Use to never miss a game. Planned my day/week around when we were playing. Loved Rupp, Hall, even Sutton (very nice man but had problems), Pitino, Tubby (got to the point with Tubby that I almost expected a loss and didn't like his style of play), was hopeful when Gillespie was hired (that went South), and Cal for the first number of years. Then got tired of the one and done, new team every year, all Freshman ('4/5 stars' mean little in college ball when you're a Freshman...too much to learn and playing against grown men), some bad tournament losses, etc.
So my interest was waning starting about 5 years ago. Then 'the kneel' at UF...not defending Coach Rupp...talking down to the fans... and I haven't watched a minute since. Told a UK friend/alum/booster several times that if the team knocked on my door....I would know it was a b'ball team since a few are taller than me...but would have no idea it was UK.