How will they rule ??!

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It wasn't just saving the lives, to me the biggest immediate thing when the virus hit was the complete inundation of our hospital system/beds. A simple mathematical calculation based on worldwide hospitalization rates had every hospital bed in the United States full by something like May 15th if we didn't act immediately and decisively to shut things down until we knew what we were looking at and had a little better idea of how to handle it otherwise the entire hospital system collapses and people are not just dying of COVID, they're dying of everything for lack of treatment.
All moved in to my new house. I know you broke rednecks missed me.

Watching Republicans try to pretend they don't know Trump has Twitter is comedy gold. The recession started in February before any lockdowns had started. The pandemic just supercharged Trump's destruction Of the economy. Trump has screwed the government up so much even the labor department can't report unemployment without ****ing it up. Trump's polling is so damn bad now he might actually finally fire that moron Kushner.
Nobody in the world is laughing at Biden right now. He is the ONLY President in the last 20 years who called Putin for what he is.....a "War Criminal", "Butcher", "Killer", and "Souless". He has unified NATO like no other time since WW2. He has slammed Russia with the toughest sanctions in world history. He has sent billions of dollars in arms to Ukraine....which is why they are kicking Russia's ass. He cut off buying oil from Russia and is working on supplying Europe with US oil. Putin and Russia are weaker than at any time since the Soviet Empire fell.
What has TrumPutin had to say?? He called Putin "Genius" and "Savvy". He suggested painting our fighter jets like Chinese jets and bombing Russia. What a f'ing 🤡 idea.
What else has TrumPutin had to say??? Nothing because he is a Russian plant who did more to harm democracy and the US standing in the world with his BS election lies than Russia could ever dream of doing. If the elections aren't safe and secure in the US....they aren't safe and secure anywhere. That was exactly what Putin told his Trumpuppet to say.
False, it is post like this that clearly show people that you live in a fantasy world. Biden is being laughed at and the only reason NATO has come together is that they realize now they can no longer rely on the U.S. to lead. You can see their faces whenever Biden talks they (world leaders) have no faith in the U.S. anymore. We have lost our standing in the world and NATO now must take the lead. Biden is considered by many as the Gaff Machine. Your blind allegiance to that old treasonous moron and the cackling Ho is disconcerting to patriotic Americans. Your TDS has you so ate up that you are still blaming Trump for the failures of this administration. Does not surprise me though, you liberals never admit your failures and believe me, this admin is a failure of epic proportions. I only hope enough people on the left and in the middle wake up from the delusional LaLa Land they live in. Obviously, you and some like you lack the intelligence or common sense to do so. It is up to me and people like me to pull you morons out of the stupor that controls your minds.
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False, only in the nations who follow the same "wokeness" that gripped our nation. Liberalism is a disease that needs to be cut out and destroyed.
I tightie righties just completely refuse all logic and facts. Gas prices are driven entirely by supply/demand and supply chain factors. Biden has practically zero to do with the current gas prices. It's nothing but a Fox News talking point lapped up by the gullible. I guess you think Saudi Arabia is "woke" too?? Hell, the freakin Saudis are paying $2.35 a gallon with almost no environmental regs or shipping costs.

Folks, give this video a watch. This is Peter Zeihan presenting to the US Army Maneuver Center of Excellence in FEB. The video is data driven and it will explain a great deal of what is happening right now in the U.S. and the world. The end of Pax American globalism is here. The future is dark for the world, but things look pretty good for us.

It is really, really, interesting. I know it's a hour, but I promise it is really good. You will not regret watching it.

Utterly fascinating. Thank you for posting that.
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34 white house staff now out with Covid. The head of white house security has been in the hospital since mid September. Marines commander now has it. Joint chiefs all in isolation. The 2 aides in charge of the nuke codes both have it. Man who can handle all the winning?!
From a former aide to Margaret Thatcher.

Appear to be. Libs favorite three words.
Mike Flynn and the My Pillow guy appear to belong to a group together thus could be conspiring to overthrow the US government allegedly

Been gone a while, glad to see James and his internet brethren are still are up. You know you won right? Shouldn’t y’all be focused on Biden not being a f****** disaster? Look it would be nice if he didn’t get us into a de facto state of war with Russia…..something that has only happened once when Morgan Freeman was SecState in The Sun of All Fears….but this idiot in charge seems bent on it.

You have a lot of fires (that y’all created) to put out before your next booster shot errrrr JAB lols is due….and I’m quite certain you’ll create some more….so let’s just get to work now, huh?

Mike Lindell the pillow guy [laughing]
Is the hammer about to fall on the Bidens?

"Now that the Times has acknowledged that the Biden-related emails and other documents recovered from the abandoned laptop are authentic, that means the scandals they exposed are also legitimate. As summarized at The Federalist here, there are eight Joe Biden scandals that deserve investigation."

Of course this Lefty - as often characterized as such here - can't believe it & will be so upset. :cool:
American voters have to be uncomfortable with the thought of handing a majority in Congress to the bunch of Republicans that are carrying water for Vladimir Putin against Ukraine right and left. I know the Republicans love Putin and pretty much tied the whole Republican party directly to Putin while Trump was President, and thus most Americans associate the word "Republican" with "Russian" and you can pretty much just interchange those two words. Aside from Trump's very well known love and admiration of Putin and the fact that his family got all its money from Russians, then of course you had the Senate Majority Leader with the nickname "Moscow Mitch" running around, you had the Paul Manifort and Flynn up to their eyeballs in Russian dough, so I hope a major theme of the midterm elections will be "Come on back to America, Republicans..." and hopefully get a few more of them to swing back to our side with the goal of maybe having a presidential election in 2024 where the losing side doesn't assault our capitol again.

