How will they rule ??!

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    Votes: 41 82.0%
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The mind phuck that has been done to people is truly horrifying to behold. Read the comments (I’m sure some are bots but still) and see how many people refuse to take their mask off… and not just refuse, but act as if they’re being forced to. At no point in time has masking been prohibited. Just by stating they’re no longer required is enough to send some into the fetal position.

They do have a point about being upset with how the guidelines changed though… just wish they’d used some critical thinking and noticed this a year and a half ago. All guidelines laid out by the CDC were gospel nation wide… but suddenly the political science changes because Dems need a W and now the CDC doesn’t know what it’s talking about. New flash… The CDC has been FOS and controlled largely by politics since Covid hit… but now these same people trashing the CDC would have defended their guidelines to the death the last 2 years.
Just in time for the President’s SOTU address next Tuesday…. Then the President can gaslight the American people with this “accomplishment”.
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I haven't been on the D-League much lately but has he not posted on there? Hopefully all is well with him.
I haven't posted there in a couple months, since one of the posters went after another. Didn't like that. Sawnee has only posted once total in 3 weeks. At first I thought that maybe he had been on vacation...but now I'm a little worried as to how he is.
Ok, this is starting to make sense now. This is from left wing Jimmy Dore and and even has Noam Chomsky (he makes some sense). This war didn’t start this week. This war started in 2014 when Obama overthrew the Ukraine govt.

Remember that poll that was up here where everyone thought Putin was just messing about? Yeah, a few of us didn't, and he isn't. There is much more to this whole thing than any of us know.

I watched the full 27 minutes of Putin's address to the Russian people. It was painful, but I made it through. What I learned is that he isn't forking around. The video had plenty of propaganda in it, but it also held a history lesson from the Russian viewpoint. Needless to say, it does not mirror the west's history. You could tell that the loss of the Cold War is still raw for him too.

Putin says he is tired of having a US puppet right next door to Russia. He is tired of the US running everything and doing whatever they please, including fixing and controlling the commodities, banking, trade markets, and making a huge mess of the world. He is tired of US "Wokeism" and that he is tired of the US trying to push that kind of culture onto Russian youths. (He was very, very, adamant about this part.) He says twenty years of negotiation has produced nothing but false promises and that NATO continues to push closer and closer to what he calls Sovereign Russia.

The end of the video contained the warning that I posted here a billion pages ago. He said any interference would be met by the worst thing in that nation's history. I thought initially that he was taking about a nuke strike, but after watching him and thinking on it for awhile I really think he is talking about an all out cyber attack, and or, a nuke. A nuke's capability is well known, but a perfectly executed cyber attack could be even worse.
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I haven't posted there in a couple months, since one of the posters went after another. Didn't like that. Sawnee has only posted once total in 3 weeks. At first I thought that maybe he had been on vacation...but now I'm a little worried as to how he is.
Hmmm, I move around from board to board here based on the sports season and US/World politics and right now I haven't visited the D-L much either. I'll have to watch a little closer to what's going on over there.
I haven't posted there in a couple months, since one of the posters went after another. Didn't like that. Sawnee has only posted once total in 3 weeks. At first I thought that maybe he had been on vacation...but now I'm a little worried as to how he is.
yeah, hope he is ok
He was last online Feb 19. On Feb 8, he stated in a private thread he was taking time off.
@dbmhoosier and any b'ball fans......

Yeah I hope he's OK. He was supposed to make it out this morning but his flight was canceled. He once dropped 31 on the Cats!

.......and making a huge mess of the world. He is tired of US "Wokeism" and that he is tired of the US trying to push that kind of culture onto Russian youths. (He was very, very, adamant about this part.)
Was watching FlashPoint the other night and one of the commentators was telling about how when Trump got elected that a group of Russian Christian leaders had contacted him wanting him (he's pretty close to Trump) to meet with Putin. He declined thinking that it wouldn't be a good idea being close to Trump with all the 'Russian collusion' cranking up in high gear. He said that these Christian leaders told him that Putin was welcoming to the church...respected the Orthodox church....and was very pro family, etc and supportive of the church in regards to all that.
He wasn't saying or evern implying that Putin was a born again Christian or the like but obvious that he adhered to old fashioned ideas in that regard.
Hmmm, I move around from board to board here based on the sports season and US/World politics and right now I haven't visited the D-L much either. I'll have to watch a little closer to what's going on over there.
It wasn't a real biggie. This forum has a lot of idiots that I have on ignore. When I first started posting on the D it was like a breath of fresh air and I made a promise to myself that I wouldn't put anyone on 'ignore'....which I never did. Was/is a great forum where everyone is respectful...inciteful...sharing infor and stories, etc. I really enjoyed it. So I was very disappointed when one of them went after another one for about three posts about something I thought was very minor. But obviously not to him.

