That’s hilarious. “…on at least two occassions she brought in diet pepsi”
![roll [roll] [roll]](
That’s hilarious. “…on at least two occassions she brought in diet pepsi”
You’re joking right? This is a joke right? Just to be clear.. if a woman is raped say by a family member, you’re suggesting that she should be forced to carry the child full term? You’re really suggesting she be forced to suffer all the impacts of an unwanted pregnancy? You’re really suggesting that?
To be fair it’s been reported that he did call shotgun.Maybe trump actually played 4d chess and picked Cheney and kizinger for this to make it look absurd as possible.
Lol whats this nonsense of him grabbing the steering wheel in the limo...lolololololol when does someone sit in the passenger seat of a limo
Pubs won’t do shit. 🤬When the Republicans take control of Congress....can/will they bring this gal up on perjury charges? Lying to Congress?
Your response doesn’t change or fix the rape. It only destroys another innocent life. The child is now dead and the woman still has to suffer the trauma of her rape.Jesus is that really how you view things? So a woman is raped or there’s an act of incest, and your response is to force the woman to have the child and carry it full term? That’s some backwoods, Handmaids tale type of shit.
Thanks for confirming your insanity. I figured as much but thank you for confirming. So let’s punish the woman as well for being raped. Got it. OR.. let’s agree that it doesn’t happen often and make special provisions in those cases of rape and incest.Absolutely. It isn't the child's fault. If your father commits a crime do you go to jail? How about if he committed murder? Would you be sentenced to death? Of course you wouldn't and neither should the baby.
It's a horrible thing but killing the child is not any portion of the just outcome.
Legally of course it's a non sequitur because she can go wherever it's legal and kill it. These are such a small sliver of all abortions (probably in history) that it's barely worth mentioning. If they supposedly can't afford it, even with the cash heavy handouts, maybe planned Parenthood can pay for transportation since they're flush with cash.
I wish you guys were just a small minority and maybe you are. But there will be several backwards states that agree with you unfortunatelyYour response doesn’t change or fix the rape. It only destroys another innocent life. The child is now dead and the woman still has to suffer the trauma of her rape.
Your response to a traumatic experience is to put it out of sight and out of mind by any means necessary to keep undesirables out of our society. And you call my view dystopian. lol
Thanks for confirming your insanity. I figured as much but thank you for confirming. So let’s punish the woman as well for being raped. Got it. OR.. let’s agree that it doesn’t happen often and make special provisions in those cases of rape and incest.
I wish you guys were just a small minority and maybe you are. But there will be several backwards states that agree with you unfortunately
We are going to start calling school shootings mass late term abortion events. That should get more than thoughts and prayers from useless Republicans.
1 per 100,000 of abortions and it’s the only plea they have left to murder the unborn. None of them would ever say they would agree to ban all abortions with those two exceptions. They’re just grasping at straws.Absolutely. It isn't the child's fault. If your father commits a crime do you go to jail? How about if he committed murder? Would you be sentenced to death? Of course you wouldn't and neither should the baby.
It's a horrible thing but killing the child is not any portion of the just outcome.
Legally of course it's a non sequitur because she can go wherever it's legal and kill it. These are such a small sliver of all abortions (probably in history) that it's barely worth mentioning. If they supposedly can't afford it, even with the cash heavy handouts, maybe planned Parenthood can pay for transportation since they're flush with cash.
You probably should seek help or go ahead and check yourself into the rubber room.
This is the problem with most things in our government these days. Neither side is willing to give an inch. Compromises have to be made even if you don't like the ultimate outcome. I'm pretty staunch Pro-Life, but know good and well it isn't practical to outright ban all abortions with no exceptions. Not everybody is going to be pleased, there is no such thing as pleasing everybody, both sides have to give somewhere.Say we "give an inch" and agree that a woman can abort a rape baby. Can we agree that it must be done before 3 months? Then after that its banned.
It is my opinion that this political thread "radicalizes" the people who post here. I can't imagine that many people going about their daily lives oppose abortion in every circumstance. But people get on this thread and see other extreme views and adopt them because they think it is the expected thing to do to fit in with their "side". This happens on other social media too, on both sides of the spectrum. The result is extreme polarization.I wish you guys were just a small minority and maybe you are. But there will be several backwards states that agree with you unfortunately
Jesus is that really how you view things? So a woman is raped or there’s an act of incest, and your response is to force the woman to have the child and carry it full term? That’s some backwoods, Handmaids tale type of shit.
