How will they rule ??!

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ZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzI'll give you some time. Your wife/sister/daughter fill in the blank is knocked up. Still abortion Nazi?
As I thought. You orange suckers are so blown away by a legitimate question that you have to go to your Cheeto playbook for your walking zombie reply....whatever. Losers...
So when your daughter/sister/wife gets raped by an escaped convict rapist murderer and is pregnant it's okay for her to have the baby? You say yes, you're a ?????

Same stupid argument most libs make. If a woman is raped, she has the right to an abortion. So now I’ll ask you the same question I ask other complete idiots who make that dumb argument…

If rape and emergency medical issues make up the HUGE majority of abortions as you and yours so wrongly claim, let’s make a law that those are the only 2 circumstances that an abortion is allowed! Game?
Loved the righty response. Bitch had the nerve to say something about dem lawmakers taking time to go to Florida. Doh ever hear of Ted lazyass crazyass Cruz? Ever hear of Cancun? F**k you clueless c**t
Did Ted criticize Cancun before going there? What was Ted going to do if he stayed in his home? If your town got hit by a power outage and you have a chance to stay somewhere else until it comes back on.... do you go? This is the worst comparison ever.... Dam!!
As I thought. You orange suckers are so blown away by a legitimate question that you have to go to your Cheeto playbook for your walking zombie reply....whatever. Losers...
So your lack of reply is proof you enjoyed it in the booty.... hard.
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Looks like the EU wants to give the WHO a whole lot more power, and they want to sign a treaty to make it binding. Talks about giving WHO the power to shut down whole countries. Yeah, right. Guess BIll Gates is getting what he paid for.

German site. Use translator.
Hmm. 2024. How convenient. Wonder what happens in 2024? May? Right around our Primary Elections? Bill Gates new pandemic to hit right after Trump is nominated?

Now you know your timeline to get your shit in order.
Some people might find this interesting just because it gives a view of the political outlook in the early eighties. This was made three months before this congressman died on the Korean Airlines 747 that was shot down by the USSR.

"The drive of the Rockefellers and their allies is to create a one-world government combining supercapitalism and Communism under the same tent, all under their control.... Do I mean conspiracy? Yes I do. I am convinced there is such a plot, international in scope, generations old in planning, and incredibly evil in intent." Congressman Larry P. McDonald, 1976

Larry was a member of the church that my ex and her family attended for years....and that we were married in and went to the first 6,7 years we were married. A small independent Methodist church just north of Atlanta in Sandy Springs. He was a very nice guy who always had a smile for everyone.
Something you don't hear about anymore is the John Birch Society...of which as I recall he was a member of or maybe even president of (not sure). Is it still around?
As I thought. You orange suckers are so blown away by a legitimate question that you have to go to your Cheeto playbook for your walking zombie reply....whatever. Losers...
Waking up to a meltdown on this thread. What a sight.

However, I’ll give you a reply: how do you know that you’re not the product of a rape and it was kept from you?

Would you immediately go off yourself if you knew?
Loved the righty response. Bitch had the nerve to say something about dem lawmakers taking time to go to Florida. Doh ever hear of Ted lazyass crazyass Cruz? Ever hear of Cancun? F**k you clueless c**t
You ever hear of hypocrites saying mask work and you need to keep them on no matter what and then proceed to a place to vacation where you don't need them while your constituents suffer? Context matters unless you are too dumb to understand. Doh! DAM!

I know you are particularly slow but every day except election day is before "any presidential election". Election boards aren't exactly just flowing with cash so they use the extra staff right after an election to do registration cleanup. Those staff are kind of busy trying to run an election immediately prior. And since we have a history of maybe a dozen provable cases of fraud across the entire country each cycle, its not exactly a needed priority. When will the right get a new boogeyman? election fraud has been played out the last 20 years.
What compels someone to get on a message board and proceed to name call and cuss out total strangers?
I can't comprehend it myself. Must be a very lonely person, or a very angry one....with not much in their life.
What purpose does it serve and what do they get out of it?
I would never think of doing that on a Dem/Lib chat. Got other things to do in my life.
What compels someone to get on a message board and proceed to name call and cuss out total stangers?
I can't comprehend it myself. Must be a very lonely person, or a very angry one....with not much in your life.
What purpose does it serve and what do you get out of it?
I would never thing of doing that on a Dem/Lib chat. Got other things to do in my life.

Yeah, that guy is your typical mentally ill unhinged left wing nut job. He seriously needs mental health services
What I witnessed last night was an atrocity. From watching Biden stumble thru the most elementary of words, to completely putting America last, it was nauseating, and made me even more worried for our country....a country that was doing great just a short time ago.

I have never seen a President, or a leader of any type, boast and take credit for fixing (or trying to fix) problems that they caused in the first place!! What was that?

We are now witnessing Russia decimate another country which includes the murder of innocent men, women, and children. I am not political savvy enough to know the intricacies of why we can't help Ukraine in a larger fashion, but surely there is more that can be done.....but it is probably too late now.

