How will they rule ??!

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How long before Sambowie goes off the deep end? Sits around watching the Jan 6th hearings all day. Rants about the constitution even though Chicago has some of the toughest gun laws in the country and the shooter is obviously an anarchist. Just a matter of time with Sam.

I believe you shouldn't engage the average paddock leftist.

At least not in any meaningful way.

Here or there I'll enage them briefly, but how far gone do you have to be to actually believe some of the things they say? To seriously think that the Donald's mean tweets, during unprecedented American prosperity and thriving we all lived under due to that administration's competent leadership, is somehow worse than this veritable chitshow leftist ignorance (81 million votes lol) has foisted upon us?

One is making a mistake thinking you can have substantive discourse with these people, like you could actually get through to them. There's no way. They firmly believe it's not them: it's you and your love for America that's the problem.

Looks to be dressed like he's anti-fascist. Azuri will praise him.

Fascism is coming from the left... someone like him doesn't even know what Fascism actually means.
Well the left is going crazy with that picture of him with the Trump flag. And him dressed like Waldo at a Trump rally.

They are communist. And the fact that you support them shows what you are. Where is the fascism? Is burning down the store that doesn't belong to you fascist?

You're a phony.
I said they were larpers, never said I supported them. Broken clock and all.

I said Facisim is bad and I'm against it.

There's been a rise in authoritarianism across the globe and some conservatives have shown the desire to go in that direction.

Typically the conservative party has been quite solid but there's been a fracturing over the past few years and if you can't see that then idk what to say.

Look up the tenants of fascism and compare it to what we're seeing in the states today.

For example,

1. the enemy is both week and strong.

Liberals were smart enough to commit voter fraud in the presidential election but dumb enough to not rig the house and senate elections.

That's just one example of how a number on the right think. It's one of many examples.
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For people spreading misinformation saying the shooting was in Chicago. Highland Park is a far north suburb around a 22 min drive from Evanston, a place where shootings like this don't normally occur.

Yall saying Chicago would be like someone saying Georgetown is Lexington.
It's' called the Greater Chicago Area for a reason, Dion.
The greatest generation were also anti fascists.

Facisim isn't a good thing, it's dangerous and our ancestors fought against it defeating the Axis Powers in WW2.

I think those in ANTIFA are just larpers looking for attention but they're right about one thing and that's the fact that Facisim doesn't belong here.

It's great to be patriotic but delving down the path of Nationalism and eventually Facisim isn't something I'd want to see in this country.
Antifa is every bit as Fascist as the movement they claim to fight against.
The greatest generation were also anti fascists.

Facisim isn't a good thing, it's dangerous and our ancestors fought against it defeating the Axis Powers in WW2.

I think those in ANTIFA are just larpers looking for attention but they're right about one thing and that's the fact that Facisim doesn't belong here.

It's great to be patriotic but delving down the path of Nationalism and eventually Facisim isn't something I'd want to see in this country.
This country has been nationalist since the founding. Conservatives aren’t fascists by any definition of the word. Antifa are in fact domestic terrorists.

That these have to even be stated illustrates how far removed from reality some people are.
You are one weird dude. That 250 year old piece of paper helped create the greatest country in history. It’s horrible to think you were a teacher.
It's been amended 27 times dude. You probably think we should still be using leeches to cure brain cancer.
This country has been nationalist since the founding. Conservatives aren’t fascists by any definition of the word. Antifa are in fact domestic terrorists.

That these have to even be stated illustrates how far removed from reality some people are.
The modern Republican party is much closer to fascism than they have ever been. Jan 6 ring a bell?
So, wait a minute….some of you guys think that these mass shootings are planned or initiated by the FBI so that right wingers can be blamed by the MSM? I mean, wtf.
There was a guy that was convicted on 54 felony counts for straw purchases of gun, many ended up being used in crimes. The doj plead him down to one felony and time served with probation. It's not about enforcing laws and keeping dangerous people off the streets. They want the carnage to get more laws passed. Then they won't enforce those laws and will need to confiscate. It's their stated plan to confiscate all semiauto guns.
I said they were larpers, never said I supported them. Broken clock and all.

I said Facisim is bad and I'm against it.

There's been a rise in authoritarianism across the globe and some conservatives have shown the desire to go in that direction.

Typically the conservative party has been quite solid but there's been a fracturing over the past few years and if you can't see that then idk what to say.

Look up the tenants of fascism and compare it to what we're seeing in the states today.

For example,

1. the enemy is both week and strong.

Liberals were smart enough to commit voter fraud in the presidential election but dumb enough to not rig the house and senate elections.

That's just one example of how a number on the right think. It's one of many examples.
Fascism is the left. Conservatives aren't putting in mask rules and mandates. Conservatives aren't shooting at people in July 4th parades. If you have ever supported antifa in anything promptly go **** yourself.
Fascism is the left. Conservatives aren't putting in mask rules and mandates. Conservatives aren't shooting at people in July 4th parades. If you have ever supported antifa in anything promptly go **** yourself.

There's no doubt he's sympathetic

I worked with people from Chicago for 20 years. Chicago includes over a hundred cities.

