He did not want to piss off AOC and the squad by looking engaged during a talk about antiSemitism.
He did not want to piss off AOC and the squad by looking engaged during a talk about antiSemitism.
Don’t poke the bear. LOLPlus, I got kicked off of FB last night. My political posts violated some sort of policy. Not really sure. They sent me a link to appeal, which I did, only because I wanted a crack at the comments section. I told them to go **** themselves.
3 minutes later, my sentence changed from 24 hours to "Indefinitely"
It’s [apply air quotes here] science [close air quotes].
* KA - BOOM *wtf is a President DeSantis going to do that is so glorious? Give a speech about trying to pass an anti trans bill? not a damn thing.
Right, the animators gave him Hugh-ge lifts to make him look average height next to Jackman.Robert Reich and The Simpsons...
Also this...just to make fun of his height:
Imports? China is shutdown, India is banning exports, EU is slowing worse than we are... Imports are going to up due to scarcity.Our only solace is that the dollar is surging in value compared to other currencies. But that's primarily because the USA right now is the equivalent of the least ugly girl in a beauty pageant. There's no good place anywhere in the world to invest right now, and the USA after raising interest rates is one of the few places in the world where you can at least get a return on your money. Will help over the long term with helping to stamp out inflation, since imported goods should become cheaper.
No... you aren't listening. There were states that allowed votes contrary to the laws their states had set up. They did it on emergency authority which isn't constitutional for elections.Red herring question.
As I've said, but you & others refuse to listen/read, the election had corruptions whether by Dims or anyone else, BUT, the states followed the constitution to elect Biden. That's states, not Dims or Pubs. Nothing will change that. Trump needs to get off the past & focus on the future. If he doesn't, it will be to his detriment - eating him & devotees alive..
NASDAQ up 400 points (3.3%) before noon!
Imports? China is shutdown, India is banning exports, EU is slowing worse than we are... Imports are going to up due to scarcity.
Wait until the 2nd quarter GDP gets reported in early July. It will no doubt show a contraction, thus making it an official "recession".* KA - BOOM *
Thanks, Joe!
Yeah, those air quotes don’t stop just because she cannot hear or talk. She’d be air quoting and making faces constantly.Nope. Not me. She's so irritating that even gagged and a deaf mute, she'd still irritate the sh*t out of me. I'd rather date Kim Kardashian who I think is NASTY and as vapid an individual as one can get. And she's light years ahead of AOC.
He was also a cabinet member for Taft and worked for the Secret Service under Kennedy.Hey everyone, meet your new disinformation czar, Michael Chertoff. If he looks familiar it might be because he was George Bush's point man for 9/11. He co wrote the Patriot Act and is a major player in the full body scanners used in all airports, as in his foundation makes them.
He is a dual US / Israeli citizen whose mother was one of the first Massad agents. There is more, so much more.
By the by, does anyone notice how many of the pols look like nosferatu?
* KA - BOOM *
Thanks, Joe!
China is slowed, but nowhere near shut down. Also, China's semi-command economy will continue cranking out the widgets because that's what they do. There will be continuing shortages here and there, but demand will be slowing greatly as well to get supply and demand back to some semblance of equilibrium.Imports? China is shutdown, India is banning exports, EU is slowing worse than we are... Imports are going to up due to scarcity.
The scary thing is people in this thread who voted for them still defend and say they would still vote them over anyone from another party.Precisely everything we predicted would happen if Democrats took over is happening. Everything we forecasted prior to the 2020 election is literally coming to fruition.
Biblical prophesies coming true?Our only solace is that the dollar is surging in value compared to other currencies. But that's primarily because the USA right now is the equivalent of the least ugly girl in a beauty pageant. There's no good place anywhere in the world to invest right now, and the USA after raising interest rates is one of the few places in the world where you can at least get a return on your money. Will help over the long term with helping to stamp out inflation, since imported goods should become cheaper.
Neither does Jamelie's but, he just goes to the next Facebook/Twitter/CNN/MSNBC talking point or meme and totally forgets about the one (all of them) that are debunked moments later.Shew, doggy, PLAT/SAMMY posts sure don't age well, do they?
Not big on prophecy, IMO it's usually used to twist people's arms by making them believe Jesus' return is imminent to bring them into the fold, which I find dishonest. Not the worst kind of dishonesty, because the end definitely justifies the means, but I've always been a proponent of convincing people to become Christian on the basis of His love rather than out of fear.Biblical prophesies coming true?
I just see some patriots exercising their right to bear Arms and fight off an oppressive government. Did I do that right? Lmao
Do you ever look at GDPNow? Think I posted it a month or so ago. Used to be affiliated with the Atlanta Fed, but now independent. Was surprised to see this morning that they have it...as of now....at 2.4%.Wait until the 2nd quarter GDP gets reported in early July. It will no doubt show a contraction, thus making it an official "recession".
The fear porn from the media will be unbearable.
Big GoP donors now telling the money grubbers to either ditch Trump and start setting up the Biden transition or their will be no more money for the GA runoffs. Money talks in politics.
Very good post. God and historians have passed their judgment on Harding but from a historical perspective his passing allowed Coolidge to ascend to the presidency. Coolidge turned out to be an average to above average POTUS IMO.Carter was a major disaster. Biden is an extinction level event.
Harding had a lot of issues, no way to deny that, but he wasn't nearly as bad as historians make him out to be.
For one, he ****ing hated Wilson, and pretty much single-handedly shut down that ridiculous League of Nations (that alone goes a LONG way)
For his TIME, he was very progressive re: racial inequality and he let/encouraged small farmers to be able to form cooperatives so the Big Agri couldn't push them out.
He also did a LOT of rotten things, but what he was most guilty of, was allowing that gang of criminals he hung out with, to run around unfettered, and was slow to bring them to justice.
Harding >>> Biden
The courts upheld the challenges to that. Judges decide constitutionality, not you. Ergo, constitutional even if F-ed Up. You & Trump need to get over it - seriously - or it will hurt all of you. But do get some new judges - constitutionally.No... you aren't listening. There were states that allowed votes contrary to the laws their states had set up. They did it on emergency authority which isn't constitutional for elections.
Taft was President 1909-1913.He was also a cabinet member for Taft and worked for the Secret Service under Kennedy.