How will they rule ??!

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    Votes: 41 82.0%
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    Votes: 9 18.0%

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I have to confess, I didn't think there was any way Trump could win this race. Just goes to show how disgusted people are with career politicians and willing to try something different. I have a friend who works with protective planning for the Executive branch. He told me years ago that HRC was arrogant and had a bad temper. So glad she lost
Sitting back looking at what is going on I couldn't possibly be more happy. I get to live during and participate in the exact point in time when the Republican Party died. When it was aborted. Cut out and thrown away. Deemed too ugly and course to live any longer. A pointless relic. They might as well have been the confederate flag.

Trump. LOL.

Yes, Trumplings, the joke has been on you for some time now.

4 years after their delusions about Romney having the election all sewn up and here they come again...

That's the thing about these right wing nuts, they are suckers to the last. On their death beds they fall for it. 20 times in a row and 21 is still a lock.

I guess that's why the Palins and Trumps of the world find them such easy pickings. I enjoy them immensely. Like 3 Stooges only they're about 50 million of them scattered about the country just waiting to buy your water to gas converter for 19.99. The QVC voters. The Ronco voting class.
For the exact reason that everyone went ham about DT not accepting the results, *especially* when he's going to win the EC rather decisively. Peaceful transition of power, all that stuff.

She needs to man up, for lack of a better term, and concede.....and not try some criminal ass stuff like finding a trunk full of ballots. Concede, pretty simple.
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The left surrounds themselves in an echo chamber so they are shell shocked right now. They lost everything tonight. After eight years of taking it in the teeth from these jerk offs, we can get it back, erase Obama's disaster regime, kick em all out, put an end to the Clinton Empire as well.

When you push so much, eventually you get punched in the nose. And where are all of our "Republicans picked the one guy who couldn't win" people? He was the ONLY ONE that could have won.
The left surrounds themselves in an echo chamber so they are shell shocked right now. They lost everything tonight. After eight years of taking it in the teeth from these jerk offs, we can get it back, erase Obama's disaster regime, kick em all out, put an end to the Clinton Empire as well.

When you push so much, eventually you get punched in the nose. And where are all of our "Republicans picked the one guy who couldn't win" people? He was the ONLY ONE that could have won.

I thought this was an echo chamber.

I get tired of Fox saying no network has called this. Who made the network's king?