The enemy is within, those 6 in 10 and the people that brainwashed them into treason.
Moving the goal posts again I see.

I didn't say it was the sole reason, I said it was a reason. You're just hearing what you want to hear.

I mean shit at my own job we had at least 7 people move from Chicago to cheaper places out of state and that's just people in my department of 50 people.

Also if people weren't remote they'd have trouble leaving the state in the first place. So say they wanted to leave because of politics, rent, taxes, etc they couldn't unless they quit their jobs (or had one lined up). Most people cannot afford to do that but with remote working they can. were portraying it as a major reason..

Which is a lie....because you are a liar
By AR cases i meant the AR-15 bans states have been trying. About 6 of them have gone to scotus and they turned them down after appeals courts upheld them. Scotus ruled on congresses assaults rifle ban that it was constitutional because it was beyond the scope of the 2nd amendment. yes the 2nd should be revised to be less vague, many of amendments should be. Back in simpler times the vagueness was okish. But now technology and politics has made it not helpful. The constitution was designed to be continuously updated, we have just been neglecting our duty. When the country has a major shift in values or technology the constitution should be updated to reflect that like it used to be. The process guarantees that nothing to the extremes will ever be added.

If you think a gun is going to stop the government you may be an idiot. If that is the standard then why can't you have armed tanks or combat aircraft? Or maybe some frag grenades or tomahawk missiles or automatic rifles. Because that is what it would take to defend yourself from our current government. That "shall not be infringed" part seems to be ignored pretty often in favor of the "well regulated" part.
I know you're being facetious but my dad has been dead for almost a decade and the ironic thing is I've considered my step-dad my dad for the past 27 years but the last few have been rough.

Normal folk dont go around hating everything or wanting to kill others because they look different. It doesn't seem like things will change based on what I've heard him say and on whatever my mom relays to me from KY.
Who wants to kill somebody because they look different? And what are the things you think we hate on that shouldn’t be? I can’t think of anyone in here that thinks that. And for somebody who talks about the “hate” from the right. You sure do spew a lot of hateful rhetoric towards half the country.
Who wants to kill somebody because they look different? And what are the things you think we hate on that shouldn’t be? I can’t think of anyone in here that thinks that. And for somebody who talks about the “hate” from the right. You sure do spew a lot of hateful rhetoric towards half the country.

Yep, azzurizicat is a traitor and he needs to be GITMO
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I know you're being facetious but my dad has been dead for almost a decade and the ironic thing is I've considered my step-dad my dad for the past 27 years but the last few have been rough.
neither know nor care but what brought this conversation on but I feel ya. I’ve known my ‘step’ dad since I was in kindergarten. Greatest man I’ve ever met and as far as I’m concerned he is my ‘real’ dad. He raised me and was always there for me. And he still is. Unlike my sperm donor that walked out on my family when I was a baby.
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neither know nor care but what brought this conversation on but I feel ya. I’ve known my ‘step’ dad since I was in kindergarten. Greatest man I’ve ever met and as far as I’m concerned he is my ‘real’ dad. He raised me and was always there for me. And he still is. Unlike my sperm donor that walked out on my family when I was a baby.
My sperm donor walked out when I was 7 and my stepdad stepped in but, it was not much better. He used me and my brothers for child labor after school and on weekends doing drywall and paid us pennies on the dollar while he kept most of it. Found out from one of my brothers recently he had a girlfriend or two on the side he spent money on. He also squandered any money he made and eventually I had to put my mother on my bank account to help her pay their bills until she died. When she died, I found out he took the money set away by my brother for my mother's funeral and spent it so, me and another brother buried her. Doesn't always work out for the best.
The right wing and the left wing. Two wings of the same bird.

At this point I am to tired to be even be pissed off about this kind of ish. If the republicans are stupid enough to fall for this woman's ish then so be it. WEF to the top, bottom, and sides.