How will they rule ??!

  • YES - Qualified

    Votes: 41 82.0%
  • NO - Disqualified

    Votes: 9 18.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Maybe not admitted.

So you havnt looked into personal first hand accounts of trump.
Maybe not admitted? Haha You dudes are so basic. I've looked into quite a few actually. And anyone that goes into researching a candidate without looking to confirm an existing bias will see the bullshit. But partisanship is a mother. As evidenced by this board.
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6 new polls out today:

Bloomberg Clinton +3
IDB Tracking Clinton +5
Fox News Clinton +4
CBS Clinton +4
LA Times Tracking Trump +5
NBC Clinton +7

Average - Clinton +3

For Trump to win, there has to be a movement, a wave, that the pollsters are missing. And all of them other than the LA Times has to be wrong. Possible, I suppose, but not bloody likely........

Really difficult to believe we are about to elect a President under multiple criminal investigations by the FBI. Great day in the morning.......

After checking just 1 of your cited polls you are incorrect

Ibd/tipp released today's poll at 543 am showing trump+2. But don't let facts ruin your victory celebration
Nate Silver's site has flipped FL, NC and NV from leaning red to leaning blue. Hate to say it, but the writing is on the wall.
Maybe not admitted? Haha You dudes are so basic. I've looked into quite a few actually. And anyone that goes into researching a candidate without looking to confirm an existing bias will see the bullshit. But partisanship is a mother. As evidenced by this board.

So based on your first post

Which people that you've looked into had negative personal stories about trump. Hell, effing sharpton liked him before he announced his candidacy.

Did you watch Lynne Patton?
Other employees?

I have struggled to find any positive hrc coworkers
After checking just 1 of your cited polls you are incorrect

Ibd/tipp released today's poll at 543 am showing trump+2. But don't let facts ruin your victory celebration
why do you simply assume that me listing some polls that show her ahead means I'm celebratory?

I am not for Clinton. Will not vote for Clinton.
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But she's not racist and trump is backed by the Ku Klux Klan. How in the world did you get past that fact?
The difference is that Hillary is in bed with those folks he mentioned. As far as we know Trump isn't attending Klan rallies. There's a difference between someone supporting you and you playing ball with them. How in the world did you get past that fact?
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Notice how the laughable buffoons who call themselves conservatives and think they own all the integrity are always wanting to "investigate" and are fully behind any investigation of a liberal but are almost never satisfied when the investigation finds nothing. What a collection of ignorance. They are the quintessential example of the "sky is falling" crowd.
You're as bad as anyone you're pointing at. "Go Team Blue!!"

You are supporting a candidate under criminal investigation by the FBI. Still!
WSJ Editorial nails it pretty good:

It looks like our contributor, former Attorney General Michael Mukasey, was right last week. FBI Director James Comey’s review of newly discovered Hillary Clinton-related emails was never going to change his legal judgment because the FBI and Justice Department handling of the case was never serious in the first place.

The Justice Department never went to a grand jury in the case, which was needed to gather all appropriate evidence and vet the legal charges. Judge Mukasey’s judgment was vindicated on Sunday when Mr. Comey sent a letter to Congress saying that the FBI had reviewed the new emails and “we have not changed our conclusion that we expressed in July with respect to Secretary Clinton.”

To rehearse Mr. Comey’s actions: In July he publicly exonerates Mrs. Clinton in an extraordinary press event, two weeks before she is to be nominated for President, though that is not his responsibility. He thus liberates Attorney General Loretta Lynch from her decision-making obligations as the nation’s chief prosecuting official. Later we learn Justice cut needless and generous immunity deals with Mrs. Clinton’s advisers.

Then 11 days before Election Day Mr. Comey sends a letter to Congress saying the FBI has found new email evidence. He comes under ferocious Democratic assault for meddling in the final days of the campaign. His boss, President Obama, joins the criticism and says Mrs. Clinton has already been exonerated. Then two days before the election Mr. Comey sends another letter exonerating Mrs. Clinton again. And Washington’s political class wonders why Americans don’t trust government?