Spot on, but these guys believe this stuff. It’s insane. They watch Handmaids Tale and they’re the only ones that are like “yes, this is how the world should be”
LOL.It is my opinion that this political thread "radicalizes" the people who post here. I can't imagine that many people going about their daily lives oppose abortion in every circumstance. But people get on this thread and see other extreme views and adopt them because they think it is the expected thing to do to fit in with their "side". This happens on other social media too, on both sides of the spectrum. The result is extreme polarization.
It is my opinion that this political thread "radicalizes" the people who post here.
So I'm not going to be saving 16 cents on my cookout this year? Are you sure this isn't Russian disinformation?
It is my opinion that this political thread "radicalizes" the people who post here. I can't imagine that many people going about their daily lives oppose abortion in every circumstance. But people get on this thread and see other extreme views and adopt them because they think it is the expected thing to do to fit in with their "side". This happens on other social media too, on both sides of the spectrum. The result is extreme polarization.
Yep, a good compromise. I think there’s probably situations where the mothers life is in danger that can be included as well but yes, we can agree on thatSay we "give an inch" and agree that a woman can abort a rape baby. Can we agree that it must be done before 3 months? Then after that its banned.
As if killing an innocent vulnerable human is not insane.Thanks for confirming your insanity. I figured as much but thank you for confirming. So let’s punish the woman as well for being raped. Got it. OR.. let’s agree that it doesn’t happen often and make special provisions in those cases of rape and incest.
That is why it is good for this to be back in states whether legislators are accountable to voters.This is the problem with most things in our government these days. Neither side is willing to give an inch. Compromises have to be made even if you don't like the ultimate outcome. I'm pretty staunch Pro-Life, but know good and well it isn't practical to outright ban all abortions with no exceptions. Not everybody is going to be pleased, there is no such thing as pleasing everybody, both sides have to give somewhere.
LOL!It is my opinion that this political thread "radicalizes" the people who post here. I can't imagine that many people going about their daily lives oppose abortion in every circumstance. But people get on this thread and see other extreme views and adopt them because they think it is the expected thing to do to fit in with their "side". This happens on other social media too, on both sides of the spectrum. The result is extreme polarization.
Yeah, we sure are radicalized. If wanting to save the lives of all unborn babies makes me radical and extreme, then I gladly welcome that characterization!It is my opinion that this political thread "radicalizes" the people who post here. I can't imagine that many people going about their daily lives oppose abortion in every circumstance. But people get on this thread and see other extreme views and adopt them because they think it is the expected thing to do to fit in with their "side". This happens on other social media too, on both sides of the spectrum. The result is extreme polarization.
1.5% of abortions are due to rape/incest.Geez, can liberals discuss this without parroting the “handmaiden” line?
Yep.Wrong. The difference is the libs are so bat sh1t crazy that people like me only voice my opinions on here or in other anonymous forums. So you're left with assuming everyone thinks like you since that's all you ever hear.
Truth is, there isn't much national support for abortion except in rare circumstances. Otherwise, democrats would've long ago codified the right.
Libs live in an echo chamber but don't realize it. The rest of us just post anonymously or wait and let their voting talk for them.
Yep. The, both sides thing, is funny. One side is grooming children and taking kids to trans drag shows and performing sex acts in the street for pride month while also looting and burning cities for months on end... and pubs think mail in ballots were compromised. Both sides are clearly being radicalized.Yeah, we sure are radicalized. If wanting to save the lives of all unborn babies makes me radical and extreme, then I gladly welcome that characterization!
False. Only the weak minded such as yourself and the liberal left are swayed by social sites and media types. Most free thinking individuals like myself and others here have our own opinions that just happen to align with some on here. We have on many occasions disagreed with each other here and have posted so. You don't see this with you and those who lean left. You are group think soldiers who will lockstep to the beat.It is my opinion that this political thread "radicalizes" the people who post here. I can't imagine that many people going about their daily lives oppose abortion in every circumstance. But people get on this thread and see other extreme views and adopt them because they think it is the expected thing to do to fit in with their "side". This happens on other social media too, on both sides of the spectrum. The result is extreme polarization.
That is the norm for the left, fear tactics and lies.1.5% of abortions are due to rape/incest.
But since last Friday all we’ve heard are rape, incest, and handmaids tale.
That’s because formulating an
argument about why we should slaughter the unborn turns out to be really, really hard when you can no longer hide behind a bogus “constitutional right”.
I'm really surprised that the R v W decision didn't set off more riots than it has. Are Dem/libs not as committed to it as they say? Caught flat footed....can't be with the leak? Soros running out of money? Or do they think that riots over abortion will hurt them in the midterms?There's a reason why the left always has violent foot soldiers on the ground within the hour of whatever they're enraged about