How will they rule ??!

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Ted Cruz was spotted in Texas today.
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Keep drinking the kool aid. YOu'd believe the sky is green if some lib said so. People ain't leaving CA because of remote working from home. No matter how many times you lie and say they are.
There you go again saying I lied. What I said is not a lie.

Put it another way. Why do you think remote working isn't a reason? Not that you'll answer.


Remote working is 100% one of the reasons for the exodus. It's crazy you're so brainwashed you cannot see that.

You don't even need to watch or read the news to know this.

It's logical to conclude the migration from CA is attributed to the uptick in remote working, taxes are another reason, politics another, moving back home close to family another, housing costs. Like I said in the post you replied to it doesn't make any sense financially to stay in an expensive area if you're remote unless you truly love that area.
It's hard to parse out what is real solid info atm. But it looks like Russia is getting their shit kicked in. The only thing they seem to be winning at is missile strikes. This 1st Russian wave seems to be mainly poorly trained conscripts with pretty shit equipment that have no desire to be there. If they actually try to occupy Kyiv it's going to be a hellstorm of NLAW, javelin, and molotovs raining down.
There is a video circulating from earlier today of 400 Russian troops negotiating the best way to surrender because they don't want to fight their ukranian families. Looks like Putin has created another Afghanistan.
It also looks like the EU is now close to supporting removing Russia from SWIFT which means they can't sell pretty much anything to the West. Their economy is already shit. About to be nonexistant.

Oh, boy, J. EDGAR.

I have a feeling this doesn't age well, and someone is going to mention a body of water.
It's hard to parse out what is real solid info atm. But it looks like Russia is getting their shit kicked in. The only thing they seem to be winning at is missile strikes. This 1st Russian wave seems to be mainly poorly trained conscripts with pretty shit equipment that have no desire to be there. If they actually try to occupy Kyiv it's going to be a hellstorm of NLAW, javelin, and molotovs raining down.
There is a video circulating from earlier today of 400 Russian troops negotiating the best way to surrender because they don't want to fight their ukranian families. Looks like Putin has created another Afghanistan.
It also looks like the EU is now close to supporting removing Russia from SWIFT which means they can't sell pretty much anything to the West. Their economy is already shit. About to be nonexistant.
The fog of war is thick right now but Ukrainians are fighting extremely bravely across the country. Zelensky has been an inspiration to his people and the world. But they can only hold out so long. If Xi and Putin have reached a deal to carve up their spheres of influence the west is going to have to face some hard truths to get ourselves in order enough to counter that.
I hope it ages well for Ukraine, but the sheer size of Russia's army compared to Ukraine is enough to make me concerned that this could be a multi-wave attack. Let's hope cooler heads prevail.
Russia is taking way higher losses than they thought according to "sources". What we need to worry about is that civilians are making attacks on tanks and apc's and winning.... Will Russia pull back or start targeting civilians?

Videos like this are popping up all over Kyiv. "molotov cocktail" was supposedly the most searched term on google in Ukraine.

Ukrainian presidential adviser says situation is "under control" in suburbs and outskirts of Kyiv​

Myhailo Podoliak, a senior adviser to Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, said early Saturday that Russian forces had tried to "bring the maximum amount of equipment into the city of Kyiv."
But, he said, "Currently, the situation in the suburbs and the surrounding area is under control."
Speaking on Ukrainian television, he said there were "separate sabotage and reconnaissance groups" in the city, but that police and territorial self-defense units "are actively working against them."
Battle in the city: Earlier Saturday, the Ukrainian Interior Ministry warned Kyiv residents that fighting was taking place on the streets, and urged civilians to seek shelter and stay indoors. Gunfire was heard near the city center before dawn, following several hours of loud explosions in and around the capital.

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Who the hell are you to say what I said isn't true? My damn mom after decades of marriage is miserable because her damn husband has turned into a looney right wing fanatic, saying shit like I quoted above. All he does, like yall, is bitch and complain in your little echo-chamber. It's funny because conservatives claim to be the religious ones but all you do is hate.
Hope you find your real dad 🍺
There you go again saying I lied. What I said is not a lie.

Put it another way. Why do you think remote working isn't a reason? Not that you'll answer.


Remote working is 100% one of the reasons for the exodus. It's crazy you're so brainwashed you cannot see that.

You don't even need to watch or read the news to know this.

It's logical to conclude the migration from CA is attributed to the uptick in remote working, taxes are another reason, politics another, moving back home close to family another, housing costs. Like I said in the post you replied to it doesn't make any sense financially to stay in an expensive area if you're remote unless you truly love that area.
IOW, CA is a Lib hell hole that people only stay in because of high-paying tech jobs.
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She's one of those girls that you don't think is top 10 hot but every dam movie she's in she's the hottest chick in the movie. She make other hot chicks look normal when they stand next to her. Weird phenomenon.
Nice blue veins.
I hope it ages well for Ukraine, but the sheer size of Russia's army compared to Ukraine is enough to make me concerned that this could be a multi-wave attack. Let's hope cooler heads prevail.
Yea, what I've read is that only some 30-40K of 1550-200K R troops have been deployed to U.
Did he actually think it was the enemy of my enemy is my friend? In reality it's the friend of my enemy is my enemy and he is a moron for thinking China would do anything useful to help us. They have been running joint military exercises together for God's sake.
Yea but ... China is HIS friend. "C'mon man, they're not the enemy." - China Joe actual quote.

Plus, China helped him get his current job ... so they will expect payback.

The mind phuck that has been done to people is truly horrifying to behold. Read the comments (I’m sure some are bots but still) and see how many people refuse to take their mask off… and not just refuse, but act as if they’re being forced to. At no point in time has masking been prohibited. Just by stating they’re no longer required is enough to send some into the fetal position.

They do have a point about being upset with how the guidelines changed though… just wish they’d used some critical thinking and noticed this a year and a half ago. All guidelines laid out by the CDC were gospel nation wide… but suddenly the political science changes because Dems need a W and now the CDC doesn’t know what it’s talking about. New flash… The CDC has been FOS and controlled largely by politics since Covid hit… but now these same people trashing the CDC would have defended their guidelines to the death the last 2 years.