How will they rule ??!

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USA's loss if so. Sad thing.
Why should DeSantis run for President? He's a super successful, popular governor who has the legislature on his side and gets things done. If he runs for President he has no chance of accomplishing ANYTHING except getting himself and his aides thrown into prison. He'll have to fight the Democrats, the media, the Deep State, and his own party.

Look at what happened to Trump and ask yourself honestly, why would any smart guy want to go through that?
What a joke you are.

Just shut up Hillary.

You're all for jury nullification when it's favors your side.
Hey I didn't whine when they let the double murderer Rottenhouse walk free! All O heard was wait till Durham report! Yeah, well now what? Just like, wait till ninjas count AZ! Yeah again a nothing burger. Stop with taxpayers witch hunts and find out about coup attempt
uh oh...a new account has dropped. brand new account, first message is on the political forum of a Kentucky sports site...not suspicious at all.

Many times these new accounts start off agreeable to conservatives only to not so gradually move leftward.

Usually anytime a new account shows up, I know in less than a month I'm going to be called 'F-ckrunner'...the new account is going to yell at Warrior about mobilehoma and then that screen name will be gone forever afterwards.
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Hey I didn't whine when they let the double murderer Rottenhouse walk free! All O heard was wait till Durham report! Yeah, well now what? Just like, wait till ninjas count AZ! Yeah again a nothing burger. Stop with taxpayers witch hunts and find out about coup attempt
I bet you whined when they let self defending citizen Rittenhouse free after your communist child molesting friends tried to murder him.

Jury nullification is what the Democrats live for. Trial should be held on Kansas.

Sometimes enough is, well, enough.
I was coming here to post this. LOL. ESPN wrote an article. Night and day from their creaming their pants over players kneeling for the anthem. That's to be glorified. Not wanting to be branded with the alphabet cult's garbage on your work uniform? Well, that's not okay.

The alphabet cult can GFT. They're tyrants who need everyone to submit their agenda or be destroyed. This is beyond "Live and let live" and just being civil and respectful to a person as they want total conformity and applause. I reject that. They can make their choices and I'll make my choice into finding that organization to be disgusting pervs.
Oil has dropped 30% the last week, under $100 now. Gas hasn't moved down at all. Once again proving that the energy market is completely detached from all economic rules. The companies just do whatever the **** they want to gouge consumers because the legislatures are bought and paid for. Oil futures move up a bit and gas prices skyrocket instantly. futures fall back down and gas prices still go up, maybe go down a month later.

Russia/China proxy state. i guess if they go attack South Korea we can't blame Russia and China because after all.... We aren't actually attacking Russia in Ukraine.... it's just a proxy war. Are we gonna be consistent or just make it up as we go along? You ever wonder why the Russia sanction map looks like this....


Edit to add.... not all NATO countries are sanctioning Russia.....
What I get out of this chaotic rant is that Ukraine should lay down its arms because NK fired off missiles. Correct?
Why should DeSantis run for President? He's a super successful, popular governor who has the legislature on his side and gets things done. If he runs for President he has no chance of accomplishing ANYTHING except getting himself and his aides thrown into prison. He'll have to fight the Democrats, the media, the Deep State, and his own party.

Look at what happened to Trump and ask yourself honestly, why would any smart guy want to go through that?
Got it. Concede the Prez to the Dims.
He provided no proof. He has said a lot of things over the years. I’m not surprised you believe what he said. Just said you were foolish too. You probably believe MTG when she said the fires in CA were started by Jewish space lasers too.
I bet you are worried about Guam tipping over or a 9 mm blowing your lungs out. You would lose badly if we start this.
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come on, you can't blame DeSantis for that. It's the GOP who failed to stand up for Trump. Mitch stabbed him right in the back.
You can't read. I'm not blaming RD of anything. Show me, exactly, if I'm wrong. Mitch did nothing to Trump.
You can't read. I'm not blaming RD of anything. Show me, exactly, if I'm wrong. Mitch did nothing to Trump.
You implied that DeSantis would be conceding the election to the Dems. It's not his responsibility to run.

Mitch did indeed stab Trump in the back.

Five days after the Capitol Hill riot, The New York Times reported that “McConnell met over lunch in Kentucky with two longtime advisers, Terry Carmack and Scott Jennings. Feasting on Chick-fil-A in Mr. Jennings’s Louisville office, the Senate Republican leader predicted Mr. Trump’s imminent political demise. ‘The Democrats are going to take care of the son of a bitch for us,’ Mr. McConnell said, referring to the imminent impeachment vote in the House.”

