Bet the Mexican murderer is an anchor baby. So many policies enacted by the Marxists are to replace good people with scumbag libs.
Texas school shooter
Psychiatrists are afraid to say these people are wacked out & need treatment for fear of libs condemning them & being
What do you think needs to be done? I know you think gun control will fix it but it’s not happening. More security is what’s needed. It’s the same attitude the Dems had about the capitol. People want to bitch and blame but we have a substantial national guard. Bone headed Dems want to bitch about guns in the wrong hands but do nothing to protect. The capitol is the example. Here one of the most important places in the country there was lax security. Secure this shit. Quit complaining and trying to implement gun control. Use the national guard and shut this stuff down. The country is becoming a lawless place:
protect schools like an airport
So rather than even entertain any other option, we’re going to make schools look and feel like prisons. Nice. I’m sure the kids will love that too. I’m sure they’ll thank us for that.Once you’re inside the airport you’re safe so yes. It’s time for the USA to use armed guard preferably the national guard to protect public places especially schools. The primary job of educators is to keep kids safe. This isn’t fantasy land bozo. We have lock tight security in airports but not where the most vulnerable are. Folks like you who crap on the idea only continue to enable this garbage to happen.
yes metal detectors. Razor wire over the fences. A guard at a primary entry point for cars and people. This isn’t brain surgery. Either you want to keep kids safe or you don’t. Guns aren’t going anywhere. Get that in your thick skull. The fact libs won’t protect kids is proof they are political driven morons. This is an easy call if you want this stuff to stop. Going after guns is a political stunt used by Dems to try and consolidate voters.
btw i was a teacher for 23 years and have been beating this drum for a while it’s not the first thing to come to mind it’s the only logical thing that’s out there. You put a big fence around the school. Cover it with razor wire and put national guard at all entry points onto the school grounds. Unless you’re a student or a parent you have no business in a school. If you’re a good guy you would have no problem going through multilayered security.
it will never happen though bc the political Dems the ones in Washington love to get worked up about guns so they will do nothing to stop it.
get out of the way libs and USA start protecting your most vulnerable. It’s a joke that any lib would argue with what I say.
Agree 100%… I can’t for the life of me figure out why any school has their doors unlocked. I worked at a school for near a decade and the doors were constantly left open. I don’t get it.
Damned buckeyes.
another reminder that we watched little kids murdered at Sandy hook and did nothing. Unfortunately kids being murdered barely moves the needle. Couple days and we move on
LeBron James Demands Change After Gunman Kills 14 Children In Elementary School (TWEETS)
Read “LeBron James Demands Change After Gunman Kills 14 Children In Elementary School (TWEETS) ” and other NBA articles from Total Pro
(Disregard Lebron, the video has details on the gunman).
So he's 18, somehow gets a firearm, and he shot his grandmother before going to school, which leads me to believe (speculate) that he's living with his grandmother, and probably for a reason. Seems to me like this was really a mental health issue.
Also, because I know this is a big sticking point with Libs... he's NOT white.
Spot on. We’ve let mental illness run rampant for over a decade now. Everyone is brave and beautiful and we can’t hurt anyone’s feelings by calling them mentally unstable and doctors can’t because of what you said.
So many of these mentally ill/evil assholes have giant red flags out the ass. A few of them the FBI was keeping tabs on and yet…
I bet vhcat is happy.
As soon as you say gun control I know you aren’t serious about protecting kids or the public. Gun control is a red herring. No matter what bad guys are going to get guns there is no one to stop that. In Chicago 40-50 people are shot with illegal guns with serial numbers scraped off etc. There are already laws on the books to stop illegal guns. No one gives a shit about existing law they want to bang their head into a brick wall instead. There is no solution through gun control. It’s sheer stupidity. It would take a constitutional amendment to really make any change and that isn’t happening.So rather than even entertain any other option, we’re going to make schools look and feel like prisons. Nice. I’m sure the kids will love that too. I’m sure they’ll thank us for that.
by the way, I know guns aren’t going anywhere. Your rant about doing everything possible and other peoples desire to arm teachers only shows youre willing to do anything possible.. as long as it doesn’t involve any type of gun control at all, even minimal. So yes, I get it. And in 3 days when trump speaks at the NRA rally, this will all be forgotten anyways and we’ll move on.
