How will they rule ??!

  • YES - Qualified

    Votes: 41 82.0%
  • NO - Disqualified

    Votes: 9 18.0%

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what the **** are you even talking about? EA is a publisher, they heavily regulate speech within their brands. Disney is a publisher and heavily censors speech across its brands. School newspapers have tons of censorship rules. Anything that is not considered a public forum or a state actor can be censored. Milo Yiannopoulos' publisher canceled his book deal because they didn't like his youtube videos. Trump tried to censor Macmillian when they published Fire & Fury but they told him to **** off as is their right. Publishers cannot be censored by the goverment (they can if the feds declare it against national security) but can most definitely censor anything they publish. The market is free to censor its goods and also free to lose lots of money if they take it beyond what the public is willing to accept. You do know we still ban books in the US?
Some dipshit got this "publisher" word stuck in your head even though it means jack shit.

In Hazelwood School District v. Kuhlmeier, the high court ruled that school officials can censor school-sponsored publications if their decision is “reasonably related to a legitimate pedagogical purpose.” This means school officials must show that they have a reasonable educational reason for censoring the material.
* KA - BOOM *

Am really sorry to say "i told you so" to so many (not you Joe) ... who am i kidding? Not sorry at all and am more affirmed every day.
Will be the biggest I EFFING TOLD YOU SO ever!

I shouldn't be surprised that so many blindly trust the government and media considering it's a religion to the left (and many on the right fall for the pressure and accepted narrative).

The shot had so many damn red flags

1. The fact that the manufacturers were exempt from liability
2. The rushed unprecedented trials
3. The massive amount of propaganda pumped out to the masses and absolute obsession you have to get it
4. The constant moving of goalposts
There's no amount of money, no amount of education, no diversity quotas or Affirmative Action decisions that will change this culture. It is what it is. There's an idolatry of street life and a lack of regard for human life. People think they can fix their problems for them and they can't.

We've become completely desensitized to the amount of violence and destruction caused.
The training i had to go to was unconcious bias. One of the charts said we cannot look at things like they are "good or bad, black or white, or all or nothing ... we have to see shades of grey".

My question was ... So is unconcious bias "bad"?
Brought to you by the country that likes to anal test for Covid. China has created a new glory hole Covid tester. Video demonstration at link for those interested. .

I approve.
Again, one must ask: why are they pushing this so hard? Clearly, people don’t like it or want it, but it often seems that the more unpopular something is, they more forcefully it is foisted upon the population.
A mask! Silliest thing I've ever heard of.

But masks are harmless nonsense, and the real issue for travel, get rid of the testing requirement to travel to the US, and the current regulations are a backbreaker on the travel industry. An absolute albatross.

Who wants to go on vacation, and scramble to find a "test" on your way home? And get stranded, if you have a false positive?

It's time for this madness to end. It is KILLING the travel economy.
So, this confuses me a bit. You folks in Florida care to explain why a lib is trying to support gun rights? Vote pandering is the only thing I can guess.

She is running for Governor. Nikki Fried is the only Democrat in Florida elected to a state wide office. Some way, some how she became Secretary of Agriculture which happens to issue gun carry permits in our State. Her first week or so in office permit approvals starting taking much longer than before she arrived. She got a reputation of being anti-gun. And now she wants to be Governor and in a gun friendly state you have to make a statement. Gun pandering is what she is doing, plain and simple. It will not work. We know who she is.

This is what a Democrat does.
So @Dionysus444, since you’re an “ally”, did this young lady deserve that beat down? Even if she had been a white girl? We’re these young men justified in their anger at her “cultural appropriation”? What do you think needs to happen to them? What should the consequences be for their actions? What steps need to be taken to prevent future altercations like this in the world and government structure you want to live under? And I do stress “under” because you seem to be all about government controlling every aspect of our lives.
The training i had to go to was unconcious bias. One of the charts said we cannot look at things like they are "good or bad, black or white, or all or nothing ... we have to see shades of grey".

My question was ... So is unconcious bias "bad"?
Of course it only applies to white people. Was the training only meant for the whities where you work? Or are they wanting this applied across the board?

Every human has unconscious biases ranging over a broad range of things. It’s how you act on those biases that define you.
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Of course it only applies to white people. Was the training only meant for the whities where you work? Or are they wanting this applied across the board?

Every human has unconscious biases ranging over a broad range of things. It’s how you act on those biases that define you.
Yea, we had to go through a mental image exercise. Cliff notes: only the people that imagined white males were "wrong", everyone else just imagined what they "knew". Official USAF positions.
If this is reinstated there are going to be a LOT of pissed off travelers and employees of airlines. And no, I don’t believe that 56% of people want mask mandates to remain.

Hopefully a judge will look at actual data on how ineffective masks are and kick this appeal into orbit.

There has never been any data presented to warrant them....ever. Not one person saying that X people got covid on flight 365. Not person ever saying that the air in an airplane is a petri dish. On the contrary, actually....this is straight from the Boeing site....

Cabin air filtration​

All Boeing airplanes have systems already in place to help maintain a healthy cabin environment. These systems filter the air you breathe and minimize the spread of airborne contaminants.

  • The volume of cabin air is exchanged every two to three minutes
  • HEPA filters similar to those used in hospitals capture more than 99.9% of viruses and bacteria
  • Cabin air flows primarily from ceiling to floor in a circular pattern and leaves through the floor grilles near the same seat row where it enters
There has never been any data presented to warrant them....ever. Not one person saying that X people got covid on flight 365. Not person ever saying that the air in an airplane is a petri dish. On the contrary, actually....this is straight from the Boeing site....

Cabin air filtration​

All Boeing airplanes have systems already in place to help maintain a healthy cabin environment. These systems filter the air you breathe and minimize the spread of airborne contaminants.

  • The volume of cabin air is exchanged every two to three minutes
  • HEPA filters similar to those used in hospitals capture more than 99.9% of viruses and bacteria
  • Cabin air flows primarily from ceiling to floor in a circular pattern and leaves through the floor grilles near the same seat row where it enters
Agree 100%. The issue is that the DOJ will find a judge that doesn’t care about data or the Constitution and will reverse the FL judge’s ruling (partially because she’s in FL and Trump appointed her).