It’s hard to avoid the conclusion that the main point of Mr. Comey’s many political interventions has always been to protect Mr. Comey’s job and political standing. Certainly Mrs. Clinton will have cause to be grateful to Mr. Comey if she wins on Tuesday. The price to the country is the damage he has done to the reputation of the FBI as an apolitical law-enforcement agency.

In better news for the cause of justice related to Mr. Comey, the D.C. Court of Appeals last week reinstated Lewis “Scooter” Libby’s law license. Readers will recall that as Deputy Attorney General in the Bush Administration, Mr. Comey named his buddy Patrick Fitzgerald as a special prosecutor in connection with the leak of Valerie Plame’s CIA identity. Mr. Comey then stood by as Mr. Fitzgerald pursued Mr. Libby, who was Vice President Dick Cheney’s chief of staff, even after he knew that someone else had leaked Ms. Plame’s name.

Mr. Fitzgerald won the conviction based on testimony that a key witness, journalist Judith Miller, has since recanted. The office of the D.C. disciplinary counsel recommended that Mr. Libby’s law license be reinstated in part due to Ms. Miller’s recantation. The hyperpolitical Mr. Comey has left a trail of legal messes wherever he has worked, but at least Mr. Libby can earn a living at his chosen profession again.
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Granting a sweeping pardon to felons in VA (after having the Supreme Court say individual consideration must be given to each pardon, so you just have an auto pen sign 60,000 pieces of paper without reviewing them at all), and sending them voter registration cards with prepaid return postage, while telling them to vote for Clinton is one of the most outrageously corrupt things I've ever seen. And I've paid attention to this entire Clinton campaign.

Would like to know if using an autopen actually rises to the level of "individual consideration" the VA Supreme Court said was required, or if we're now going to have to wait months for VA to be decided (if VA even matters).
North Carolina early voting and absentee:

1.3 million Dems voted
880,000 Repubs
800,000 indendents
890,000 blacks
1.6 million whites
56% of women have voted
53% men

I think Trump takes NC easily
IBD has Trump +2.

Which candidate is more likely to out perform their current poll numbers?
IDB went from Clinton +5 to Trump +2 in one day? Can that possibly be right?

I took those numbers from the polls page at RCP, just grabbed all the 11/6 polls figuring they were the most current.....
Granting a sweeping pardon to felons in VA (after having the Supreme Court say individual consideration must be given to each pardon, so you just have an auto pen sign 60,000 pieces of paper without reviewing them at all), and sending them voter registration cards with prepaid return postage, while telling them to vote for Clinton is one of the most outrageously corrupt things I've ever seen. And I've paid attention to this entire Clinton campaign.

Would like to know if using an autopen actually rises to the level of "individual consideration" the VA Supreme Court said was required, or if we're now going to have to wait months for VA to be decided (if VA even matters).

And if that wasn't bad enough, we also have a sitting U.S. President encouraging illegals to vote.
Per Drudge (interpret how you wish):

Mon Nov 07 2016 12:03:12 ET
**World Exclusive**

Data obtained by the DRUDGE REPORT shows presidential underdog Donald Trump outperforming Republican 2012 election results in Florida.

Mitt Romney went into Election Day down 161,000 in absentee ballots and early voting. He ended up losing the state by 74,000.

This time, in a dramatic surprise twist, Trump is only down 32,500! And Republicans tend to outvote Democrats on Election Day in Florida.

EDITOR'S NOTE: A late poll showed Trump nearing 50% in the sunshine state.
One positive from this election.....we won't have to see as many outdated Presidential bumper stickers for the next 4 years. It's rare to see one even before the tomorrow.

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IDB went from Clinton +5 to Trump +2 in one day? Can that possibly be right?

I took those numbers from the polls page at RCP, just grabbed all the 11/6 polls figuring they were the most current.....