McConnell also slow walked Trump's cabinet appointments in the Senate, and refused to let the Senate recess which would have allowed Trump to make recess appointments. He did this for FOUR YEARS.
Why should DeSantis run for President? He's a super successful, popular governor who has the legislature on his side and gets things done. If he runs for President he has no chance of accomplishing ANYTHING except getting himself and his aides thrown into prison. He'll have to fight the Democrats, the media, the Deep State, and his own party.

Look at what happened to Trump and ask yourself honestly, why would any smart guy want to go through that?
Why does anyone want to be president?

Sorry, DeSantis should run...he's smarter than trump. You guys know trump just can't keep running every election...someone else will eventually have to.
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Will be fun to watch these lawsuits play out.

Twitter board/execs are kind of ****ed. They have to sue to enforce the deal at that price given the current stock price and outlook. I can’t imagine a judge would order specific performance if they don’t actually provide the data Musk is asking for. Which will prove they’ve been presenting fraudulent information to investors. Which will then likely blow up the deal or crater the price, which will set up even more lawsuits.
Why does anyone want to be president?

Sorry, DeSantis should run...he's smarter than trump. You guys know trump just can't keep running every election...someone else will eventually have to.
We seem to keep recycling this discussion. And I'm in the camp of wishing Desantis would run, but He's basically already said he won't commit political suicide by challenging Trump in a Primary. So if all goes as is assumed, Trump will run and Desantis will hold out for 2028. That would be the ideal situation in a perfect world, but Trumps volatility and the worlds rapid progression towards the Great Reset, is likely to much it up for us.
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We seem to keep recycling this discussion. And I'm in the camp of wishing Desantis would run, but He's basically already said he won't commit political suicide by challenging Trump in a Primary. So if all goes as is assumed, Trump will run and Desantis will hold out for 2028. That would be the ideal situation in a perfect world, but Trumps volatility and the worlds rapid progression towards the Great Reset, is likely to much it up for us.
Yeah, I'm of the belief that it's not going to matter who runs in 2028 because this nation will be done. I don't even think 2024 is going to stop anything but giving them another four years of doing whatever they want is going to take this place to the point of no return and we may already be there.

Trump isn't winning a presidential election and the GOP has no one worth a shit except DeSantis. So the Dems seriously may be like a 1 seed who just has to face an 11 seed to go to the final four. The GOP is such shit because of the McConnell types who are a cancer to this country and should be sent to the left. Their answer is nothing but neocon establishment hacks to keep this uni-party BS continuing.
Interesting comments from Robert M. Gates, Secretary of Defense under both Bush43 and Obama. Putin gets Donbass, NATO gets what's left of Ukraine, Sweden and Finland. Huge win for NATO, major f-up by Putin.


Nice graph, too bad it isn't accurate. It gives Trump credit back to 2015, and he didn't take office until 2017. Of course if you want to give Trump credit for low gas prices during the Covid shutdown, he also has to own the massive increase in federal deficit, and the fact that unemployment was higher when Trump left office (6.4%) than when he took over (4.7%).

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Nice graph, too bad it isn't accurate. Of course if you want to give Trump credit for low gas prices during the Covid shutdown, he also has to own the massive increase in federal deficit, and the fact that unemployment was higher when Trump left office (6.4%) than when he took over (4.7%).

The graph isn't just one year. Covid affected everything in 2020, post March of that year. Thanks CHYNA, and Democrats.
I guess you're still going to claim we're back to prepandemic employment too.
Nice graph, too bad it isn't accurate. Of course if you want to give Trump credit for low gas prices during the Covid shutdown, he also has to own the massive increase in federal deficit, and the fact that unemployment was higher when Trump left office (6.4%) than when he took over (4.7%).

So, under Obama and Biden, we got even more debt than Trump, and higher gas prices... thanks.

And btw, was there any event that spiked unemployment in 2020?

Nice try though.

Edit: please attempt to make the case that the economy was better under Biden and Obama... we all need the laugh lol.
I bet you whined when they let self defending citizen Rittenhouse free after your communist child molesting friends tried to murder him.

Jury nullification is what the Democrats live for. Trial should be held on Kansas.
You don't get to choose venue! You just wait, when ninja turtles get done, Trump will be installed as Dictater! Just wait, when Durham report comes out Hillary will go to jail! 😂 😂 😂 Hilary testified 11 hours, Trump's running and hiding. He needs a bunker at Mat A Lago 😂
This is how I've always viewed a lot of Catpaw leftists, sad really... but that empathy is starting to wane with how/who they are last couple years, soon enough it'll be "This ain't gonna lick itself, bigot!" to your kids at school, just watch

Have arson inspectors made any conclusions?

And, how many food business fires occurred in past years?

I haven't done the necessary due diligence or research to speak definitively, but it's definitely well outside of statistical normality; someone is up to something.. hard to say who or why, what's really up with this