How will they rule ??!

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Fair but they're in two entirely different counties. HP is relatively affluent where violence like this doesn't normally happen.

Also I haven't checked the gun laws in HP but I'm certain they get more lax the further away from Chicago you get. Remember criminals will find a way to bypass those laws by simply buying guns in IN or WI and using them in the city.

It's why those in favor of gun control think it can only work if done from the federal level but in reality working on mental health and having certain social programs would be a better mode of action.
Criminals will get guns no matter what you do. Banning guns will not ban criminals or nut cases (redundant really) from getting them. Drugs anyone? Prohibition anyone? etc...
The greatest generation were also anti fascists.

Facisim isn't a good thing, it's dangerous and our ancestors fought against it defeating the Axis Powers in WW2.

I think those in ANTIFA are just larpers looking for attention but they're right about one thing and that's the fact that Facisim doesn't belong here.

It's great to be patriotic but delving down the path of Nationalism and eventually Facisim isn't something I'd want to see in this country.
Proof that you are brainwashed. Fascism is the forceful use of power to get what you want. Antifa epitomizes the point as does many other factions on the left. It is incredible how you guys are supposed to be intelligent but miss the lessons of the past with governments who force their people into a one-sided group think mentality which the left espouses.
I said they were larpers, never said I supported them. Broken clock and all.

I said Facisim is bad and I'm against it.

There's been a rise in authoritarianism across the globe and some conservatives have shown the desire to go in that direction.

Typically the conservative party has been quite solid but there's been a fracturing over the past few years and if you can't see that then idk what to say.

Look up the tenants of fascism and compare it to what we're seeing in the states today.

For example,

1. the enemy is both week and strong.

Liberals were smart enough to commit voter fraud in the presidential election but dumb enough to not rig the house and senate elections.

That's just one example of how a number on the right think. It's one of many examples.
False. If you look at the current SJW and antifa beliefs, you will find that they are aligned with the fascist mindset. The biggest problem that exists in today's world is liberalism. If you do not follow the lefts agenda, you are labeled a terrorist in this country. Fascist government's biggest goal is to rally supporters against a group of people who stand in the way of their agenda. We are seeing this today with the current government. It started heavy with Obama, halted a bit under Trump and is now on steroids under Biden.
Do tell how Facisim iscoming from the left.

Also, it wasn't unprecedented American prosperity during the 45 admin it was just a continuation of the market upswing that started under 44.

By the time 45 took over in 2017 the market had been in a 7 year 10 month upswing.

More jobs created in 44's last 3 years than 45's first 3 years.

The crap we find ourselves in now was going to happen regardless and honestly Joe Biden winning is the best thing for Conservatives because he'll get blamed and conservatives will likely have power over the next 10 years. They can also distance themselves from Trump and throw DeSantis in there, someone who's actually competent.

If DT won it would just be the opposite. He'd get blamed for the economy/recession and the dems would win in at least 22 and 24.

I didn't say conservatives, I said some. There's a huge difference being patriotic and nationalist compared to Nationalism.

Look at Trumps immigration rhetoric calling Hispanics rapists and murderers, banning immigration from Muslim countries or calling certain countries "shit holes"

Thats not a good look.

Y'all use the same arguments calling those on the left communists. While some are, most are not. However, all it takes is one person to get the base clamoring and Trump was that for the right.

Look at his rallies and his frequent criticism of the press and usage of the term "fake news." It's become so widespread that there are some on the right that think anything from a left leaning source is fake news.
Completely false.

The intellectual founder behind fascism was a leftist.

We went over this before, but anyone with more than a superficial understanding of political philosophy knows that in all reality antifa vs fa is leftist in-fighting, not left vs right.

The european fascists of old were exactly like communists except they understood economics, and they exploited religion/nationality rather then seeking to destroy it. American fascists are a leftist manufactured boogeyman, don't exist in any meaningful degree outside of their fears and delusions.
No idea why liberals are upset about the parade shooting in Chicago (actually, I do know) because there are mass shootings in Chicago every single weekend.

Here we are the day after Independence Day, and liberalism is still the worst crisis facing this country.
The greatest generation were also anti fascists.

Facisim isn't a good thing, it's dangerous and our ancestors fought against it defeating the Axis Powers in WW2.