I think we could use more security at schools. I’m willing to admit that. I have 3 kids in school. And since the right isn’t going to bend in the least bit on guns, more security will help. We shouldn’t be the only nation that makes kids go all day into a secure prison though. Come on man
I remember at my high school (late 90s/2000) a couple of back doors from the parking lot could only be opened from the inside...but the main front entrance and some side doors weren't locked. Easy to bypass I guess if you wanted to do harm, doesn't make sense schools today wouldn't have most/all doors locked from the outside. A lot of schools, even in rural areas have a officer or former cop as a resource officer...maybe you can't lock every door from the outside but at least make all outsiders come through the front door.
No because people with dangerous ideas and worldviews should not be ignored. We can’t ignore the half of Congress that has a similar world view to him. Someone is going to have to address these issues and lay the hammer down. We can send 40 billion in weapons to Ukraine but can’t protect schools. The Dems and the Washington establishment have lost the country.Some of yall dont have that dunce sammy on ignore?
Doesn't matter what I think or what you think. Those fraudsters will be disqualified under state law. Funny though how the party looking so hard for so long for election fraud, can't seem to find any of it in their own party. Might as well be a Bigfoot search for their investigators!Wait, so you think 5 GOP Governor candidates, including the top 2 had to get fraudulent signatures to qualify to be on the ballot? In a state that has an incumbent that isn’t popular, really?
Who does it help if they aren’t eligible?
Back in 2003 I dated a girl from the county school. I went to the city school. One day our school was out so I decided to have lunch with her. I walked right through the unlocked front door and no one stopped me. I remember thinking how easy it was. I don’t get it.
And you nailed it on the last sentence. One entrance and make sure that person is there for a valid reason. Have a security guard there once they’re allowed in.
Well first of all the 2nd amendment does not say you have a right to guns. It says arm's and it says well regulated militia. The militia part should be rewritten because it doesn't apply to our country anymore. So you could ban all guns, which I am not advocating, and not be infringing on the 2nd amendment. Swords and knives are arms. The 2nd amendment does not say you have a right to all arms and it does not say which arms. Those pesky founders liked to leave things very vague so we could adapt interpretations to the times. The scope of the 2nd amendment really depends entirely on the appetite of the populace and the courts. Scotus ruled that the 2nd amendment doesn't protect assault weapons. How does that make sense? So handguns are protected because people shoot them more? No, they are protected because the populace still wants them and the courts didn't want to take it that far at the time. I don't think the populace will fall out of love with handguns anytime soon so they will never be banned. But they are getting sick of seeing nutjobs shooting up places so the populace is moving towards favoring a lot more gun regulations. We'll see if congress ever has the willpower to do it but I doubt it.
If we had a better functioning political system we would periodically update amendments to address time specific problems so they weren't used as election season wedges issues. But alas we prefer to be entertained instead of governed.
Maybe that school had security but they saw you with your light saber and didn't want to mess with you...hahaha
* KA - BOOM *Oil has dropped 30% the last week, under $100 now. Gas hasn't moved down at all. Once again proving that the energy market is completely detached from all economic rules. The companies just do whatever the **** they want to gouge consumers because the legislatures are bought and paid for. Oil futures move up a bit and gas prices skyrocket instantly. futures fall back down and gas prices still go up, maybe go down a month later.
* KA - BOOM *It's almost out of runoff territory. The Dems got their 6 candidates to all endorse Warnock and not canablalize each other. Warnock is sitting around 45+%. If turnout is the same or higher as 2018 he should get the win. The gop couldn't get it done so. Loeffler only at 25%. If Warnock can avoid the runoff it will be a huge steal. Perdue made a complete fool of himself this week and just killing his campaign. All recent polling has it tied or Osoff up a point or 2.
This right here x1000000. Mental health in this country is terrible and people are afraid to talk about it for a litany of reasons. We have so many fat people because they stress eat. Half our population is on some kind of mental pill. How many people are "homeless", but are really just mentally unbalanced?Spot on. We’ve let mental illness run rampant for over a decade now. Everyone is brave and beautiful and we can’t hurt anyone’s feelings by calling them mentally unstable and doctors can’t because of what you said.
So many of these mentally ill/evil assholes have giant red flags out the ass. A few of them the FBI was keeping tabs on and yet…
You have to realize that the psychiatrists these days are by and large just as whacked as the people they treat. They are products of their liberal college indoctrination. They are nothing more than enablers at this point.Spot on. We’ve let mental illness run rampant for over a decade now. Everyone is brave and beautiful and we can’t hurt anyone’s feelings by calling them mentally unstable and doctors can’t because of what you said.
So many of these mentally ill/evil assholes have giant red flags out the ass. A few of them the FBI was keeping tabs on and yet…