How will they rule ??!

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I'm giving your post a like, not because I like what you say, but because there is very real chance you are correct.

Understood. Iirc you run a business where you manufacture things so I assume you have first hand knowledge about the scenario I discussed about merchants, etc now having to reorder inventory at much higher prices. Those prices will be pushed down to the consumer or the business will go under. Both will probably happen in many instances.

Now let's look way down the road. If Republicans win, they'll need the fortitude to slow the presses. I say fortitude because that will cause major contractions. It's necessary to save our country but will cost them tons of political capital. Then the Dems will be back preaching milk and honey and the cycle will start new once again; each time taking us closer to destruction
More AR15s and less abortions.
Fighting to have more of the weapons being used to kill children across America every week while also fighting to save the babies of rapists.
That makes perfect sense in freaking Crazy Town.
Straw men everywhere.

There are over 2300 abortions per day. Let me know when AR killings reach that. (And I’m not a AR advocate at all) Children are children to me. Whether they are 8 years old or 30 weeks old. It’s a tragedy when either life is snuffed out. You Libs don’t give 2 shits about the latter.

Liberals are literally rioting, protesting and threatening judges with death so they can murder children for convenience, not for rape.

I never thought I would live long enough to see $5 gasoline or a nation turned upside down because people may have to work harder or spend more to kill babies.
Understood. Iirc you run a business where you manufacture things so I assume you have first hand knowledge about the scenario I discussed about merchants, etc now having to reorder inventory at much higher prices. Those prices will be pushed down to the consumer or the business will go under. Both will probably happen in many instances.

Now let's look way down the road. If Republicans win, they'll need the fortitude to slow the presses. I say fortitude because that will cause major contractions. It's necessary to save our country but will cost them tons of political capital. Then the Dems will be back preaching milk and honey and the cycle will start new once again; each time taking us closer to destruction
I have had 4 price increases in raw goods since Dec. Shipping costs are getting much worse. I can't find workers. I'm old and tired of 80 hour work weeks. I have a realtor evaluating my business property and am seriously thinking of shrugging my shoulders and getting out of it. I'm in the area the tornado hit and buildings are at a premium now.
You oppose laws to restrict access to AR-15s used to mass kill children every week while simultaneously supporting laws that force girls to have their rapist or daddy's baby.
And you call me dumb.
You use false narratives and kill babies. You also over dramatized everything. You are the typical liberal moron who screams if you don't get your way.
Except he’s not wrong. Exactly what do you think the words “well regulated” mean?
Except he is wrong in that he misquoted and left out the total context.

“A well-regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.”

We are the people.

The first statement is talking about the states right to the security of themselves to remain free and the second part is talking about the people having that right as well.

You people really are either just dumb or evil and corrupt.
More AR15s and less abortions.
Fighting to have more of the weapons being used to kill children across America every week while also fighting to save the babies of rapists.
That makes perfect sense in freaking Crazy Town.
More babies are killed through abortions than people killed with AR15's each year by far. Your positions holds no merit.
You oppose laws to restrict access to AR-15s used to mass kill children every week while simultaneously supporting laws that force girls to have their rapist or daddy's baby.
And you call me dumb.
Don't need me to call you dumb. Your post screams it to us.
We're going full blown recession and haven't even begun to pull back the printing presses. So what we'll see is prices and inflation continue to skyrocket because now people are having to replace inventory and supplies with the much higher prices.

The worst won't be felt until the finally power down the printing presses. They can't afford that because of the election. So they'll use stimulus for short term relief but that will just make the end result all that much worse because that's printing money too.

We could legit see a depression. Just wait until the yuan conveniently gets floated again as global preferred currency. There is a certainty that idea will be floated and imo a good chance it will be accepted.

Where we're ultimately heading is the one currency. Every nation is in gigantic trouble because of liberal mindsets just printing money nonstop. The great reset will really be everyone resetting their books and starting with a global currency.
It makes me sick to read this because I feel that it’s correct. It’s the end of our currency and thus our sovereignty. And apparently by design, while a great portion of our countrymen approve.
What could be more American sadly than going to a 4th of July parade and getting your head blown open by a nut job with a gun no civilian should ever be allowed to own in the first place?
Teach me your ways, O Lord;
 make them known to me.
Teach me to live according to your truth,
 for you are my God, who saves me.
 I always trust in you.
Remember, O Lord, your kindness and constant love
 which you have shown from long ago.
Forgive the sins and errors of my youth.
In your constant love and goodness,
 remember me, Lord!

Psalms 25 GNT
I’m sure you’ll get lots of likes for that mature comment
Oh, you mean mature like your comment about how people dying and having their lives ruined/upended because a communist POS who hates this country (much like you) decided to open fire on American-loving people is the most American thing ever? F off, then go straight to hell where you belong.
The great reset will really be everyone resetting their books and starting with a global currency.
I realized this was the plan once they completely stopped caring about the national debt. If we don't get a owc then the whole shebang collapses. If we do get a owc then we live as perpetual slaves. I know which one I'm choosing.
What could be more American sadly than going to a 4th of July parade and getting your head blown open by a nut job with a gun no civilian should ever be allowed to own in the first place?
A liberal like you. You guys sure use guns a lot for people that want to ban them.

Still think if anyone is a Manchurian candidate this guy (Crimo)is. Down for the cause.
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Oh, you mean mature like your comment about how people dying and having their lives ruined/upended because a communist POS who hates this country (much like you) decided to open fire on American-loving people is the most American thing ever? F off, then go straight to hell where you belong.
I hope you get the help you clearly need.
These "American" murders happen every weekend in Chicago. Why are you upset now?
Most in Chicago are gang related which is awful and something needs to be done about that. Both can be addressed but are entirely different, but you already knew that before giving the typical Newsmax response. These people were blown apart at a 4th of July parade just trying to have a good time.
Republicans upset about the evidence concerning der fuhrer.
You can’t speak poorly of dear leader. Who would’ve thought the former host of a crappy reality show could elicit such loyalty from people. He literally told us all from the start that he could murder someone in the streets and his people would still love him. He was right. He tried to overturn an election and people love him more. It’s crazy.
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I don't care who you are that is funny. Hilariously funny.

So she is black and a woman. But why is she in jail? Because she broke Russia's drug laws. Plenty of black women travel around the world and do not get arrested.

You have to be a fool to go overseas and get busted for drugs. When we visited Turkey and before we left the USA we had to turn in a list of our prescriptions drugs. If anything was suspect or against Turkey law we could not leave with that prescription.

The woman is arrogant and stupid and there is no excuse for what she did. So let her sit in the jail for as long as Russia sentences her. This coach better find a replacement for her position.