How will they rule ??!

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I'm convinced Democrats are total effing sheep. Social media has exposed that beyond belief. Swear to God, they either haven't read the WikiLeaks or they claim they're fake.

Just had a guy act like a smug d-bag when I said they showed collusion with the press and corruption in lying and cover up. He laughed and then asked "Why didn't Russia hack Trump's emails?"

Jesus...just nuke this place and start over.
Also, I'm trying to figure out whether Atrain is just Albany effing with you guys or if it's another left wing troll. That dude was a True Believer just a couple weeks ago. No way he voted for Trump.

I know u are just kidding but I said from the get go I was a registered IND voter who would be inclined to vote for almost ANY of the other Rep candidates other than Trump. That was because of my dislike for HRC.

However, at some point over the last few weeks that dislike for HRC surpassed the hatred for Trump. I didn't even completely realize it but I did find myself contemplating the benefits of voting Trump--most namely that I don't have to sit thru 4-8 years of impeachment trials, pay for play allegations, and pretty much any other type of scandal u can think of.

So, even tho I didn't think I could do it, I pulled the trigger for DT. I still think he is a despicable POS. But, so is HRC and,at the very least, he MAY actually get some shit done bc the one thing everyone agrees on with Trump is that he is not bound to anyone.

So, just wanted to clear that up. And also continue trying to convince myself that I did do the right thing. One thing is clear this cycle--BOTH CHOICES ARE COMPLETE SHIT. Just a matter of what individuals decide is the more tolerable POS. Which isn't easy. JMO.[/QUOTE]
Last I checked, Trump isn't the media. If that's the standards you choose to hold politicians to then go ahead & never vote again, because if misleading of the facts loses you're vote, you have absolutely no one to vote for ever again. That's part of the game.

The media is an entirely different story. Bottom line is, if the media wants to report on the candidates' lies, then do so, equally. But since Trump has found some discipline & Hillary is in trouble, they're getting desperate, having to make stuff up.

Making stuff up & blatantly lying to the public when you're supposed to be a non state run entity, who doesn't play favorites should matter to everyone, regardless of whom they're making it up about. All this Russia talk, & MSM & Democrats are the biggest communist of all.
Do you mean making stuff up like Bret Baier saying the FBI is 99% sure Hildagarde gets indicted, then apologizing? Or the Breitbart/NYPD stuff about a Clinton sex ring? Things like that?
It's ridiculous to think that this joker has about 40% of being President by the year 2018. (I calculate this by factoring in a 50% chance of a Trump win and a 20% chance of Clinton avoiding indictment, impeachment, or resignation within a year if she wins which is itself 50%).
I'd take Kaine or McCain at this point and be thrilled about it.
Do you mean making stuff up like Bret Baier saying the FBI is 99% sure Hildagarde gets indicted, then apologizing? Or the Breitbart/NYPD stuff about a Clinton sex ring? Things like that?
So two examples of it happening to queen Hillary is all you have? Your next post I expect you to list all of the examples where it has happened to Trump.

Not to mention, the Baier thing wasn't done purposely & he immediately corrected himself. Remind me the next time the liberal media has the decency to do the same when the shoe is on the other foot.
Perhaps, if a dozen women were wrong. Certainly half or better. But all of them?

That's the beauty of it James, there's no way to prove it DIDN'T happen.
Nothing will come of it, and after the election they'll simply go away having served their purpose.
In a way we should thank Obama for helping move the country to the point where it is going to totally reject him, Soros, Hillary and the entire rats nest he and his malodorous, conniving and duplicitous "friends" represent.

Up until Obama the Democrats were playing a cagey game; they were pretending to be interested in the welfare of America and Americans to garner votes and slowly but surely burrow their ways into every single institution in the country and infest it with their vitriolic, rabid left wing ideology.

But they always tempered it; realizing that if they went too far and revealed their true nature, of what underlay their smiling faces, that people would scream in horror and run away form them for being the monsters that they are.

Then, along came Obama, who being a phony and a con man if ever there was one, and to whom no levels of hubris are unknown - who realized that he was the chosen one - to whom nothing would be denied and that he was going to go for broke and nothing anyone said or tried to do would hold him back from his appointed task of "fundamentally changing America" - to be read tearing it apart so that all the King's horses and all the King's men couldn't put it back together again.

Well, he, Hillary, the "intelligentsia" of the main stream media (talk about an oxymoron) all went one radical, bridge too far and now with their masks ripped away have no way that they can put them back on and pretend again to be what they never were.

Yes, Donald will be elected come Tuesday and there will be no small measure of gnashing of teeth, wailing at the wailing wall of Left Wing agendas that have crashed into reality and are now self-destructed.

