How will they rule ??!

  • YES - Qualified

    Votes: 41 82.0%
  • NO - Disqualified

    Votes: 9 18.0%

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  • Poll closed .
Oil has dropped 30% the last week, under $100 now. Gas hasn't moved down at all. Once again proving that the energy market is completely detached from all economic rules. The companies just do whatever the **** they want to gouge consumers because the legislatures are bought and paid for. Oil futures move up a bit and gas prices skyrocket instantly. futures fall back down and gas prices still go up, maybe go down a month later.
* KA - BOOM *

WTF is going on here? Maniacs! Thanks, Joe.
I hear this stuff but this is ignoring so much. My wife works in medical/nutrition and had to have a masters. She went to EKU. Her debt is like $50K in student loans. That's not Gender Studies. That's not going to California to study liberal arts. That's a smart degree to get.

There's so many issues here. One, this isn't someone taking out a credit card and spending it on dumb shit. It's a mixture of so many things. One, predatory practices in targeting 18 year olds with massive loans after a lifetime of brainwashing of "You're going to be a loser if you don't go to college", a system that makes colleges the gatekeeper to being able to work in a field, insane costs from bloated universities, etc.

We don't even let 18 year olds buy a beer or rent a car yet we just sign off on massive student loans with a false promise of a good ROI for most?

Regarding the costs, we just gave $33B to Ukraine. We give billions and billions in foreign aide (after just printing money like crazy) but we're gonna scoff at this?

There's a good compromise possible as opposed to just doing what's the normal conservative thing on this topic which is a big middle finger and saying it's your problem or the opposite spectrum is just making it go to zero.
I hear this stuff but this is ignoring so much. My wife works in medical/nutrition and had to have a masters. She went to EKU. Her debt is like $50K in student loans. That's not Gender Studies. That's not going to California to study liberal arts. That's a smart degree to get.

There's so many issues here. One, this isn't someone taking out a credit card and spending it on dumb shit. It's a mixture of so many things. One, predatory practices in targeting 18 year olds with massive loans after a lifetime of brainwashing of "You're going to be a loser if you don't go to college", a system that makes colleges the gatekeeper to being able to work in a field, insane costs from bloated universities, etc.

We don't even let 18 year olds buy a beer or rent a car yet we just sign off on massive student loans with a false promise of a good ROI for most?

Regarding the costs, we just gave $33B to Ukraine. We give billions and billions in foreign aide (after just printing money like crazy) but we're gonna scoff at this?

There's a good compromise possible as opposed to just doing what's the normal conservative thing on this topic which is a big middle finger and saying it's your problem or the opposite spectrum is just making it go to zero.
We'll forgive these loans but you are going to vote for term limits and a balanced budget. Signed: American Taxpayers
I'd gladly vote for term limits. That's a shared belief by everyone outside of those in the system and their lobbyists who own them.
The risk there is you remove all the elected officials with experience, creating a revolving door of newbie representatives. This could possibly turn the government over to unelected career bureaucrats because they're the only ones who know how things work in the daily grind. Basically removing our elected representation and putting y'all's Deep State in charge. I personally agree with term limits and think it's a chance worth taking, but there isn't nearly the bipartisan support on the ground you apparently think there is.

How bout those RECORD SETTING stock markets?
We just can't stop winning under Biden.
Greatest President in US history!
Everyone getting paid more. Millions of new jobs. 401k's worth more than ever.
* KA - BOOM *

CNBC: NASDAQ more than 23% below all-time high.

You are again dismissed.
My wife works in medical/nutrition and had to have a masters. She went to EKU. Her debt is like $50K in student loans.
If you have $50K in student loans and you make $100K+ per year it's not a problem. If you're well below that then it is an issue. I guess my question is... did she know the average salary for someone with that degree? Did she do a cost benefit analysis before getting the masters? I wanted to get an MBA, but decided against it as it didn't make sense financially.
I hear this stuff but this is ignoring so much. My wife works in medical/nutrition and had to have a masters. She went to EKU. Her debt is like $50K in student loans. That's not Gender Studies. That's not going to California to study liberal arts. That's a smart degree to get.

There's so many issues here. One, this isn't someone taking out a credit card and spending it on dumb shit. It's a mixture of so many things. One, predatory practices in targeting 18 year olds with massive loans after a lifetime of brainwashing of "You're going to be a loser if you don't go to college", a system that makes colleges the gatekeeper to being able to work in a field, insane costs from bloated universities, etc.

We don't even let 18 year olds buy a beer or rent a car yet we just sign off on massive student loans with a false promise of a good ROI for most?

Regarding the costs, we just gave $33B to Ukraine. We give billions and billions in foreign aide (after just printing money like crazy) but we're gonna scoff at this?

There's a good compromise possible as opposed to just doing what's the normal conservative thing on this topic which is a big middle finger and saying it's your problem or the opposite spectrum is just making it go to zero.

I think a reasonable solution is for the government to eliminate the interest and fines on student loans, and the borrower can pay back what they actually borrowed.