How will they rule ??!

  • YES - Qualified

    Votes: 41 82.0%
  • NO - Disqualified

    Votes: 9 18.0%

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Liberals are sick f***s
Isn’t this the group who has a president and who was a candidate, that couldn’t be bothered to come out of the bunker to meet with press or campaign and has had to take break after break? Lol

Isn’t this the party of Gay Mayor Pete vanishing for three or four months so he and his gay husband could pretend to be parents during a supply chain crisis?

They’re never consistent except they’re consistently committing contradictions.

Right side of history they said.

Absolute fools.

When throughout history have you ever been on the correct side of history when your authorities are taking away your freedoms, using their foot soldiers to beat, imprison or kill the opposition? When your media silenced opposing views and serves as a mouthpiece for the state?

The globalist covid cult and their masters are making this the line in the sand issue. You will not be left alone.
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Facebook, Twitter, Google, et al who choose to publish certain content while censoring others should be held responsible for all of the content they refuse to censor. Repairing america starts with removing the federal protections for tech companies.
That will never happen. Those listed companies are government programs designed to allow them to control the narrative just like they did with previous tech like TV, radio, and print. When the internet was brand new people sounded the alarms that the ground work for this was being put into place but they were called conspiracy theorists and loons by.........TV, radio, and print.
to be fair the government bearing the cost is the same as everyone bearing the cost. Remove federally guaranteed loans, allow debt to be cancelled in bankruptcy. Those 2 things will slowly crush the cost of college. Something else should probably be done to partially alleviate the huge outstanding debt but not a blanket forgiveness. States can create their own programs like KY KEES to help out low income families and high performing students.
I noticed a commercial the other night for “Blackish” that is having Michelle Obama co-star. Laughable. They did that shit when they were in office and even had Biden on Parks and Rec. So much fawning and worship.
I think there was a promo for that show during the UK bowl game yesterday. Needless to say I won’t be watching….

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