I think those in ANTIFA are just larpers looking for attention but they're right about one thing and that's the fact that Facisim doesn't belong here.

It's great to be patriotic but delving down the path of Nationalism and eventually Facisim isn't something I'd want to see in this country.
ANTIFA IS the fascist foot soldiers for the Democratic party. Fact.

During the election, had you gone to, it linked you directly to Not a coincidence and it is not because the left so stupid ... they just do not have to hide it anymore because they have too many people fooled. People with degrees or other lefties that feel they are better than the rest of us, they are fools. They have taken the country hard left.
"Until women’s rights have been fully reinstated, and their equal rights are enshrined in our Constitution (now that the required 38 states have passed the Equal Rights Amendment), I will not shut up about this. If you invite me to dinner that’s all I’m gonna talk about. Have me over to your party and it’s going to be, ‘Dobbs, Dobbs, and more Dobbs!’ And I won’t stop until Roe is reinstated and 51% of Congress is female," he said.

“We will be the insufferable baby we want to kill until we get our way.”
There was a guy that was convicted on 54 felony counts for straw purchases of gun, many ended up being used in crimes. The doj plead him down to one felony and time served with probation. It's not about enforcing laws and keeping dangerous people off the streets. They want the carnage to get more laws passed. Then they won't enforce those laws and will need to confiscate. It's their stated plan to confiscate all semiauto guns.
You should be careful to not put too much truth into one post. Not sure today's "thinking" liberal (and I say that will all due sarcasm) can handle that much truth in one bite.

It kills me how they will accuse institutions of being SYSTEMICALLY racist, but won't believe when these same institutions tell them that up is down. I guess it is part of being in a cult, something I'm so grateful to not belonging.
Well, today at 10am they fire up CERN. They will use the greatest concentration of energy they have ever used to collide particles. If we suddenly blink out of existence, a black hole appears, or a portal to hell opens up, I just want to say it's been real.

Have a good day.
Eastern time? Yep, I see the countdown now.

Fellas, I've enjoyed our time.
Don't bring weed into Russia dumbass.
It hurts thinking about how I usually celebrate this day because freedom means something completely different to me this year.”… 🇺🇸 yeah, wave that flag now.

“If it were LeBron James or Tom Brady, this would be news that would be in the headlines every day,” says guard Sophie Cunningham

Also, it wasn't unprecedented American prosperity during the 45 admin it was just a continuation of the market upswing that started under 44.

Look at Trumps immigration rhetoric calling Hispanics rapists and murderers, banning immigration from Muslim countries or calling certain countries "shit holes"

Look at his rallies and his frequent criticism of the press and usage of the term "fake news." It's become so widespread that there are some on the right that think anything from a left leaning source is fake news.
I used to suspect you were actually smart, a thinker. Well, you removed that perception with this post.

First, yeah okay. Whatever.

Second, you mean shit holes like the ones that have grown in Detroit or Chicago or San Fran? There is a common thread amongst these shit holes. Liberalism.

Reporting on a dossier for THREE PLUS years when they all KNEW the entire time it was false. What else do you need to call someone fake news?

If you really believe these things, then you are so far gone down the left rabbit hole there is no helping you. Reply if you like, IDC.
I used to suspect you were actually smart, a thinker. Well, you removed that perception with this post.

He isn't.

First, yeah okay. Whatever.

Why Economic Growth Is So Lackluster​

Theories on what’s behind one of the biggest puzzles facing America today
By Alana Semuels

October 21, 2016

U.S. economic growth is anemic, and the country needs to do something about it, quickly. This was one of the central themes of the third presidential debate. “China is growing at 7 percent. And that for them is a catastrophically low number. We are growing—our last report came out, and it is right around the 1 percent level,” Trump said Wednesday night. “Look, our country is stagnant.”

Trump is right...

It hurts thinking about how I usually celebrate this day because freedom means something completely different to me this year.”… 🇺🇸 yeah, wave that flag now.