IBD poll had it tied yesterday, +2 for Trump today
So based on your first post

Which people that you've looked into had negative personal stories about trump. Hell, effing sharpton liked him before he announced his candidacy.

Did you watch Lynne Patton?
Other employees?

I have struggled to find any positive hrc coworkers
Oh. You meant people's personal accounts. Nevermind. I too find that the best evidence is always anecdotal and not a life time of behavior.
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Oh. You meant people's personal accounts. Nevermind. I too find that the best evidence is always anecdotal and not a life time of behavior.

A lifetime of personal firsthand stories vs what cnn tells you..obviously you take the cnn route
why do you simply assume that me listing some polls that show her ahead means I'm celebratory?

I am not for Clinton. Will not vote for Clinton.

Was really just effinng with ya.. dont know if youre with her or not, but i dont believe you're against her.. which is just as bad, imo
Granting a sweeping pardon to felons in VA (after having the Supreme Court say individual consideration must be given to each pardon, so you just have an auto pen sign 60,000 pieces of paper without reviewing them at all), and sending them voter registration cards with prepaid return postage, while telling them to vote for Clinton is one of the most outrageously corrupt things I've ever seen. And I've paid attention to this entire Clinton campaign.

Would like to know if using an autopen actually rises to the level of "individual consideration" the VA Supreme Court said was required, or if we're now going to have to wait months for VA to be decided (if VA even matters).

So the same felons sent to jail from the mass incarcerating 3 strike policy Bill Clinton put in place that jailed more blacks than any other president will now be allowed to vote for his corrupt wife?
A lifetime of personal firsthand stories vs what cnn tells you..obviously you take the cnn route
Yeah because I said I watched CNN at one point in this discussion. Can't even talk with you partisan shills. Have a good day phattyJ. Roll one for me.
EXCLUSIVE: Virginia Gov. Pardons 60,000 Felons, Enough To Swing Election

Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe has granted voting rights to as many as 60,000 convicted felons just in time for them to register to vote, nearly five times more than previously reported and enough to win the state for his long-time friend, Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton.

McAuliffe sought to allow all of Virginia’s estimated 200,000 felons to vote, but state courts said each individual felon’s circumstances must be weighed. To get around that, McAuliffe used a mechanical autopen to rapidly sign thousands of letters, as if he had personally reviewed them, even
as his office was saying the total was 13,000.

Now, The Daily Caller News Foundation Investigative Group has learned that McAuliffe — who managed Clinton’s unsuccessful 2008 presidential campaign — churned out five times as many letters before the registration deadline than publicly claimed.

Virginia’s recent political history has seen multiple races that were decided by tiny margins. The 2014 U.S. Senate race, for example, was decided by only
17,000 votes, while the attorney general’s race came down to a mere 165 votes.

Read more:
Does it surprise anyone that the vast majority of scummy ass felons are democrats. If 7 out of 10 felons were republicans I would be ashamed to call myself a republican voter. But we all know that democrats have no shame. Felons voting for democrats, after all birds of a feather flock together.
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Funny how when people are too distracted with an election to pay any attention to what Obama is doing, his approval rating goes up.
Granting a sweeping pardon to felons in VA (after having the Supreme Court say individual consideration must be given to each pardon, so you just have an auto pen sign 60,000 pieces of paper without reviewing them at all), and sending them voter registration cards with prepaid return postage, while telling them to vote for Clinton is one of the most outrageously corrupt things I've ever seen. And I've paid attention to this entire Clinton campaign.

Would like to know if using an autopen actually rises to the level of "individual consideration" the VA Supreme Court said was required, or if we're now going to have to wait months for VA to be decided (if VA even matters).

And if that wasn't bad enough, we also have a sitting U.S. President encouraging illegals to vote.

Wuuuut x2?

Links please. There is negative two hundred percent chance that is true as y'all relates the message. Link so I can read myself?

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