Right, so-first of all, this civil rights movement is unique in its vagueness; skin color isn’t a choice, and most feel sexual orientation isn’t, either. The issue with trans rights is that simply asking that they not be denied housing, jobs, or a life free from harassment isn’t enough; they want to slide into the “cracks” in the foundations of society-the social standards that aren’t quite law but are essentially treated as such-women having their own male-free spaces and having their own sports division (ya know, the whole reason for Title IX-the same law that gives women a fair shot in sports and keeps men from being able to knock women out of scholarship opportunities simply bc they’re better at sports).
We’re not going to agree on this-I feel there is such a thing as a bridge too far, and I believe that your rights end where mine begin. Therefore, instead of forcing unpopular policies down Americans’ throats, perhaps we need to have an actual discussion about the ramifications of these policies, so people can find some common ground. We are a pretty tolerant country. Let’s allow people to really talk about this, whether at town halls or televised town halls; far too often, what is best for a small number of people supersedes what is best for a much larger group of people in America, and it’s been going on a long time. All I’m asking is that we debate these issues.