How will they rule ??!

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I’m just an ally, straight and married. But obviously y’all are the issue, not Joy Reid. Christian hypocrites cherry-pick a couple of perceived anti-gay lines while ignoring all the rest of the Bible’s morality. Jesus talked about wealth redistribution hundreds of times more than butt sex. But y’all just spew bullshit to try to justify your preexisting bigotry without understanding your own holy words. So yes, someone who realizes their behavior was wrong and reforms it is infinitely better than you active enemies.
The theologian speaks after studying scripture on the internet. Solid.
As if these people shouldn’t be locked up along with groomer Democrat teachers.

“Hey look there are also pedo Republicans” is not the hammer move you maybe think it is. Lol good grief.
Cool, so pedophilia is the Republican outrage of the month. Happy to hear you’ve received your marching orders from above. We’ll all be sure to add it to the list . . . Hillary’s emails . . . BLM . . . Hunter’s laptop . . . Dominion voting machines . . . Mr. Potato Head/Aunt Jemima/Dr. Seuss . . . Colin Kaepernick . . . CRT . . . January 6 . . . mask/vaccine mandates . . . transgender athletes . . . etc. Its great the higher-ups schedule for you exactly what to be pissed off about.
Cool, so pedophilia is the Republican outrage of the month. Happy to hear you’ve received your marching orders from above. We’ll all be sure to add it to the list . . . Hillary’s emails . . . BLM . . . Hunter’s laptop . . . Dominion voting machines . . . Mr. Potato Head/Aunt Jemima/Dr. Seuss . . . Colin Kaepernick . . . CRT . . . January 6 . . . mask/vaccine mandates . . . transgender athletes . . . etc. Its great the higher-ups schedule for you exactly what to be pissed off about.
Teachers quit in FL because they can't talk about sex to kindergarten students. The current supreme court nominee gave a guy 3 months in jail for having child porn that the recommended was 7 years and the prosecution wanted 5 years. Among the child porn was an 8 yo girl being beaten and raped.... The judge looked at it and said it was the most horrible thing she'd ever seen and then gave the guy 3 months.... he was back in jail just a couple years later.

You really want to say that dems aren't defending pedo's right now? cuties? Professors trying to decriminalize pedophilia...

Cool, so pedophilia is the Republican outrage of the month. Happy to hear you’ve received your marching orders from above. We’ll all be sure to add it to the list . . . Hillary’s emails . . . BLM . . . Hunter’s laptop . . . Dominion voting machines . . . Mr. Potato Head/Aunt Jemima/Dr. Seuss . . . Colin Kaepernick . . . CRT . . . January 6 . . . mask/vaccine mandates . . . transgender athletes . . . etc. Its great the higher-ups schedule for you exactly what to be pissed off about.
Always funny when you try

Contained? Russia was running a guerilla war the entire presidency and moving troops into other Baltic areas while they built up Crimea shipyards. Russia was also busy trying to pretend that they weren't being decimated by their fake vaccine. Neither side has made any actual moves yet so we are at the same level of "containment" as when fat cheeto left. The most likely scenario is putin will see that Ukraine isn't worth the trouble. Installing a puppet regime like he had before is a much cleaner and cheaper solution. The Russian economy has been shit for 8+ years now and Sabre rattling is always good for keeping russians as calm 🐑.

Trump was containing Russia about as well as his depends were containing his pants shitting.
* KA - BOOM *

Were 70% of Americans worried about getting nuked while Trump served as President? Hell effing no.
The GQP pedo projection continues onward without an end in sight. 🤣

The main difference between democrats & republicans when it comes to child molesters. Is the fact that republicans want to lock the filth up & throw the key away. Whereas democrats being the warped mined scum that they are would have no problem if pedophilia was legalized.
Thanks for posting that. It’s one good thing about the internet. I don’t watch that show, but I am glad I saw that interview and I suspect that interview does not happen at most media outlets today and that is a shame. I also appreciate UK and it’s athletic department for not suppressing free speech. It is crazy that this is not just a gender identity vs sex issue, but also a free speech issue. As one person once said, the remedy for bad speech is not no speech, it’s more speech. If you disagree with Riley, you should still support her right to speak her story.

