Take it I'm reading that correctly.....NINE...9....pages of adverse side effects!
That is a ton of side effects....or are they trying to cover everything under the sun so they can say...see we told you. Lessen any legal liability. Etc.
Page 30 and the 8 pages following it to be more precise
Okay, I have to apologize. I don't normally chase the rabbit but I did this time. That twitter poster cherry picked one of the documents from last year, (5.3.6) or something, and presented it as yesterday's drop. It wasn't. The link to the March drop has been corrected.I would be curious what other drug data reports show regarding side effects. My guess is they list as many as they can to CYA if or when lawsuits are made.
The 8 pages of side effects were those that Pfizer looked for during the trials, not necessarily the ones that occurred.
The problem with these drops is that they are all coded in a SAS dictionary that no one has access to yet because the judge who ordered the release wasn't specific enough in his order. Pfizer is releasing the documents out of order and doing their best to obfuscate the info.
Right now, the autists are dropping the data into SQL programs and trying to find the code dictionary that matches what Pfizer used. Until that happens we wait.
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