How will they rule ??!

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I hope @55wildcat is ok

We haven't heard from him in days...he always goes on a bender this time of year. His New Year's Eve usually lasts until at least the 3rd.



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We did just come out of an ice age around 10-12K years ago. The Earth was expected to warm. At least until the mini ice age scare in the 70s, which turned out to be wrong. There was no scare of climate change until it was realized how much money could be made off it and how it could be used in policy making. All the models have grossly overestimated warming. Which is why most predictions have been wrong. But keep on believing BlueAnon.
I’ll believe the dire warnings when at least one of them actually comes to fruition.

Says NFL secretly using Ivermectin.
The fact it has to be used in secret is yet ANOTHER obvious fact that Covid is political.
Makes sense that you needed to take the time to post that to the world. Very convincing.
Don't see you posting about her saying republicans are mad because they can't date her. That is her only response to her hypocrisy of going maskless and them calling her out on it. There is a reason for them wanting her to wear a mask:

In WTF else could possibly go wrong news, the huge ass particle accelerator in CERN is about to start up again. Maybe this time they can unscrew the timelines and fix whatever they broke in 2012. Then again maybe they open a portal to hell. Who knows?

THE Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN near Geneva, Switzerland, will start running again after a three-year shutdown and delays due to the covid-19 pandemic. The particle collider – known for its role in the discovery of the Higgs boson, which gives mass to all other fundamental particles – will return in "March" 2022 with upgrades that give it a "double" power boost.
There was a really good article in The Epoch Times by Victor Davis Hanson a few days ago titled The Ungracious and Their Demonization Of The Past. Loved the final paragraph:

Never in history has such a mediocre, but self-important and ungracious generation owed so much, and yet expressed so little gratitude, to its now dead forebears.

That's absolutely amazing, man. Thank you.

I've got an organic sprouted tofu marinating. Used liquid amino (coconut blossom nectar and Balinese sea salt), organic vegan Worcester, agave nectar, balsamic vinegar, marsala wine, Dijon mustard, and bourbon smoked pepper, rosemary oil and garlic. Hitting that grill tomorrow
In WTF else could possibly go wrong news, the huge ass particle accelerator in CERN is about to start up again. Maybe this time they can unscrew the timelines and fix whatever they broke in 2012. Then again maybe they open a portal to hell. Who knows?

THE Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN near Geneva, Switzerland, will start running again after a three-year shutdown and delays due to the covid-19 pandemic. The particle collider – known for its role in the discovery of the Higgs boson, which gives mass to all other fundamental particles – will return in "March" 2022 with upgrades that give it a "double" power boost.
Well, they have been seen dancing and honoring a goddess or some deity likeness there.
From that thread…these are some of the poorest, most vulnerable kids anywhere and they don’t want to teach them

Lol “anti life.” The party who slaughters the life in the womb. The party who supports BLM who breeds a culture of violent crime that kills each other every day dares to call someone else “anti life.”

🖕this evil party.
Isn’t this the group who has a president and who was a candidate, that couldn’t be bothered to come out of the bunker to meet with press or campaign and has had to take break after break? Lol

Isn’t this the party of Gay Mayor Pete vanishing for three or four months so he and his gay husband could pretend to be parents during a supply chain crisis?

They’re never consistent except they’re consistently committing contradictions.
It’s called projection and they’ve mastered it.
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Just saw on the news where one (1) person crossed into North Korea thru the DMZ from South Korea. Patrols are out hunting him down.
Imagine if that happened here. Press would have a field day blasting Biden for letting an illegal border crosser get through.
I'd love to see some libs spend A little time in North Korea. I've seen the South Korean marines in action. The libs would spend most of their time in a fetal position crying and wishing for Trump's mean tweets.
You can't even make up how inept and corrupt everything Trump touches ends up. The ****ing companies Trump hand picked to build the border wall have been smuggling mexicans into the country with roads they built specifically for the smuggling under the cover of wall construction. The covered up border patrol cameras with construction equipment and filed thousands of false spending invoices. MAGA!