How will they rule ??!

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It's hard to parse out what is real solid info atm. But it looks like Russia is getting their shit kicked in. The only thing they seem to be winning at is missile strikes. This 1st Russian wave seems to be mainly poorly trained conscripts with pretty shit equipment that have no desire to be there. If they actually try to occupy Kyiv it's going to be a hellstorm of NLAW, javelin, and molotovs raining down.
There is a video circulating from earlier today of 400 Russian troops negotiating the best way to surrender because they don't want to fight their ukranian families. Looks like Putin has created another Afghanistan.
It also looks like the EU is now close to supporting removing Russia from SWIFT which means they can't sell pretty much anything to the West. Their economy is already shit. About to be nonexistant.
Making Putin more dangerous than ever, regarding escalation.
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The Ukraine War thread is taking the steam out of this one. Maybe another moderator could merge them again. :(
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Who the hell are you to say what I said isn't true? My damn mom after decades of marriage is miserable because her damn husband has turned into a looney right wing fanatic, saying shit like I quoted above. All he does, like yall, is bitch and complain in your little echo-chamber. It's funny because conservatives claim to be the religious ones but all you do is hate.
Believe it or not. I can say what I want. I say you're not telling the truth. All you are is a fraud trying to stir up folks. You don't bother me because I know you are a liar. Nothing you say is true. N O T H I N G
There you go again saying I lied. What I said is not a lie.

Put it another way. Why do you think remote working isn't a reason? Not that you'll answer.


Remote working is 100% one of the reasons for the exodus. It's crazy you're so brainwashed you cannot see that.

You don't even need to watch or read the news to know this.

It's logical to conclude the migration from CA is attributed to the uptick in remote working, taxes are another reason, politics another, moving back home close to family another, housing costs. Like I said in the post you replied to it doesn't make any sense financially to stay in an expensive area if you're remote unless you truly love that area.
Not saying it isn't a small's not even top 5 reasons. You're just a lying lib tryng to act like thousands of people left because of remote working from home. That's what is known as embellishing to try and prop up a lie. Which is what you do.
There you go again saying I lied. What I said is not a lie.

Put it another way. Why do you think remote working isn't a reason? Not that you'll answer.


Remote working is 100% one of the reasons for the exodus. It's crazy you're so brainwashed you cannot see that.

You don't even need to watch or read the news to know this.

It's logical to conclude the migration from CA is attributed to the uptick in remote working, taxes are another reason, politics another, moving back home close to family another, housing costs. Like I said in the post you replied to it doesn't make any sense financially to stay in an expensive area if you're remote unless you truly love that area.
Have you found your dad yet ? Maybe he identified as one of those crazy ass types of different genders 🍺🇺🇸
If talking to Biden...I would say..."Hey Biden look out the window of the Oval Office...there are people, many young people... protesting against "your" boy's invasion of Ukraine!" But Joe is in Delaware taking a nap...dreaming about solar power, windmills and John Kerry...

And yes, Biden is just a pawn of Putin. Keep pumping that Russian oil to America Joe!
Contained? Russia was running a guerilla war the entire presidency and moving troops into other Baltic areas while they built up Crimea shipyards. Russia was also busy trying to pretend that they weren't being decimated by their fake vaccine. Neither side has made any actual moves yet so we are at the same level of "containment" as when fat cheeto left. The most likely scenario is putin will see that Ukraine isn't worth the trouble. Installing a puppet regime like he had before is a much cleaner and cheaper solution. The Russian economy has been shit for 8+ years now and Sabre rattling is always good for keeping russians as calm 🐑.

Trump was containing Russia about as well as his depends were containing his pants shitting.
maybe you’re right on that. That video I posted now makes things clearer for me.
This is about the 2014 U.S backed overthrow. Just like I’m so many other coups the U.S set up (Venezuela etc)
We've always been right. The more information you get the more sense it makes. You'll wake up to being a leftist yet my friend.
lol, no. You are. Just because a person loves their country doesn’t make them a fascist. I guess Mexico, Malaysia, or any country that shows love for their country are fascists too.
You seriously are a whacko. And you do hate America.
I'm not calling you a fascist because you love America, I'm calling you one because fascists always need an enemy and you said

"He is the enemy and he is anti-American"

That's something a fascist would say.

Germans made these groups their enemy:

Jews, Roma, handicapped, homosexuals, etc.

You and conservatives these groups:

Liberals, immigrants, transgender, ANTIFA and BLM

Conservative media is always about blasting fear porn on those groups above.
I'm not calling you a fascist because you love America, I'm calling you one because fascists always need an enemy and you said

"He is the enemy and he is anti-American"

That's something a fascist would say.

Germans made these groups their enemy:

Jews, Roma, handicapped, homosexuals, etc.

You and conservatives these groups:

Liberals, immigrants, transgender, ANTIFA and BLM

Conservative media is always about blasting fear porn on those groups above.

Hope you find your real dad 🍺
I know you're being facetious but my dad has been dead for almost a decade and the ironic thing is I've considered my step-dad my dad for the past 27 years but the last few have been rough.

Normal folk dont go around hating everything or wanting to kill others because they look different. It doesn't seem like things will change based on what I've heard him say and on whatever my mom relays to me from KY.
Not saying it isn't a small's not even top 5 reasons. You're just a lying lib tryng to act like thousands of people left because of remote working from home. That's what is known as embellishing to try and prop up a lie. Which is what you do.
Moving the goal posts again I see.

I didn't say it was the sole reason, I said it was a reason. You're just hearing what you want to hear.

I mean shit at my own job we had at least 7 people move from Chicago to cheaper places out of state and that's just people in my department of 50 people.

Also if people weren't remote they'd have trouble leaving the state in the first place. So say they wanted to leave because of politics, rent, taxes, etc they couldn't unless they quit their jobs (or had one lined up). Most people cannot afford to do that but with remote working they can.