Guy purportedly lives in Chicago; they (radical leftist, or even most any modern day American liberal) can't be honest about the slightest thing if they think thye can use it against you.
“Helped create”, did you miss that part. Of course it has been amended. That’s how it helped create. You must have been a piss poor teacher.
Guess you missed my original point that the amendment from 250 years ago needs amending. Not surprising.
I believe you shouldn't engage the average paddock leftist.

At least not in any meaningful way.

Here or there I'll enage them briefly, but how far gone do you have to be to actually believe some of the things they say? To seriously think that the Donald's mean tweets, during unprecedented American prosperity and thriving we all lived under due to that administration's competent leadership, is somehow worse than this veritable chitshow leftist ignorance (81 million votes lol) has foisted upon us?

One is making a mistake thinking you can have substantive discourse with these people, like you could actually get through to them. There's no way. They firmly believe it's not them: it's you and your love for America that's the problem.

Fascism is coming from the left... someone like him doesn't even know what Fascism actually means.
Do tell how Facisim iscoming from the left.

Also, it wasn't unprecedented American prosperity during the 45 admin it was just a continuation of the market upswing that started under 44.

By the time 45 took over in 2017 the market had been in a 7 year 10 month upswing.

More jobs created in 44's last 3 years than 45's first 3 years.

The crap we find ourselves in now was going to happen regardless and honestly Joe Biden winning is the best thing for Conservatives because he'll get blamed and conservatives will likely have power over the next 10 years. They can also distance themselves from Trump and throw DeSantis in there, someone who's actually competent.

If DT won it would just be the opposite. He'd get blamed for the economy/recession and the dems would win in at least 22 and 24.

This country has been nationalist since the founding. Conservatives aren’t fascists by any definition of the word. Antifa are in fact domestic terrorists That these have to even be stated illustrates how far removed from reality some people are.
I didn't say conservatives, I said some. There's a huge difference being patriotic and nationalist compared to Nationalism.

Look at Trumps immigration rhetoric calling Hispanics rapists and murderers, banning immigration from Muslim countries or calling certain countries "shit holes"

Thats not a good look.

Y'all use the same arguments calling those on the left communists. While some are, most are not. However, all it takes is one person to get the base clamoring and Trump was that for the right.

Look at his rallies and his frequent criticism of the press and usage of the term "fake news." It's become so widespread that there are some on the right that think anything from a left leaning source is fake news.
There's no doubt he's sympathetic

Guy purportedly lives in Chicago; they (radical leftist, or even most any modern day American liberal) can't be honest about the slightest thing if they think thye can use it against you.
Jan 6th Republican led coup....
Forced government mandated rapist births....
Forced government mandated incestuous births....
Government controlled medical records....
Government controlled doctor decisions....
Government control on trans meds.....
Government control over who you can marry....
It doesn't get any more fascist than that.
Fascist Germany first took guns, imprisoned political dissent and banned it, took control of the media, had government control of industry while allowing private ownership and they cheated like hell in their elections. I mean..... I know one party in America that is pushing the exact points.
Jan 6th Republican led coup....
Forced government mandated rapist births....
Forced government mandated incestuous births....
Government controlled medical records....
Government controlled doctor decisions....
Government control on trans meds.....
Government control over who you can marry....
It doesn't get any more fascist than that.

😂 lmao lmao!!
Jan 6th Republican led coup....
Forced government mandated rapist births....
Forced government mandated incestuous births....
Government controlled medical records....
Government controlled doctor decisions....
Government control on trans meds.....
Government control over who you can marry....
It doesn't get any more fascist than that.
The real coup was November 3rd.
There's no doubt he's sympathetic

Guy purportedly lives in Chicago; they (radical leftist, or even most any modern day American liberal) can't be honest about the slightest thing if they think thye can use it against you.
There's no dishonesty. It's literally a different city in a different county. I used to work in Northbrook which is between Chicago and Highland Park and it would take me 100 minutes to get there via transit.

People saying HP and Chicago are the same are the ones being dishonest and I only posted here because I figured Fox and their agenda against Chicago would use the shooting to rail against the city some more.

No use arguing anymore. There's a reason why I only check this board out every few months or so and that's because this place is such an echo chamber filled with toxicity and hate.
There's no dishonesty. It's literally a different city in a different county. I used to work in Northbrook which is between Chicago and Highland Park and it would take me 100 minutes to get there via transit.

People saying HP and Chicago are the same are the ones being dishonest and I only posted here because I figured Fox and their agenda against Chicago would use the shooting to rail against the city some more.
Personally I think the location is irrelevant. It’s happened in liberal dominated areas with strict gun control laws on the books as much or more than in conservative areas with more lax gun laws. What does that say? I would think to any rational person it says that criminals and psychopaths don’t care about gun laws.
There's no dishonesty. It's literally a different city in a different county. I used to work in Northbrook which is between Chicago and Highland Park and it would take me 100 minutes to get there via transit.

People saying HP and Chicago are the same are the ones being dishonest and I only posted here because I figured Fox and their agenda against Chicago would use the shooting to rail against the city some more.

lmao 100 minutes huh?

just did a search. It’s 32 minutes and 27.3 miles apart