In the original 4chan posts, all he said was 1) there was more info 2) the foundation was the real problem and 3) the DOJ was the roadblock to the FBI. All of that was at least assumed by most, even people in this very thread. All that person did was take assumptions floating around literally everywhere and state them as a matter of fact. He also said racist shit about blacks and alluded to a jewish conspiracy. Odd, this FBI agent has the exact same world view and writing style as the stunted neckbeards over on 4chan. Crazy, huh?
The whole point of making fun of the spirit cooking stuff is that idiots weren't just saying how weird it was. They were actually pointing to it as proof that Alex Jones was right about a wide array of conspiracies revolving around Satanism and the New World Order and what the hell else. I was making fun of Podesta, you all were the ones acting as if it *meant* something other than Podesta is a creepy werido. Let's not forget all of the international child rape syndicate talk.
I can see you taking up arms
. You strike me as exactly the type of person with visions of grandeur of some race war or whatever stunted emotional/intellectual hobby horse your riding at the moment.
The Russia thing is absurd prima facie. The no fly zone is a horrible idea and could easily lead to an escalation. Hillary outright first striking Russian soil (without doing enough to cripple them) and then moving on to Iran before Russia is defeated, though? K