How will they rule ??!

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    Votes: 41 82.0%
  • NO - Disqualified

    Votes: 9 18.0%

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$3.59 at BP Erlanger last evening. But perhaps $4.09 now?
For at least a decade the IRS has been open about wanting to eliminate cash altogether. They say it's a means to eliminate crime. Of course the real reason is because they are afraid people might keep a few extra of their own dollars
That too, but lots of underground & criminal activity cash changing hands. And that's why I like user taxes over income taxes so much because they can't be dodged.
Can someone tell me which one is real and which is fake? Maybe they are all fake? Nancy in real life is or was 4” taller than Kamala. Maybe Kamala is wearing Gene Simmons platform style boots and Nancy is wearing flats. I believe they are all fake.

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Hmm…I can’t believe with such a vile comment that no one around her reacted. I mean, I would have at least turned and looked at her even if I agreed. Definitely would have if I didn’t. Is this real? Looks fake to me.


This is what I think of any time they say "bipartisanship." Hahaha
That kind only wants to unite when they are in power and under their rules and ideas going forward. "Get on board or be attacked" is not a good unification method.
“Whenever we say nationalism, the first thing people think about, at least in America, is Hitler,” Owens said.
The problem is that … he wanted to globalize. He wanted everybody to be German, everybody to be speaking German … To me, that’s not nationalism. In thinking about how we could go bad down the line, I don’t really have an issue with nationalism. I really don’t.”
5 The Lord tests the righteous and the wicked,
And His soul hates the [malevolent] one who loves violence.

6 Upon the wicked (godless) He will rain coals of fire;
Fire and brimstone and a dreadful scorching wind will be the portion of their cup [of doom].

7 For the Lord is [absolutely] righteous, He loves righteousness (virtue, morality, justice);
The upright shall see His face.

Psalms 11:5-7 AMP
Bingo. Would add drug addicts and those not working and living off the gov tit. Anyone worth an ish has to be feeling the squeeze and it’s going to get a lot worse. Cousin who voted for Biden is a contractor and is getting hammered in fuel costs and having to raise wages. He finally admitted he messed up and I was right. Big moment for me lol
WOW! A lefty who can acknowledge a mistake and the connection to Democrat policies? A rare find.

Watching the group who cheers this on as politicians try to destroy them, skyrocket costs, fuel prices, inflation, and governments trying to make them slaves is a sight to behold. It's crazy. Like these lefties will not be happy unless you suffer from the same Stockholm Syndrome as them.
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It’s coming here. They have to herd us to digital currency and then if they don’t like what you think, they can just cut us off if we don’t comply. Canada being a prime example.

Thing for me, have you noticed how draconian New Zealand, Australia, Canada and UK have been? Wonder what they have in common? It’s amazing how the Brits have tried to take us over multiple times in our history and then they just suddenly became our friends. I wonder what’s up with that? Did they already take us over and we just don’t know it?
I can tell you what we all have in common. Five Eyes.
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Would LOVE for this to actually happen!

and when I'm elected to the student council I'm going to make it ok to throw stuff at your teacher if you don't like what they have to say
Monkeywerx has been tracking a plethora of flights from DC area to Colorado. I wonder what’s in Colorado? Is that where the govt is moving?
My guess is that they are all heading to the Cheyenne Mountain Complex to make it livable. That is also the headquarters of NORAD. You know they watch for ballistic missile launches and to return fire if necessary. Has anyone looked into flights to Pennsylvania to see if there is more activity around Raven Rock? Peter's Mountain in VA?
And ole @sambowieshin and @azurricat2010 said the divorce had nothing to do with Epstein.

Anybody and I mean ANYBODY who abuses a child in any way should be shot. No second chances because those sick ass people never never are to be trusted around children anymore. Their sick ass urges never go away they just mask it. Children and animal abuse boils my blood.
WOW! A lefty who can acknowledge a mistake and the connection to Democrat policies? A rare find.

Watching the group who cheers this on as politicians try to destroy them, skyrocket costs, fuel prices, inflation, and governments trying to make them slaves is a sight to behold. It's crazy. Like these lefties will not be happy unless you suffer from the same Stockholm Syndrome as them.
He is not really a lefty. Pretty Independent minded. Was more of Orange Man bad, Mean Tweet, Trump is going to cause a Civl War person. Now, my other cousin (his sibling) is a major woke liberal. Aunt and Uncle are pretty centered and voted Biden because of the same reason he did.