How will they rule ??!

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    Votes: 41 82.0%
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Cali is completely run by Democrats so that's why on average, they pass 800 new laws every year. California is exactly what you get when you have zero pushback against the far left. All of their craziness is on full display. Does this ever sink in for the left's base in CA who flees the state because of these policies put in place?


They bring their stupidity and lack of awareness to your state and proceed to drive up the cost of living, the housing market, and then vote to make your state a leftist shit hole too.
You are correct. Unfortunately, it seems their insanity eventually bleeds across the US.

Thanks charter schools. Pretty soon your McDegree will be brought to you by Brawndo. It’s got what students crave. I’m lovin’ it.
When i first saw the sign you posted i thought it said New Pedophilia ... of course, when i saw who liked it (pedo supporter) it reinforced it in my mind.

I think you and i would agree, not a fan of corporate schools (maybe unless a trade degree). Govt schools are just as bad, if not worse, as they are now "brought to you by mcinsanity". (The largest "corp" in the USA.)
The kid has more control than I do. I’d have Will Smithed that witch.

She thought she was gonna bully shame the kid. My thought, if hubby's mom did die and she pulled that shit on a plane then getting kicked off, depriving the man from telling momma goodbye, how bad did he want to knock her the fuque out? AND bitchin about climate change while on a plane. How dumb are people
Another Karen going off.

I’ve always loved this video. I think it’s from 2017.

It embodies exactly what you picture a white old and entitled leftist to be like in a place like the northwest and northeast. Money, rigid, lives in gated community but would post a “refugees welcome” sign while at the same time calling their HOA about an infraction, and undoubtedly thinks the world should bow down to them and that everyone else must be stupid and poor.
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Hell, politicians and media falsely claim stuff all the time without being sued for it. Maybe Florida can sue all of the politicians and media who falsely portray the bill where they don't want their K-3rd grade kids indoctrinated with the alphabet mafia's agenda behind the parents back.

I think it's ridiculous to suggest schools would put litter boxes in a restroom for students who identified as cats. I mean, what's next? Letting some guy identify as female so he could dominate women's athletics?
Those furries really do use cat litter instead of the toilet. Hotel I stayed at with them was mad about having to scoop it out of the bathtub after they checked out.

Pretty normal behavior for a former president. Sure ask a lunatic currently invading Ukraine and trying to start WW3 about Biden Lmao. I’m sure you guys are good with this.
it’s funny to think people believe a guy who has held no actual job, has not worked In the private sector and simply has lied and stolen to enrich himself and his cronies, would have any solutions on how to fix anything but to lie and steal.

This guy has been dumb AF his entire political career with a problem as a pathological liar. The idea that this guy be in charge of anything is retarded. The idea that any of these politicians get to have a say on something in an economy they don’t even participate in and do not create a GD thing but steal from others, is pure insanity.

We have a group of psychopaths and corrupt sacks of shit with law degrees simply stealing from us and tanking this country for their own benefit.

None of us would opt for open borders yet politicians push this. None of this would opt for outsourcing manufacturing nor be energy dependent yet that’s what these vipers do. Because they don’t serve us. They get theirs and they’re mere puppets for the ones who really run things.
He finished like 61 out of 64 students in his law class at Delaware. If you think about it.... Most people charged with a DUI in Delaware since 1970 had a better atty than the guy they sent to the Senate and then conned his way into the WH.

I'll never forgive Delaware.
Lol still on that one huh? Nice way to change the subject though. Cool with your boy acting this way still?
do you really need to see the clip of hot mic obama getting caught saying he will have more leverage after the election? of quid pro Joe on tv admitting and laughing about actually committing the crime? or Hillary using Russia to create a fake dossier? or Obama dropping billions in the middle of the night to Iran? I mean the list is long?