How will they rule ??!

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They have been saying that every 10 years for the last 60 years. You keep buying it and we intelligent types will continue to live. Moma's basement will still be there.
They said 400 ppm for co2 was the line of no return for runaway warming. We went past that and they are still saying the same thing. Mammals came into the world around 2000ppm co2. I think we can handle 450ppm.
Unhappy New Year. There is nothing to be happy about. Our country is shit and the people that are causing it are acting like there is no problem. 2022 will be worse than last year. America has been destroyed. Like Rome in the last few years before total destruction. The liberal plebs are in denial.

Congrats. America is done because of Democrats and RINOs. The Uni-party. I hate everyone. I hate Democrats.
Been hearing that since I was in elementary school in the 70's, 'SCIENCE DUDE'!

Except it was an ice age, then acid rain, then this, that and the third.

All nonsense.

Go away, you Branch Covidian.
Hush Trumpanzee....btw Happy New Year message board adversarial
All these awful plebs, human meat bags, lifeless drones out there on those live tv countdowns. I hate 2022 already. I hate liberals and I hate Democrats.
Watch the nashville version. It least it looks like they are having fun. No mask and no papers.

The times square goers looked like they didn't want their peers to see them on tv at a superspreader.
Yeah we all wish we could date the spokesanimal for the Democrat party.
Front runner you seem like a guy who would like a good gambling story.

some dude made an $1165 20 team parlay bet on December 26th that would pay $3.1mm.

He hit the first 13 and cashed it out for $162,500.

The other 7 came in.
And we also had the little ice age in the 1600 to 1700 time frame. Remember the painting of Washington crossing the Delaware with huge ice chunks all around? That wasn't fantasy. It was cold as hell that year. Areas in America had snow fall as late as July and was known as the year without a summer. People starved and died from disease. Warmer weather is a blessing in comparison.
So you're saying that weather is cyclical.

Never made the connection.

I thought every January 1st we hit the average and then every January 2nd we hit the average and so on every year.
You don't have to agree with facts. The US has dozens of "socialist" programs that have been running for many decades & some hundreds of years. Sweden is always labeled as one the most socialist developed countries and has managed to avoid communism for 700 years. Capitalism has to be kept in check because humans(especially Americans) are to greedy to do what is good for the long term health of their country.

Is the government lousy at running the military? police? building massive highway systems,? spying on everyone? They used to be good at giant infrastructure projects, education, power grid, & other things. But now we have let everything become political so every program has to be flip flopped every few years to make the new party in power happy.
I always have to laugh when global warming alarmists cry "it's the warmest ________ since 1889! Global warming!"

If there was actual global warming, it would be the warmest since 2021 since that would show incremental increase year on year. It wouldn't take 100 years to show up.

Also back to the covid comparison, the msm and experts are suppressing a very important fact - this year is la Nina so the winter will be much milder. It was predictable and everyone knew it. Yet they can't mention it because it will hurt panic porn doom scrolling clicks
The Jan 6 Commison is nothing more than another damn Dumocratic witch hunt.........when are the people of this country going to get fed up with this crap......they have been and continue to weaponize the government against the Republicans or anyone that doesn't march to their drumbeat......the Dems needed something to distract from the fact that the Biden family is actually a F****ing crime syndicate the likes of which this country has never seen......they have the federal government and big media covering for them...........they are colluding with a bunch of foreign countries.........and seemingly no one cares..........
Didn't stay up to watch all those goofy/fake New Years Eve shows. Never do.
They're worse than the goofy/fake Macy's T'giving parade.

Happy New Year to all.
My brother in law put it on for a minute. It was awful. Some guy from SNL and Miley Cyrus singing about masturbation among other ridiculous things.

Wound up changing the channel after no more than a minute.
She is the most hypocritical person you’ll find anywhere.
Don't forget scares me when I hear the stupid stuff she says...........either she thinks the people she is talking to are very stupid or .................she is actually that damn stupid.......and is supposedly helping craft the rules for everyone else to live by....
Man, I remember running outside in shorts in January as a kid. One year it snowed and was cold and the next it was crazy warm. Had no idea it was man made climate change. It’s so unbelievably terrible that the same weather patterns still exist today.

Had an Uber driver lecture me that a tornado outbreak a few months back was due to climate change blah blah blah. It was a shock to her ears when I informed her tornados are not a new phenomena. I’m still convinced she didn’t believe me.

The climate change BS is for people who don’t believe in god, but need to believe in something to explain their insecurities.
No need to throw non believers under the bus with climate change.........because a person doesn't believe in God..........doesn't meant they cling to stupid bullshit...........and it sure as hell doesn't make a person insecure.........from my perspective..........if you need to cling to fallacies to support your self esteem.............keep paying your 10%.......