The mind phuck that has been done to people is truly horrifying to behold. Read the comments (I’m sure some are bots but still) and see how many people refuse to take their mask off… and not just refuse, but act as if they’re being forced to. At no point in time has masking been prohibited. Just by stating they’re no longer required is enough to send some into the fetal position.
They do have a point about being upset with how the guidelines changed though… just wish they’d used some critical thinking and noticed this a year and a half ago. All guidelines laid out by the CDC were gospel nation wide… but suddenly the political science changes because Dems need a W and now the CDC doesn’t know what it’s talking about. New flash… The CDC has been FOS and controlled largely by politics since Covid hit… but now these same people trashing the CDC would have defended their guidelines to the death the last 2 years.