“If it were LeBron James or Tom Brady, this would be news that would be in the headlines every day,” says guard Sophie Cunningham

If she is ever freed, will that be another National Holiday?
Guess you missed my original point that the amendment from 250 years ago needs amending. Not surprising.
Biden going to start fining oil companies that are dumping their money into shareholders pockets instead of using it to invest in production. He should just start a national oil company and drive all the greedy bastards out of business.
* Newsflash from the 'Holy Shit, You Gotta Be Kidding Me' Department *

HOUSTON (Reuters) - More than 5 million barrels of oil that were part of a historic U.S. emergency oil reserves release aimed at lowering domestic fuel prices were exported to Europe and Asia last month, according to data and sources, even as U.S. gasoline and diesel prices touched record highs.

Holy Shit! Thanks, Joe. Whose side you on?
* Newsflash from the 'Holy Shit, You Gotta Be Kidding Me' Department *

HOUSTON (Reuters) - More than 5 million barrels of oil that were part of a historic U.S. emergency oil reserves release aimed at lowering domestic fuel prices were exported to Europe and Asia last month, according to data and sources, even as U.S. gasoline and diesel prices touched record highs.

Holy Shit! Thanks, Joe. Whose side you on?

Just more proof the self destruction is intentional. This admin is full of very smart people. Honestly in terms of politics Obama's crew is exponentially better than any all-star team the right could assemble.

No way they'd make this many missteps, not even close. It's intentional. Just like it was when he was president.

Makes me wonder if all the stuff during Carter was intentional too. I honestly don't think so. I think these same puppet masters just had a well intentioned sucker and used him like a tool.
It hurts thinking about how I usually celebrate this day because freedom means something completely different to me this year.”… 🇺🇸 yeah, wave that flag now.

“If it were LeBron James or Tom Brady, this would be news that would be in the headlines every day,” says guard Sophie Cunningham

Seriously, if Trump has all these supposed strings to pull with Putin, he should literally himself negotiate or find a way to get her released, then give a big FU to Biden and all the media who will be forced to report something positive about him.
* Newsflash from the 'Holy Shit, You Gotta Be Kidding Me' Department *

HOUSTON (Reuters) - More than 5 million barrels of oil that were part of a historic U.S. emergency oil reserves release aimed at lowering domestic fuel prices were exported to Europe and Asia last month, according to data and sources, even as U.S. gasoline and diesel prices touched record highs.

Holy Shit! Thanks, Joe. Whose side you on?
He’s on the UN and WEF’s side. Certainly not America’s.
You can almost surely track the drastic increase in crime as having a starting point around the time antifa and blm was allowed to tour the country burning and looting.
I've been in Boston 5 days and have seen 2 cops.

My guess is the Antifa and BLM folks don't want anything to do with the Italians or the Irish... the rest of the country should take note.
Looks like a rough day for stocks. Dow is already down almost 600 and it's not even 10 am yet.

We're going full blown recession and haven't even begun to pull back the printing presses. So what we'll see is prices and inflation continue to skyrocket because now people are having to replace inventory and supplies with the much higher prices.

The worst won't be felt until the finally power down the printing presses. They can't afford that because of the election. So they'll use stimulus for short term relief but that will just make the end result all that much worse because that's printing money too.

We could legit see a depression. Just wait until the yuan conveniently gets floated again as global preferred currency. There is a certainty that idea will be floated and imo a good chance it will be accepted.

Where we're ultimately heading is the one currency. Every nation is in gigantic trouble because of liberal mindsets just printing money nonstop. The great reset will really be everyone resetting their books and starting with a global currency.
We're going full blown recession and haven't even begun to pull back the printing presses. So what we'll see is prices and inflation continue to skyrocket because now people are having to replace inventory and supplies with the much higher prices.

The worst won't be felt until the finally power down the printing presses. They can't afford that because of the election. So they'll use stimulus for short term relief but that will just make the end result all that much worse because that's printing money too.

We could legit see a depression. Just wait until the yuan conveniently gets floated again as global preferred currency. There is a certainty that idea will be floated and imo a good chance it will be accepted.

Where we're ultimately heading is the one currency. Every nation is in gigantic trouble because of liberal mindsets just printing money nonstop. The great reset will really be everyone resetting their books and starting with a global currency.
I'm giving your post a like, not because I like what you say, but because there is very real chance you are correct.
This is why no one takes you seriously. You are either too dumb, stupid, or are just as corrupt as I believe you to be.
You oppose laws to restrict access to AR-15s used to mass kill children every week while simultaneously supporting laws that force girls to have their rapist or daddy's baby.
And you call me dumb.
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