I doubt that the founding fathers ever realized that what they were setting in motion would ever come to this point. There are certain things that not even the most brilliant of the brilliant can foresee because life is not set in stone; the future "is ours to see" and live and take responsibility for as responsible adults.

Nevertheless, they had to know that what they were starting would over time evolve in ways that would at least open up the possibility for evil men and women like Obama, Hillary, Soros, Merkel, Lynch and such to try to undermine, manipulate and ultimately use all the good for the bad they wished to inflict with gleeful, avaricious delight on all the rest of us.

They also had to know that the spirit of freedom that caused them to risk their lives - and for many of them to lose their lives - breaking free of England and starting the epic journey that became and is America was not one that would die - could die - or be destroyed by the likes of grifters as craven and cold hearted as Obama, the Clintons and the rest.

But sometimes, things just have to get worser than worse before people finally wake up and smell the reality roses and do what needs to be done - drain the swamp and start afresh as we are in the process of doing right now.

God bless America and protect it - because you can be sure Hillary won't.

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I'd deflect if I were you as well, because we both know you'd be here until tomorrow listing all of the examples of it happening to Trump.
It would be filibuster-like lasting for weeks for every ****ing time The Donald played the victim card or got butthurt over every GD thing imaginable. This clown is one thin-skinned billionaire. At least Bloomberg wouldn't be such a pussy billionaire although we'd be dealing with a stoopid war on sugar and trans fats.
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It would be filibuster-like lasting for weeks for every ****ing time The Donald played the victim card or got butthurt over every GD thing imaginable. This clown is one thin-skinned billionaire. At least Bloomberg wouldn't be such a pussy billionaire although we'd be dealing with a stoopid war on sugar and trans fats.

More deflection? Totally irrelevant to what we were discussing. None of what you said changes the fact that the media has been & currently is purposely reporting opinions & outright lies as truth & fact, while using the excuse that it's for the greater good.

The boss of the NYT literally told his employees that it's okay to inject opinion, conjecture & innuendo into the news when writing about Trump. Once the most credible & greatest paper on the planet has been reduced to nothing but an opiniated, far left tabloid.

So who's greater good, exactly? Hillary's? Their own? Because it damn sure isn't for the greater good of the country or public. This doesn't just all go away with a Hillary victory. There's no coming back from this for the media.
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Perhaps, if a dozen women were wrong. Certainly half or better. But all of them?

That coincidentally come out at the same time after multiple calls from media (and surely, Clinton camp) and attempts online to get info, it's not a stretch that it was made up or paid off.

-One worked at the Clinton Foundation
-The one from The Apprentice had just reached out and wrote a glowing letter about him in attempt to get a job. She actually converted her family into Trump supporters.
- One was a porn star launching a new sex toy line
- The other lied about it happened in first class on a plane that didn't exist

They were also strategically from swing states as well. Interesting. Total BS from the start. They waited to release that tape and then had those girls come out as some sort of "proof."
Trump had to be rushed off stage by Secret Service. Someone apparently was gonna try to kill him.
More deflection? Totally irrelevant to what we were discussing. None of what you said changes the fact that the media has been & currently is purposely reporting opinions & outright lies as truth & fact, while using the excuse that it's for the greater good.

The boss of the NYT literally told his employees that it's okay to inject opinion, conjecture & innuendo into the news when writing about Trump. Once the most credible & greatest paper on the planet has been reduced to nothing but an opiniated, far left tabloid.

So who's greater good, exactly? Hillary's? Their own? Because it damn sure isn't for the greater good of the country or public. This doesn't just all go away with a Hillary victory. There's no coming back from this for the media.
It's for their own good. The media is controlled by globalist billionaires. Clinton is on that team. So be it.

That, I can handle. What I can't stomach is the media posing the nation's collective Jiminy Crickett. Who do these people think they are fooling? They are corrupt hypocrites, and pose as the nation's conscience. They have lost any shred of credibility that they ever possessed in this election. They fool no one. I am astonished by their sheer gall- who the F do they think they are, making pompous endorsements- as if they have any more credibility than the average idiot walking down the street with a tin cup. As if there was not enough reason to support Trump, he HATES them and vice versa. Reason enough to support the Donald, right there.
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Des Moines newspaper poll has the good guy up by 7 in Iowa.

Significant, for two reasons- assuming that it's a good poll.

First, Iowa is a lock. He'll take those electoral votes with a big grin.

Second, that's a 13 point swing from 2012. He won't do that in every state, but he doesn't need to. He average a five point swing on average, and he's golden. Iowa is NOT 7 percentage points to the right of America as a whole. It's probably not even 3 points to the right of America. If he actually wins Iowa by 7, a bloodbath is coming on Tuesday.
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