How will they rule ??!

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And what happens to the used car market? Who wants to buy a used car knowing the battery will have to be replaced? And probably cost more than the car is worth?
I heard replacement batteries are 20 grand and up. This electric shit is catching wind in its sails and unions will support it. Ford is spending big bucks building two battery facilities near Glendale Ky. Another thought, the NSRA. Tell the millions of street rod owners they will have to someday convert their high dollar cars to battery. The sooner the right gains control the better off all of us will be.
But the social access a guy has is now pretty much universal. The person who says, “This is the women’s restroom, sir” can’t say anything anymore. That guy can get all up in their private spaces, and as long as he doesn’t rape anyone, there’s nothing they can do, no matter how uncomfortable the women are.
you are so naive. now do girls locker rooms. high school, middle school, college whatever? is that ok?
You're barking up the wrong tree, I think bathrooms should be unisex. Segregation is dumb. Equality.
I don’t understand why they’re willing to die on this hill. His approval ratings are poor, inflation is high, and gas prices are insanely high. Why in the world does he keep sabotaging the Democratic Party’s chances to retain their majority? It’s not like the chances aren’t bad, already. Tolerance for those who are LGBT is fine, but there has to be a line drawn somewhere, and our politicians aren’t willing to do it. Gonna get slaughtered in November.
Unfortunately November is a long ways away considering the pace we are declining. I’m frightened at what these globalists will do next to ensure there are no more hiccups in their quest for a NWO.
Why do liberals want to sexually groom children so badly?

Good grief, you are such a drama queen. I live in the "country", well away from any medium sized city, and there are gays who live here. Do you know what happens to them? Nothing. They farm and other Christian farmers work with them all the time.

There's a trans that lives less than a mile from me. Know what happens to them? Nothing.

Just stop with the hyperbole. It doesn't help anyone.

Exactly! I grew up in southeastern KY in the heart of the Appalachians where more people were on welfare and food stamps than were not. I personally knew of 10-15 gay men and 10-15 gay women including some family members. Not one thing happened to any of them and most of them were valued members of the community. A couple of them even held elected positions in the local government. That community was and still is one of the most 'redneck' parts of KY.

As usual, Dion is exaggerating to try to get his point across. He acts like no one on this forum grew up in a redneck community but him, and that we should take his word on the bigotry. I've lived in the head of a holler and the heart of big cities. People in the sticks are way more tolerant and less judgmental on average than big city dwellers.
I don't understand this selectively editing warnings into something sinister. You can just watch the interviews and talks themselves, which is the exact same content warning about increased surveillance. Why cut it together for this shoot-the-messenger attempt? This is the exact same intentional obfuscation as last time, Harari is trying to warn about this, not do it.
Whether he’s “warning” people or not, he is a top adviser to Klaus Schwab who is 100% on board with it. Therefore he is guilty by association of pushing it. What are any of the globalist NWO types doing to stop it from happening?
Alternative sexualities are not accepted in rural America.

Stereotype much? Rural Americans don't care what you do behind closed doors. Most want to be left alone as they leave you alone. Nobody is being dragged behind a truck b/c of their sexuality or skin color, and if it did happen, whomever did it is a POS no matter if they are rural or urban. Can't you see how hypocritical it is for you to say disparaging things about a certain demographic of people while accusing others of doing the same?
And what’s a battery cost? Whats your driving range before charging? How long to charge? What if all the charging stations are occupied? Are they convenient like gas stations, at almost every exit?

i actually don’t know the answers to these questions but I suspect they are not positive because you never hear EV advocates touting these points.
1) 10-12k roughly
2) 200-350 miles roughly
3) up to 6 hours roughly. Depending.
4) you're screwed.
5) nope.

Absolute nonsense on absolutely every level. At this point in time.
And what’s a battery cost? Whats your driving range before charging? How long to charge? What if all the charging stations are occupied? Are they convenient like gas stations, at almost every exit?

i actually don’t know the answers to these questions but I suspect they are not positive because you never hear EV advocates touting these points.
Takes me 5 minutes to fill up with gas, can’t wait to see the lines at buck-ee’s when it takes 30 plus minutes to charge. Driving to Florida from KY will take three days.
Anyone pulling their penis out in front of a 9 yr old in a women's restroom would be arrested. Women's restrooms don't have urinals.

Good lord, you've got an 'answer' for everything. The arrest sure doesn't erase the memory the little girl will have the rest of her life of getting flashed by a man in the women's bathroom.

