How will they rule ??!

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The left has done more to form my views than anything the Republican Party could ever achieve with messaging.
Back when I lived in Atlanta, she was married to Ted Turner and lived there as well. A lot was made of her becoming a christian. In fact Ted, who is a devout atheist, said it was the reason for their divorce.

Something tells me that her 'conversion' was short lived. But....I'm not the one who makes that call.
I know people like Donald Trump. They take and take and take. I wouldn't want my wife or my daughter anywhere near the man. I wouldn't do business with him because I wouldn't get paid. There is nothing appealing about a grown man who acts like a 6 year old because his daddy never showed approval of him when he was a child. I truly wish someone had helped him become a better man in his early years, but he never got the counseling he needed. It is too late for him to change his ways now and for that reason he can never be allowed anywhere near that oval office again. It will be purely political if he is not charged with treason and thrown in jail. The curtain is being pulled back and you all have retreated to your little corners of the internet and refused to look at what you supported. Find someone else in 2024. This man is not the future. He should never have been the past either. He should have been left to doing reality TV and paying $150,000 to women so he could grab their pussies and they would keep quiet.come on man. You say you're a Christian but this is the kind of guy you support? It's unbelievable to me when there are so many decent conservative men and women that this is the guy everyone would lay on a sword for. The Republican party is a sad vestige of itself.
It could be 1% of abortions but that doesn’t mean it shouldn’t be allowed. And don’t act like every state will be mature or coherent enough to allow abortion in these cases. Guarantee several states will outlaw all abortions, period. And I’m only responding to people on here that have said they agree with an all out abortion ban altogether including in cases of rape and incest. Go back and read their responses. It’s crazy.
Also I agree the left has gone too far on the topic. They’re way too left of where most of America is on the topic.

I definitely used to agree with that. Years ago, so did everyone else. Yet now opinion shifted much further right.

Why? Because as you noted the left went crazy with it. Laws written or proposed to allow abortion up to the moment of birth even as the child comes down the birth canal.

People now see fanatics can't be given even the 1% because they see how what is done with it.

I see the same thing forming as it relates to see sex stuff. I don't see it in any legal trouble but it's certainly swinging the other way in public opinion. It quickly went from "we just want to get married" to now naked men swinging d1cks in front of kids under the guise of equality. It's actually really sad for that movement because there were people who legitimately meant what they said back then, then had their movement hijacked by the extreme.
These people are insane. Hearsay evidence from a total moron. If Trump had the wingspan of a NBA 7'4" center he couldn't reach the steering wheel from his seat in the back. When are media types going to quit the spreading of lies and falsehoods? Never I would guess

Considering the state of affairs in this country, how could anyone be drifting further left?
Fox News has been left for a long time, they just did a good job of covering it up. They have a couple of conservatives who get all of the headlines and ratings but the company is not conservative.

I do not watch any of them. If you get a paycheck from Fox I do not watch you. Hannity included and Tucker. If Tucker left I would.
Here's a headline for the idiot the other day that said this wasn't happening. Wanted proof of which a few of you did a 30 second Google search and came up with a number of instances.

Trans skateboarder who won first prize against teen is a combat vet, dad who was rejected from the Olympics​

He beat a 13-year-old girl at a women's skating competition after the Olympics rejected him for too much testosterone
You know how many abortions are from rape and less than 1%. Each legislature will adjust for take care of this, and have said so...tho you'll cry bc it will for obvious reasons be within the 1st trimester.

That you're going on and on about this as if it's a regular occurrence makes us wonder why it's so concerning to you.

It's very simple...if democrats and their lobby would've kept in line with the rest of the civilized developed world and their limitations on abortion we'd probably not even worry about conversations about this. But since they've pushed for full on abortion until kindergarten and align more with North Korea here we are.

In a decade these ppl have went from safe, legal, and full on hell yeah I'll kill it when its coming out then throw a party if I want.

So here go. Perfect example of “why I care so much” and a good look at what some states are going to do. 12 year old girl is going to be forced to carry the child after incest and rape because “every life is valuable”. Disgusting and exactly where backwards states like Mississippi are headed.
These people are insane. Hearsay evidence from a total moron. If Trump had the wingspan of a NBA 7'4" center he couldn't reach the steering wheel from his seat in the back. When are media types going to quit the spreading of lies and falsehoods? Never I would guess

He was in the SUV at the 1/6 rally and there's footage of that. You and others keep spreading this photo and the cartoon limo photo from yesterday. Calling someone a "total moron" when you're just stealing a random POTUS limo photo from social media and believing that's what he was in that day just because sure is something. The red arrows are cute though. Quite cartoonish.
You’re joking right? This is a joke right? Just to be clear.. if a woman is raped say by a family member, you’re suggesting that she should be forced to carry the child full term? You’re really suggesting she be forced to suffer all the impacts of an unwanted pregnancy? You’re really suggesting that?
Considering there's an extreme rise in suicide cases for women who abort, and the kid can be given up for adoption. Yes... did your parents never teach you, "2 wrongs don't make a right"? Rape/incest is horrendous. The person should be neutered. Still doesn't make murdering a child right.
Fox News has been left for a long time, they just did a good job of covering it up. They have a couple of conservatives who get all of the headlines and ratings but the company is not conservative.