Joe Biden is a liar and a disgusting human being. He is a disgraceful President, however, I will acknowledge that some of this is not entirely his fault. It is on the shoulders of the liberals across this country that voted for him, enacted asinine policies, and for some reason, felt that certain changes would help our country. Appalling.
Loved the righty response. Bitch had the nerve to say something about dem lawmakers taking time to go to Florida. Doh ever hear of Ted lazyass crazyass Cruz? Ever hear of Cancun? F**k you clueless c**t

Still don't have a lucid reply. Trumpers?
Your stupidity defies belief. You probably aren't getting an answer because everyone has you on ignore. I know you definitely belong on my ignore list. Welcome aboard you should enjoy the company.
Looks like more Pfizer data has quietly dropped.

Had to delete the original twitter post. I swear man, there is so much damn misinformation surrounding everything it's hard to vet every single thing.

Here is the new link to the data drops from 2021-Mar 2022.

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He basically said the same sort of things Trump didLot of isolationism talk…aka Biden is a racist Nazi. And I agree with what he said. We need to PRODUCE STUFF IN AMERICA. Period. I do not believe that’s going to happen. Certainly not going to do that and lower prices. Absolutely will not do all that and pay $15hr. So, he said a lot of good things, things Democrats will throw a hissy fit about, but he came right back and sort of contradicted what he said with bs vote pandering nonsense.

He basically downplayed and glossed over everything that has happened so far in his term. Completely failed to acknowledge the state of our economy and country. To be fair, that’s his job as a politician.

Thank God for Russia. Completely pushed China out of the picture.

Also, no talk of increased domestic oil production. What a clown. Us and THE WORLD are going to release more reserved oil. So, the guy who stood up there promising billions in manufacturing pipe dreams, won’t even increase energy production right now.

It was a good political speech, and exactly what everyone wants to hear. It was just pure hollow nonsense.
If we've all learned one thing from Democrats it's that whatever they say, they do the opposite. They also project in the worst way. all of the problems and issues they blame on Republicans, they are guilty of themselves ten fold.
Talk about missing the point. Cruz wasn't blasting Florida on the daily for covid policies. Nor Mexico. He went on vacation, maybe at a bad time, optically, but he is a US senator, not a state or local guy.

AOC, on the other hand, pranced about maskless in Florida while her constituents were under the yoke of her desired covid policies. Vax passports, mask mandates, etc, etc.

Get help, dude.
Then she ironically got Covid upon her return. LOL
Looks like Pfizer data has quietly dropped. Check out the known side effects.

Take it I'm reading that correctly.....NINE...9....pages of adverse side effects!
That is a ton of side effects....or are they trying to cover everything under the sun so they can say...see we told you. Lessen any legal liability. Etc.
Looks like more Pfizer data has quietly dropped.

Had to delete the original twitter post. I swear man, there is so much damn misinformation surrounding everything it's hard to vet every single thing.

Here is the new link to the data drops from 2021-Mar 2022.

Page 30 and the 8 pages following it to be more precise
Every single word from Biden is damage control from one of the worst years in American history. Absolutely zero accomplishments. War, inflation, supply chain crisis, housing prices, open border, countless illegals, urban crime and murder explosion, mask oppression and contradictions, failed schools, China getting ready for war, international weakness, no confidence in a weak, babbling, idiot of a president, corruption, and general misery. With complete control of the federal government, thanks, Democrats, for a wonderful year!
None of these SOTU speeches do anything to change minds. If you're team blue, you're going to gush and praise and sensationalize every single thing that's said as the greatest words ever spoken in human existence. If a Republican says anything, it's "dark" "xenophobic" "racist" "nationalistic (as it should be, idiots)" and "Hitler-esque."

TV is simply programming of the mind to those who were going to fall for it anyway. Political theater of empty platitudes and virtue signaling. Nothing he says is going to make your bank account magically be better unless you're a lobbyist. Nothing is going to take away the tyranny that he and his party have inflicted on all of you for the last two years.
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Take it I'm reading that correctly.....NINE...9....pages of adverse side effects!
That is a ton of side effects....or are they trying to cover everything under the sun so they can say...see we told you. Lessen any legal liability. Etc.

Page 30 and the 8 pages following it to be more precise

I would be curious what other drug data reports show regarding side effects. My guess is they list as many as they can to CYA if or when lawsuits are made.
Okay, I have to apologize. I don't normally chase the rabbit but I did this time. That twitter poster cherry picked one of the documents from last year, (5.3.6) or something, and presented it as yesterday's drop. It wasn't. The link to the March drop has been corrected.

The 8 pages of side effects were those that Pfizer looked for during the trials, not necessarily the ones that occurred.

The problem with these drops is that they are all coded in a SAS dictionary that no one has access to yet because the judge who ordered the release wasn't specific enough in his order. Pfizer is releasing the documents out of order and doing their best to obfuscate the info.

Right now, the autists are dropping the data into SQL programs and trying to find the code dictionary that matches what Pfizer used. Until that happens we wait.
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