Now you'll reply with it wouldn't matter if the pervert wasn't allowed in the bathroom, they would have still went in there and flashed the little girl. That may be so, but you sure don't make it easier on the fox by leaving the door open to the henhouse now do you?
Stereotype much? Rural Americans don't care what you do behind closed doors. Most want to be left alone as they leave you alone. Nobody is being dragged behind a truck b/c of their sexuality or skin color, and if it did happen, whomever did it is a POS no matter if they are rural or urban. Can't you see how hypocritical it is for you to say disparaging things about a certain demographic of people while accusing others of doing the same?
Standing up for equal treatment isn't disparaging. It is a fact that rural communities across this country where traditional Christian 'values' reign are not accepting of alternative sexualities. Many are proud of that as we see in this thread often. Acting like that isn't reality just because you know a gay person is ludicrous.
so essentially you are saying it is more decent to protect some 40 yr old man who wants to pull his penis out in front of a 9 yr old girl in a bathroom so as to not discriminate against him than it is to protect the 9 yr old girl from being exposed to 40 yr old man pulling his privates out and exposing himself to her?
The future of restrooms will be larger unisex restrooms with individual stalls with full height partitions and communal lavatories. That way nobody is offended except the lady in the stall next to the man who’s guts are exploding. She can hear it, maybe even smell it. But she can’t see it. Urinals will go the way of the dinosaur.
Standing up for equal treatment isn't disparaging. It is a fact that rural communities across this country where traditional Christian 'values' reign are not accepting of alternative sexualities. Many are proud of that as we see in this thread often. Acting like that isn't reality just because you know a gay person is ludicrous.

It may be your 'fact' but it sure isn't mine, and as I said before, I lived in an extremely rural community with traditional Christian values for over 3 decades. You are stereotyping a group of people.
The future of restrooms will be larger unisex restrooms with individual stalls with full height partitions and communal lavatories. That way nobody is offended except the lady in the stall next to the man who’s guts are exploding. She can hear it, maybe even smell it. But she can’t see it. Urinals will go the way of the dinosaur.
everything women have fought for is going by the wayside. and in large part they are handing all their own rights away. the liberal ones anyway.
And I'm sure a girl going to a unisex bathroom on a date that has to drop a deuce isn't going to like when her date comes in to piss and they are meeting at the sink.

I mean. Good God man. Do you ever actually listen to your foolishness?
When these are the lengths you have to go to defend your position you know you're flailing. "What if her poop stinks?!?!?!" Juvenile.
When these are the lengths you have to go to defend your position you know you're flailing. "What if her poop stinks?!?!?!" Juvenile.
Or how about when a girl got raped by a boy in a skirt in VA and the school covers it up to not upset transgender advocates... so they move the boy in a skirt to another school and he rapes another girl. Does that do anything for you are you just gonna push it off until someone rapes your daughter in a bathroom?

During World War II, fighter planes would come back from battle with bullet holes. The Allies found the areas that were most commonly hit by enemy fire. They sought to strengthen the most commonly damaged parts of the planes to reduce the number that was shot down.

A mathematician, Abraham Wald, pointed out that perhaps there was another way to look at the data. Perhaps the reason certain areas of the planes weren't covered in bullet holes was that planes that were shot in those areas did not return. This insight led to the armor being re-enforced on the parts of the plane where there were no bullet holes.

The story behind the data is arguably more important than the data itself. Or more precisely, the reason behind why we are missing certain pieces of data may be more meaningful than the data we have.

Don’t only listen to what is being said. Listen more to what is not being said.

Just remember. There is more than one way to look at data. Don't fall into traps.
It may be your 'fact' but it sure isn't mine, and as I said before, I lived in an extremely rural community with traditional Christian values for over 3 decades. You are stereotyping a group of people.
Where pray tell do you live that's so enlightened? I've lived in small town Kentucky, Ohio, Missouri, West Virginia, Tennessee, Wyoming, Colorado, and Georgia. None were welcoming of diversity. Not every single person obviously, but the character of the communities. Depends heavily on where you are in CO too of course, like FL.
I'm kinda curious as to what its going to take for this administration to take inflation risk seriously?

We're already at 40 year highs... so is it 10%? 15%? 20%?

Its almost as if they have no clue what to do (although, in all fairness, the Fed Reserve should be getting a chunk of the blame).
They are taking it seriously. More taxes w/o having to vote for them.