I do not watch any of them. If you get a paycheck from Fox I do not watch you. Hannity included and Tucker. If Tucker left I would.
So the network calls a state for Biden and a small handful of folks on Fox aren't acting as if Trump is a god, and suddenly the network you loved for so long is now "left". Boy, you're deep in the bucket of koolaid. Come up for air before you drown.
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Considering there's an extreme rise in suicide cases for women who abort, and the kid can be given up for adoption. Yes... did your parents never teach you, "2 wrongs don't make a right"? Rape/incest is horrendous. The person should be neutered. Still doesn't make murdering a child right.
You’ll fit in well in Mississippi
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You’re joking right? This is a joke right? Just to be clear.. if a woman is raped say by a family member, you’re suggesting that she should be forced to carry the child full term? You’re really suggesting she be forced to suffer all the impacts of an unwanted pregnancy? You’re really suggesting that?

Well PLAT/SAMMY, are you suggesting we start murdering people based upon the crime of another? Sounds like it.

It's a nasty, but very very rare scenario. There is no good answer.

But I just wonder why it's so much the main focus of you and science dude sam..
He was in the SUV at the 1/6 rally and there's footage of that. You and others keep spreading this photo and the cartoon limo photo from yesterday. Calling someone a "total moron" when you're just stealing a random POTUS limo photo from social media and believing that's what he was in that day just because sure is something. The red arrows are cute though. Quite cartoonish.

LMAO you think Trump was car jacking the presidential limo!! 😂😂😂😂
Now we are starting to understand why Perry and Ghouliani are so invested in this Ukraine bs. they were positioning all their buddies to make tons of money off the power struggle. Get all the energy company big wigs cleaned out, replace with their people, profit. Pretty typical political money grabs. Trump was also quick to throw Perry under the bus.

”Not a lot of people know this but, I didn’t even want to make the call,” Trump said. “The only reason I made the call was because Rick asked me to. Something about an LNG [liquefied natural gas] plant.”

Thats a lot different explanation then the original. I thought he wanted the call really bad to weed out corruption! and of course none of that is in the "transcript". and you sheep eat it up.
* KA - BOOM *

Damn crook. STFU.

So here go. Perfect example of “why I care so much” and a good look at what some states are going to do. 12 year old girl is going to be forced to carry the child after incest and rape because “every life is valuable”. Disgusting and exactly where backwards states like Mississippi are headed.
Sammy disagrees that every human life is valuable. Sammy is included now with notorious genocidal governments, marauders, hate groups, and criminals who agreed that not every life is valuable and who proceeded to decide who was valuable and who was disposable. Not a flattering group to be associated with.
He was in the SUV at the 1/6 rally and there's footage of that. You and others keep spreading this photo and the cartoon limo photo from yesterday. Calling someone a "total moron" when you're just stealing a random POTUS limo photo from social media and believing that's what he was in that day just because sure is something. The red arrows are cute though. Quite cartoonish.
So, you support having the Secret Service testimony entered into the record, as well?

Dore thinks Dore is an independent thinker, but is not confident enough to admit that those who disagree are, as well. LOL!!!
Have never once heard this guy express a thought in this thread remotely conservative. But I’m pretty sure he has repeated that he is in fact a conservative. But just like Dancat17 and others, crazy conservative policy has driven him away. Unlike the sound, well intentioned and thought out policies of liberals that are saving America.
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So here go. Perfect example of “why I care so much” and a good look at what some states are going to do. 12 year old girl is going to be forced to carry the child after incest and rape because “every life is valuable”. Disgusting and exactly where backwards states like Mississippi are headed.
BTW, the media will seek every story like this one to tell, but will not report weekly abortion numbers or tell the story of the adult women who use abortion as contraception. It is incredibly sad to hear a little girl was raped. The fact that it was her father adds exponentially to the sickness. I support governments that protect that girl, provide all the needed counseling she requires, gives her the best healthcare and assists her with her adoption desires, if she so chooses. As stated before (to which lefties chided me, because I was actually trying to help a little girl after they repeat the tripe about conservatives and Christians “only carrying about life until it is born” - they cannot keep their stories straight), I would give this girl financial assistance because protecting her child may be difficult for her.
Absolutely. It isn't the child's fault. If your father commits a crime do you go to jail? How about if he committed murder? Would you be sentenced to death? Of course you wouldn't and neither should the baby.

It's a horrible thing but killing the child is not any portion of the just outcome.

Legally of course it's a non sequitur because she can go wherever it's legal and kill it. These are such a small sliver of all abortions (probably in history) that it's barely worth mentioning. If they supposedly can't afford it, even with the cash heavy handouts, maybe planned Parenthood can pay for transportation since they're flush with cash.
i saw some data. evidently, rape makes up 0.085% and incest makes up 0.001%. Those are terrible situations, but does not capture the other 99.914% of all abortions. If that exemption is required to reach compromise, then fine. Then we can work to eliminate all rape and incest ... which would be a "common ground" issue for sane people. (which eliminates loons like pedojameslie.)