[edit: some of those speech suppressed swimmers go to public universities and all of them go to universities that take money from the government. Praise to Riley for having the guts to compete in the arena of opinion and reject the pressures of evil that seek to silence her]
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Cool, so pedophilia is the Republican outrage of the month. Happy to hear you’ve received your marching orders from above. We’ll all be sure to add it to the list . . . Hillary’s emails . . . BLM . . . Hunter’s laptop . . . Dominion voting machines . . . Mr. Potato Head/Aunt Jemima/Dr. Seuss . . . Colin Kaepernick . . . CRT . . . January 6 . . . mask/vaccine mandates . . . transgender athletes . . . etc. Its great the higher-ups schedule for you exactly what to be pissed off about.
Pro-pedophilia post from a liberal. Those predicting the Dems will try to normalize pedophilia in the future just met the future. Wow.
Don't worry guys, they are teaching your kids it;s not ok to masturbate in public and they don't actually use the word masturbate as that's not age appropriate.

And since there are Republican diddlers too, it's really not that big of deal that voting Democrat promotes this agenda.

I think someone mentioned in the last day or so of how almost all of these latest cases are Dems.
Trying to get it back on the front page since Russia, Russia...Ukraine, Ukraine may not be working?
Lockdowns = mail in ballots in about 7 months?

I think someone mentioned in the last day or so of how almost all of these latest cases are Dems.
Trying to get it back on the front page since Russia, Russia...Ukraine, Ukraine may not be working?
Lockdowns = mail in ballots in about 7 months?

Yeah, I don't even know why Fox is reporting it. It's not news if someone gets covid. If you aren't in the hospital or dying no one cares.

David doesn't need to buy a gun...he was born with two. His arms.


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I saw this week where a Yahoo headline hinted there were “dangerous” characters influencing schools. It was a parent activist group and the teacher’s union called them “dangerous,” so Yahoo puts that claim in the headline. Every MSM news source had “don’t say gay law” in the first paragraph of articles about the Florida legislation that recently passed that says nothing of the sort. It is clear that we no longer have independent news sources.
Looks like the UK Athletic Dept has more backbone than most government funded institutions of “higher” learning.
Thanks for posting that. It’s one good thing about the internet. I don’t watch that show, but I am glad I saw that interview and I suspect that interview does not happen at most media outlets today and that is a shame. I also appreciate UK and it’s athletic department for not suppressing free speech. It is crazy that this is not just a gender identity vs sex issue, but also a free speech issue. As one person once said, the remedy for bad speech is not no speech, it’s more speech. If you disagree with Riley, you should still support her right to speak her story.

[edit: some of those speech suppressed swimmers go to public universities and all of them go to universities that take money from the government. Praise to Riley for having the guts to compete in the arena of opinion and reject the pressures of evil that seek to silence her]
Agreed..... but I'm wondering if she has completed her collegiate eligibility(?) I applaud her speaking out, but it's easier to be outspoken when the potential consequences are lessened.
You know who really hated transgendered people?

The Nazi’s and the Soviets. They destroyed the two largest research institutes on sexuality and trans research in the world in the 1930’s for being “decadent”.

So I feel pretty comfortable being on the side opposite Hitler and the godless commies.
You cannot draw a straight line between your foundation and conclusion. Congrats on that!!
Agreed..... but I'm wondering if she has completed her collegiate eligibility(?) I applaud her speaking out, but it's easier to be outspoken when the potential consequences are lessened.
I suspect the consequences far surpass competition in collegiate sports. The enemy of free speech will follow her beyond college. She will likely face cancellation that is not limited to eligibility in sports. The opposition lacks an open mind and is unaware of or not concerned with the Dem’s political cognitive dissonance.
Always funny when you try

So apparently this is the original. I didn't read all of these but I noticed a few that are absurdly included in here as "conspiracies" when they are absolutely a thing. Just looking at the top

1) Deep State
Are we really arguing that intel agencies aren't doing shady shit? Is that seriously still an argument?

2) The Great Replacement

This gets called a "white supremacy conspiracy theory" but it has become a major goal of the Democrat Party and they openly celebrate it. There is no debate that the following is occurring 1) The decrease of the white population 2) Being replaced with third world migration 3) A full on attack of anti-white propaganda in academia, media, and throughout corporations. This cannot be argued.

3) "Covid is a bioweapon" and it's labeled under antisemitism

Sooo it's conspiracy to say Covid was man-made and then released throughout the world? Still? It's not like governments haven't used bioweapon experiments even on their own citizens (i.e. looking at you America in SF).

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