America first, not 2nd to Russia! Elections, if you don't like the results there will be another one in 4 years so please keep your horned helmets in the closet and God Bless America!
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  • Haha
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American voters have to be uncomfortable with the thought of handing a majority in Congress to the bunch of Republicans that are carrying water for Vladimir Putin against Ukraine right and left. I know the Republicans love Putin and pretty much tied the whole Republican party directly to Putin while Trump was President, and thus most Americans associate the word "Republican" with "Russian" and you can pretty much just interchange those two words. Aside from Trump's very well known love and admiration of Putin and the fact that his family got all its money from Russians, then of course you had the Senate Majority Leader with the nickname "Moscow Mitch" running around, so I hope a major theme of the midterm elections will be "Come on back to America, Republicans..." and hopefully get a few more of them to swing back to our side with the goal of maybe having a presidential election in 2024 where the losing side doesn't assault our capitol again.

America first, not 2nd to Russia! Elections, if you don't like the results there will be another one in 4 years so please keep your horned helmets in the closet and God Bless America!
Good grief, y’all started a whole cottage industry covering 6 years that started with a literal made up story about hookers peeing on a bed.

On one hand got to give D leadership credit for getting all of you bumpkins on board but….yeah…on the other hand it turned you into a bunch of psychopaths.
Is the hammer about to fall on the Bidens?

"Now that the Times has acknowledged that the Biden-related emails and other documents recovered from the abandoned laptop are authentic, that means the scandals they exposed are also legitimate. As summarized at The Federalist here, there are eight Joe Biden scandals that deserve investigation."

Of course this Lefty - as often characterized as such here - can't believe it & will be so upset. :cool:

They should absolutely be in huge trouble yet of course nothing will happen.

We literally have a president that was gifted tens of millions from China over the course of a decade or so. In an honest background check, he probably wouldn't even pass clearance yet here he is as president.

Somehow even worse, he's about to get us into war to protect an irrelevant country who also happened to pay him millions over the years
They should absolutely be in huge trouble yet of course nothing will happen.

We literally have a president that was gifted tens of millions from China over the course of a decade or so. In an honest background check, he probably wouldn't even pass clearance yet here he is as president.

Somehow even worse, he's about to get us into war to protect an irrelevant country who also happened to pay him millions over the years
Nothing will happen to Biden and he will be protected just like Hillary was protected. Oh we will hear reports from the press that something big is about to happen but history shows us that will fizzle out and another story will take it's place.

Biden and Hillary and the Democrat Party, as well as establishment Republicans, are promoting Globalism. If you are on that team you are immune to anything. Including murder.
I wonder if any of those messages from Clarence's wife are on Hunter's laptop? You get the MyPillow guy in there with his power point slides and maybe have Flynn discuss them with Putin over their next dinner date then maybe you got something. Lin Wood seemed to be a very stable genius so I think he should be your first witness as you want to get credibility established right off the bat.
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American voters have to be uncomfortable with the thought of handing a majority in Congress to the bunch of Republicans that are carrying water for Vladimir Putin against Ukraine right and left. I know the Republicans love Putin and pretty much tied the whole Republican party directly to Putin while Trump was President, and thus most Americans associate the word "Republican" with "Russian" and you can pretty much just interchange those two words. Aside from Trump's very well known love and admiration of Putin and the fact that his family got all its money from Russians, then of course you had the Senate Majority Leader with the nickname "Moscow Mitch" running around, you had the Paul Manifort and Flynn up to their eyeballs in Russian dough, so I hope a major theme of the midterm elections will be "Come on back to America, Republicans..." and hopefully get a few more of them to swing back to our side with the goal of maybe having a presidential election in 2024 where the losing side doesn't assault our capitol again.

America first, not 2nd to Russia! Elections, if you don't like the results there will be another one in 4 years so please keep your horned helmets in the closet and God Bless America!
I wonder if any of those messages from Clarence's wife are on Hunter's laptop? You get the MyPillow guy in there with his power point slides and maybe have Flynn discuss them with Putin over their next dinner date then maybe you got something. Lin Wood seemed to be a very stable genius so I think he should be your first witness as you want to get credibility established right off the bat.
Somehow conflating a few texts with a treasure-trove laptop is rich even for you.
American voters have to be uncomfortable with the thought of handing a majority in Congress to the bunch of Republicans that are carrying water for Vladimir Putin against Ukraine right and left. I know the Republicans love Putin and pretty much tied the whole Republican party directly to Putin while Trump was President, and thus most Americans associate the word "Republican" with "Russian" and you can pretty much just interchange those two words. Aside from Trump's very well known love and admiration of Putin and the fact that his family got all its money from Russians, then of course you had the Senate Majority Leader with the nickname "Moscow Mitch" running around, you had the Paul Manifort and Flynn up to their eyeballs in Russian dough, so I hope a major theme of the midterm elections will be "Come on back to America, Republicans..." and hopefully get a few more of them to swing back to our side with the goal of maybe having a presidential election in 2024 where the losing side doesn't assault our capitol again.

America first, not 2nd to Russia! Elections, if you don't like the results there will be another one in 4 years so please keep your horned helmets in the closet and God Bless America!
Just what wars did Russia get into and just which territories did Russia take while Trump was Prez?
  • Wow
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