How will they rule ??!

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    Votes: 41 82.0%
  • NO - Disqualified

    Votes: 9 18.0%

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Evan McMullin (and an inevitable cohort of power players) throwing down the gauntlet already:

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Reactions: UK till Death
Every black pundit I've seen tonight is making Trump out to be the boogeyman, a racist bigot. Really? Give the man a chance. I mean, seriously, what did Obama do to make your life better, and what would Clinton do in that respect that Trump wouldn't?
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Reactions: duke4life831
Honest to god now is not the time to be tough.

We got the chance to do right and grow our base, Trump better back his urban city talk up and Republicans can put a stop to the democrats race baiting politics.

We don't need a suspension of immigration, nor do we need the wall.

However we do need this regime to take care of Americans and right now that includes blacks, Muslims, women and I guess gays.

I still haven't accepted the gay community honestly past leave me alone and they can do whatever it is they do.

That said be what you promised!
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Reactions: bigblueinsanity
howdy :)

been reading all evening - some smart folk here
I've never been so nervous about an election. Voted today fully believing that "she" would be president. But I voted anyway.
Me as well, young lady. Our very republic was at stake. What Killary would've done to the supreme court and our borders would've 100% turned us into another European style shithole.
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You know, the Fox crowd was roundly criticized for refusing to believe that Romney had lost late into the night in '12. I wonder if that might partially explain their hesitancy to give this to Trump...