Feeling more and more like the Patriots will be next on the chopping block.When do the "cowboys" or 49ers start to depict negative stereotypes?
Or Browns?
Feeling more and more like the Patriots will be next on the chopping block.When do the "cowboys" or 49ers start to depict negative stereotypes?
Or Browns?
No BBGA is a good dude on the sports boards and has been around a long time. On this board his posts are a mixed bag, but I respect his right to express his opinions, even if I don’t agree with everything he posts.Man, who is this bigbluefanGA?
out of nowhere, posting like 50 posts a day. Dukeblu? Kba? Acting very right, yet espouses a lot of lefty views.
Trying to deny Gates bullshit, all while saying, 'I don't like the guy, but...'
I smell a rat!!
Dur hur hur. You got me. Now go and study some IBM history and then come back and tell me who was running what during the time the Mary Gates was involved with the then sitting CEO Opal.Any effort at all to vet the assertion that Bill Gates' mother "...was CEO of IBM..." would have easily demonstrated the assertion to be false.
That being the case. It is reasonable to consider the "facts" that you cite and the sources, thereof, to be dubious.
Bill Gates said himself in an interview with PBS reporter Bill Moyers that his father was running Planned Parenthood, so either he was running PP or Jr is a liar. He also mentions his study of Thomas Robert Malthus, the father of the Malthusian Theory, in that interview.Ok on some of that, I agree but how he got Microsoft? Nope. His father was on the board of Planned Parenthood, not the head of it.
I would give up my entire year salary if it guaranteed every criminal in Washington got what is coming to them.If Trump is able to overcome the 2024 election fraud, I will have no problem paying more in taxes if that money is used to ship out every Joe Biden illegal that made it in.
Says the party of hilary Clinton, chuck shumer, Nancy pelosi, blm, antifa and the squad.We can disagree over politics all day long, but you have to agree your party has a serious problem. You're infested with these cockroaches. They outnumber you almost 3 to 1. A return to power for Republicans is a sweeping to power of Marjorie Taylor Greene, Trump, and @Gassy_Knowls. With every primary the party and leadership slide further away from truth and toward troll.
So I expect them to use the same authoritarian, fascist tactics on the next group of Antifa/BLM protesters. If they’re going to make peaceful protests illegal now.
His dad being on PP’s board is pretty common knowledge.Ok on some of that, I agree but how he got Microsoft? Nope. His father was on the board of Planned Parenthood, not the head of it.
What the hell is she even talking about?
Again, what does the CDC have to do with childhood development? We going to let NASA have a say next?
lmao. Trump plan after his fatass is dragged out of the WH is to sell rally tickets and milk his sheep dry.
She must secretly want to have $3× with Tucker.
At they very least date him.She must secretly want to have $3× with Tucker.
Meanwhile, back at the ranch.....Trump's new lawyer is the PoS that was going to represent Epstein before he got offed. His other new lawyer is the guy that refused to file charges against Bill Cosby. WINNING TEAM!
They should focus on somehow getting her some encouragement. Those suicide vibes can get pretty strong.
So you think they gave massive doses to humans until they did kill the virus and realized it was damaging livers?Malone? You're kidding right? lol Malone has reached loon status. First he invented mRNA vaccines, then admits he only invented the platform then again insists he invented the vaccines and has voluntarily taken the Moderna but now says the vaccines are killing people which isn't supported by any data. HE IS A LOON. He's nearly as bad as Sheri Tenpenny who should lose her license over her stupidity. You didn't support anything. I'll have to search for my studies. Later tonight, maybe tomorrow.
Again, what does the CDC have to do with childhood development? We going to let NASA have a say next?
To be fair, he has begged the Saudis to raise production. So, he’s done all he can do, right?So gas has gone up 38 straight days. I thought China Joe fixed that when he gave away the us reserve supply?
What you said reminded me of this.Yep. NASA is preparing us for life on Mars.
This is why you conceal carry.
Jan 6 is the blueprint they will follow.
You had to be on the free crack pipe when you typed that 🍺Biden won the primary easily. The moderate candidates smashed the progressives in total votes. The opposite of the Republican party where the radicals outnumber the moderates more than two to one and are growing by the day. I'm not endorsing all Dem policy or speaking from personal bias. I personally wish there were more progressives. But there aren't. It's likely that Joe Biden's desired policy is closer to yours than mine.
WowBiden won the primary easily. The moderate candidates smashed the progressives in total votes. The opposite of the Republican party where the radicals outnumber the moderates more than two to one and are growing by the day. I'm not endorsing all Dem policy or speaking from personal bias. I personally wish there were more progressives. But there aren't. It's likely that Joe Biden's desired policy is closer to yours than mine.
He was failing miserably until South Carolina when the powers that be decided he would be their chosen puppet. Then magically he began rattling off primary wins. Was it because of some brilliant speech he gave or groundbreaking policy idea he introduced? Nope. He was the guy that was most easily controlled. They screwed your boy Bernie twice Dion. You should be madder than hell at them. But you’re not. Yet you call conservatives mindless followers.Biden won the primary easily. The moderate candidates smashed the progressives in total votes. The opposite of the Republican party where the radicals outnumber the moderates more than two to one and are growing by the day. I'm not endorsing all Dem policy or speaking from personal bias. I personally wish there were more progressives. But there aren't. It's likely that Joe Biden's desired policy is closer to yours than mine.
All these people worried about Ukraine but I'm extremely worried about our neighbors to the north turning full communist.
Cmon man. I'm sure China Joe is working hard on itSo gas has gone up 38 straight days. I thought China Joe fixed that when he gave away the us reserve supply?
All these people worried about Ukraine but I'm extremely worried about our neighbors to the north turning full communist.