and provides the most revenue to the firearms industry. and that is exactly what the CCWP database says. Every single change made to it . . . has been designed to increase your participation . . . not your protection. So if you want the federal govt. to know you own a gun, if you want them to know you are arming yourself, if you want them to say "anybody that will hide a gun on him has lot's of guns with him", then go ahead . . . get a CCWP, and tell everyone (sort of defeats the purpose when you do that last part, btw, but that seems to be what everybody does for whatever stupid reason).

there is another option
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Found Newts comments interesting. Said he won't be a cabinet member but that he wants to help re shape the GOP. Wonder if he might be interested in running the RNC.
Just for transparency's sake, this is the same guy who attempted to discredit Steve Bannon, Corey Lewandowski (Trump's campaign manager), and Donald Trump after his favorite son Ted Cruz lost the primary. He took the side of a reporter who falsely reported battery against Lewandowski in the hopes of derailing Trump's campaign in favor of Cruz. He is as big of a snake as Hilldawg.

(I didn't watch the video and everything he said may be correct, but his morals are f***ed up)
I saw that lol. He apparently did meet with him, but there's no way he will make Trumps cabinet.

The media must just assume that everyone who is walking into Trumps tower are meeting for Cabinet positions.

More are, but I doubt 100% of them are. Some are probably just going there to congratulate Trump on winning, and offering support.

Trump had dinner with his family. CNN is reporting that Barron Trump is a finalist for the U.S treasury.
Just for transparency's sake, this is the same guy who attempted to discredit Steve Bannon, Corey Lewandowski (Trump's campaign manager), and Donald Trump after his favorite son Ted Cruz lost the primary. He took the side of a reporter who falsely reported battery against Lewandowski in the hopes of derailing Trump's campaign in favor of Cruz. He is as big of a snake as Hilldawg.

(I didn't watch the video and everything he said may be correct, but his morals are f***ed up)
He tells everyone early on that he didn't vote for Trump.
Can you say, Vince Foster

Yep, alluded to this the other day.

The Clinton Foundation is 200% into pedophilia and human trafficking. That's the evidence on Anthony Weiner's laptop.

Talk about cognitive dissonance X1000
Can you say, Vince Foster
Here is the "suicide note" they found in Foster's briefcase. It was torn into 27 pieces. The missing piece is believed to contain his signature. (nothing to see here)

I made mistakes from ignorance, inexperience and overwork

I did not knowingly violate any law or standard of conduct

No one in The White House, to my knowledge, violated any law or standard of conduct, including any action in the travel office. There was no intent to benefit any individual or specific group

The FBI lied in their report to the AG

The press is covering up the illegal benefits they received from the travel staff

The GOP has lied and misrepresented its knowledge and role and covered up a prior investigation

The Ushers Office plotted to have excessive costs incurred, taking advantage of Kaki and HRC

The public will never believe the innocence of the Clintons and their loyal staff

The WSJ editors lie without consequence

I was not meant for the job or the spotlight of public life in Washington. Here ruining people is considered sport.[
Just proves that there are many dumb people in this Country.

It's quite fascinating the lack of insight. I don't think I've heard from one hillary voter about the fact that the dNC duped it's own constituents. Instead, they blame other people. It's agnosia to their own mental illness. hillary voters are sick. They need help, but their agnosia prevents them from getting the help they need. It's sad.
Trump tweeting that he has talked to Ford and they are keeping their Lincoln plant in KY. Was not aware they were possibly leaving to Mexico.

They laid off a ton of people a few years back around here and almost left then. It seems at least 25% of my town works there and they were all scared to death.

I'd assume until now fleeing America was always on the table financially.
They laid off a ton of people a few years back around here and almost left then. It seems at least 25% of my town works there and they were all scared to death.

I'd assume until now fleeing America was always on the table financially.
Sounds like a legit major victory for Trump already and he is not even President yet.
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'20 is going to be like leading a cute little lamb to the slaughter. Sure, it'll ba'aa and bleet all it wants, and Trump will pat it on the head to try to comfort it, but can't stop what's going to happen.

Yeah, there's not enough screamin snowflakes that's gonna stop this mf'er.
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