How will they rule ??!

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BTW, the media will seek every story like this one to tell, but will not report weekly abortion numbers or tell the story of the adult women who use abortion as contraception. It is incredibly sad to hear a little girl was raped. The fact that it was her father adds exponentially to the sickness. I support governments that protect that girl, provide all the needed counseling she requires, gives her the best healthcare and assists her with her adoption desires, if she so chooses. As stated before (to which lefties chided me, because I was actually trying to help a little girl after they repeat the tripe about conservatives and Christians “only carrying about life until it is born” - they cannot keep their stories straight), I would give this girl financial assistance because protecting her child may be difficult for her.
Wow so kind of you. I’m sure she’ll be so thrilled to get that counseling you’re willing to give her. I’m sure she’ll be just fine after some good old fashioned counseling and a pat on the back. She’s 12 years old you psycho. The father is the father of the child. Yes let’s force this 12 year old child to have a child, no matter the physical harm to her body. Do you have any idea how crazy all that sounds?
Wow so kind of you. I’m sure she’ll be so thrilled to get that counseling you’re willing to give her. I’m sure she’ll be just fine after some good old fashioned counseling and a pat on the back. She’s 12 years old you psycho. The father is the father of the child. Yes let’s force this 12 year old child to have a child, no matter the physical harm to her body. Do you have any idea how crazy all that sounds?
His post reads like a confession.
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I ran across this...Is this a real Trump tweet from years ago? I hope so, had a good laugh.

Sure, why not?

Sure, why not?

Now all the illegals can move to California. Fixed the illegal problem for the rest of the country.
Texas and Florida should be shipping them West instead of D.C.
Wow so kind of you. I’m sure she’ll be so thrilled to get that counseling you’re willing to give her. I’m sure she’ll be just fine after some good old fashioned counseling and a pat on the back. She’s 12 years old you psycho. The father is the father of the child. Yes let’s force this 12 year old child to have a child, no matter the physical harm to her body. Do you have any idea how crazy all that sounds?
You don’t want her to have counseling? You don’t care about her or the baby. You just care about your Political alter. You sacrifice them both for politics. Nice. This is the liberal morality at work.
So, you support having the Secret Service testimony entered into the record, as well?
I do. I would also support Flynn being completely honest as well and not pleading the fifth to simple questions such as do you believe in a peaceful transition of power?. I would support Meadows and others coming forward to answer questions too. Ole Ginni Thomas said she'd be happy to a few weeks ago. Now she's refusing. More than likely, all this ends with indictments to Trump's inner circle (cue laugh emojis). Of course in this thread, he's more popular in America than Christ and he secretly won two years ago.

I really think this thread believed the insurrection story would just go away and Trump would be clear to run again, because what we all really want is Biden v Trump II (hint: no one wants that).

So here go. Perfect example of “why I care so much” and a good look at what some states are going to do. 12 year old girl is going to be forced to carry the child after incest and rape because “every life is valuable”. Disgusting and exactly where backwards states like Mississippi are headed.
Sounds like an issue for the people of Mississippi.
I am no fan of Trump and don’t want him to again be president, but only rubes don’t know that this is nothing but political theatre that is wasting taxpayer money and again demonstrating we don’t need a full-time Congress. They have far too much time to engage in nonsense. If you have a good case, you are not afraid of the evidence.
So you would suggest Romney, Bush or what other Rino? Please tell us why?
Slam the teacher of the year in Kentucky but praise the tyrant that tried to overthrow our democracy.
If the right ever tried to overthrow our government, you'd know it. I dont care if he's teacher of the year. Im sick of everyone, especially kids, being force fed the alphabet lifestyle. It isn't ok, it is harmful and deviant.
Brett Baer at it again. Visibly upset that the Jan 6 committee messed up by letting that girl testify yesterday. He's just mad that he jumped the gun and said that her testimony was compelling and damaging and now looks like an idiot for doing so. His TDS rules him.
i saw some data. evidently, rape makes up 0.085% and incest makes up 0.001%. Those are terrible situations, but does not capture the other 99.914% of all abortions. If that exemption is required to reach compromise, then fine. Then we can work to eliminate all rape and incest ... which would be a "common ground" issue for sane people. (which eliminates loons like pedojameslie.)
Can someone tell me how one even comes to being pregnant as a rape victim?

I think abortion is awful but I totally get it for a rape. But what I genuinely want to know is how it would even get to that? Say you’re raped. You go to the hospital and they call the cops. Are you not given anything like a Plan B or what have you?
Genuinely want to know if I’m missing something here on a protocol cause it’s just really hard to fathom letting that go and three months later being like “That rapist got me pregnant.”
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So here go. Perfect example of “why I care so much” and a good look at what some states are going to do. 12 year old girl is going to be forced to carry the child after incest and rape because “every life is valuable”. Disgusting and exactly where backwards states like Mississippi are headed.
Backwards? Good word . So Californians, New Yorkers. etc could/should be classified as barbarians, right? After all, they are for the murder and mutilation of innocent life. My niece today told me that worked with a girl who had 5 abortions. That's so cool and something the barbaric left would applaud and shout proudly from the mountain tops! Pathetic.

So here go. Perfect example of “why I care so much” and a good look at what some states are going to do. 12 year old girl is going to be forced to carry the child after incest and rape because “every life is valuable”. Disgusting and exactly where backwards states like Mississippi are headed.

For the 1,000,000th time this is .5% of all abortion cases (perhaps in history).

If it's truly why you care so much, you should wait for the next victim of this ultra rare situation, and drive them to new York or California where the baby can be murdered up to the point of it coming out of the birth canal.

See. All interests equally covered .
Wow so kind of you. I’m sure she’ll be so thrilled to get that counseling you’re willing to give her. I’m sure she’ll be just fine after some good old fashioned counseling and a pat on the back. She’s 12 years old you psycho. The father is the father of the child. Yes let’s force this 12 year old child to have a child, no matter the physical harm to her body. Do you have any idea how crazy all that sounds?
How does killing the child fix that?